A Note Engineering Statistics

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Sn an _epperiMent OF Ne" f y iP 48 are Obtained. 3 Caemple + the vache | jency Of < ‘ anthrene, the following resut rive gjeur a g ed) Total aX CoRRELATION ANALYSIS. - Corretotion ts the retationship the er SIS berteen hoo Variables and dererminetion_o¢ the Strength enc cirection_ of this. retationship-One er she Stokistics used +s Rarson ¢Orrela ton Coerricient,r, 8ne gp the ways +o acetermine the cerreiatom noture of the relationship _betweel the Neriqbles 15 10 make a Scatteresl plot: Wear” : oe toe = : = > eight ___The_ scattered plot_ shows the distribution Ch the date in phich every onsenletion tn the. sstualy is represerted by @_peintin_two climen- Bional space. The independent Variable fs on the X-axis. While the clependent variable is on the yrends. r= DE -ErXeD (né-E-P)oey-EN4] STePE 10 CALcALATNG, CORRELATION COEFFICIENT. WNOte the sample size, n o - DPrrange the clatein_ectumns eccorcting to. var- fables Kand ¥. ® Create aclctittCnal columns for x*, ¥? and xy. PD Caleulete the corres penaling Velues for moe andl XY. foreach ef jhe ebservertien. i 5) Calculate the Summation far each colurmn and Obtoin EX, AY, 2x?, ay? and £xy @ Insert the appropriate Figures in correlation Coerficient fermular. 2 P_ positive 6? fnoiicates postive correlation A_negertive om indicates negative corre(atien While = © _incicatesno_corretation. @use @ cule called Guilforo_rule ap thumb to interpret the Streng th_Op the relationship between the +00 Nariables, taal | St rength Or Relations ig 4012 Almost negligible lationship O29 — 0: Low correlation, definite but, relatienstip O:} — ©: 7% _ Moderate correletion, Substantial relationship. 0-92 —_O:9__}High cerrelatiCn, Marked relationship FO4 Nery high correlation, Nery clependiable Teletionship. - O18 [Almost negligible negative relation ua Bs! Ship: . . SleniFicanee OF THE RELATIONSHIP BeTWeeHn TWO VARIABLES. Hypothesis Teating - mee esate The Cateutation ef the corvelection cooper tcient Enly helps te Investtaate the strength ard Hirection, Gither positive er negertive oF the relatitnship but cloes net show the signifi~ . . . oe Status Cf the Conce og the relationship. To test the S f san. ship. set Statistical significance of the relat an.ship. “ Ween 400 Variables, t-Slatistic iB usec! — tolls the population parameter inaiiesteavdier Sym 4 @5°@". The null hypothesis States. thet there is ino Felationship between the to Neate ‘, against the alternate hypothesis Lonicly ich Cates that there is a relationship between the TOo Varvauies. “The Fellewing, conolitions ere necessary before hypettesis Can _be +testeol? There sheulet be random Sampling. @ The measurement 3" Mantit&tive With re- ference. point. @ Beth variables should be norrral_tn_clistri- bution. Were should be linear relationship be¢wWeen the. 400 Variables. OThere should net be outliers. STEPS In _ HY POTHESIS TESTING. | © Stete the hypothesis s Hui tey prhesiay Hose, | Nall hypothesis, Uo. P=O ~ : Alternate hypothesis, ty P#O = hoo tiled tect | 1 P>0- One teilect test | Hq oP One tailed tess, | | @OCaleulate the correlation Coefficients | ©) Determine the Strengih or the relatio W Calculate the tostetisne with the ing formulas fees = ak ns hip. folleo-. Where: N= Sample Size P= nul hypothesis r= Correlation. © Establish the critical reg ton, thet +s, ihe @rea of rejection a the hypothesis. OK = 0.05 level of significance is normally Useck- GDPegree cp Freectom, af =(n 5 a) did Establish whether (tis a One Or twe tailed) test: G) Making clecision. on_1hether +0 reyector fail: te reject the null hypethesis