@TEAMFLOOD Mechanical Properties of Solids Aakash RM Modules

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Chapter 9

Mechanical Properties of Solids

Chapter Contents


intermolecular forces (i) The force between atoms holding them together in a molecule is called
interatomic forces.
z Elasticity
(ii) The force between molecules of a substance is called intermolecular
z Hooke’s Law force.

z Stress-Strain Curve U F

z Elastic Moduli
z Poisson’s Ratio r0
r r0 r

Both interatomic and intermolecular forces can be attractive as well as

repulsive. Their nature depends upon interatomic or intermolecular
separation. The above graphs shows the variation of potential energy and
force with interatomic or intermolecular separation.
(iii) For r = , F = 0, U = 0
(iv) r > r0, F is attractive, as r decreases from  to r0, potential energy
(v) r = r0, potential energy U = Minimum, F = 0. This is stable equilibrium
(vi) r < r0, F is repulsive, as r decreases from r0 to 0, potential energy

Property of material of body by which it tries to restore its original shape
on removing the deforming force is called elasticity.
z Stress : The restoring force developed per unit area is called stress
Restoring force F
Stress   unit – N/m2
Area A

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38 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

Stress is of three types :

Longitudinal stress Volumetric stress Shear or tangential stress

‘A’ (area) F
F L
l 

F  F  F
Longitudinal stress = Volumetric Stress = Lt   Tangential Stress or shear stress =
A A  0   A  A
z Strain
With in the elastic limit, ratio of change in configuration to original configuration called strain.
Change in configuration
Strain 
Original configuration
Strain is of three types
(i) Longitudinal strain =
(ii) Volumetric strain =
(iii) Shear strain  
Strain has no unit


Within the proportional limit stress is directly proportional to strain.

Stress  strain
 Elastic constant


Elastic limit or yield point


c d
Proportional point
limit a

Elastic Plastic
behaviour behaviour
o <1% Strain 30%
Fig.: Typical stress-strain diagram for a
ductile metal under tension.
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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 39
z Important points of stress - strain graph
(i) Point a upto which hook’s law is valid is called proportional limit.
(ii) Point b is called elastic limit.
(iii) The region of graph from o to b is called elastic region.
(iv) The region of graph from b to d is called plastic region.
(v) The material for which plastic region is small, is called brittle.
(vi) The material for which plastic region is large, is called ductile.
(vii) The slope of graph from o to a gives Young’s Modulus.


Young’s Modulus (Y)

Longitudinal stress
Longitudinal strain
F /A F
Y 
L / L

Y  L
r 2 L

Larger is the value of Young’s modulus more elastic will be material. Mg

z The elongation of heavy wire due to its own weight

Let L = length of the wire
M = mass of the wire

MgL gL2
L  
2 AY 2Y
where  is density of the material of the wire.

z Thermal Stress and Strain

When a rod of material of coefficient of linear expansion  is heated/cooled through a change of temperature
, its length L is increased/decreased by L = L 

L L
Thermal strain    , (If free to expand/contract)

F L
Thermal stress Y .  Y , where Y = Young’s modulus of the material of the rod.

z Elastic potential energy

Suppose a wire of natural length L, and cross-sectional area A, is stretched slowly so that the stretching force
equals the tension in the wire. When the extension is x, the tension in the wire is F.

Then Y 

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40 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

or, F x
The work done by the elastic force in a further extension dx is
dW  Fdx  x dx
The total work by the elastic force in an extension 0 to L is
W  
xdx 
( L )2

This work is stored into the wire as its “elastic potential energy” (U).
Hence U  W  ( L )2
1  AYL  1
    L  F L
2 L  2

U (maximum stretching force) (extension) …(i)
Potential energy (or work) per unit volume  (stress) (strain) …(ii)

Potential energy (or work) per unit volume = Y  (strain)2 …(iii)
1  stress 
Potential energy (or work) per unit volume = …(iv)
2 Y
z Elastic Hysteresis
As a natural consequence of the elastic after-effect, the strain in the body tends to lag behind the stress
applied to the body so that during a rapidly changing stress, the strain is greater for the same value of stress.
This lag of strain behind the stress when body is unloaded is called elastic hysteresis.

O Strain
Fig.: Vulcanised rubber
Hence, some amount of energy is absorbed by the material in the cycle which appears as heat. The
magnitude of the energy absorbed per unit volume is proportional to the area bounded by the loop.
z Factors Affecting Elasticity
(i) Effect of Temperature : Almost for all materials, the modulus of elasticity decreases with the rise in
temperature, but the elasticity of invar remains unchanged with the change in temperature.
(ii) Effect of Impurities : The addition of impurities affects the elastic properties depending on whether
impurities are themselves more or less elastic. When carbon is added to iron, and potassium to gold,
their elasticities are strengthened.
(iii) Effect of Annealing : By annealing (i.e., heating and the cooling gradually) large crystal grains are
formed, and hence the elasticity of the material decreases.
(iv) Effect of Hammering and Rolling : By hammering and rolling, crystal grains break up into smaller units,
and hence the elasticity of the material increases.
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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 41

Note :
(i) The unit of Y is the same as the unit of pressure.
(ii) The value of Y depends on the nature of the material.
(iii) Larger the value of Y for a material, more elastic it would be. For this reason, steel is more elastic
than rubber.
(iv) Young’s modulus is defined only for solids, not for liquids and gases.
(v) Young’s modulus for a perfectly rigid body is infinite.
(vi) Breaking stress does not depend on the cross-sectional area. It depends only on the material of
the wire.
(vii) Relation between interatomic force constant (K) and young’s modulus Y is K = Yr, where r is
interatomic distance.

Example 1 : A steel rod 2.0 m long has a cross-sectional area of 0.30 cm2. The rod is now hung by one end
from a support structure, and a 550 kg milling machine is hung from the rod’s lower end. Determine
the stress, the strain, and the elongation of the rod.

