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Software User Manual

Revision B

Copyright © 2014 by Petroleum Analyzer Company, L.P.

All text, graphics, design, and other works contained herein are the copyrighted works of
Petroleum Analyzer Company, L.P (PAC). All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of any
materials contained herein is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the copyright

The PAC trademark, the PAC service mark, PAC’s logo trademark, the Antek trademark, and Petroleum
Analyzer Company, L.P.’s distinctive color trademark as used on its instruments and in these materials,
are trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and/or registered service marks of Petroleum
Analyzer Company, L.P. in the U.S. and other countries and are its sole and exclusive property.

Microsoft® Windows®, Microsoft® Windows® XP, and Microsoft® Windows® Professional are regis-
tered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

Other trademarks contained within these materials are the property of their respective owners.


The information contained within these materials is subject to change without notice. PAC makes no
warranties or guarantees, either expressed or implied in these materials, including the warranty of mer-
chantability or fitness for a particular purpose. At any time, PAC may modify these materials, its instru-
ments or its programs without notice and subsequent versions of these materials may contain different
information. These materials could contain technical inaccuracies and/or typographical errors.

PAC does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of any translation of these materials.

About PAC

PAC is an international manufacturing and service organization with a portfolio that spans
petroleum, petrochemical, biofuels, environmental, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and industrial
analysis solutions. PAC provides advanced testing equipment for laboratory, process on-line and field
use for entities ranging from the smallest to the largest enterprise businesses. PAC offers analytical
solutions for a wide variety of applications, including chromatographic systems and detectors, elemental,
laboratory, and on-line process analyzers, software applications, and spectroscopy. More information
about PAC is available at

Publication Date: 12-17-14

Publication Time: 11 a.m.

Document Number: MAN_IRIS

PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B


Thank you for purchasing a PAC™ product. This manual contains confidential and proprietary
information that is the property of PAC, L.P. The information contained in this document is subject to
change without notice. This document is for information only. The manufacturer accepts no liability for
errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages arising from the furnishing,
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Unless otherwise specified, each reference to names or individual trademarks and service marks has the
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reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a
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All rights reserved.

The instructions given herein cover generally the description, installation, operation, and maintenance of
subject equipment. PAC reserves the right to make engineering refinements that may not be reflected in
this manual. Should any questions arise which may not be answered specifically by these instructions,
they should be directed to PAC for further detailed information and technical assistance.

Your satisfaction and safety are important to PAC, and a complete understanding of this manual is
necessary to attain these objectives. As the ultimate user of this apparatus, it is your responsibility to
understand its proper function and operational characteristics. This instruction manual should be read
thoroughly and all operators should be given adequate training before attempting to place this
unit in service. Awareness of the stated cautions and warnings, and compliance with
recommended operating and maintenance parameters are important for safe and satisfactory

This unit should be used only for its intended operation; alterations will void the Warranty.

This manual contains confidential and proprietary information that is the property of PAC L.P. This
manual and all information disclosed herein shall not be used to manufacture, construct, or fabricate the
goods disclosed herein; shall not be exploited or sold; shall not be copied or otherwise reproduced in
whole or in part and shall not be revealed or disclosed to others or in any manner made public without the
express written permission of PAC L.P.

Copyright ©2014, by PAC, LP Houston, Texas.

Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved.
Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form
without permission of the copyright owner.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B


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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B