is based on the Valuer the Calculated +-stectistic and the Nalue ef + on the student t-table. Tp-teg? The folloding criteri@ 101) be Useal* OTE tear > Hap —=>reject the null hypothesis. G0. Tf teay < han => fail 40_repect the null bypihe- Sis- \ Stating the conclusion, thet is, rejection of the nuil hypethesis. signifies @ signipicaht rela; tionship White null rejection of the null Ay pethes Sis signifies MO significant relationship bet+— ween re Neriatles at & level ef Significance: Tits Ep ehh Aa tS x . : sa aes oe T= NEx¥ — ExZY) [nex - Exe] [n ey" -EyF] = (oxse2) — GNCet Jeo 20D = GDP) fie x sof) (aa? T= _0:6405 » moderate correlation with —= Substantial positive relehonship iD Test the bypothesis that Px O at 0-08 level Of Significance, and Aine Po: Ho: P=o Ha P40 aoe Unless itis steed in the guestion thed Hq: Px O or PPro, Har P20 Is used. Asin : tay == Pa. n-2 where! m= O:B4O5 n= 10 Fs 005 tee = O:6105 — Ones 8 w -2 0-6 J teat = 2-359 From the table: t = ty Where) Xs 0-068 , but it fq two-tailed test, so, X= 0-095. Of = n=9 = 10-2 Ge From the table. thy = 2806. os tear > ty, =r Peject the nau hy pothesis. Dloslace! Exampie: Pate ere gatherect On the number Gf. Jabal rol of CePA easy EeEne cumulotive foreak point, OF & Students. i x | 8. On|) elt +15 | 5 ¥ 134 Lae [2 [30 [30 1a 199 129 Ocaleuate the correlation coerfictent, © dD bescribe the strength of the relationship aid Test the hypethesis thot” & £ is not equal +0 Tero at O- Ol level ef Significance - Soin, ho: x ys Ixy | see! Ley” : 2 )34]e3 | t jitse ah Oe 2 lac | f2 | t Ji2-96 2y = 24-6 3B. 13-9 \Q@-6| 7 }t0-24 EX = 83-8 B {30 |g-0] 4 |%o Ex®= OF t+ |g0 |t20] 16 | 40 fy 36:3 + Jog [9 [io |e me 5 12% 135195 | 494 5 12-4 htc [25 _1e-41 j Vs nZxy = EX LZxy = Ex (ey) dee - €x)?][nar- ev = Gx see) — eos) —— [Gio0 - 097) Craen-arf] =—G20.t = Gait = @e)C S949 = GAO = 644-4 a Jaao = Iowa re -0-898F = G) Almost Negli¥ible Negative Correlection rele— HONShip. wD Hypothesis. fa ter* m-r We P=0 olf =n-2 Ht 0. =€-2 =6. tea = rO8ISE=O e 2 [icone 5a EEE Ha ee A = 0005. Lacie = 7B TO Cihe Sign. depencts_On she al Sign tear is,ie, teak ig wAle Pypren Tear is -Ve ancl vice Veree,). 4 since tear < top o foil to reject null hypathesic, D2 tear > en .=e Meject null hy pothesis. ERE RRGOM~-RROBUCTL MOMENT RORRELA NON} 2 RI |< = Gera ahd GOR | Oi Noeth Na Hebi) dug. prhdt! guah tite - ae: correlation Coeppicient— is_ole- netect by fs Measured ein Strength ard dli<_. rection e&f eins beOE bet®een 100 ranis Naria— bles. This CorrelatiOn ia useful for cleadin woh Qualitative Character’sticS such as_inte- Uigence, beauty, morality ana honesty. Tre 480 Variables are eithe: relinal Variables eg level of honesty. for Orelinal variables end ite R. order i& féllowect : & Highest level of honesty D Medium level Of honesty. a) Low level ef honesty. aie Ww Nd level of honesty. 2) The interval or ratio variables e.g Weight or height. For this set Oop stariables, there are: 4) Equey_interveds : 5) Absolute Zero —_ The Spearman correlation can be used When the criteria op the Pearsons Correlation are vidlated Such as When the clata is_net nor- Mally distributes, outliers exist, One ef both fartables are Oralinal. The Spearman’s. Correla- HOM ccerricient;e” Can take value betoeen Ht +4 ond ~1. Tp fe = +1, there is a perfect ASSOciation cf ranks. — l ys ur there is. n® asceciahon bey =O, Ween the ranks oy the data. er Tp te = -1, there is a perfect nega- +iNe Associaton or ranks. - The closer fie value of fe is TO ZrO, the Weaker the association betnoeen the rants. HOul TO Ras, VaRInBLeS TM SPEARMANZS RANK ORDER CORRELATION: English f Path cRen a 5S ee 4g ft 45 Te) 3 2 ts to LO le +1 eo 4 F Gl C5 ‘ GS 5. Ct 56 é et a 54 8 z sO 24 J. 4 46 GF 2 2 6) 63 65 6 wb The Variable with the highest vetue is labelles A ona the variable .otth “the lowest Value is labelled as the number Ff the variables pre- sent Chai_is, nD. Formula. for Calculating. Spearman?s_rank- Order correlation Coefficient iS given as: ea eee ntn?