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Personal Achievement

In September of 2022 I went to Superstore to drop off my resume, that same day I got hired as
apparel clerk at the Joe department of Superstore. I was super happy when I got the job because I
had been looking for a job for a while with no luck. So, getting that job was big achievement for
Personal Relevancy:
By getting this job it helped boost my confidence and ability to talk to others. I gained more
independence from this job as it helped me to work independently without requiring others to
guide me on, I have to do. Getting this job has made feel proud of myself for achieving this
because I was struggling to find a job. I have also made better connection with people while
Skill Development
Skills that I have developed by getting job include organization, time management and
responsibility. Other skills I developed are communication and how to save money. Since I can
only so much per paycheck, I have learned to spend money more wisely. I have learned how to
be more approachable and serviceable to others.
By getting this job I learned that I can communicate with others and help them their needs.
Besides this I have found that I don’t really enjoy my job that much, but I also do because it
gives me a sense of purpose. I’m also a patient person this is something else I have learned from
working at Superstore. As well I am good at organizing things.
Future Connections
This achievement will help me when find jobs in future as it will help know what I am looking
for in a job and will look on resume. It will also help find a job faster as employers will see that I
have experience. When it comes to other jobs I get in the future I will be able to more
responsible with other jobs.

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