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Yudhishthira was wise as he could answer all the questions. He was respectful of Yaksha and decided
to heed his warning. Although grief-stricken, he did not lose his temper and seek to avenge the death
of his brothers impulsively. He was patient and used his sense of judgement. He was also fair and
compassionate, as he wanted Yaksha to restore the life of Nakula.

A. 2. has  3. have  4. have  5. Is  6. is
B. 2.   3. 
  4.    6. are → is  7. is → are  8. 
  5.  

A. 1. d  2. c  3. b  4. g  5. f  6. a  7. h  8. e
B. 1. make ends meet   2.  pulling, leg   3.  once in a blue moon   4.  eat humble pie
5. beside herself   6.  between the devil and the deep sea
7. went through, with a fine-tooth comb   8.  piece of, mind

Free response


A. 1. Infancy or the first stage of life is that of a little baby. According to the speaker, an infant usually
cries or vomits in the arms of the nurse or person looking after it.
2. The speaker drew up a picture of a schoolboy walking slowly to school with his satchel. Though his
face is shining, as it has probably been scrubbed and washed by his mother, he is unwilling to go
to school, as he is reluctant to leave the protected environment of his home. The details help us to
clearly visualise the schoolboy.
3. The lover is presented in a mocking way by exaggerating his reactions and emotions. As the
emotions of a lover flows and ebbs, he sighs loudly. He sings songs dedicated to his lady love, in
praise of her beauty. The speaker mocks this by saying that his song of love is not based on an
important aspect of her but her eyebrow, which is a relatively insignificant part of her.
4. The judge is a metaphor for the middle-aged man. He has reached a stage where he has
gained prosperity and social status, and expounds the wisdom he has gained in his life. The
phrase ‘good capon lined’ represents the rewards one reaps in life. The round belly filled with
many meals of good food symbolises wealth, power, and prestige. The middle-aged man is
serious and formal. The man is at that age when one starts giving advice and stating general
truths of life.
5. In these two stages, a person loses many of the traits he used to possess, while many of his
childhood traits appear again. His clothes seem too big for him as he shrinks in size, his deep
manly voice grows more and more high pitched, eventually resembling a boyish shrill voice. And
like a child, he also becomes naive and carefree, losing all his self consciousness as he slowly loses
everything—his mobility, sight, taste, hearing and so on.


Raintree TRP - Class 8 - Answer Key.indd 190 26-Dec-17 2:49:16 PM

6. The speaker compares the world to a stage and all human beings to actors enacting their
designated roles. Life has been divided into seven stages, spanning from infancy to old age. It is
like a full circle as from babyhood one comes back to second childhood.

B. 1. a. The speaker compares the world to a stage in a theatre and all human beings are in the world
to play their fixed roles.
b. Each individual plays his or her fixed role. They enter (birth), play their individual parts, and exit
(death). In addition to the different roles of the players, each individual also has several parts to
play in his lifetime. Life is seen as being divided into seven stages, spanning from infancy to old

2. a. The soldier takes the oath to protect his country. His ego and temperamental attitude moves
him to anger very quickly and he is ready to fight at the slightest provocation. The reference
to the leopard also brings in the qualities of a leopard—his agility and prowess in hunting. The
soldier is ready to die and give up everything in search of fame and success though these are
fleeting, temporary rewards.
b. The speaker highlights the fleeting nature of the fame and success, which a soldier seeks, with a
bubble that rises quickly and then bursts into nothingness as even a slight mistake can tarnish
his reputation forever. The soldier is ready to die and give up everything in search of such fame
and success.

Metaphors: All the world’s a stage/And all the men and women merely players/His acts being seven
Similes: creeping like snail/Sighing like furnace/bearded like the pard

D. Free response


Raintree TRP - Class 8 - Answer Key.indd 191 26-Dec-17 2:49:16 PM

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