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MGMT6038005 - Cross Cultural Management

Group Video Project Assessment

“Conflict and Cultural Differences”

2301872040 Cindy
2301872034 Sanya Kristanto
2301867186 Marcel Leongard Halim
2301867311 Christian Vernard Gunawan
2301868213 Michelle Delvia
2301872646 Vincent

Conflict is differences in perceptions and arguments about things between individuals or groups.
There are five phases of conflict, firstly is prelude to conflict phase, secondly is triggering event,
thirdly is initiation phase, fourthly is differentiation phase and the last one is resolution phase.

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing

language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.The concept of culture can be understood
along with changes in behavior and structure of the community itself. Changes in behavior and
the structure of society occur because of changes and technological developments.

Doing business in different parts of the world requires recognizing and understanding cultural
differences. Some of the differences involve societal tasks with respect to time, status, control of
decision making, personal accomplishment and work itself. The cultural differences affect the
company’s performance, before employees enter the company they must know about the culture
of the company in order to equalize the culture. Culture shock often occurs in international
companies which apply international culture. But we can see the pros and cons about the cultural
differences in one company, the employee can give different suggestions and ideas from another
culture and it benefits the company.


The activity of making cross cultural management videos aims to:

1. Provide knowledge about the importance of corporate culture.

2. Provide knowledge regarding the impact of cultural differences in the company.
3. Completed the final project of the Cross-Cultural Management course.

1. Why should companies have their own culture? Every company must have its own
culture because through the culture itself, a significant impact will be obtained on the
company’s performance. Here are 7 reasons why culture is so important to a company:
● The company can define the internal and external identity of the organization
● The company can carry out the company's core values
● Employees become company supporters.
● Retain the best people
● Assist in onboarding.
● Culture turns an organization into a team
● Culture has an impact on employee performance and welfare.
2. What kind of conflict happens due to the human resources cultural differences in
the company? Intercultural conflict, many people from other countries have bad
experiences about cultural differences in Indonesian companies. There was a case that
was experienced by British people about cultural differences. He worked in one
organization and there was an Indonesian person called him “Bule”. The Indonesian
people thought that he can call to white people with “Bule”. We can see that Indonesian
and British have a different culture in how to communicate in expressing words.
3. What is the impact of culture on a business? There are three impacts of culture that
can affect a business, they are lack of enthusiasm for work, decreased discipline level,
and lack of discussion. If a business doesn’t have their own culture, it seems to stand
alone without a soul. If business applies a bad culture, the company will not work well
4. The example of company culture. Google is one of the companies that many people
dream of. In addition to being predicated as the best company in the world, this technology
giant is also considered to have a good organizational culture. For years, Google has
adhered to a work culture that is casual or seems relaxed. Without realizing it, this kind of
work environment can make employees feel more free to express their ideas and show
their best potential. Creative ideas from members of this company can be a barn for
strengthening product planning for the company going forward. In addition, information
transparency is the second most basic thing that is held by the Google company. Google's
Director of HR Development, Laszlo Bock, said that every employee can access all
information related to the company's plans and steps, as well as what their colleagues are
working on. Learning from this company, we need to understand that giving employees
freedom of opinion can facilitate a positive culture that is formed between employees and
the company.

Time & Place of Implementation

Time: Sunday, 16 January 2022
Place: In each other's homes (Online)
Every company has their own culture and the employee must adjust themselves to the company’s
culture. There is always conflict in the cultural difference, there are differences in perceptions or
arguments about anything. To prevent such problems, companies need to treat all employees
fairly. This makes employees feel that the company cares for them and they get equal
opportunities in the work environment. Besides that, companies need to build good
communication in the work environment. If communication in the work environment goes well, the
leader can easily convey instructions and evaluate the work of employees. Companies also need
to regularly evaluate their employees. From that, we can learn that the success of a company
depends on how it manages people and embraces all differences.


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