F (550 kg) (9.8 m/s2 )

Solution : Stress  
A 3.0  10 5 m2

 1.8  108 Pa

l Stress 1.8  108 Pa

Strain   
l0 Y 20  1010 Pa

 9.0  10 –4
Elongation = l
= (strain) × l0
= (9.0 × 10–4) (2.0 m)
= 1.8 mm

Example 2 : A structural steel rod has a radius of 10 mm and a length of 1.0 m. A 100 kN force stretches it
along its length. Calculate (a) stress, (b) elongation and (c) strain on the rod. Young’s modulus,
of structural steel is 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2.
Solution : We assume that the rod is held by a clamp at one end and the force F is applied at the other
end, parallel to the length of the rod. Then the stress on the rod is given by

F F 100  103 N
Stress   2   3.18  108 Nm2
A r 3.14  (102 )2 m2

(F /A)L 3.18  108 Nm2  1 m

The elongation, L  
Y 2  1011 Nm2
= 1.59 × 10–3 m = 1.59 mm
The strain is given by

L (1.59  103 m)
Strain  
L 1m
= 1.59 × 10–3

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42 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

Example 3 : The lengths of a metallic wire are L1 and L2 when the tensions in the wire are T1 and T2
respectively. Find the natural length of the wire.
Solution : Suppose L be the natural length of the wire
We have Y 
In the first case, F = T1, L = L1 – L
 Y  …(i)
A (L1  L )
In the second case, F = T2, L = L2 – L
 Y  …(ii)
A (L2  L )
From equations (i) and (ii), we get

A (L1  L ) A (L2  L )
or, T1 (L2 – L) = T2 (L1 – L)
or, L (T2 – T1) = L1T2 – L2T1
L1T2  L2T1
or, L .
T2  T1

Example 4 : The stress-strain graph for a metallic wire is shown at two different temperatures, T1 and T2 which
temperature is high T1 or T2?



Solution : The slope of stress-strain curve with strain axis gives the value of Young’s modulus.
In the above graph strain is taken along y-axis. Therefore the slope of graph at temperature T1
is less than the slope of graph at temperature T2.
Now as we know with increase in temperature the value of modulus of elasticity decreases.
Therefore temperature T1 is greater than temperature T2.

1. Breaking stress depends on
(1) Length of wire (2) Area of cross-section of wire
(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) Independent of length and area of cross-section
2. Which of the following is perfectly plastic?
(1) Plasticine (2) Quartz fibre
(3) Steel (4) Rubber
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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 43
3. The length of an elastic string is X m when the tension is 8 N, and Y m when the tension is 10 N. The length
in metres when the tension is 18 N is
(1) 4X – 5Y (2) 5Y – 4X

(3) 9X – 4Y (4) 4Y – 9X
4. When a load of 10 kg is hung from the wire, then extension of 2 m is produced. Then work done by restoring
force is
(1) 200 J (2) 100 J

(3) 50 J (4) 25 J
5. Substances which can be elastically stretched to large value of strain are called
(1) Isomers
(2) Isodiapheres
(3) Plastomers
(4) Elastomers
6. A force F doubles the length of wire of cross-section a. The Young modulus of wire is

(1) (2)
a 3a

(3) (4)
2a 4a

7. Stress-strain curve for four metals are shown in figure. The maximum young modulus of elasticity is for metal



(1) A (2) B
(3) C (4) D
8. Breaking stress for a material is 2 
108 N/m2.
What maximum length of the wire of this material can be taken
so that the wire does not break by own weight? [Density of material = 5  103 kg/m3]
(1) 1 km (2) 2 km
(3) 3 km (4) 4 km
9. Young modulus of elasticity for a gas is
(1) Unity (2) Infinite
(3) Zero (4) None of these
10. If we add impurity into a matter then elasticity
(1) May change (2) Never changes
(3) Remains the same (4) Changes by a factor of 5

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44 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

z Bulk Modulus
When the pressure on a body changes by a small amount p, from p0 to p0 + p, and the resulting Bulk strain
is V/V0, Hooke’s law takes the form

Normal stress p
B  (Bulk modulus)
Volume strain V /V0
Negative sign in this equation because an increase of pressure always causes a decrease in volume. In other
words, if p is positive, V is negative. The Bulk modulus B itself is a positive quantity.
The reciprocal of the Bulk modulus is called the compressibility and is denoted by K.

1 V /V0 1 V
K  
B p V0 p
Note :
1. Bulk modulus is defined for all solids, liquids and gases.
2. The values of B for solids are much larger than for liquids, and that for liquids are much larger
than for gases
Bsolid > Bliquid > Bgas.
3. Relation between Density, Pressure and Bulk Modulus

or,    This relation is true for small change.
4. For a perfectly rigid body B = .

Example 5 : A hydraulic press contains 0.25 m3 (250 L) of oil. Find the decrease in the volume of the oil when
it is subjected to a pressure increases p = 1.6 × 107 Pa. The bulk modulus of the oil is
B = 5.0 × 109 Pa and its compressibility is K   20  10 6 Pa 1

V0 p 0.25 m3  1.6  107 Pa

Solution : V  
B 5.0  109 Pa
V = –8.0 × 10–4 m3 = –0.80 L

Example 6 : The average depth of Indian Ocean is about 3000 m. Calculate the fractional compression, ,
of water at the bottom of the ocean, given that the bulk modulus of water is 2.2 × 109 Nm–2.
(take g = 10 m/s2)
Solution : The pressure exerted by a 3000 m column of water on the bottom layer
P = gh = 3000 m × 1000 kgm–3 × 10 ms–2
= 3 × 107 Nm–2
Fractional compression , is
V Stress (3  107 Nm2 )
 
V B (2.2  109 Nm2 )
= 1.36 × 10–2 or 1.36%

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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 45
z Shear Modulus or Modulus of rigidity
If the forces are small enough that Hooke’s law obeyed, then the ratio of shear stress to shear strain is called
the shear modulus, denoted by G. It is also called the modulus of rigidity.

