Class - 8th English Chapter 23

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Class : 8th

Sub. : English

Chapter 23 : Synthesis of Sentences

Let's Get Started

(1) After completing their examinations, the students went out to play.
(2) The students shouted, screamed with joy and made a lot of noise.
(3) The principal was shocked by the racket and he came out to see the source of the
(4) The students were called into the office and they were very frightened.

A. (1) Being overwhelmed, she could not say anything.

(2) Being given a warm welcome, the weary travellers were overjoyed.
(3) Having trekked up the mountain road, I discovered the little hut.
(4) Having danced gracefully, she won the acclaim of the judges.
(5) The sun having risen, we set out for the walk.
(6) Being clueless, I could not answer a single question.
(7) Being injured, she underwent an emergency surgery.

B. (1) Hercules was brave enough not to refuse any challenge.

(2) Lock the doors and windows to keep the thieves away.
(3) I am not ashamed to admit my mistakes.
(4) The teacher set a surprise quiz to test the understanding of the students.
(5) My parents sent me to a boarding school to make me self-reliant.
(6) He went to the hospital to see his grandfather.
(7) They bought five laptops to donate them to the free school.

C. (1) The thief walked away stealthily with the stolen goods.
(2) The child stared greedily at the ice-creams.
(3) The birds chirped cheerfully in the apple orchard.
(4) Anirvan diligently worked out all the exercises in the book.
(5) The gentleman talked to us about nature in a very knowledgeable manner.
D. (1) The waves were too high for us to go swimming.
(2) The shoes were too expensive for her to buy.
(3) The children were too excited to sit still.
(4) I was too nervous to hear the buzzer at the end of my speech time.
(5) The city was too filled with tourists to
accommodate any more people.
(6) He was too enthusiastic about the project to realise he did not have enough time for

E. (1) Having been advised to take rest, Shalini excused herself from dance practice.
(2) Having been hurt in the building collapse, the man needed an emergency operation.
(3) Having been trained as a computer engineer, he could easily stop the virus attack.
(4) Having been given directions to the camp site, we set out on our journey.
(5) Having been scolded by the teacher for making noise, the students became quiet.
(6) Having been saved by a wild animal as a child, Paula became an animal rights

F. (1) My grandmother, a wonderful cook, can make exotic dishes out of simple
(2) This is Shekhar, a talented painter.
(3) Her father, a scientist, tutored her in chemistry and physics.
(4) I consulted Dr Sinha, one of the leading surgeons in the city.
(5) I met Mr Husain, a renowned archaeologist, in Nepal.
(6) Look at the portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the greatest generals of all time.

G. (1) In spite of failing his medical entrance examination several times, Jeet is taking it
(2) Soumen was given a prize for coming first in the Science Olympiad.
(3) After the dance was finished, the community dinner began.
(4) After hearing the news of the earthquake, she fainted.
(5) Despite expenses rising, you have not
increased your earnings.
(6) On finding out the secret, Sonal was very angry.
(7) With the success of her business, she began expanding to other fields.

H. (1) Rohita is a good writer and debater.

(2) He was a natural leader and so was made the head boy.
(3) My sister was not well yet she went for the school excursion.
(4) The film was thought-provoking as well as entertaining.
(5) I have not met the journalist nor heard about him.
(6) The cherries were not ripe nor sweet.
(7) The thief stole some electronic gadgets and broke the furniture.
(8) We can either go to the beach or the mountains for vacations.
(9) The insect bit me and I cried out in pain.
(10) The patient had a slim chance to live but the doctors decided to go ahead with the
(11) He is good in academics and is also a good athlete.
(12) Payel has simple habits whereas her sister has expensive habits.

I. (1) We enjoyed the lunch which you sent us yesterday.

(2) As I needed to buy fruits and vegetables, I went to the market in the morning.
(3) As the weather was stormy, the plane could not take off.
(4) Although she played well, she could not make it to the final round.
(5) The photo-journalist went to many places where he saw wild animals.
(6) We made close friends wherever we stayed.
7. This is the boy who has a black belt in karate.
(8) Although the girl put up a brave fight, she eventually lost to the other player.
(9) This is the place where the bungalow was built.
(10) I have started teaching music to a toddler who is only two years old.

(11) When the burglars attacked the house, they stole everything they could lay their
hands on.
(12) He is the traffic constable we were looking for.

J. (1) The elephant, which was the largest in the forest, had two magnificent tusks.
(2) Saturn, which is one of the largest planets, has several rings around it.
(3) Neil Armstrong, who was an astronaut, was the first man on the moon.
(4) Bob Dylan, who is one of the greatest songwriters of all time, won the Nobel Prize in
(5) The scientist, who discovered a way to control gravity, was scared.
(6) The Pope, who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, lives in the Vatican City.
(7) The FIFA World Cup, which is hosted every four years, was won by Brazil five times.
(8) This game, which I am playing now, is on alternate history.
(9) I bought a new bag, which is red in colour.
(10) The Pharaohs were buried in pyramids, which were built using huge blocks of

Let Us Write
Suggested answer. Accept all valid responses
Kalimpong, which is further up north from Darjeeling, is in my opinion, a more beautiful
hill-station. It is surrounded by blue-green hills and scenic mountain roads criss-cross it.
Not only did I explore the town but also had my fill of hilly cuisine. The steaming hot
soups and momos, along with fiery red sauce made from the famous chillies of the
mountain, were dishes to savour. The mist-covered mountain range, which rose high
above me, created the perfect backdrop for taking solitary walks, or curling up with a
story book. Nature, amidst her tranquillity, was what I experienced first hand on this trip.

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