4.1 QA-QC Procedures

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Doc No :

SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-HCNC-021

Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure of Handling of Non Date: 02.01.2017
Conforming Material Page 1 of 2

1.0 Purpose;
1.1 To establish a documented procedure to control non-conforming products and to detail how HTL shall
prevent the unintended usage and delivery of the product or material that does not conform to specified
2.0 Scope;
2.1 This procedure is the requirement for the effective control by HTL of their out of specification products.
It covers all products of all stages
• When acceptance criteria for Quality control plan are exceeded
• Loss of control of operational parameters
• The products affected to the product safety, quality and legal requirements
3.0 Reference;
3.1 ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System – Requirements, Clause No 8.7
3.2 ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System – Requirements, Clause No 10.2, 10.3
3.3 OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety Management System
3.4 TL 9000:2016 Quality Management System Requirement Handbook (R6) - Requirements, clause .8.7

4.0 Responsibility;
4.1 Process owner, All Department Heads

5.0 Procedure:
5.1 Incoming material non conformances:
• All incoming materials for process are inspected for against Specifications.
• In case, if any deviations are observed the products are not processed further and kept aside with
identification and separate red mark rejection area.
• On verifying the nature of deviation, Quality Assurance Manager ensures to communicate the same
to the suppliers/customer in case of customer supplied materials.
• The deviated materials on agreement of deviation in material by supplier /customer, material will be
sending back to the supplier party and replacement is arranged once the supplier/customer agrees.
• If the material accepted under concession or deviation, CA report shall be filed and the entire usage
of the same material monitored closely.
CA – Corrective Action
5.2 In –process non conformances:
• If any deviation observed during in-process inspection, & it should be recorded in the CA report
and reprocessing the same.
• The products which can be re-worked are shifted to re-work yard and identified with tags.
• Where possible, re- work of products shall be done as per instructions in CA report.
• The details shall be recorded, in the Production report if re-works are done,
• All re-worked products are 100% re-inspected as per specifications and inspection reports are

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: MR

Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-HCNC-021
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure of Handling of Non Date: 02.01.2017
Conforming Material Page 2 of 2

• Products which can’t be re-worked will be discarded & the details will be recorded in the CA
• Corrective actions shall be updated in the risk register
• Rejected product it should be kept in Separate Red rejection Area
5.3 Final inspection
• Production incharge shall finished goods handover to QA, after inspected as per FG declaration by
QA incharge .
• All the finished goods are inspected as per order requirement by QA incharge handover to Dispatch
department and if any deviations observed during final inspection, it should be recorded in the CA
report and will be reprocessed after QA confirmation.
• Where reprocess is not possible, the same is discarded. All accepted products are shifted to packing
area. NC’s observed at this stage are recorded in CA reports.
• Where required, Head/COO decides to obtain concession on deviation from customer to dispatch
non-conformance under deviation.
• Deviation products are not authorized for delivery to customer under concession.
• The material dispatched under deviation will be properly identified on each lot.
• Production Head ensures to carry out analysis of non-conformance products once in a month by
using QC tools & prioritize the deviations for taking corrective actions.
• Corrective actions are taken as per the Production Head.
• Corrective actions shall be updated in the risk register.

5.4 Records Retention Period Matrix

S. No Record Department Responsibility Retention

1 CA Report QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013 Production Head 1 Year
2 Procedure for Nonconformity IMS-XMR-PR-CACI-027 Production Head 1 Year
Corrective Action

6.0 Revision History

Revision Record
Revision Description of the changes Prepared Date

0.0 New Released Hemlata Thakur 19.03.2016

0.1 Second Released – Addition of TL 9000 :R6 Clause Hemlata Thakur 02.01.2017

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: MR

Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-XMMP-024
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Monitoring and Date: 02.01.2017
Measurement Page 1 of 3

1.0 Purpose;
1.1 To establish a system for measurement to evaluate compliance to monitor progress in achieving IMS objectives and
operational requirements.

2.0 Scope;
2.1 Applicable to all the products and the IMS at HTL.

3.0 Reference;
3.1 ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System – Requirements, clause –9.1
3.2 ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System – Requirements, clause – 9.1
3.3 OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety Management System Requirements, clause – 4.5.1
3.4 TL 9000:2016 Quality Management System Requirement Handbook (R6) - Requirements, clause-9.1

4.0 Definitions;
4.1 Inspection- conformity evaluation by observation and judgment accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing
or gauging.