Shear stress F|| /A

G 
Shear strain L /L

F L A(area)
G F
A  L
Similarly, from equations
 L
F /A F
G 
 A
Shear modulus is defined for solids only.

Example 7 : A 4 cm cube has its upper face displaced by 0.1 mm by a tangential force of 8 kN. Calculate
the shear modulus of the cube.
Solution : Here, each side of the cube L = 4 cm
Area of the face over which the force is applied, a = L2 = 16 sq. cm
Displacement, L = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm
Force applied, F = 8 kN = 8000 × 105 = 8 × 108 dyne

As, G
a L

8  108  4
G = 2 × 1010 dyne/sq. cm
16  0.01

Example 8 : A square lead slab of side 50 cm and thickness 10.0 cm is subjected to a shearing force
(on its narrow face) of magnitude 9.0 × 104 N. The lower edge is riveted to the floor as shown in
figure. How much is the upper edge displaced, if the shear modulus of lead is 5.6 × 109 Pa?

50 cm

Solution : Here, L = 50 cm = 50 × 10–2 m, G = 5.6 × 109 Pa, F = 9.0 × 104 N

Area of the face on which force is applied, a = 50 × 10 = 500 sq. cm = 0.05 m2
If L is the displacement of the upper edge of the slab due to tangential force F applied, then

F /a FL 9  10 4  50  10 2
G or L  
L /L Ga 5.6  109  0.05

G = 1.6 × 10–4 m

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46 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

Example 9 : A wire of length l and cross-sectional area A is suspended at one of its ends from a ceiling. What
will be its strain energy due to its own weight, if the density and Young’s modulus of the material
of the wire be d and Y?
Solution : Consider an elemental length of the wire of length dx, at a distance x from the lower end. This
length is acted upon by the external force equal to the weight of the portion of wire below
it = xAdg. In equilibrium, the restoring force F is xAdg.

Thus, stress   xdg Area = A
Now elastic potential energy stored in the elemental length will be
dU = stress × strain × volume x
2 xAdg
1  stress 
  stress  volume
2  Y 

1 ( xdg )2
  Adx
2 Y

1 Ad 2 g 2 x 2
  dx
2 Y
 Total elastic potential energy   0 dU
L 1 d 2g 2 A 2
 x dx
0 2 Y

d 2 g 2 AL3


Example 10 : A steel wire 4.0 m in length is stretched through 2.0 mm. The cross-sectional area of the wire is
2.0 mm2. If Young’s modulus of steel is 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2. Find
(i) The energy density of wire.
(ii) The elastic potential energy stored in the wire.
Solution : Here, l = 4.0 m, l = 2 × 10–3 m, a = 2.0 × 10–6 m2, Y = 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2
(i) The energy density of stretched wire
U 1
 stress  strain
Volume 2
  Y  (strain)2
1  2  103 
  2.0  1011 Nm2   
2  4 
= 2.5 × 104 J/m3
(ii) Elastic potential energy = energy density × volume
= (2.5 × 104 J/m3) × (8.0 × 10–6 m3)
= 0.20 J

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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 47

Example 11 : A 45 kg boy whose leg bones are 5 cm2 in area and 50 cm long falls through a height of 2 m
without breaking his leg bones. If the bones can stand a stress of 0.9 × 108 Nm–2, calculate the
Young’s modulus for the material of the bone. Use g = 10 ms–2.
Solution : Here, m = 45 kg, h = 2 m, L = 0.50 m, A = 5 × 10–4 m2
Loss in gravitational potential energy = gain in elastic potential energy in both leg bones

1 
So, mgh  2   stress  strain  volume
2 

1 
 45  10  2  2    0.9  108  strain  2.5  104 
 2 

Strain = 0.04

Stress 0.9  108

 Y    2.25  109 Nm2
Strain 0.04


11. Elasticity of a rigid body is

(1) Unity (2) Zero
(3) Infinite (4) Can’t predict
12. A force F is tangentially applied on the upper face of a cube of side b and whose lower face is fixed. If modulus
of rigidity is G, then upper surface of cube is shifted to

(1) (2)
Gb Fb
Gb Fb
(3) (4)
13. A rubber ball is taken to depth 1 km inside water so that its volume reduces by 0.05%. What is the bulk
modulus for rubber?
(1) 2  108 N/m2 (2) 2  109 N/m2
(3) 2  1010 N/m2 (4) 2  1011 N/m2
14. In case of liquids
(1) Only bulk modulus is defined
(2) Only bulk modulus and Young’s modulus are defined
(3) Only bulk modulus and shear modulus are defined
(4) All the three modulii (Bulk, Young’s and Shear) are defined
15. Elastic forces
(1) Are always conservative (2) Are not always conservative
(3) Are never conservative (4) None of these
16. Isothermal elasticity of an ideal gas is
(1) P (2) P
(3) Zero (4) 
(where P denotes the pressure)
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48 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

Note :
z A solid possesses all the three modulii of elasticity Y, B or .
z A liquid or gas possesses a finite value of only B.
z For a gas, B depends on the processes by which gas expands/compresses.

dV / V
(i) For isothermal process B=P
(ii) For adiabatic process B = P
(iii) For isobaric process B=0
(iv) For isochoric process B= 

z For a wire Y   F l
Al l
i.e. a wire behaves like a spring with spring constant

YA  1
K   i .e., K  l 
l  
z When a wire is stretched by applying an external force F and l is extension produced, then
(i) Work done by external force = Fl

(ii) Work done against restoring force = F l

(iii) Heat produced = F l

(iv) Elastic potential energy stored = F l

1 F l 1 F l
Energy density U  
2 volume 2 Al

1 1 (stress)2 1
= stress × strain =  Y (strain)2
2 2 Y 2
z In case of bending of beam of length L, breadth b, and depth d, by a load
Mg at middle

Depression   
4Ybd 3

Torsion of a Cylinder or Twisting of a Wire :

In the figure,
l = Length of the cylinder
r = Radius of the cylinder
 = Angle of twist
 = Angle of shear