CONTACT US ..................................................................................................................... 5
SYMBOLS, CAUTIONS, AND WARNINGS ........................................................................ 8
DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ................................................................................................... 9
SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT .............................................................................. 11
1. CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................... 15
1.1 Intended Audience ..................................................................................................... 15
1.2 Intended Use ............................................................................................................... 15
1.3 Typographical and Authoring Conventions ............................................................ 15
1.4 Locking Code Information ......................................................................................... 16
2. CHAPTER TWO: INSTALLING THE PAC IRIS SOFTWARE ................................... 17
2.1 Computer and Operating System Requirements .................................................... 17
2.2 Components ............................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Hardware Connections .............................................................................................. 18
2.3.1 Serial Network ................................................................................................... 18
2.3.2 CAN-bus ............................................................................................................. 20
2.3.3 Ethernet Network............................................................................................... 21
2.4 Installing PAC IRIS ................................................................................................. 23
2.4.1 Preparation ........................................................................................................ 23
2.5 Upgrading From IRIS 1.0 ........................................................................................... 24
2.5.1 SQL Management Studio Express (SSMSE) .................................................. 24
2.5.2 Enterprise Online Manager (OLM) ................................................................... 30
2.5.3 IRIS 2.0 Installation ........................................................................................... 33
2.6 IRIS Installation Guide ............................................................................................... 33
2.6.1 Environment Requirements (Important): ........................................................ 33
2.6.2 IRIS Setup Installation Guide on Windows 8 (Pro X64), and Windows 7
(32X64) Ultimate .............................................................................................................. 33
2.7 Configuring the PAC IRIS Software ......................................................................... 52
2.7.1 Configuring the ISL Instrument Service ......................................................... 52
2.7.2 Configure Herzog Instrument Service............................................................. 54
3. CHAPTER THREE: FEATURES OVERVIEW........................................................... 57
3.1 Online Manager .......................................................................................................... 58
3.2 Workbench .................................................................................................................. 59
3.3 Instrument Plug-ins ................................................................................................... 59
4. CHAPTER FOUR: WORKBENCH AND ONLINE MANAGER .................................. 61
4.1 Workbench .................................................................................................................. 61
4.1.1 Workbench Login .............................................................................................. 61
4.1.2 Workbench Toolbar........................................................................................... 62
4.1.3 Workbench Icon Bar ......................................................................................... 63
4.1.4 View an Instrument ........................................................................................... 64
4.1.5 Add a Test .......................................................................................................... 65
4.1.6 Create a Sequence ............................................................................................ 66
4.1.7 Start the Test Sequence ................................................................................... 66
4.1.8 Monitor the Tests .............................................................................................. 67
4.1.9 Display Results.................................................................................................. 67

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4.1.10 Reports .............................................................................................................. 68

4.1.11 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................ 69
4.2 Online Manager .......................................................................................................... 69
4.2.1 Login ................................................................................................................... 70
4.2.2 Results ............................................................................................................... 70
4.2.3 Reports ............................................................................................................... 71
4.2.4 Methods .............................................................................................................. 73
4.2.5 Configuration ..................................................................................................... 73
4.2.6 User Administration .......................................................................................... 75
4.2.7 Database Management ..................................................................................... 79
5. CHAPTER FIVE: ADVANCED TOPICS.................................................................... 83
5.1 Quality Control History .............................................................................................. 83
5.2 Edit a Method .............................................................................................................. 83
5.3 Data Migration ............................................................................................................ 84
6.1 Unable to Connect to Instrument from PAC IRIS .................................................... 85
6.1.1 For All Instrument Types .................................................................................. 85
6.1.2 For RS485 Instruments ..................................................................................... 86
6.1.3 For CAN-bus Instruments ................................................................................ 87
6.1.4 For Ethernet Instruments ................................................................................. 88
APPENDIX A: SUPPORTED PAC INSTRUMENTS .......................................................... 91
APPENDIX B: LOCKING CODE INFORMATION ............................................................. 93

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This is the property of PAC L.P. This manual and all information disclosed herein shall not be used to
manufacture, construct, or fabricate the goods disclosed herein; shall not be exploited or sold; shall not
be copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be revealed or disclosed to others or
in any manner made public without the express written permission of PAC L.P.


If you have any questions about your product, contact us using the information below:

8824 Fallbrook Drive
Houston, TX 77064


Main Number: 281 940-1803

Service: 800 444-TEST (8378) or 281 580-0339

Fax Number: 281 580-0719

Email Support:

Additional contact information is on the next page.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B

Table 1. Contact Information

Phone: USA +1 281 940 1803
France +33 231 264 300
Germany +49 9343 6400
Singapore +65 6412 0890
Netherlands +31 10 462 4811
Russia & CIS +7 495 617 10 86
China +86 10 65072236
South Korea +82 2 785 3900
Thailand +66 2 627 9410
Abu Dhabi +971 2 446 9671
Fax: USA +1 281 580 0719
France +33 231 266 293
Germany +49 9343 640 101
Singapore +65 6412 0899
Netherlands +31 10 462 6330
Russia & CIS +7 495 913 97 65
China +86 10 65072454
South Korea +82 2 785 3977
Thailand +66 2 627 9401
Abu Dhabi +971 2 446 9672

(Continued following page)

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Sales: USA

Russia & CIS
South Korea
Abu Dhabi

Service: USA

South Korea
Abu Dhabi

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The following symbols, notes, cautions, warnings, etc., are/may be used in this manual. The below
legend explains each type of basic entry. There can be various types of Warnings for gas leaks, fire
hazards and other dangerous hazards. Not all types of Warnings will be listed below. However, each
WARNING carries the same basic message that there is a possibility of injury or death to humans due to

NOTE: A note pictogram denotes helpful information about a topic or task.

