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Thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, just below the
Adam's apple.

Thyroid surgery, A thyroidectomy is the surgical removal of all (total thyroidectomy) or

part (partial thyroidectomy) of your thyroid gland. It is the main surgical treatment for
thyroid cancer and is a treatment option for certain thyroid conditions like goiter and

-The nurse informs the patient about the purpose of preoperative tests.
-The patient is reminded to avoid tea, coffee, cola, and other stimulants.
-The nurse instructs the patient to take supplementary vitamins.
-Preoperative education includes demonstrating to the patient how to support the neck
with the hands after surgery.

-IV fluids are given during the immediate postoperative period.
-Nurse periodically assesses the surgical dressings and reinforces them as necessary.
-Monitor pulse and blood pressure.
-The intensity of pain is assessed.
-The patient is advised to talk as little as possible

Nursing Management
Nursing Diagnosis
-Activity intolerance
-Risk for injury
-Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements

Nursing Intervention
-Monitor vitals
-Control pain
-Assess for signs of hemorrhage
-Position client in a semi-fowler’s position
-Support head with pillows or when moving or turning patient
-Avoid flexion of the neck

Medical Management
Total thyroidectomy/Near-total thyroidectomy
Modified neck dissection/more extensive radical neck dissection (if there is lymph node

-Radioactive iodine (used for thyroid cancers with metastasis)
if less thyroid hoRmone, thyroxine is required permanently

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