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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 49
F = Tangential force applied at the free end
Fixed end
G = Modulus of rigidity
 = Restoring torque

c = Restoring couple per unit twist

r r 
(i) BB = l = r or  

Gr 4 Gr 4
(ii)   = c, where c 
2l 2l O
4 B B
1 2 Gr 2
(iii) Work done in twisting through  is W  c    F
2 4l
For a hollow cylinder of inner and outer radii r1 and r2, the restoring couple per unit twist is

G(r24  r14 )
c 
c r24  r14 (r22  r12 )(r22  r12 )
  
c r4 r4
If mass of solid cylinder = mass of hollow cylinder
r2l = (r22 – r12)l or, r2 = (r22 – r12)

c  r22  r12
   1 . Hence hollow cylinder is stronger than solid cylinder of same mass and lengths
c r22  r12

Example 12 : A structural steel rod has a radius of 10 mm and a length of 1.0 m. A 100 kN force stretches it
along its length. Calculate (a) stress, (b) elongation and (c) strain on the rod. Young’s modulus,
of structural steel is 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2.
Solution : We assume that the rod is held by a clamp at one end and the force F is applied at the other
end, parallel to the length of the rod. Then the stress on the rod is given by

F F 100  103 N
Stress   2   3.18  108 Nm2
A r 3.14  (102 )2 m2

(F /A)L 3.18  108 Nm2  1 m

The elongation, L  
Y 2  1011 Nm2
= 1.59 × 10–3 m = 1.59 mm
The strain is given by
L (1.59  103 m)
Strain  
L 1m
= 1.59 × 10–3

Example 13 : The lengths of a metallic wire are L1 and L2 when the tensions in the wire are T1 and T2
respectively. Find the natural length of the wire.
Solution : Suppose L be the natural length of the wire

We have Y 
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50 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

In the first case, F = T1, L = L1 – L

 Y  …(i)
A (L1  L )

In the second case, F = T2, L = L2 – L

 Y  …(ii)
A (L2  L )

From equations (i) and (ii), we get


A (L1  L ) A (L2  L )

or, T1 (L2 – L) = T2 (L1 – L)

or, L (T2 – T1) = L1T2 – L2T1

L1T2  L2T1
or, L .
T2  T1

Example 14 : A 4 cm cube has its upper face displaced by 0.1 mm by a tangential force of 8 kN. Calculate
the shear modulus of the cube.
Solution : Here, each side of the cube L = 4 cm

Area of the face over which the force is applied, a = L2 = 16 sq. cm

Displacement, L = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm

Force applied, F = 8 kN = 8000 × 105 = 8 × 108 dyne

As, G
a L

8  108  4
G = 2 × 1010 dyne/sq. cm
16  0.01

Example 15 : The average depth of Indian Ocean is about 3000 m. Calculate the fractional compression, ,
of water at the bottom of the ocean, given that the bulk modulus of water is 2.2 × 109 Nm–2.
(take g = 10 m/s2)
Solution : The pressure exerted by a 3000 m column of water on the bottom layer
P = gh = 3000 m × 1000 kgm–3 × 10 ms–2
= 3 × 107 Nm–2
Fractional compression , is
V Stress (3  107 Nm2 )
 
V B (2.2  109 Nm2 )
= 1.36 × 10–2 or 1.36%

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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 51

Example 16 : A steel wire 4.0 m in length is stretched through 2.0 mm. The cross-sectional area of the wire is
2.0 mm2. If Young’s modulus of steel is 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2. Find
(i) The energy density of wire.
(ii) The elastic potential energy stored in the wire.
Solution : Here, l = 4.0 m, l = 2 × 10–3 m, a = 2.0 × 10–6 m2, Y = 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2
(i) The energy density of stretched wire
U 1
 stress  strain
Volume 2
  Y  (strain)2
1  2  103 
  2.0  1011 Nm2   
2  4 
= 2.5 × 104 J/m3
(ii) Elastic potential energy = energy density × volume
= (2.5 × 104 J/m3) × (8.0 × 10–6 m3)
= 0.20 J

Longitudinal strain =
l R R – R
Lateral strain = 
Poisson’s ratio,    R
l + l
(i) Theoretically – 1   0.5
(ii) Practically 0  0.5
(iii) When density of material is constant,  = 0.5

‰ ‰ ‰

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nm nment
sig ssig
As A Assignment

5. Choose the correct relation for compressibility K of
a material (Symbols have their usual meanings)
[NCERT Pg. 242]
1. The slope of the stress versus strain graph for a
given material is called [NCERT Pg. 238] 1 1
(1) K  (2) K 
(1) Modulus of elasticity Y B

(2) Poisson’s ratio 1 B

(3) K  (4) K 
(3) Elastic potential energy  Y

(4) Elastic fatigue 6. In the given figure, if the dimensions of the two
wires A and B are same but materials are different
2. A vertically downward force F is applied on a light then Young’s modulus is [NCERT Pg. 239]
wire of length l, cross-sectional area A and
Stress B
Young’s modulus Y as shown in the figure. The
extension in length of the rod will be A
[NCERT Pg. 239]
O Strain

(1) More for B than A

(2) More for A than B
(3) Equal for both A and B
(4) Both (1) and (2)
7. The SI unit of Bulk modulus is same as
(1) (2) [NCERT Pg. 242]
Yl FY (1) Young’s modulus (2) Stress
(3) (4)
FA Al (3) Poission’s ratio (4) Both (1) and (2)
3. A steel wire of length 10.0 m is stretched through 8. Total elastic potential energy stored in a stretched
1.0 mm. The cross-sectional area of the wire is wire of length I, cross-sectional area A and
4 mm2. The energy density of the wire is (Young’s Young’s modulus Y fixed at one end is
modulus of wire = 2.0 × 1011 N/m2)
[NCERT Pg. 244]
[NCERT Pg. 244]
(1) 2 × 103 J/m3 (2) 5 × 103 J/m3 1 Stress
(1) × × Volume
2 Strain
(3) 103 J/m3 (4) 5 × 102 J/m3
4. The SI unit of stress is same as the SI unit of 1
(2) × Stress × Strain
[NCERT Pg. 238] 2