4.2 Test – determination of one or more characteristics according to a prescribed procedure.

4.3 Verification – confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been

4.4 Audit – systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively
to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled.

5.0 Responsibility;
5.1 MR, Internal Auditors and Auditee, QA Head, QA Engineer
5.2 Production Head, Production Engineer
5.3 Area Incharge

6.0 Records;
6.1 Record must be maintained in prescribed format register with document control cell.

7.0 Procedure;
7.1 Raw Material Inspection
Incoming good receipt shall be checked / tested by IGI incharge as per quality test plan and RMS, record
should be maintained in RM test format.
After completion inspection of RM, Material reject or passed as per test result and marked Red tag for reject
RM and Green tag for passed RM , Yellow tag for under testing RM ,Rejected material shall to be send NCR
Rejected material send back to supplier and purchase head shall take corrective action from supplier
IGI inspection based on sampling basis plan QA-XRM-WI-SPRM-033
Supplier Performance Rating by Purchase/ QA department as per procedure QA-XRM-WI-XSPR-035
Above 95 and QI rating above 50% - Excellent
80- 95 and QI rating above 50% - Very Good
60 – 80 and QI rating above 50% - Good
50 -60 and QI rating above 50% - Average
Below 50 – Poor

7.2 Semi-Finished and Finished Product Inspection

Machine operator and production engineer checked all products online and create production OK or NCR as
per verification and tagging with all details on semi finished product, entry all details on production log sheet
and send product for QA testing area.
Test and inspect the product as per customer specification/ data sheet

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-XMMP-024
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Monitoring and Date: 02.01.2017
Measurement Page 2 of 3

If Product is OK put it Green tag on product and if product is HOLD then put White tag on product and send to
define NCR area
Keep all record in In process test format electronic copy or hard copy
Based on the quality achievement first time right (FTR) is analyzed for measuring the process performance.
Overall equipment efficiency (OEE) is monitored for measuring the effectiveness of the process and the
efficiency of the machineries.
On time delivery (OTD) is monitored to ensure customer expected scheduled delivery or met.
If any deviation observed during in-process inspection, & it should be recorded in the CA report and
reprocessing the same.

7.3 Pre –Delivery Inspection

Check finished product before packing
Check all documents and stenciling as per customer requirement which is stick on drum like test report
Verify length and quantity of finished product as per PO
Keep record in dispatch report

8.0 Monitoring of Measuring Instruments

Maintenance is responsible for calibration of inspection instruments; measuring and test equipments’ used for
monitoring and measurements of IMS attributes and shall maintain the records of the same.
The instruments used for Monitoring IMS parameters shall be calibrated by maintenance (in house or external).
External assistance can be taken for such calibration, and those labs shall be recognition of national standard or
NABL accreditation.
A master list of instruments & equipments required to be calibrated maintained by maintenance team on a
periodical basis.

9.0 Internal Quality Process audit

The internal Quality process audit shall be carried out to verify the effectiveness of the process.
Internal auditor shall be performed as per audit schedule for particular department and quality head shall
nominate a trained audit team for process audit
Based on process audit report given NC / OFI for continuous improvement
This process audit finding communicate to all, Auditor shall communicate the audit findings to all relevant
person via e-mail or Hand over a copy of non conformance/corrective action reports to process owner after
discussion with department/ function head.
Process owner needs to take corrective /correction action for close NC and OFI, close the riseed NC/OFI within
time frame one month ,if NC is taking longer time to close due to some action like infrastructure change , same
to be mentioned in the NC closure form ,In case it will not exceed 2 month.
If corrective action has not been completed within the committed time then intimate in writing to Management
Representative about the new date for completion. Return the NCR to MR once the corrective action is
Complete the corrective action by process owner as agreed by auditor
The audit findings shall be reviewed in the management review meetings.

9.1 EMS and OHSAS Monitoring and Measurement

Monitoring the performance of EMS & OSHMS Objectives
Monitoring key characteristics of operational control
Monitoring effectiveness of established safety controls, operational criteria, work permit system
Near miss, accident.incidents reports
Concerns/complaints from interested parties, third party audit reports
HIRA and aspect, impact register update once in a year and whenever required
Legal requirement register update once in year and whenever required
Health checkup for all contractor and employee once in a year
Resource consumption (which includes Raw material, Chemicals, water, electricity and other fossil fuel) and
waste management

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-XMMP-024
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Monitoring and Date: 02.01.2017
Measurement Page 3 of 3

Safety walk shall be conducted once in a month by IMS team to indentify effectiveness as well as deficiency of
the EHS implementation.

