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Glydel Louisse G.




When we heard the word death, what comes from my mind is that, a person who are
no longer breathing, or not alive, or it's the end of their life. Death is something that is
feared by many, death cannot be predicted and we will never know when we're going to
die. Death is for everyone, and it is not chosen, you could be the world's richest, a
President, or anyone. Everyone dies eventually, whether they have power or not. That’s
why we need to think about what we’ll accomplish while we’re still alive. There is no
exceptions. No matter what we do while we’re alive, everybody goes to the same place
once we die. Death is Equal. Death can form a loneliness, but the most heart-breaking
thing is when they not remember us. Death can be something that will crush us into
pieces especially if someone who dies is someone who’s part of our family. Personally
speaking, I, too loss someone whom I cherish the most, someone I grew up with, and
someone who took care of me when I was a child. That time I was so heart broken and
it just did not process to me at all, I was too stunned and broken to speak or scream my
lungs out loud. It just broke me. But that happening made me realize that I should
appreciate everything, and give love to someone as long as they are still here. We could
not really know exactly when we will die, that is why we should live the best life that we
can because we never know the day of our end. We could be enjoying for now, but later
on it’s the end of us. Death is something that we can not stop, we have no choice
because this is the reality we live in. Death is being feared because once we die, we are
gone. We can no longer remember them. Death has nothing to do what’s terrible way of
death they experienced. It is equally terrible for everyone, Old people, young people,
Rich, poor, good, and bad, it is always been the same, when we die, we die. It’s rather
fair in its treatment. There’s no such thing as a terrible death, that is why it is frightening.
People who loss their loved ones, probably thought there’s no meaning in life, perhaps
we should live the best of our life, enjoy every moments we will encounter, and made
people around us happy and create moments with them, so when it is our time will not
regret anything. As we are still living, it is our responsibility to carry out the wishes of the
ones who are gone. But, If I were to ask if I fear death, I would say “no” I don’t fear
being gone or forgotten, because at one point we are all going to die, because that’s the
cycle of life. But there’s something I fear more than death, it is “regret” because in regret
it is something we have to live with, all the opportunities that I've missed, all the what if’s
and such. Regret is much worse than death, because the moment we’re still alive yet
we did not do anything at all, all those something that we could’ve done yet we didn’t do
it. Death is the surest thing that we’ll experience so, instead of fearing death, go with the
flow of life, and start doing your best, love and do good as we’re still breathing. Create
memories, and cherish every moment, dying could be the reason people will forget
about us, but at least we did something we know they can think of us. Death is not the
opposite of life, but a part of it. The reason we live is because it is the given time Lord
provide for us to feel something delightful and to experience something we will enjoy.
The reason we live is to enjoy and the when the time has come to an end, will happily
make flashbacks to everything we experienced being alive. So, as I was saying, death
is something we will experienced as we experienced the joy when we’re alive.

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