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MECH 223

Statics is a branch of mechanics which studies the effects and distribution

of forces of rigid bodies which are and remain at rest. Inthis area of mechanics,
the body in which forces are acting is assumed to be rigid. The deformation
of non-rigid bodies is treated inStrength of Materials.

Engineering Mechanics is divided into two major parts,

namelyStatics and Dynamics.
Statics is primarily concerned to system of forces applied
to bodyat rest. It includes the following topics: resultant of force system;
equilibrium of force system; cables; friction; trusses; frames; centroid;
center of gravity; and moment of inertia.

Dynamics is the study of body in motion. It covers the following:

kinematics, dynamics, kinetics, work-energy equation, impulse and
momentum, and mechanical vibrations.

1. Kinematics deals with the motion of

the bodies without anyreference to forces responsible
for the motion.

2. Kinetics deals with the forces acting on moving bodies.

His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical

Principles of Natural Philosophy), first published in 1687, established
classical mechanics. Newton also made seminalcontributions to optics,
and shares credit with German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
for developing infinitesimal calculus.

Newton’s laws of motion, three statements describing the relations

between the forces acting on a body and the motion of the body, first
formulated by English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton, which
are thefoundation of classical mechanics.
Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object in motion tends to stayin motion
unless an external force acts upon it. Similarly, if the object is atrest, it will remain at
rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. Newton's First Law of Motion is also
known as the Law of Inertia

Basically, what Newton's First Law is saying is that objects behave

predictably. If a ball is sitting on your table, it isn't going to start
rolling or fall off the table unless a force acts upon it to cause it to
do so. Moving objects don't change their direction unless a force
causes them to move from their path.

As you know, if you slide a block across a table, it eventually stops rather than
continuing on forever. This is because the frictional force opposes the continued
movement. If you threw a ball out in space, there is much less resistance, so the
ball would continue onward for a much greater distance.
Newton's Second Law of Motion states that when a force acts on an
object,it will cause the object to accelerate. The larger the mass of the object, the
greater the force will need to be to cause it to accelerate.

This Law may be written as force = mass x acceleration or

Another way to state the Second Law is to say it takes more force to move
a heavy object than it does to move a light object. Simple, right? The law also
explains deceleration or slowing down. You can think of deceleration
as acceleration with a negative sign on it.
For example, a ball rolling down a hill moves faster or accelerates as gravity
acts on it in the same direction as the motion (acceleration is positive). If aball
is rolled up a hill, the force of gravity acts on it in the opposite directionof the
motion (acceleration is negative or the ball decelerates).

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equaland
opposite reaction.
Boxer Punching on a Sandbag
The equal force is felt on the hand of a boxer punching on a
sandbag andhence it is diverted towards the boxer.

The force that you put while jumping on the trampoline
will put an equalforce on your body throwing your body in
the opposite direction upward.

The force is exerted due to the elastic surface of the trampoline. The
higheryou jump more force will be imposed on the trampoline and
the higher will your body will be raised in the air.


Every quantity is measured in terms of some

internationally accepted units,called
fundamental units. All the physical quantities in Engineering Mechanics are
expressed in terms of three fundamental quantities.

1. Length

2. Mass and

3. Time

Sometimes, the units are also expressed in other units (which are derived from
fundamental units) known as derived units e.g. units of area, velocity,
acceleration, pressure etc.

There are only four systems of units, which are commonly used and
universally recognized. These are known as:

S.I. System of Units:

In the year 1960, the Eleventh General Conference of Weights and

Measures introduced the International System of Units. The International
Standard Organization (ISO) and the International Electrochemical
Commission endorsed the system in 1962. In October 1971 a replacement
of the metric system of units was done with a new system called Systeme
Internationale d’ Unites.
Significant figures

Used to establish the number which is presented in

the form of digits. These digits carry a meaningful
representation of numbers. The term significant digits are also used
often instead of figures. We can identify the number of significant
digits by counting all the values starting from the 1st non-zero digit
located on the left.
Rules for Significant Figures

All non-zero digits are significant. 198745 contains six significant digits.
All zeros that occur between any two non zero digits are
significant. Forexample, 108.0097 contains seven significant digits.

All zeros that are on the right of a decimal point and also to the left of a

non-zero digit is never significant. For example, 0.00798

containedthree significant digits.

All zeros that are on the right of a decimal point are significant, only if, a

non-zero digit does not follow them. For example, 20.00

contains foursignificant digits.

All the zeros that are on the right of the last non-zero digit, after the
decimal point, are significant. For example, 0.0079800 contains
five significant digits.

All the zeros that are on the right of the last non-zero digit
are significant if they come from a measurement. For example, 1090 m contains
four significant digits.
A force vector is a representation of a force that has both magnitude
and direction. This is opposed to simply giving the magnitude of the
force, which is called a scalar quantity.

A vector is typically represented by an arrow in the direction of the

force and with a lengthproportional to the force’s magnitude.

A major feature of force vectors is that they can be broken into components,
according to the application of the force. Vector components are usually
perpendicular to each other, although they also can be in a parallelogram


Although you can designate a force simply as a number or scalar quantity, it is

more useful tostate it as a vector where you include the direction of the force.
Instead of saying that the force is 2 newtons, you would say something like
the force is 2newtons toward the ground.


A scalar quantity is defined as the physical quantity with only
magnitude and no direction. Such physical quantities can be described
just by their numerical value without directions. The addition of these
physical quantities follows the simple rules of algebra, and here, only
their magnitudes are added.
Some examples of scalar include:

Mass Speed Distance Time


A vector quantity is defined as the physical quantity that has both
directions as well asmagnitude.
A vector with a value of magnitude equal to one is called a unit vector and is
represented bya lowercase alphabet with a “hat” circumflex, i.e. “û“.

EX: Linear Momentum

Angular Velocity
Electric field
Ashwin walks 10 m north, 12 m east, 3 m west and 5 m south and then stops to
drink water.What is the magnitude of his displacement from his original point?



Force arcting at some angle from the coordinate axis can be resolved into mutually
perpendicular forces called components. The component of a force parallel to the
x-axis is called the x-component, parallel to y-axis the y-component and so on.

Determine the x and y components of the forces

Find the components in the x, y, u and v directions of the force P = 10 kN


A block is resting on an incline of slope 5:12 as shown in Fig. P-

007. It is subjected to a force F =500 N on a slope of 3:4. Determine
the components of F parallel and perpendicular to the incline.

A block is resting on an incline of slope 5:12 as shown in Fig. P-

007. It is subjected to a force F =500 N on a slope of 3:4. Determine
the components of F parallel and perpendicular to the incline.

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