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Simple Past

 Verbs should change to the past tense.

 Verbs can be divided into two parts: 1- regular verbs 2- irregular verbs
 Regular verbs: to make them past: +ed: Watched listened talked
 Irregular verbs: don’t have a cutting rule. Go >>> went Cut>>> cut Ring
>>> rang
 Whole day, year, century
Subject + verb (past tense)
I went to work yesterday.
I graduated from the University.
I entered the university.

 To make them negative:

I didn’t go to work yesterday.
I didn’t graduate from the university.

 The question form would be like:

Did you go to work yesterday?
Where did you go yesterday?
What did you do?

 The way we pronounce “did you” naturally is “didga”

 Ever and never:

Ever is normally used in question form and means “ up until now”:
Did you ever trust someone?

Never, on the other hand, is used in negative sentences and means “ not until
now “
I never trusted someone.

Did you ever borrow books from others?

What about money? Give back
Did you lend someone money? Because of (due to) the situations I got stuck

Person A lends some money to person B.

Person B borrows some money from person A. Thus, person B owes person
A some money.

How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?
Do people feel embarrassed when they request the things back from friends?

Used to
 Used to is utilized when you had the habit of doing something in the past,
but you quit doing it now.
I used to smoke.
I used to talk too much on the phone.
I used to eat out more.

 The negative form of used to : “ didn’t use to”

I didn’t use to make my bed.
I didn’t used to do the chores.

Did you like math?

Do you think math is important?
Who taught you math?
Was it difficult to you to understand math?
Past continuous:
 Is used when we are talking about a particular time in the past:
What were you doing yesterday at 5 p.m?

Subject + past form of tobe + a gerund (verb + ing)
I was swimming in the pool.
I was skiing with my friends.
They were speaking on the phone.

To make them negative:

You can simple add a “not” after the tobe.
I wasn’t talking to you.
We weren’t listening to the lecturer.

Do you remember the last time you were late for a meeting?
Do you make plans every day?
Would you say you manage your time well? Unpredictable event
I got up at.
I had appointments.
I had my lunch.
I took a nap.

After that:
Then, Following that, Additionally, finally, eventually.

Do you like amusement parks? I am a big fan of. To be interested in sth. I

am mad about something. I am keen on sth.
Opposite would be: I am not quite keen on sth. Its not my cup of tea.
How often do you go to these places? Pay a visit.

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