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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)

IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

Enhanced Image Steganography with PVD

2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) 978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 10.1109/ICCMC48092.2020.ICCMC-000176

and Edge Detection

B.Vishnu, 3 Leena Vishnu Namboothiri 2
Sandeep R Sajeesh, 3 Leena Vishnu Namboothiri
PG Scholar, 3 Assistant Professor 1,2
PG Scholar, 3 Assistant Professor
1,2,3 1,2,3
Department of Computer Science & IT Department of Computer Science & IT
1,2,3 1,2,3
Amrita School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi Amrita School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
1 ,3 2, 3

Abstract. S teganography is the concept to conceal other format (Encryption). On the recip ient side
information and the data by embedding it as secret data (Decryption) the sent information is returned back to
into various digital medium in order to achieve higher its original configuration. This is what is practically
security. To achieve this, many steganographic
called as Cryptography. Steganography is seen as an
algorithms are already proposed. The ability of human
eyes as well as invisibility remain the most important
advanced and improved form o f cryptography which
and prominent factor for the security and protection. is basically hiding information.
The most commonly used security measure of data
hiding within images Steganography is distinct from cryptography, as the c
Yet it is ineffective against S teganalysis and lacks ode is not changed in any way in steganography.The
proper verifications. Thus the proposed system of message will be embedded into some unsuspicious
Image S teganography using PVD (Pixel Value
med ia like images, audio, video etc as shown in Fig 1.
Differentiating) proves to be a better choice. It
compresses and embeds data in images at the pixel Thus in co mparison to cryptography, Steganography
value difference calculated between two consecutive has higher security imp lications as the informat ion or
pixels. To increase the security, another technique message being transmitted is less prone, less
called Edge Detection is used along with PVD to embed susceptible and less visible to intruder attacks. The
data at the edges. Edge Detection techniques like Canny most commonly used Image
algorithm are used to find the edges in an image Steganography technique is the LSB method. The
horizontally as well as vertically. The edge pixels in an least notable parts of the scattered
image can be used to handle more bits of message s, pixels of an image in this technique are successively
because more pixel value shifts can be handled by the
superseded by the mystery messages. The
image edge area.
advantages of this methodology are that it is the least
Keywords: Image S teganography, PVD, Canny Edge complex one to understand, easily executable and
Detection. generates the secret message containing stego-
pictures. The drawback of Least Significant Bit
I. INTRODUCTION (LSB) is that it is helpless against Steganalysis and
does not verify in any way. This disadvantage can
The basic princip le of the Steganography technique is be overcome by using another technique called Pixel
to conceal the secret data or information in images, Value Differentiating (PVD). The d ifference of two
audios, or video files[1 ]. It is basically a technology successive pixels is taken into consideration for the
and science to conceal confidential informat ion by us purpose of message hiding. This method Pixel Value
ing other commun ications or med ia that tend to be les Differentiating (PVD) is broadly used in concealing
s suspicious. In this developing and edge-cutting the data field.Th is approach measures the difference
world of technologies, the need for and reach of data in in intensity values of two adjacent pixels, wh ich
has always grown to the point where most of the evaluates the hiding potential depending on the
world ’s functionalities operate on data and informat io variations in pixel value. PVD is mo re resilient
n basis. This essential factor has also invariably against the steganalytical attacks; it is more effect ive
raised the need for protection of messages and data and conceals more data than the LSB. But PVD
which are of h igh confidentiality levels. The formal weakens the image quality, compared to LSB.
and most commonly used technique till date is
Encryption. Th is technique basically trans mits Because of these abrupt differences in the
informat ion by changing the information to some visual and mathematical properties, edges in a smoot

