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J eee Module-2: Digital Marketing Research Introduction: Research is the process of searching the existing, situation with the objective of getting new knowledge out of it. We know that marketing consists of various activities such as advertising, sales-promotion, supply ‘and chain management, logistics and warehouse. All these activities require continuous research to deliver the quality product to customer. P Now a days, marketing becomes more and tyre complex due to increased used of digital technolog Customers are using smart phones and gadgets th increased use of smart phones connected wi the demand of customer is changing rapidly. Today's customers are very selective and choosy. Therefore, marketing manager has to advent new ways of marketing. Digital Marketing research helps in finding the news ways of marketing the product. The basic objective of digital, marketing: reseatch| isto better satisfy the cistomer By proving quality goods and services. f aca Saree Digital Marketing research is a process. wathars egnr™ Digital Marketing research includes re~ ee of advertising, re-thinking of market segment, pridiny Seamer product. Definition: Itis a process of Collection of data about need & choices of customer online (with digital tools). the company for the research of all the marketing |3- Features: 1. Multiple Target: Means target Different business group. 828, Bac open Pex ert 2, Less time consuming: online (24/7). It is available on mobile through internet. Less costly Data: As compared to traditional marketing. It requires only Mobile-and SG data, Easy to Collect sample: Capture Gmail id, itis very eas; to grab information about user like email, age address, Automated Data collection: online. With the help ppm tke Google form, fatketing: Advertisement. We can advertise or \Warious platform like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube with a small budget. Quietkods zD) Bios te! mervkertry ae in Marketing Research: Resecuwrh Problem can be related tc 1. Define research proble =price, size, desi nm duct. PG rie Miho ied /2;-Prepare research design: Collect sample of custome! ests ask qdestloh on priée of our product for e.g., 100 0 200customers. Collection of data: Take data form 100 customer. 4. Analysis of data: Apply mean, mode, median. S. Interpretation of result: Apply result to our produc for e.g., fixing the rate of Product. 6. Preparation of report: Prepare report for future use. Methods of digital marketing Research / Online researct Methods: Research methods. 3, Online Database: Facebook, Google. Means collect A) Online Primary Research! |. 4 ln {0 4. Online Primary experiment: Means (0 collect data) data from online data provider for research. online eg, use Google Form for research 2. Online focus group: community websites. e.g..]Common Online Research Methods: quora & Experienced people shares thelr opinion for 1) Blog mining: Study of twitter Comments & social research media Comments for research. Means collection of data} 2) Data mining: Extraction of useful Data for business) 3, Online observation: through questions and answers. Eg. Link Clickorno] use form the internet. 3) Online Survey: Alternative to telephone survey. Means Click for research, 4 online Panel: Opinion of expert. Means online| to send the question and collect the answer online from respondent. survey used to collect the data for research. 5, Video Diaries: Means use of customer vid te pidladatng SEB feedback for research. omy nti strategy to Sell & Promote our company 5) Online secondary Research: JS¢ uated HOY oduct online A intemal: avo = : [Seer te 1, Sales Data: Past Data. Means use of past sales data ‘situation Analysis! Study “ot Current event & forresearch. ~ ee environment. eg., festival. I. aio studies Internal -| 2. Invoice Analysis: Bills ‘Study. Means study of invoices’ Strength & weakness; External- opportunity & Threat. and bills of our come ny fo oF reseatch,, 2. Strategic objective Setting:-The internet strategy must) Sadia fear he dh a ee! aah tet i 3. Financial Data: B/S Cash flow. Means use of balance have clear objective.E.g., To increase Sales or to sheet, profit & loss accountcash frovistarsiventfor|”’ sréduce Cost folincrease market share, Increase alert A louse research. . edecrease mastage. 