CAUTION: Failure to follow the instructions and procedures contained in this manual could
result in poor performance of equipment or loss of data.

!!WARNING: Failure to follow the instructions and procedures contained in this manual
could result in death or serious injury to humans. Also, injury to equipment is possible.
The instructions and procedures must be performed by qualified and trained personnel
only. Do not perform installation or maintenance operations or procedures outside the
scope of this manual.

TIP: A tip pictogram denotes a recommendation that can help in understanding how to
operate or service the apparatus.

IMPORTANT: Important means information that is more critical than NOTE information.

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To show menu selections in this manual, the > symbol is used. For example,

1. Click Start > Programs > PAC.

The following terms are/may be used in this manual:

Term Definition

Select To pick an item that begins an action (this includes menu commands and
Click To press the left mouse button once
Right-click To press the right mouse button once
Double-click To press the left mouse button twice in rapid succession without moving
the mouse
Dialog box A temporary window that contains options or information you can edit,
select, or use

2. PAC L.P. is also referred to as PAC throughout the chapters and appendices of this manual.

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Acronym Definition

ACI Analytical Controls Interface

ALAN PAC ISL’s Automatic Laboratory Analyzer Network software
AN Application Note
BDE Paradox Database driver and tools
CAN Controller-Area Network
CSV Comma-Separated Values
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
GX Gas Chromatograph
GLP Good Laboratory Practice
HLIS PAC Herzog Laboratory Information System software
HMI Human Machine Interface
ICM Installation and Configuration Manual
ID Identification
IIS Internet Information Services (Microsoft®)
IM Interface Manual
LIMS Lab Information Management System
MM Maintenance Manual
OLM On-Line Manager
OM Operator Manual
PAC Petroleum Analyzer Company, L.P.
PDF Portable Document Format
PM Process Manual (System Description)
QC Quality Control
RTF Rich Text Format
SM Supervisor Manual
SPM Site Preparation Manual
UI User Interface

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1. Under this Software License Agreement (the "Agreement"), PAC L.P. (the "Vendor") grants to the
user (the "Licensee") a non-exclusive and non-transferable license (the "License") to use PAC IRIS
(the "Software").
2. "Software" includes the executable computer programs and any related printed, electronic and online
documentation and any other files that may accompany the product.
3. Title, copyright, intellectual property rights and distribution rights of the Software remain exclusively
with the Vendor. Intellectual property rights include the look and feel of the Software. This Agreement
constitutes a license for use only and is not in any way a transfer of ownership rights to the Software.
4. The Software may be loaded onto no more than one computer. A single copy may be made for
backup purposes only.
5. The rights and obligations of this Agreement are rights granted to the Licensee only. The Licensee
may not transfer or assign any of the rights or obligations granted under this Agreement to any other
person or legal entity. The Licensee may not make available the Software for use by one or more
third parties.
6. The Software may not be modified, reverse-engineered, or de-compiled in any manner through
current or future available technologies.
7. Failure to comply with any of the terms under the License section will be considered a material
breach of this Agreement.
License Fee

The original purchase price paid by the Licensee will constitute the entire license fee and is the full
consideration for this Agreement.

Limitation of Liability

1. The Software is provided by the Vendor and accepted by the Licensee "as is". Liability of the Vendor
will be limited to a maximum of the original purchase price of the Software. The Vendor will not be
liable for any general, special, incidental or consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss
of production, loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data, or any other business or economic
disadvantage suffered by the Licensee arising out of the use or failure to use the Software.
2. The Vendor makes no warranty expressed or implied regarding the fitness of the Software for a
particular purpose or that the Software will be suitable or appropriate for the specific requirements of
the Licensee.
3. The Vendor does not warrant that use of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free. The
Licensee accepts that software in general is prone to bugs and flaws within an acceptable level as
determined in the industry.

