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Activity 3.

1. Explain the difference between domestic and international services.

Domestic business involves those economic transactions that take place within the geographical
boundaries of a country. International business involves those economic transactions that take place
outside the geographical boundaries of a country. Both the buyer and seller belong to the same country in
domestic business.

2. Describe how the following flights differ: Nonstop, direct, and connecting.

• Nonstop flights – the travellers goes from point A to point B on the same aircraft. A non-stop flight is
from one airport to another, without any stops along the way. 
• Direct flights - the travellers goes from point A to point B on the same aircraft but that aircraft stops at
an airport in between. A direct flight is from one airport to another, but includes stops in one or more cities
along the way. The flight number or aircraft and your boarding pass remain the same, however, until the
final destination is reached. 
• Connecting flights- the travellers, to get to his destination, must change planes once, twice, or even
more times. Connecting flights are from one city to another, with a layover stop in between to change
planes. Each flight requires a separate boarding pass, but they're on one itinerary.

3. Which seats do you prefer on the flight? Window or Aisle? Toward the front or at the back?

I prefer seating at the window it became my hobby to seat near window even when I got into a bus or any
close vehicles. I always choose window seats because I can rest my head against the window/wall and
sleep. This is especially important for me on long or night flights and I can enjoy the view during day
flights. Looking out the window I get a better sense to what the plane is doing which helps me relax.

A. Everyone has different priorities as to what is the most important. if you were going to fly on a red-
eyed, what would you consider most valuable? Here are some potential factors. Rate them from 1 (not
at all important) or 5 (extremely important)


1. Pitch between seats 5
2. Recline seats 5
3. Good on-time performance of your flight 5
4. Non-stop flight rather than direct or connecting 5
5. Price of ticket 5
6. Type of aircraft used
7. The possibility that you can upgrade with your 5
8. Whether there will be in-flight movies 5
9. Pleasant experience of previous flight you had 5
with that airlines

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