2 ST 44, Customer Data: Repeated / Loyalty. Means to check ustomer for research. Product, develop new market, Decrease Cost, Provide} 3. Strategy Formulation: Strategy can be Develop new the repeated purchase by c! Quality Product. B) External: 1. Magazines: Study of newspapers and magazines to | Competitor Analysis: Means Analyze the Strength & collect the data for research. weakness of Competitors and create better digital 2. Private Research firm: take data from private marketing strategy than the competitor. cone dake ‘5, research firm for research. i gorival € fhe, ’ online target marketing / STP Approach: Means use of STP approach in digital marketing STP means Segmenting, Targeting and.Positioning. The basic idea behind this approach Is that a single product cannot satisty the needs of all customers. Therefore, itis better to segment the market on the basis of some criteria and then target a particular segment © where 685 can perfectly position and place our product. for eg., Lakme, Johnson and Johnson. 1) Segmentation: It Is process of sub-divided In. Sine market into different sub-group of customers on rags, basis of some criteria. For e.g., on the basi etc Types of segmentation / segmentation: E 1. Geographic: castles So a . 2 =i 2 Demographic Age, sex religion, sotial class >" Fl 3. Psychograph: Mental, personality and belief 4, Behavioral segméntation: Occasion product] Factors affecting segmentation: 1. Size of company: Capacity of the plant. 2. Type of product Perishable, durable 3. Nature of market: Local, global Lifestyle: Ripped jeans . Uses of product: Mother Horlicks 2) Targeting: Market targeting Is the process 0 focusing on the group of customers who can likely purchase the product of our company. stirs ot San | Types OF targews: 1. Single segment targeting: old spice for men 2. Selective segment targeting: Lakme 4, Market specialization targeting: Urban and Rural 3) Positioning: Positioning is placing the product in the mind of customer, It Is the process of creation of] brand. its the process that makes our product different from the product of Sur compary. ositioning strategies: len . Pilce positioning: Tata Nano , f** ; 2. Usepositioning: Prega News us Jo Meproduiét user positioning: Demi Cool, powder, wax cream A. Category positioning: T a yi cn 8 A 5 Prodi dass rt |Mahal Tea , Ar fda = cla, Pepsi ‘Audience / Customer’ Profiling: Means to collec information about customer online, It includes thei taste, thelr buying pattern. It is used for segmentatior purpose. es “aypes of online shoppers: 1) Time Pressed: Purchase online due to non-availabilit of time. 2) Risk averse: Purchases only branded product online. 3) Price focused: Purchases only low-cost product. Ll” 4) Service oriented: Purchase ‘only products delivered fast. 5) Demanding: Purchase low cast speed delivery products. 6) Spend happy: Purchase costly products. Online Consumer behavior: Study the online trend & behavior of Customer & offer the product. (keyword) Nebile. . puite X, Factors affecting online consumer behaviour: 1. Extemal environment: Laws, branded products, 2. Demographics: Age, sex, education 3. Personal characteristics: Income, culture. 4. Vendor Service: Study of vendor qualities like deliv time etc. internet before purchasing anything. Since 3. Evaluation of alternative: Compare between to products, Wtey Pwruhert 4. Purchase decision: Action on purchasing. ive Ato G Sebisfaction. Wo taht 5. Post purchase plan: Satisfied or non-satisfied. Post internet Consumer behavior: Study like & Dislike. To check satisfaction towards the product. Emerging Issues In Online Consumer behaviour: —— a Sd 1) Seater Prey =? P=) Lk Tranter ested F&C fe tac of Tench Tet 9) Curemen Pens Pees Carpe Vesey 0) ga eres Blogs: A regularly updated web page having writer information. It gives a feel of writing our own news. Blog Platform: 1. WordPress: 2. Blogger: 3. Tumbler: Personal: Online diary or commentary written by an “Individual on blogging website. SS OMAMERCE CLASSES about Companys 1. Problem recognition: Whatto purctrase- 2. Pre-purchase information séafctiy Search wfsegon|- ‘4 Als liaeds ing: Direct ma OD Mebiblséie Goods to customer by contacting directly. Contact Customer & Sale Product. ‘Tools for Direct marketing: 1. Email: ‘Telemarketing: Face to face: ‘TV Shopping: Direct response marketing: sewn Database marketing:

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