=1) Where: ah = cliggerence in peirect_ranks, N = mimber of Obseryations. \ Example: Calewate the Spearman mank —Orcer correlation coefficient er the fellow ing set er data! Engligh [nite | eng yusk [ee a® Se Co + (Sore |e 35 #0 . 2 a i as +0 fe} 10 S & +1 Go 4 + -3 q GQ E65 6 5 hs \ ey 56 é 4 at 16 cg BG 8 g o& | 0 sO V4 ! l 0 0 46 Cr 3: ES =) l G) G2 4+ 6 1 jf 5 B= | — 62d : ie “Ach- DF oe ccs yy) tocic=1)* 2: = plo VL eo om ieges=) Bot 10 Ty = l — 019293 f= OG729 A O:eF “There is high. positive retetionship beteen A S arti in English the ranks Of inciviclual marks in 3) anal Maths. 4 relatticnship between Strength oF 9.0 rants dota, 0-00 ~ 0.14 Nery wea, O20 -— 9.345 Weak. O40 ~ O84 Moderate. OGo — O4F9 | Stren ©Fo~ eo Very Strong, SPEPRMAN?S RANK Corpe LEVILON _hdtte.) EQUAL OR. RepeateP RA NKS_Oeeur lalhite assigning ranks, if fW0 Or more thems hay quel Nalues, thet ts, SAR et A ve, wey me €E given Mo! ranisse When HOO OF More ranks are *gued, the Fellowing Formula & Used for Compurtn Spearman’s rank Corre tation. ae Ve ee = &f eguc’ ranks a= cliprerence between ranks es Square S&F the oti erence. fe bat The term, (mM? —n) 1645 be aclded to: Ord y Series SOUP SF Stale ranks ‘both zample- Calculate the ‘ra rr the Following data, * {es lst |25 |50|o4]20 [rs [to os lox ¥ |eo be [es [45] 31 [60 les [4¢ [50 | #0 Sol nl eorrelation Coerfrci x TN [Rank x] Rank | ot ‘| G8 {Go | 4 5 am ey Ise | 6 7 ae Sage | occ! 35 Mm—m = 9-9 - 3-2-6 Gt Cccurs 3 “mes, therefore m= 3, > F-32903 -3 - oy, or Y! GE Occurs 9 times, therefore m=: em—-mege-o 2 e-9 =6. Z(m*-m) -e@+e4024 = B36, N=l0 — Toe Tien @ (are =| ncne-/) hpi | eae 21 = 6 fiat “te cee IN { - 6C0.09896) | ©: 545 : Bikaner WYPoTHES(S IN SPEAR ays Rane CORRELATION Cempare the “caloulated Value or 5 teat Value of tain or reject tie Aull & rank. Strate relationship, betuseen in the Pppulation ve Mer Prot Correlatig "e9a ti Ve SO We LOT Compare the Absys x the Caleulatec WS Nau hy POthesisy Hey P a Wrernecte hyPothesia: te: led test. Lone tailed tes), = P For -the oe the Variables Glo not Kave 9 he ryretie retationship in Pe Re vet Of @ by the Sample, that 85 P40 at Os Significance. Soin Caleu leted mL O-S4s5. . [Geos ony ees ays ell 2 Nwiticel Ie cs OCS Since the caleulated m ts tess than Critteat ye. accept the null hypothesis. In conclustons there t no ranic Order relottonship between X andY at 6.05 fevel OF significance. Theory oF Fron BiLiTy Example - Brewing two gaskets from & Set a S gestets With nimbers 4 to 5. What are the posst ble Gureomes for at) the gastets fer drawing too ata #me. The possible outcomes are: Wa o, 4 Le 2.5 4 3,4 LS 25 2-3 45S we a forerested tn the number Ve “Seerela thot ts. gotten from the al ra oS ; Possible events are * Ono desectve gasket: Done clefective gasket DThe 100 geskets are defective: Given the Condition thet the three defective gas ets @re numbers 4,9 and 3, What tS the probe jlty QF getting ~), thet ts» ne clefective gaske ACHo OeFective gesket) = BC4 desective gasket) = Gc. LO C C2 defective gasketS)= a cxample2'- If a fair die tS tossed once» NO oF Passible Outcomes = | 2, 8,45,6. PCD Hie > Pad = Ye PCeven numbed = PCa) + pce) -+ PCO Bre tes FCa nurnber greater than D= PCA +P HK +h = 30s 4. Rinoruny BISTRIRuTtON ; “his is Used When Jou ore Interested? in the