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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions I1201 (HUM102)

Performance Task 1 Logo Making

THEME / SUBJECT: The Cardiac Boys

MUST HAVE ELEMENTS: Lechon, Tough Guy, Skulls

Group Members
Argarin, Geraldine R.
Mañalac, Luis Martin L.
Reyes, Nigel Luigi L.
Sale, Kurt Emmanuelle D.
Salisi, Keen Ryan A.
Santos, Ahram Augustine B.

As predetermined our theme / subject consists of “The Cardiac Boys” so our group integrated the theme
as the main name of our logo since the name is already catchy and eloquent. We used a black background to
create and express the emotions of Mystery, Heaviness, Suspense and Death insinuating that eating a large
portion or amount of lechon or other fatty foods will lead you to have high cholesterol leading to cardiac arrest
or a heart attack which directly connects to the name “The Cardiac Boys”. skulls were also required to be
added, our group used this to create a skull with a chefs hat because our logo was about food so we incorporated
the “food” part with the skulls so that the skulls won’t be out of place in the logo and so that the skulls will go
together and will make sense with each different graphic in the logo, we also used the skull as the background
or the foundation of the logo so people will know the connection the logo has with the name and cardiac arrest.
And finally, our group used “tough guy and lechon” which was also a predetermined graphic that was given to
us, we used this by making the tough guy look like he’s cutting the lechon so that it adds more suspense in our
logo. Our logo focuses on the fluency of each and every element it has, and as much as possible we wanted to
make everything work together as a whole.

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