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Warrants and Representations

The Vendor warrants and represents that it is the copyright holder of the Software. The Vendor warrants
and represents that granting the license to use this Software is not in violation of any other agreement,
copyright or applicable statute.


All terms, conditions and obligations of this Agreement will be deemed to be accepted by the Licensee
("Acceptance") on installation of the Software.


The term of this Agreement will begin on Acceptance and is perpetual.


This Agreement will be terminated and the License forfeited where the Licensee has failed to comply with
any of the terms of this Agreement or is in breach of this Agreement. On termination of this Agreement for
any reason, the Licensee will promptly destroy the Software or return the Software to the Vendor.

Force Majeure

The Vendor will be free of liability to the Licensee where the Vendor is prevented from executing its
obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part due to Force Majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon,
flood, fire, and war or any other unforeseen and uncontrollable event where the Vendor has taken any
and all appropriate action to mitigate such an event.

Governing Law

The Parties to this Agreement submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Texas for the
enforcement of this Agreement or any arbitration award or decision arising from this Agreement. This
Agreement will be enforced or construed according to the laws of the State of Texas.


1. This Agreement can only be modified in writing signed by both the Vendor and the Licensee.
2. This Agreement does not create or imply any relationship in agency or partnership between the
Vendor and the Licensee.
3. Headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be considered when
interpreting this Agreement. Words in the singular mean and include the plural and vice versa. Words
in the masculine gender include the feminine gender and vice versa. Words in the neuter gender
include the masculine gender and the feminine gender and vice versa.
4. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, it is the parties' intent that such provision be reduced
in scope by the court only to the extent deemed necessary by that court to render the provision

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reasonable and enforceable and the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement will in no way be
affected, impaired or invalidated as a result.
5. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. All understandings have been
included in this Agreement. Representations which may have been made by any party to this
Agreement may in some way be inconsistent with this final written Agreement. All such statements
are declared to be of no value in this Agreement. Only the written terms of this Agreement will bind
the parties.
6. This Agreement and the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement apply to and are binding
upon the Vendor's successors and assigns.

All notices to the Vendor under this Agreement are to be provided at the following address: PAC L.P.,
Attn: Software Development Dept. 8824 Fallbrook Drive, Houston, TX 77064.

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1.1 Intended Audience

This document is intended for customer personnel who operate the system in order to prepare, perform or
evaluate analyses. The user must have a working knowledge of computers and associated equipment
(keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.).

The content of this document must be read, understood and observed in all points and by each person
responsible for the preparation, the transport, the storage, the installation, the operation, the
maintenance, and the repair of related systems, before starting to work with and on the systems.

1.2 Intended Use

The PAC IRIS software described in this document has been designed and is intended to provide data
management features, including the ability to:

 Control and monitor PAC instruments

 Collect and archive test data

 Perform and report on test results and trends

 Provide analysis of collected results data

 Connect to external Lab Information Management Systems (LIMS)

Any other use or modification of PAC IRIS software without written agreement from PAC will be regarded
as noncompliant: PAC will not be liable for any possible resulting damage or injury, and the warranty will
be voided.

The software may only be operated and serviced by qualified authorized personnel.

The operator must refrain from any operation that can affect the safety of others and the viability of
systems that are communicating with or through the PAC IRIS software. The operator must always
ensure that all systems and instruments are in proper condition when in operation.

1.3 Typographical and Authoring Conventions

 Hardware buttons that can be pushed, software buttons that can be clicked in the Human Machine
Interface (HMI) of software applications, menu commands that can be selected, and data that can be
entered via a keyboard, are indicated in the font as shown in the following example:

Click OK.

 Combined menu selections in the HMI are indicated by the “>” symbol, e.g. Select File > Save As.

 File names and texts in the HMI are indicated in the font as shown here.

 E-mail and Internet addresses are indicated as in the following example:

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 Lists and enumerations without prescribed order are always preceded by bullets (for example, this

 Steps in a procedure, which must be performed in consecutive order, are always numbered.

 Abbreviations are defined upon their first use (except in a title).

 Throughout this manual, PAC L.P. and its subsidiaries are referred to as “PAC”.

 Throughout this manual, PAC automatic laboratory equipment (or device, unit, or apparatus) is
referred to as the “instrument”.

 In this manual, the PAC IRIS software may be referred to as “Workbench” on some installation and
application screens.