(1) Strain 1
(3) × Stress× Strain × Volume
(2) Modulus of elasticity 2
(3) Pressure 1
×  Strain × Volume
(4) Both (2) & (3) 2
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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 53
5. A steel ring of radius 10 cm and cross-section area
1 cm2 is fitted to a wooden disc of radius 10.5 cm.
Objective Type Questions If Young’s modulus of steel is 2 × 1011 Nm–2, then
the force with which the steel ring is expanded is
1. If P longitudinal strain is produced in a wire of
(in N)
Young’s modulus Q, then energy stored in the
material of the wire per unit volume is (1) 104 (2) 105
(3) 106 (4) 107
(1) PQ2 (2) PQ 2 6. The only elastic modulus that is possessed by all
fluids, is
1 2
(3) P Q (4) PQ (1) Young’s modulus (2) Shear modulus
2. When a load of 10 N is hanged from a wire, the (3) Modulus of rigidity (4) Bulk modulus
elongation produced is x mm. If the wire goes over a 7. The strain-stress curves of three wires of different
pulley and two weights 10 N each are hung at the material is shown in the figure
two ends, the elongation of the wire will be (in mm)
(1) Zero (2) 2x Strain
(3) x (4) B
3. Which of the following is the most suitable as
shock absorbed? Stress
stress stress
(1) Young’s modulus of wire A is maximum
(2) Young’s modulus of wire B is maximum
(3) Young’s modulus of wire C is maximum
(1) (2)
(4) Young’s modulus of all wires are same
strain strain 8. If a wire is stretched by 2%, then find the energy
stress stress stored in the wire per unit volume (in J/m 3 )
(Y = 4 × 108 N/m2)
(1) 4 × 104 (2) 8 × 104
(3) 12 × 104 (4) 16 × 104
(3) (4)
9. The length of a wire is increased by 0.3%. Find the
percentage increase in its volume, if Poisson’s
strain strain
ratio of wire material is 0.5.
4. A metal bar of length l and area of cross-section A
(1) 0.3% (2) 0.9%
is clamped between two rigid vertical supports. The
Young’s modulus of rod is Y and coefficient of linear (3) 0.27% (4) Zero%
expansion is . Find the force exerted by the rod on 10. A mass of 3 kg is placed on the massless piston
the support if temperature of rod is increased by of area 10 cm2 of a cylindrical vessel containing a
t °C. gas. Find the fractional change in surface area of
sphere if its bulk modulus is 2 × 104 N/m2 and
(1) placed in the given vessel

(2) YlAt (1) 0.5
(2) 1.5
t (3) 1
(4) YAt (4) Zero

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54 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

11. The thermal stress developed in the rod if it is held 16. In automobile tyre which type of elasticity is used?
by rigid supports as shown, (1) Bulk (2) Shear
(3) Young’s (4) All of these
Support 17. A uniform heavy rope of weight W and cross-
sectional area A is hanging from rigid support. If
(1) Directly proportional to its length Young’s modulus of material is Y then strain is
(2) Inversely proportional to its area of cross-
section (1) (2)
(3) Directly proportional to its area of cross-section
(4) None of these
12. The bulk modulus of a material is 4.9 × 107 N/m2. (3) (4)
2 AY 3 AY
It is taken to a depth h of a lake and its volume
is decreased by 0.2%, the depth h is 18. A uniform cylindrical rod of length L, cross-section A
(1) 10 m (2) 14 m and Young’s modulus Y is acted upon by the forces
(3) 15 m (4) 20 m as shown in figure. The elongation of the rod is

13. Find the elastic potential energy in a system shown L

below if the material of wires is same (Y = Young’s
3F F 2F
.R 2 F 3 F
2 (1) (2)
5 AY 5 AY
2L, 3 F 8 F
2 (3) (4)
W 8 AY 3 AY
4W 2L 15 W 2L 19. A beam of metal supported at two ends is loaded
(1) (2)
R 2Y 4 R 2Y at the centre. The depression in the rod is
proportional to
19 W 2L 17 W 2L
(3) (4) (1) Y 2 (2) Y
5 R 2Y 4 R 2Y
14. A rod of length 4 m is suspended from two wires 1 1
(3) (4)
as shown in figure. One of them is made of steel Y Y2
and other of copper of cross-sectional area 10–2m2
and 4 × 10–2 m2. Find distance x if equal stress is 20. One end of horizontal thick wire of length 2L and
experienced by both the wires (YSteel = 2 × 1011 N/m2 radius 2R is connected to one end of another
and YCopper = 1.1 × 1011 N/m2 horizontal wire of length L and radius R. If equal
forces are applied across two ends then ratio of
elongation in the two wires is
Steel Copper
1 1
x (1) (2)
2 4
1 2
(3) (4)
W 3 1
(1) 2 m (2) 3.5 m 21. Two wires are made of the same material and have
(3) 3.2 m (4) 3 m the same volume. Area of cross-section of one wire
is A and other wire is 3A. If wire of cross-section
15. How much should the pressure on a litre of water
area A is stretched by force F then force on
be changed to compress it by 0.10%. Elasticity of
another wire for same extension is
water is 2.2 × 109 Nm–2
(1) 2.2 × 106 Pa (2) 4.4 × 106 Pa (1) F (2) 4F