10.0 List of Associated Document

S. No. Document No. Description Responsibility

1 IMS-XMR-FR-XIAR-004 Internal Audit Report IMS Coordinator
2 IMS-LPA-XR-010 Lay Process Audit Report IMS Coordinator
3 QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013 Corrective Action Of Non Conforming Production Head
Product - OFC

11.0 Revision of History;

Revision Description of the changes Prepared Date

0.0 New Released Hemlata Thakur 20.03.2016

0.1 Second Released – Added TL 9000 :R6 Clause Hemlata Thakur 02.01.2017

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-CACI-027
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Nonconformity Date: 02.01.2017
Corrective Action and continual
Page 1 of 5

1.0 Purpose;
1.1 To define a procedure for Nonconformity and corrective action, continual improvement.

2.0 Scope;
2.1 Applicable to non conforming products discovered at all stages of production or after delivery or start use of the
product material at HTL.

3.0 Reference;
3.1 ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System – Requirements, clause – 10.2
3.2 ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System – Requirements, clause – 10.2
3.3 OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety Management System Requirements –Clause -
3.4 TL 9000:2016 Quality Management System Requirement Handbook (R6) - Requirements, clause-10.2

4.0 Definitions;
4.1 Nonconformity: Non-fulfilment of a requirement

4.2 Corrective action: Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation.

4.3 Correction: A correction is any action that is taken to eliminate nonconformity. However, corrections do not address
root causes. When applied to products, corrections can include reworking products, reprocessing them, regarding
them, assigning them to a different use, or simply destroying them.

4.4 Continual improvement: recurring activity to enhance performance, continual improvement process is in detail
developed Deming cycle PDCA (Plan – Do – Check – Act).

5.0 Responsibility;
4.1 All Department Heads

6.0 Records;
5.1 Records to be maintain prescribed formats mention in CA Report -QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013 and Internal Audit
Report IMS-XMR-FR-XIAR-004

7.0 Procedure;

7.1 Product Non-Conformance

Clause Process Description Responsibility

7.1.1 At any stage of manufacturing of product if any non conformity is observed , QA Inspector
the QA inspector will make NCR entry in slip format QA-OFC-FR-NCIF-014 and
intimate to production team and also entry in Corrective action report QA-OFC-
7.1.2 Production team will do the correction and give corrective action against created Production Head
NC by quality in format QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013
7.1.3 And mention remark as a NC product on production tag which is on non- QA Inspector
confirming product, move the Non- confirming product in HOLD area/ Rejected
7.1.4 Carry out necessary rework on the Non – conformity product or pass to next stage Production
based downgrade quality specification. Incharge
7.1.5 If the product is not suitable even for down grading then take appropriate decision Production Head
to scrap the product.
7.1.6 Inspect all reworked product before processing for next stage QA Inspector

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-CACI-027
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Nonconformity Date: 02.01.2017
Corrective Action and continual
Page 2 of 5

7.1.7 After re inspection QA inspector will update the remark in FG Declaration format QA Inspector

7.1.8 In case any downgrading approval is required from customer obtain necessary Production Head
approval in written from customer

7.1.9 For any NC occurrence, departmental head / process owner shall verify the risk IMS coordinator
register for the particular NC is addressed or not. If addressed IMS team shall
investigate the particular instance and impart effective mitigation plan, if not IMS
team shall update the risk register

7.2 Incoming Raw material Non – Conformance

Clause Process Description Responsibility

7.2.1 Any raw material is not meeting requirement of RMS, should be re inspected for IGI Inspector
failure confirmation .once it is validated, send message to Purchase department,
Store &Head QA, Head Production and Unit Head.
7.2.2 Send Non conformity of RM to Vendor along with PO, Purchase
7.2.3 Fill the Vendor Complaint Form QA-VCR-FR-002 after conformation of NC Quality Head
7.2.4 Discuss the severity of NCR with Production Head, QA Head and Concerned Production
Departments, Take decision to accept, reject or downgrade the non-conformance Head/QA head
material looking at the severity of non-conformance( Decision should be taken in 3
days otherwise consider it as a rejected material )
7.2.5 Accept the material and clear GRN if decision is taken to accept with IGI Inspector
deviation,(GRN release within 1 day after decision)
7.2.6 Return the material to supplier if decision is taken to reject. Purchase
7.2.7 For any NC occurrence, departmental head / process owner shall verify the risk IMS Coordinator
register for the particular NC is addressed or not. If addressed IMS team shall
investigate the particular instance and impart effective mitigation plan, if not IMS
team shall update the risk register