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 949

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

her region are d ifficu lt to model as opposed to pixels. analyzed. In fact, seven steganographic methods were
As a result, the pixels in the edge regions serves applied and studied. In paper [6], p ixel-value
better option in concealing the secret data than any differencing (PVD) technique is the steganographic
other regions in an image where a slight change in scheme used on images to embed confidential data. It
proportion is very apparent, making the image less is done sequentially into each pixel using the PVD
suspicious to intruders and hence enhancing the algorith m. Data can be embedded into RGB color
security. cover images. Thereby, the secret message is
embedded independently on every pixel color b locks
using the PVD scheme. Fro m this scheme, the
conclusion was hence drawn, that the blocks that
were overlapping resulted in better data hold ing
capacity of the image [6]. Paper [7] studied on ways
to improve the resultant stego-image quality visually.
Improving the visual perception and quality levels is
directly proportional to the data confidentiality,
security and credibility. Pixel Value Differencing
(PVD) method was proposed by Wu & Tsai [8]. This
method proves to be the better and efficient way to
result in an output compared to that yielded by the
LSB methods of replacing bits. In other words, this
Fig.1. General Steganography Mechanism approach provides an easy way for an output that is
more imperceptible than those achieved with the
least significant amount. In this proposal, the original
In this paper, the provided image is converted to
cover image is not necessarily taken for the final
stego image for hid ing secret data or informat ion extraction of the credible data [8].
within, by comb ining PVD technique with Canny
Edge Detection [2]. This paper contributes:
Steganalysis method using tri-way PVD approach is
discussed by Tseng & Leng [9] . This study diverged
1) The edges of the provided image are identified
fro m the conventional PVD technique in the new way
using the Edge Detection Method- Canny Algorithm.
that its uses perfect square number [PSN]. This in
2) The secret text is converted to decimal and then
turn, improved the traditional technique. The secret
binary to ensure double protection.
data which is to be concealed is embedded along with
3) PVD is used to embed the images (using modulus
the PSN. Liao and Wen in their paper .[10] proposed
function) wh ich makes ext raction of data more
ideas for advanced LSB techniques. The paper also
marked the development of four pixel differencing
4) These steps are applied in reverse for the secret
method [16]. Another proposal was studied which
text extraction from the image pixels.
focused on the seven-directional PVD scheme [11]
for imp roving and enhancing the payload capacity.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Secret Data Extraction does not necessarily depend
on the original cover image for the decrypting
Through literature survey, various Steganographic process. Co mpared to Wu and Tsai’s and Tseng and
schemes were found. One of the most widely and Leng’s [8] schemes, th is scheme worked out
commonly used methods for highly encrypted and experiments to prove that the data encapsulating
confidential data encapsulation in image is the Least capacity is improved in a much better way [11]. New
Significant Bit (LSB) technique. Cover pixels are not PVD techniques based on modulus functions were
changed explicit ly in the Yang [3] scheme. For also researched [12]. In paper [13], falling-off
extracting the data that is secret, the message is boundary is researched and studied in an adaptive
initially toggled and the pattern generated is taken approach. Pixel value management in the gray scale
and studied [16]. Chen [4] subsequently suggested an range is proposed using an adaptive steganography
updated scheme that improves the visual based on the modified technique of differencing the
configurations of the stego-image using the LSB pixel value ranges.
replacement modulus function. Later, Xu, [5]
proposed a fixed-payload steganographic system. The involvement of Neural Networks in the PVD is
This work was based on the common methods of
established in paper [14], which co mb ines the theme
steganography and their implementations. Hence, the
of PVD scheme and Data Co mpression. A well
strength and weakness of each method were

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 950

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

secured and credible steganography is achieved by well as step in the Algorithm to smoothen out the
applying neural network thesis on the Conventional image fro m unwanted noises as the first step of edge
data encapsulating techniques . Neural Steganography finding. Horizontal, vertical and d iagonal edges are
is an important and essential tool for co mmun icating detected using Canny Algorithm as the provided
with the people. In this paper [15], secret data bits are image’s edge may have many directions. The
embedded into images pixels based on the color directions are hence found using the atan2 function
plane reference using the LSB technique [16]. with the output horizontal and vertical filters.