(3) 3.2 × 106 Pa (4) 5.1 × 106 Pa (3) 6F (4) 9F

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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 55
22. A wire of length , area of cross-section A and (1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : 2
weight w is subjected to external force 2w. If Y is (3) 2 : 1 (4) 4 : 1
Young’s modulus, then total extension in wire is
6. The approximate depth of an ocean is 2700 m. The
5w  5w  compressibility of water is 45.4 × 10–11 Pa–1 and
(1) (2)
AY 2 AY density of water is 10 3 kg/m 3. What fractional
w 5w  compression of water will be obtained at the
(3) (4) bottom of the ocean? [AIPMT-2015]
2 AY 4 AY
(1) 1.4 × 10–2 (2) 0.8 × 10–2
SECTION - C (3) 1.0 × 10–2 (4) 1.2 × 10–2
Previous Years Questions 7. Copper of fixed volume V is drawn into wire of length l.
1. The stress-strain curves are drawn for two different When this wire is subjected to a constant force F,
materials X and Y. It is observed that the ultimate the extension produced in the wire is l . Which of
strength point and the fracture point are close to the following graphs is a straight line?
each other for material X but are far apart for
material Y.
We can say that materials X and Y are likely to (1) l versus (2) l versus l 2
be (respectively) [NEET-2019 (Odisha)] l
(1) Plastic and ductile (2) Ductile and brittle 1
(3) l versus (4) l versus l
(3) Brittle and ductile (4) Brittle and plastic
8. The following four wires of length L and radius r are
2. When a block of mass M is suspended by a long made of the same material. Which of these will
wire of length L, the length of the wire becomes have the largest extension, when the same tension
(L + l). The elastic potential energy stored in the is applied? [NEET-2013]
extended wire is : [NEET-2019]
(1) L = 400 cm, r = 0.8 mm
(1) Mgl (2) MgL
(2) L = 300 cm, r = 0.6 mm
1 1 (3) L = 200 cm, r = 0.4 mm
(3) Mgl (4) MgL
2 2 (4) L = 100 cm, r = 0.2 mm
3. Two wires are made of the same material and have
the same volume. The first wire has cross-sectional 9. A rope 1 cm in diameter breaks, if the tension in
area A and the second wire has cross-sectional it exceeds 500 N. The maximum tension that may
area 3A. If the length of the first wire is increased be given to similar rope of diameter 3 cm is
by l on applying a force F, how much force is (1) 500 N (2) 3000 N
needed to stretch the socond wire by the same
(3) 4500 N (4) 2000 N
amount? [NEET-2018]
(1) 9F (2) 6F 10. A wire of length L and radius r fixed at one end
and a force F applied to the other end produces an
(3) F (4) 4F extension l. The extension produced in another
4. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is B. If it wire of the same material of length 2L and radius
is subjected to uniform pressure p, the fractional 2r by a force 2F, is
decrease in radius is [NEET-2017]
(1) l (2) 2l
p B
(1) (2) l
B 3p (3) 4l (4)
3p p 11. The increase in pressure required to decrease the
(3) (4)
B 3B 200 L volume of a liquid by 0.008% in kPa is
5. The Young's modulus of steel is twice that of (Bulk modulus of the liquid = 2100 MPa is)
brass. Two wires of same length and of same area
(1) 8.4
of cross section, one of steel and another of brass
are suspended from the same roof. If we want the (2) 84
lower ends of the wires to be at the same level, (3) 92.4
then the weights added to the steel and brass
wires must be in the ratio of [Re-AIPMT-2015] (4) 168

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56 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

12. Which of the following relations is true? 20. When a wire of length 10 m is subjected to a force
of 100 N along its length, the lateral strain
(1) Y = 2G(1 – 2ν) (2) Y = 2G(1 + 2ν)
produced is 0.01  10–3 m. The Poisson’s ratio
(3) Y = 2G(1 – ν) (4) (1 + ν)2G = Y was found to be 0.4. If the area of cross-section of
wire is 0.025 m2, its Young’s modulus is
13. A 5 m long aluminium wire (Y = 7 × 1010 N m–2)
of diameter 3 mm supports a 40 kg mass. In order (1) 1.6 × 108 N m–2
to have the same elongation in the copper wire
(2) 2.5 × 1010 N m–2
(Y = 12 × 1010 N m–2) of the same length under
the same weight, the diameter should now be (in (3) 1.25 × 1011 N m–2
(4) 16 × 109 N m–2
(1) 1.75 (2) 1.5
21. Two wires of length l, radius r and length 2l, radius
(3) 2.3 (4) 5.0 2r respectively having same Young’s modulus are
hung with a weight mg. Net elongation is
14. Two wires of same material and radius have their
lengths in ratio 1 : 2. If these wires are stretched 3 mgl 2 mgl
by the same force, the strain produced in the two (1) (2)
r 2Y 3r 2Y
wires will be in the ratio
3 mgl 3 mgl
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 1 (3) (4)
2r 2Y 4 r 2Y
(3) 1 : 2 (4) 1 : 4 22. A cube of side 40 mm has its upper face displaced
15. A steel wire of cross-sectional area 3  10–6 m2 by 0.1 mm by a tangential force of 8 kN. The
can withstand a maximum strain of 10–3. Young’s shearing modulus of cube is
modulus of steel is 2 × 1011 N m–2. The maximum (1) 2  109 N m–2 (2) 4  109 N m–2
mass the wire can hold is (take g = 10 m s–2)
(3) 8  109 N m–2 (4) 16  109 N m–2
(1) 40 kg (2) 60 kg
23. A rod of length l and radius r is joined to a rod of
(3) 80 kg (4) 100 kg
l r
16. The hollow shaft is ...... than a solid shaft of same length and radius of same material. The free
2 2
mass, material and length.
end of small rod is fixed to a rigid base and the
(1) Less stiff (2) More stiff free end of larger rod is given a twist of θ°, the
(3) Equally stiff (4) None of these twist angle at the joint will be