7.3 Customer complaints

Clause Process Description Responsibility

7.3.1 All the customer complaints shall be registered and intimated to Quality Head Marketing
7.3.2 Quality Head shall initiate for investigation and analyse the root cause for the non QA Head
conformance raised by the customer by analysing the master sample.
7.3.3 If the master sample complies with the specification, Technical person shall visit QA Head/
the customer place to analyse the complained material. If the supplied material Marketing
found defective, it shall be returned to the factory and compensation shall be
provided to the customer in the form of replacement material/money as agreed
7.3.4 The root cause shall be investigated and the corrective action shall be planned QA Head
7.3.5 The returned material shall be quarantined and analysed for reprocess/rework. If QA Head
rework/reprocess is not possible, the material will be scraped.
7.3.6 All the customer complaints shall be closed within 10 working days. QA Head
7.3.7 All the details shall be recorded in the Corrective action format QA-OFC-FR- QA Head

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-CACI-027
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Nonconformity Date: 02.01.2017
Corrective Action and continual
Page 3 of 5

7.3.8 For any NC occurrence, departmental head / process owner shall verify the risk IMS Coordinator
register for the particular NC is addressed or not. If addressed IMS team shall
investigate the particular instance and impart effective mitigation plan, if not IMS
team shall update the risk register

7.4 Non-Conformance related to OTD failure;

Clause Process Description Responsibili

7.4.1 Any failure /delay in delivery as per PO should be informed to customer in advance Sales
with revised possible delivery date.

7.4.2 Obtain necessary delivery date extension from customer for further supply of Sales
7.4.3 Respective departments will take corrective action after cause analysis both for ex- HOD
works and Logistics failures. Cause analysis and corrective will be recorded in the
format no QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013
7.4.4 Calculation of OTD as per Format PR-XFG-FR-XOTD-002, OTD performance HOD
and corrective & preventive actions will be reviewed in Management Committee
7.4.5 For any NC occurrence, departmental head / process owner shall verify the risk IMS
register for the particular NC is addressed or not. If addressed IMS team shall Coordinator
investigate the particular instance and impart effective mitigation plan, if not IMS
team shall update the risk register

7.5 Non – Conformance for EMS & OHSAS;

Clause Process Description Responsibility

Non-conformance in respect of EMS & OHSAS may be identified in following situations

7.5.1 A situation of noncompliance with safety, environmental or other regulations EHS Officer
7.5.2 Any external complaints, complaints from employees, near miss EHS Officer
7.5.3 A recurring problem with a process or work operation with the potential for safety HOD
or environmental impact.
7.5.4 Noncompliance or non-conformance observed during an internal, corporate or EHS Officer
third-party audit
7.5.5 Accidents or incidents with the potential for safety or environmental impact. HOD
7.5.6 Significant aspect or hazards control. HOD
7.5.7 For any NC occurrence, departmental head / process owner shall verify the risk EHS Officer
register for the particular NC is addressed or not. If addressed EHS Officer shall
investigate the particular instance and impart effective mitigation plan, if not EHS
Officer shall update the risk register

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-CACI-027
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Nonconformity Date: 02.01.2017
Corrective Action and continual
Page 4 of 5

7.6 Corrective Action;

Clause Process Description Responsibility

7.6.1 Corrective action in respect of any of the above 7.1,7.2 & 7.3 nonconformities Process Owner
shall be taken as per the following steps
7.6.2 The identified non-conformity will be reviewed by the HOD HOD
concerns and proposed corrective action,
7.6.3 Analysis of root cause and maintain record in IMS-XMR-FR-XNCF-005 and Process Owner
product related maintain record in QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013
7.6.4 For all system non-conformities cause analysis shall be done and corrective action HOD /Process
be appropriate to the cause. Where management sanction is required concerned Owner
process owner shall initiate necessary action. The proposed corrective action shall
be reviewed through risk assessment and involvement of own employees and
contract employees.
7.6.5 Action plan to ensure that Non conformities do not recur HOD
7.6.6 Initiate corrective actions for the Non conformity. HOD
7.6.7 Where appropriate Re-verification of the corrective action of the Non conformity. HOD
7.6.8 The signification and effectiveness of the corrective action shell be discussed in MR
7.6.9 For any NC occurrence, departmental head / process owner shall verify the risk IMS Team
register for the particular NC is addressed or not. If addressed IMS team shall
investigate the particular instance and impart effective mitigation plan, if not IMS
team shall update the risk register

