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Second Term Examination

2022- 2023
Grade: VII Max. Marks: 80
Date: dd/mm/yy Time Allowed: 2 hours


 Answers to Physics, Chemistry and Biology should be written on separate

answer sheets.
 You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
 This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
 The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the
 The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given alongside
the questions in brackets [ ].

PHYSICS (25 marks)
Section I
(All questions are compulsory)

Question 1

[A] Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers: [3]

1. Sound helps us to ______________ with one another.

2. Electric current requires a ______________ to flow.
3. A resistor consumes ______________ energy.

[B] Choose the correct option: [2]

1. The characteristic of sound which distinguishes a feeble sound from a loud one of the
same frequency is called ______________ of sound.

(a) pitch (b) loudness (c) quality

2. A ______________ is a part of a circuit that resists the flow of electrons in a wire and
decreases the amount of current flowing through the conductor.

(a) resistor (b) ammeter (c) switch

[C] Answer in one sentence: [2]

1. Curtain is an example of bad reflector of sound. Why?

2. What is the maximum displacement of particles in a medium from their mean position is

Question 2

[A] Define: [4]

1. Reflection of Sound
2. A good conductor

[B] Draw electrical symbols used in circuit diagrams of the following: [3]

1. Cell
2. Resistor
3. Bulb

Question 3

[A] Answer briefly: [2]

Why do we not hear an echo in a room?

[B] Differentiate between the following: [4]

1. Loudness and Pitch

2. Musical sound and Noise

(Attempt any one question. Each question carries 5 marks)

Question 4

[A] Answer the following: [3]

State and explain briefly the three characteristics on which loudness of the sound

[B] Give reason: [2]

A battery is used when we require more electricity.

Question 5

[A] Answer the following: [3]

What is the full form of SONAR? How is it useful in determining the depth of the sea and
for locating under water objects?

[B] Give reason: [2]

Secondary cells are also called storage cells or accumulators.

CHEMISTRY (25 Marks)
Section I
(All questions are compulsory.)

Question 1

[A] Fill in the blanks: [3]

1. The form of carbon which is used as a heating fuel is _____________.

2. Inorganic acids are also called _________ acids.
3. The natural source of tartaric acid is ______________.

[B] Name the following: [2]

1. A non-metal which possess lustre.

2. The acid used to make aerated drinks.


[A] Answer in one sentence: [5]

1. Name the gas used for filling electric bulbs.

2. Define the process of rusting.
3. Define lustre.
4. Define acidity of a base.
5. State any one use of acetic acid.

(B) Which property of carbon dioxide is shown in the diagrams below? [2]



Question 3

[A] What happens when [4]

1. Blue litmus is dipped in a beaker containing dil. H2SO4.

2. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a test-tube containing methyl orange.
3. Sodium reacts with cold water.
4. An iron object is placed in water.

[B] Answer the following questions: [4]
1. Explain how lime water turns milky on blowing air into it.
2. Differentiate between acids and bases with respect to-
(i) solubility
(ii) action with methyl orange.

(Attempt any one question. Each question carries 5 marks)

Question 4

[A] Complete the following chemical equations and rewrite: [2]

1. Magnesium + oxygen → ___________________________

2. Sulphur + oxygen → _____________________________

[B] Answer the following questions:

1. Following two acids dissociate in the presence of water, which of the following
is a weak acid? [2]


H3PO4 → 3H+ + PO4 3-

2. In which form is nitrogen present in the Earth’s crust? [1]


Question 5

[A] Complete the following chemical equations and rewrite: [2]

1. Iron + moisture + oxygen → _____________________________
2. Carbon + oxygen → _____________________________

[B] Answer the following questions:

1. When a weak base is dissolved in water, the following type of equilibrium arises:
B + H2O ⇌ BH+ + OH-
Where B represents the chemical formula for the base, given below are the some
Reactions, on the basis of the given eqaution identify which of the following are the
Weak bases-
i. NaOH + H2O → Na+ + OH- + H2O
ii. NH3 + H2O → NH4+ + OH− [2]

2. What mixture do deep sea divers use for breathing? [1]


Section I
(All questions are compulsory.)
Question 1

[A] Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers. [4]

1. __________ in the vein prevents back flow of blood.

2. ________ is obtained from pine stems to make varnish.
3. An external membrane called the_____ covers both right and left lungs.
4. During respiration, energy is produced in the form of _____________.

[B] State whether the following statements are true or false: [2]

1. External respiration is a biochemical process.

2. The nasal cavity and mouth cavity are separated by a partition called palate.

[C] Answer the following in one sentence: [4]

1. Define excretion
2. What is the use of gum excreted from plants?
3. Name the waste products formed during the process of respiration and
4. What is the respiratory organ of a fish?

Question 2

[A] State one function of the following: [4]

1. Epiglottis
2. Liver in humans
3. Pericardial fluid
4. Phloem

[B] Four leaves were taken for an experiment in the biology laboratory. Following
conditions were applied on each leaf. Study each condition carefully to answer the
question. [2]

Leaf A - Vaseline was not applied.

Leaf B - Vaseline was applied on top of the leaf.

Leaf C - Vaseline was applied on bottom of the leaf.

Leaf D - Vaseline was applied on both the sides of the leaf.

Each leaf is placed in a plastic bag and kept under sunlight.

Which plastic bag will contain more water droplets and why?

Question 3

[A] Answer briefly: [4]

1. What happens during respiration?

2. Why do waste products need to be expelled out from the body?

[B] Differentiate between the following: [4]

1. Arteries and Veins

2. Breathing and Respiration

Section II
(Attempt any one question. Each question carries 6 marks.)

Question 4

[A] Answer the following questions: [3]

1. State the function of larynx.

2. Which are the two organs that alter the size of the chest cavity during breathing?
3. Describe the air sacs present in humans.

[B] Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions: [3]

1. Name the parts labelled as ‘a’ and ‘b’.

2. Name the waste collected by the kidney.
3. Write the location of the above organ in the human body.


Question 5

[A] Answer the following questions: [3]

1. Why do we breathe faster while exercising? (2)

2. Complete the following equation: (1)

C6H12O6 + 6O2 _____ + 6H2O + _____

[B] Study the diagram and answer the following questions: [3]

1. Name the parts labelled as ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the above diagram.
2. Name the chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood from other parts of
the body.
3. Why the capillaries are thin walled?



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