17. The Bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is  

(1) (2)
4 2
(1) Zero (2) Unity
5 8
(3) Infinity (4) Between 0 and 1 (3) (4)
6 9
18. A copper rod length L and radius r is suspended
24. The Young’s modulus of the material of a wire is
from the ceilling by one of its ends. What will be
2 × 1010 N m–2. If the elongation strain is 1%, then
elongation of the rod due to its own weight when
the energy stored in the wire per unit volume is
ρ and Y are the density and Young’s modulus of
Jm–3 is
the copper respectively?
(1) 106 (2) 108
2 gL2 gL2
2Y (3) 2 × 106 (4) 2 × 108
25. A wire of natural length l, Young’s modulus Y and
2 g 2 L2 gL
(3) (4) area of cross-section A is extended by x. Then the
2Y 2Y energy stored in the wires is given by
19. Which of the following substances has the highest
elasticity? 1 YA 2 1 YA 2
(1) x (2) x
2 l 3 l
(1) Steel (2) Copper
1 YI 2 1 YA 2
(3) Rubber (4) Sponge (3) x (4) x
2 A 2 l2
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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 57
26. When a force is applied on a wire of uniform cross- 2. If Y is Young’s modulus, B is Bulk modulus and 
sectional area 3 × 10–6 m2 and length 4 m, the is modulus of rigidity, then Poisson’s ratio  is
increase in length is 1 mm. Energy stored in it will given as
be (Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2)
3B  2 2B  3
(1) 6250 J (1) (2)
2  6B 6  2B
(2) 0.177 J
6B  2 3B  6
(3) (4)
(3) 0.075 J 2  3B 3  2B
(4) 0.150 J 3. If  is density of water and B is Bulk modulus then
27. If in a wire of Young’s modulus Y, longitudinal energy density of water in a lake h metre deep is
strain X is produced then the potential energy
(gh)2 (gh)2
stored in its unit volume will be (1) (2)
B 2B
(1) 0.5 YX2 (2) 0.5 Y2X
(gh)2 2(gh)2
(3) 2 YX2 (4) YX2 (3) (4)
4B B
28. A material has Poisson’s ratio 0.50. If a uniform 4. Choose the correct statement for general cases of
rod of it suffers a longitudinal strain of 2 × 10–3, effect on elasticity due to change in external
then the percentage change in volume is factors.
(1) 0.6 (2) 0.4 (1) Rise in temperature decreases elasticity
(3) 0.2 (4) Zero (2) Annealing decreases elasticity
29. There is no change in the volume of a wire due to (3) Hammering and rolling increases elasticity
the change in its length on stretching. The
Poisson’s ratio of the material of the wire is (4) All of these
5. Bulk modulus of elasticity is defined for
1 1
(1)  (2)  (1) Only solids
2 2
(2) Only liquids
1 1
(3)  (4) – (3) Only gases
4 4
(4) All solids, liquids and gases
30. If Young’s modulus of elasticity Y for a material is
one and half times its rigidity coefficient G, the 6. A metal rope of diameter 2 cm breaks if the
tension in it exceeds 600 N. The maximum tension
Poisson’s ratio ν will be
that a wire of same material and diameter 4 cm
2 1 can bear is
(1)  (2) 
3 4 (1) 2400 N (2) 3000 N

2 (3) 3200 N (4) 4000 N

(3)  (4)  7. In a steel wire the stretching strain produced is
4 3
2%. If the Young’s modulus of elasticity of steel is
SECTION - D 2 × 1011 N/m2, then the energy stored in the wire
per unit volume (in J/m3) is
NEET Booster Questions
(1) 107 (2) 2 × 107
1. If a cylindrical rod of mass M, length L and area of (3) 4 × 107 (4) 4 × 106
cross-section A hangs from a support, then
8. When a helical spring is pulled at both ends by
extension produced due to its own weight is (Y :
same force, then the nature of strain produced in
Young’s modulus of elasticity)
its wire is
2MgL MgL (1) Longitudinal
(1) (2)
AY 2 AY (2) Volumetric
2 AY AY (3) Shear and longitudinal
(3) (4)
MgL 2MgL (4) Lateral

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58 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

9. A 1000 kg lift is tied with metallic wire of maximum 14. A wire of length 5 m is twisted through 30° at free
safe stress of 1.4 × 108 N/m2. If the maximum end. If the radius of wire is 1 mm, the shearing
acceleration of the lift is 1.2 m s –2 , then the strain in the wire is
minimum diameter of the wire is (g = 9.8 ms–2)
(1) 30° (2) 0.36
(1) 0.01 m (2) 0.01 cm
(3) 1° (4) 0.18°
(3) 0.001 m (4) 0.02 cm
15. One end of uniform wire of length L and of weight
10. A force of 1000 newton, doubles the length of a W is attached rigidly to a point in roof and a weight
cord having cross-sectional area 1 mm 2. The W1 is suspended from the lower end. If A is area
Young’s modulus of the material of the cord is of cross-section of the wire, the stress in the wire
(1) 2 × 106 N/m2 (2) 5 × 105 N/m2
(3) 109 N/m2 (4) 105 N/m2 at a height from its lower end is
11. A sample of gas follows process represented by
PV = constant. Bulk modulus for this process is  W
W1  W1  
B, then which of the following graph is correct?
(1) (2)  4
 3W 
 W1   W1  W
(3)  4  (4)
(1) (2) A A
V V 16. What is called the ratio of the breaking stress and
the working stress?
B B (1) Elastic fatigue (2) Elastic after effect
(3) Yield point (4) Factor of safety
(3) (4) 17. Two wires of equal length and cross-sectional area
are suspended as shown in figure. Their Young's
V V modulii are Y1 and Y2 respectively. The equivalent
12. Two equal and opposite forces F each are applied Young’s modulii will be
along a rod of transverse sectional area A.
The normal stress to a section PQ inclined  to
transverse section is



F sin  F
(1) (2) cos  Y1 Y2
A A (1) Y1 + Y2 (2)
Y1  Y2
(3) sin2 (4) cos2  Y1  Y2
2A A (3) (4) Y1 Y2
13. A vertical hanging bar of length l and mass m per
unit length carries a load of mass M at lower end, 18. A uniform rod of length L has a mass per unit
its upper end is clamped to a rigid support. The length  and area of cross-section A. If the
tensile stress a distance x from support is Young’s modulus of the rod is Y. Then elongation
(A  area of cross-section of bar) in the rod due to its own weight is