7.7 Continual Improvement;

Clause Process Description Responsibility

7.7.1 Reason for improvement: a process problem should be identified and an area for Process owner
improvement selected, noting the reason for working on it
7.7.2 Current situation: the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing process should be Process
evaluated. Data to discover what types of problems occur most often should be owner/HOD
collected and analyzed. A specific problem should be selected and an objective for
improvement should be set.
7.7.3 Analysis: the root causes of the problem should be identified and verified. Process
7.7.4 Identification of possible solutions: alternative solutions should be explored. The Process
best solution should be selected and implemented: i.e. the one that will eliminate owner/HOD
the root causes of the problem and prevent the problem from recurring.
7.7.5 Evaluation of effects: it should then be confirmed that the problem and its root Process
causes have been eliminated or their effects decreased, that the solution has owner/HOD
worked, and the objective for improvement has been met
7.7.4 Implementation and standardization of the new solution: the old process should be Process owner
replaced with the improved process, thereby preventing the problem and its root
causes from recurring
7.7.5 Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the process with the improvement Process owner
action completed: the effectiveness and efficiency of the improvement project
should be evaluated and consideration should be given for using its solution
elsewhere in the organization
7.7.5 Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the process with the improvement Process

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No :
SOP Document IMS-XMR-PR-CACI-027
Issue 02, Rev: 01
Procedure for Nonconformity Date: 02.01.2017
Corrective Action and continual
Page 5 of 5

action completed: the effectiveness and efficiency of the improvement project owner/HOD
should be evaluated and consideration should be given for using its solution
elsewhere in the organization

7.8 List of Associated Document

S. No. Document No. Description Responsibility

1 QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013 Standard Format of Corrective Of Non Process Owner
Conforming Product - OFC
2 IMS-XMR-FR-XNCF-005 Non Conformity Format- Internal Process Owner
3 QA-OFC-FR-XXCA-013 Standard Format of Corrective Of Production
Non Conforming Product - OFC Head
4 QA-OFC-FR-NCIF-014 NC Product Intimation Format Quality Head

8.0 Revision History

Revision Description of the changes Prepared Date

0.0 New Released Hemlata Thakur 28.05.2016

0.1 Second Released – Added TL 9000 :R6 Clause Hemlata Thakur 02.01.2017

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Format No. IMS-XMR-FR-XSFP-003 Approved by: Management Representative
Name: Hemlata Thakur Revision No. 0.0 Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

The information contained in this document is proprietary to HTL and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part in any form or for any reason except as
expressly stated in writing by HTL.
Doc No:
Flow Chart QA-PFC-FR-IGIF-001
Issue 01, Rev: 00
Incoming good inspection Flow Chart Date: 12.03.2016
Page 1 of 1

1.0 Purpose;
1.0 A flowchart visually displays the sequence of activities in a process Incoming good inspection.

2.0 Scope;
2.1 Cover all activity of Incoming good inspection.

3.0 Flow Chart;

Material Received from

Packing /Visual Quantity Check
Vendor, GRN make by Store
incharge, GRN given to IGI
Inspection of of RM for
Incharge RM sampling

Checking of Vendor
Test Report parameter
and MSDS for new

QA Department Reject RM


Vendor Reject Accept

Double Inspection
Complaint Form
Sampling Report
for RM

Raw Material
Material Return Stock
to Vendor

Prepared by: IGI Engineer Approved by: QA Head

Name: Hemlata Thakur Name: Mr.Anil Lagad
Doc No:
Flow Chart QA-PFC-FR-XFGH-005
Issue 01, Rev: 00
Finished Goods Handling Date: 30.05.2016
Page 1 of 1

1.0Purpose –
Purpose of this flowchart is streamline the finished product flow with handling responsibility at
each stage from production till dispatch

2.0Flow Chart –
Flow Chart Document Responsibility

Finished DWS Production


Offer cable to QC Offer Register Production

Rework / Retest

N ok QC Quality


Top / Bottom with Outgoing register
End cap and pulling
Eye attachment

Move to C Shed Outgoing register Quality

Signoff Betn QA & Outgoing register Quality & Dispatch


Stencil, Pack & Dispatch Register Dispatch

store at appropriate

Dispatch as Dispatch Register Dispatch

per IC with
test report

Prepared by: IMS Coordinator Approved by: MR

Name: Hemlata Thakur Name: Mr.Anil Lagad

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