where Gx is the horizontal d irection and Gy is the
This section proposes the ways for embed ment of vertical d irection. As the next step to find the Non-
secret messages within the carrier RGB image. maximu m suppression, an edge-thinning technique is
As explained earlier, concealing secret data in the applied. Hence the largest edge is detected. All the
edge pixels are way better than any other regions in gradient intensity values except Local Maxima are
an image where a slight distortion is much more suppressed by this step. The edge-finding algorith m
visible, making the image less apparent to hackers and the embedding algorith m are simu lated in
and intruders and thus improving security and credibi Matlab. Standard RGB images (Color) are used as
lity. input for testing as well as embedding the secret
a. ALGORITHM 1 - Canny:
Canny is one of the popular edge detection
algorith ms, which was invented by John Canny [17] Step 1-Start
in 1986. The benefit o f Canny Edge detection is that Step 2- Browse and Input the image(Input image is in
it can identify the edge of the original image with a RGB)
small error overlap in order to obtain the edge of the Step 3-Convolution with Gaussian Filter Coefficient
ideal image. This detector has been widely used in Step 4- Convolution with Canny Filter for Horizontal
various image processing algorithms that require and Vertical orientation.
edge detection. Edge detection efficiency is highly Step 5- Calculate directions/ orientations using atan2
dependent upon the threshold value used [18]. The Step 6- Making all the directions positive by
size of the Gaussian filter, a high threshold value, and adjusting the negative directions.
a low threshold value are the required parameters for Step 7- Adjust to nearest 0, 45, 90, and 135 degree
this algorith m. The output will be the same input Step 8- Calculate the magnitude
image and secret data. As a result, it would be Step 9- Perform Non-Maximum Suppression
considerably unclear to uncover the workings of the Step 10-Apply Hysteresis Thresholding
algorith m [18]. Based on Canny Algorith m, the edges Step 11- Show final edge detection result
are identified first in order to obtain the correct and Step 12- Stop
true edges. The edge function of Canny calcu lates the
gradient using a Gaussian filter derivative. Strong B. PVD SCHEME
and weak edges are identified by this method using
threshold values. This also includes the weak edges Image Steganography is the area which related to the
embed ment of secret texts within image Medias. Add
which are connected to strong edges. Hence on
ing other data into pixels of image can cause alteratio
comparing Canny Method with any other techniques
ns in the proportion of image. The PVD p roves to be
existing, it is likely to be skewed by the noise factor better than the LSB in terms of security and integrity.
and more ab le to find the real weak edge. Payload Wu and Tsai discovered that the edge elements or
Edge Detection technique the period of the given pixels can embed mo re amount of data co mpared to
images are essential. Based on three factors, low any other regions in an image. Hence they proposed
threshold (Tl ), high threshold (Th ) and width of the PVD (Pixel Value Differencing) method [19],
based on this principle. The underlying principle
Gaussian kernel, Canny algorith m outputs the edges
behind is, an image is broken into many blocks. For
in an image. Gaussian kernel is an important factor as

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 951

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

each block the differences of the adjacent p ixels are

taken, data is concealed within them hence it is
altered to a new value[20]. The modifications on an
image is done by PVD is such a way that it does not
alter the grayscale proportion [20]. PVD is also used
for edged regions of an image to improve the pixel
The response of the human
vision to the gray value (0-255) ranges plays a
prominent role in the selection of pixel value range
determination [21]. Thus PVD scheme p roves to be
much better and easier way in terms of effect ive
output generation, as compared to simp le LSB
replacement methods [22]
Fig. 2. Proposed Flowchart

Step 1 - Start
Step 2 - Reading a secret text file
Step 3 - Read cover image(get image and separate
RGB values)
Step 4 - Select color red for embedding
Step 5 - Identify two blocks of pixels and find the
a - Selecting range and Checking if any pixel
from block falls off boundary
b - Calculate quantization width of range
c - Calculate maximu m bit can be embedded
in 2 pixels
d - Calculate the maximu m capacity of the Fig. 3. Cover image (input)
cover image
i - Check if it exceeds the length of message
ii- Check if value exceeds the length of
iii- Check if value exceeds the length of
Step 6 - Create stego image
a- Check if value check if the cover is small
for the given message to be embedded
Step 7 - Read stego image
Step 8 - Select red color where the data is embedded
a - Check if any pixels falls off boundary
b - Identify two blocks of pixels
i - Calculate the difference
c - Test the boundary
i - Check if any pixel in a block fall off the Fig. 4. Edge detected image
d - Find quantization width of range and
calculate maximu m bit that can
be embedded between 2 pixel
e - Extraction of Message
Step 9 - Stop

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 952

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

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