1.4 Locking Code Information

Refer to “Appendix B: Locking Code Information”, this manual.

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2.1 Computer and Operating System Requirements

The following are the minimum computer specifications required to run the Workstation Edition of PAC
IRIS. Configuration requirements are constantly updated. Please check with your PAC representative for
the latest PC specifications.

® ®
A computer running Microsoft Windows operating system 7 32-bit or 64 bit(x86 or x64)
Professional, Business or Ultimate , or Windows 8.1 Professional, Business or Ultimate operating

 2 GHz processor

 2 GB of system memory

 20 GB of available hard drive space (80 GB recommended)

 Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels with 128 MB of graphics memory

 Fast Ethernet: 100 Mbit/s

 USB 2.0 port

2.2 Components

The following software components must be available on the PC or are installed during the installation of
PAC IRIS and its optional plug-ins.

 .NET 4.0 or above

 Internet Information Service 6.0 (IIS 6) or above

 Internet Explorer 8 (IE &) or above

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (for servicing purposes)

 Workbench

 PAC IRIS Plug-ins

ISL Services

Herzog Services

 USB-CAN driver (for CAN-bus instruments)

For CAN-bus instruments, Paradox Database driver and tools (BDE)

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2.3 Hardware Connections

PAC IRIS software communicates with the PAC instrument to acquire and process test data. The PC
running PAC IRIS must be connected to the instrument and have the specific driver software installed.

The various PAC instruments support different types of ports and cables to connect to the computer,
either through Ethernet, a serial network, or a CAN-bus connection. This enables the user to connect
multiple PAC instruments to one computer running PAC IRIS.

Figure 1. Connections Overview 1

2.3.1 Serial Network

PAC IRIS can connect to PAC instruments by means of a serial network, such as the legacy ALAN
network. ALAN connects instruments to the PAC IRIS computer via RS485 cables and a Token Ring.

The software utility “PAC ISL Server”, initially installed by the PAC IRIS software, must be present to
allow communication. See also “Configuring the ISL Instrument Service” in this chapter.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B Hardware Equipment

The following hardware is needed for RS485 communication.

Part Number Description Part Notes

K01055 RS232/RS485 One per ISL instrument

converter network.

J01075 RS485 cable 15-meter cable. One per


J01070 RS485 terminator One per ISL instrument


J01069 RS485 cable 5-meter cable. One per

instrument. (One supplied
with each instrument.)

K01073 USB/RS232 converter Optional. One per ISL

instrument network.

Additional cables of varying lengths are available from PAC. Hardware Set Up

1. Plug the RS232/RS485 adapter into a COM port on the computer running the PAC ISL Instrument
2. Connect one end of the RS485 cable to the RS232/RS485 adapter.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to the ALAN network input port (A) of the first instrument.
4. Connect a RS485 cable between the ALAN output port of the first instrument and the ALAN input port
of the next ALAN-ready instrument.
5. Repeat the previous step for all other instruments to be connected to the chain.
6. Plug the terminator into the ALAN output port (A) of the last instrument of the chain. Communication
between the computer and ALAN instruments will not work without the terminator.

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7. Set each instrument to a unique ALAN network number ID. See the instrument’s manual for
instructions. PAC IRIS labels the ID as the "hardware port".
2.3.2 CAN-bus

CAN-bus instruments use the Control Area Network (CAN) protocol to communicate with other devices.
However, since most computers do not support the CAN protocol port directly, a USB-to-CAN adaptor is
required at the start of the CAN-bus chain to connect PAC instruments which use this protocol to a PAC
running PAC IRIS. Hardware Equipment

The following hardware is needed for CAN-bus communication.

Description Part Notes

USB-to-CAN Adaptor One per CAN-bus. (Supplied with the

PAC IRIS Workstation edition.)

CAN-bus Terminator One per CAN-bus. (Supplied with the

PAC IRIS Workstation edition.)

CAN-bus Cable One per instrument. (Supplied with the

PAC IRIS Workstation edition; others
can be ordered separately.) Installing the CAN-bus Driver

Read the instructions on the installation CD that came with the USB-to-CAN adaptor.

 At this time, DO NOT connect the USB-to-CAN adaptor to the USB port of the computer to which the
instruments will be connected.

 Install the USB-CAN driver (USB-CAN-Module) on the computer, according to the instructions shown
during installation.