Mg  mg (l  x ) Mg 2gL2 gL2
(1) (2) (1) (2)

Mg  mgl (M  m ) gx gL2 gL2

(3) (4) (3) (4)
A Al 4 AY 2 AY

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NEET Mechanical Properties of Solids 59
19. A solid sphere of radius R made of a material of 25. A bar is subjected to axial forces as shown. If E
bulk modulus B surrounded by a liquid in a is the modulus of elasticity of the bar and A is its
cylindrical container. A massless piston of area A cross-section area. Its elongation will be
floats on the surface of the liquid. Find the
fractional decrease in the radius of the sphere
3F 2F F
 R  l l
  when a mass M is placed on the piston to
 R 
compress the liquid Fl 2Fl
(1) (2)
Mg Mg
(1) (2)
AB 4 AB 3Fl 4Fl
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
3 AB 2 AB 26. A metal ring of initial radius r and cross-sectional
20. A sphere contracts in volume by 0.01% when taken area A is fitted onto a wooden disc of radius
R > r. If Young’s modulus of metal is Y then
to the bottom of sea 1 km deep. Find Bulk
tension in the ring is
modulus of the material of sphere
(1) 9.8 × 106 N/m2 (2) 1.2 × 1010 N/m2 AYR AY ( R  r )
(1) (2)
(3) 9.8 × 10 N/m 10 2
(4) 9.8 × 10 N/m 11 2 r r
21. A solid cube of copper of edge 10 cm subjected to Y R r Yr
a hydraulic pressure of 7 × 106 pascal. If Bulk (3)   (4)
A r  AR
modulus of copper is 140 GPa, then contraction in
its volume will be 27. Two wires A and B of same length and of same
(1) 5 × 10 m –8 3
(2) 4 × 10 m –8 3 material have radii r1 and r2 respectively. Their one
end is fixed with a rigid support and at other end
(3) 2 × 10–8 m3 (4) 108 m3 equal twisting couple is applied. Then ratio of the
22. Three bars having length l, 2l and 3l and area of angle of twist at the end of A and the angle of twist
cross-section A, 2A and 3A are joined rigidly end at the end of B will be
to end. Compound rod is subjected to a stretching
force F. The increase in length of rod is (Young’s r12
modulus of material is Y and bars are massless) r22

13 Fl Fl r22
(1) (2) (2)
2 AY AY r12

9Fl 3Fl r24

(3) (4)
AY AY (3)
23. An ideal gas has adiabatic exponent .
It contracts according to the law PV = , where  r14
is a positive constant. For this process, the Bulk r24
modulus of the gas is
28. When a small mass m is suspended at lower end
P of an elastic wire having upper end fixed with
(1) P (2)
 ceiling. There is loss in gravitational potential
(3) P (4) (1 – )P energy, let it be x, due to extension of wire, mark
correct option
24. Two wire A and B are stretched by same force. If,
for A and B, YA : YB = 1 : 2, rA : rB = 3 : 1 and (1) The lost energy can be recovered

 l A  (2) The lost energy is irrecoverable

lA : lB = 4 : 1, then ratio of their extension  
 lB  x
will be (3) Only amount of energy is recoverable
(1) 10 : 13 (2) 11 : 7 x
(4) Only amount of energy is recoverable
(3) 8 : 9 (4) 6 : 5 3
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
60 Mechanical Properties of Solids NEET

29. A mild steel wire of length 2l meter cross-sectional 34. The length of a metal wire is l1, when tension in
area A m2 is fixed horizontally between two pillars. A it is T1 and l2 when its tension is T2. The natural
small mass m kg is suspended from the mid point length of the wire is
of the wire. If extension in wire are within elastic limit.
Then depression at the mid point of wire will be l1T2  l 2T1
(1) l1 l 2 (2) T2  T1
1/3 1/3
 Mg   Mg 
(1)   (2)  
 YA   lA  l 2T2  l1T1 l1  l 2
1/3 (3) T1  T2 (4)
 Mgl  Mg 2
(3)   (4)
 YA  2YA
35. A wire can sustain a weight of 15 kg. If it cut into
30. A rigid bar of mass 15 kg is supported four equal parts, then each part can sustain a
symmetrically by three wire each of 2 m long. weight
These at each end are of copper and middle one
(1) 5 kg (2) 45 kg
is of steel. Young’s modulus of elasticity for copper
and steel are 110 × 109 N/m2 and 190 × 109 N/m2 (3) 15 kg (4) 30 kg
respectively. If each wire is to have same tension, 36. The normal density of gold is and its modulus is
ratio of their diameters will be B. The increase in density of piece of gold when
11 19 pressure P is applied uniformly from all sides
(1) (2)
19 11 P B
(1) (2)
30 11 2B 2P
(3) (4)
11 30
P B
31. The strain energy stored in a body of volume V (3) (4)
due to shear strain  is (shear modulus is ) BP BP

2V V 2 37. A uniform wire of length L and radius r is twisted

(1) (2) by an angle . If modulus of rigidity of the wire is
2 2
, then the elastic potential energy stored in wire,
2V 1 2 is
(3)  V
 2
32. A metal wire having Poisson’s ratio 1/4 and r 4 
Young’s modulus 8  1010 N/m2 is stretched by a 2L2
force, which produces a lateral strain of 0.02% in
it. The elastic potential energy stored per unit r 4  2
volume in wire is [in J/m3] 4L
(1) 2.56 × 104 (2) 1.78 × 106
r 4 
(3) 3.72 × 102 (4) 2.18 × 105 (3)
33. Which of the following curve represents the
correctly distribution of elongation (y) along heavy
r 4  2
rod under its own weight L  length of rod, (4)
x  distance of point from lower end? 2L
y y 38. If  is the depression produced in a beam of length
L, breadth b and thickness d, when a load is
placed at the mid point, then
(1) (2) (1)  L3
x x
L L 1
(2)  
y y b3

(3)  
(3) (4) d
x x (4) All of these
‰ ‰ ‰
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

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