Sumber ©fF times theton even-+ AR ®ccurs In Nn tne 2 epenctent Performances Of an experiment. e@ Fl Outl10 -9F 9 Particular recto will BEER Por oF least 9€© hours. : 245 our EF too Specimens Will rupture ing tensile est. F PCAD = P = (Prob ar success af AD Oe 2 tc q ‘ PRD =921-pea (Prob. ag Failure of AX, £Cx) = (7) Pra a 2 n} p* ihe 7 wat ts n-Olm 9” (sc<0, pear Shere? ne no &f trials, j X= M09 Of Succeskes, | 7 Re Probabiliry Qf Succegs, F = Probability af failure. =e Mean af binomial distri bution; Mean, Me np => lariance 8 binomial Variance, Gf= npg. =P Standard devi n OF | i tiburon: atandara Seiten F oer ais triburion: Aistibuton: = npg. Exemple.a:- Tt has been claimed that A 6O% all_aélar kit Installations, the utility bill 1 reckea by at least one-third. Record ingly, What are the Probatitty that the uhlity Bil wap re rot ors ey at east ene-third im @ four of five installations A eee four af Five installations. Sein ene hae Fd = a) ! Latte aet E-14l oa *toP = 8b Co-.12%e)CO BS EOD = ©2592 eI ©'e)"e: pet [st We 2 4 b- 4] ee » FCx) shay ies 5 -2849 + [ee Co.0n 3 96)C6}} =< ogsao + eerTse < §-83696 J = ©3270. ——_—_— | | gash” Bitomia. Pisa TRIBUTION. | Exampres- Ip P= Io ig the probability thed & Certain hype SF Bont bul 1 The same in a It hour test Fine | the _prebabi lity thet a certain signboard consisting | Ot lO Such boards WOuld LOorke in 24 Hours _wOTth nO | bulb Toure. \4 | P= ©-Ol, 4 =l—-P 2l-©-8l ,n2W,%=0., | - oe ao oe OG fa fo fd 2 mi pg nn at | MICh=9D) . a i = A8! © .919Co-492? ! 9! Clo-6)) J =e : I = O-9044 on ee ar CPE P Aone PoisseN Piste QUTION! 7 ie est T+ fs used fn -pindleng probed? lity QP % ecectrence. | Of an event Auring Q Specitied {Interval OF time. -e-9 |ne ef a@rrivial ef customers ate Check out Counter, repair shdp ete. Given a Specified +ime tstervials ag ey Gerect fer Unit length Of wire farea Of paper ie fad = Ae” ml ree IG <3 75 = Got ‘Fa (39-9 )00T = du =yv ~ t2«% “sq-0=d “oor=u —pouisnng” ap uoounwaudda ~ s,vIF Fay burs - anuvedae eq pinsey Bropug sig ha jeurog sysoq- og Banoo pouphrrqesasd ey epuy “anucedee~ ao Kspud-e Ry punseq suseq doug dp - ame ~ —~du =p 3ng | SUOHNLSD YHIGy DOUNIHIS I ~UOSS!S d-fey papouns— =qiddo aso seu paeqaud pe rwaug —“prows—St-( REE spogq@dyd pu oO obs wey st -(spoux¢ da SuD Qua4yy A IT AOL A oUdd”_ POSsTog . SR et er —¢——-— Se ect a _ 2 * =e : - == HSS - — Regs vanfusw9—-sanbeqo Peg SNR vesr Nt POUL — —Kyprpqeqeid-eufe-sr po gpy Ree sed-sanbayo pog~ Q2;r° 2bozano ey Um sanrevar yueg » 4p OT - ~ - i = SIA WeXg "21E:FC =O —_ C--o tage ‘ubeau 40 abosony =r 'Sesvouuns to Ju-=3¢° S e224 Cx) = ©0849 HYPER@EOmMeETRIC bIsTR BUTION. Tt ts Used When the interest Js Bamping udtth er Without replacement. Suppasing Q@ boy Contains N screds, ef which. are_cle fective. — SAMPLING WNT Brawing a_somple fF n serews Orth replace—_ ment) the probability thed. precisely ne OF the Screas are defective is.— FOO = mol (L- =) n-K ee tll Cn-—x)! _SPENPLING, bUiTHet pep BcermenT —— _ ok - __ Brewing O-Sample Of 9 screws ustthout re=- Placement, the Probability. heck Precisely. ve gf the A Screws are ee ers ") £00) =f seston (Wem) Zitz -%)! Goorin | aE M000! (oemen esd (hd! (N-m- nel | : He mt Exemole 4) To clrauy ranctom Samples er 9 gaskets me box Containing 10 gas kets, 3 QF.uOhICh are Aefective » Find ihe probability function of the. rancdom Nariable. W=MNO SF defective gaskets in the Sample: wp gampling wath Keplacement _ N=lo Me=3 — t= 9, i —— because Of probability _funeton. fe “staat Can ©) | —({* a) (= ay zo: D249). CD = 7 (2) (= ay _ nn ON at (D = O42 . 0 a1 = 3G (or { “is : 0.09 2 : [

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