 Create the CAN-bus chain: see section “Hardware Set Up”.

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Figure 2. Connections Overview 2 Hardware Set Up

1. Verify that the USB-CAN driver is successfully installed on the computer: see section
“Installing the CAN-bus Driver”.
2. Verify that the USB-to-CAN adaptor is powered on.
3. Now we can use a USB cable to connect the USB-to-CAN adaptor to the labeled USB port on the
4. Connect a CAN-bus cable from the USB-to-CAN adaptor to the CAN-bus input port of the first
instrument on the CAN-bus chain.
5. Connect a CAN-bus cable from the CAN-bus output port of the first instrument to the CAN-bus input
port of the next instrument.
6. Repeat the previous step for all other instruments on the chain.
7. Plug the CAN-bus Resistor/Terminator into the CAN-bus output port of the last instrument of the
chain. Communication between the computer and CAN-bus serviceable instruments will not work
without the terminator.
2.3.3 Ethernet Network

Ethernet-based PAC instruments use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). DHCP enabled
devices dynamically obtain a unique IP address from a DHCP server. All routers supplied by PAC have
built-in DHCP servers.

Ethernet-based PAC instruments can be connected in various network configurations. The configuration
below describes the most common Local Area Network (LAN). Please contact your IT administrator to
address your own specific network needs.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B Hardware Equipment

The following hardware equipment is needed for Ethernet communication.

Description Part Notes

Ethernet Router
Connects up to 8 instruments to the

Ethernet Switch
Adds eight additional ports to connect
up to 16 instruments to the computer.

Ethernet cable (with RJ45 One per instrument, plus one for the
Ethernet connectors) computer. Optionally, one per
additional controller (see section “Network Connection Set-up”). Network Connection Set-up

Figure 3. Do Not Connect to Internet Port

CAUTION: Do not connect a PAC instrument to the Internet port of the router as this might
risk losing connection with the network. Ask your IT Administrator for help.

1. Power on the computer and the router.

2. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the RJ45 port of the instrument to the router.
3. If your instrument uses an additional device (like an ACI), use an Ethernet cable to connect the RJ45
port of that device to the router.

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4. Wait for 1 minute while the instrument obtains an IP address automatically. PAC instruments such as
the OptiDist display connection status on the front panel, Parameter page 4/5.
5. If an IP address is not obtained automatically:
a. Check that DHCP is enabled on the router. See the router manual.
b. Manually specify the static IP address (sub-net, gateway) that has been set in the instrument.
See the instrument manual.

NOTE: This IP address is not the IP address of the instrument.

6. If necessary, configure the IP address of the computer, the instrument and the optional extra device.

NOTE: During installation you will need to click Next >, OK, Install, Finish or Close to
advance from one screen to the next.

2.4 Installing PAC IRIS

Before you install the PAC IRIS software, the relevant hardware and supporting operating system must
be installed. See sections “Computer and Operating System Requirements” and “Hardware Connections”
in this chapter.

Software installation consists of the following procedures:

 Prepare your Windows operating system PC: see Section 2.4.1, “Preparation”.

 Install PAC IRIS software.

 Install Instruments.

 Register instruments: see section “Configure the Instrument”.

 Install licenses: see section “Install Licenses”.

2.4.1 Preparation
 Make sure you have the rights to install software on the computer that will run the PAC IRIS software.
Consult your system administrator.

 Close all applications that run on the computer.

 Disconnect all connected USB-CAN modules from the computer.

 It is imperative that the User run all Windows updates prior to installation of IRIS 2.0.

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 When doing an upgrade the user must take the backup created in the section Upgrading IRIS 1.0 and
place it in a new folder on the C:\ directory. You will provide this to the installer in step 5.

2.5 Upgrading From IRIS 1.0

When upgrading from IRIS 1.0 to IRIS 2.0 it is necessary to create a database backup. The IRIS
database you are backing up contains all license information, result data and instrument configuration
settings. You will need to provide this to the IRIS 2.0 installer. This ensures that the customers instrument
and result data carries over. You can create a backup through SQL Management Studio Express or the
Enterprise Online Manager.

2.5.1 SQL Management Studio Express (SSMSE)

1. Open SSMSE and right-click to Run as administrator:

Figure 4. SSMSE

2. Log in with Windows credentials and click the “+” symbol next to Databases in left side panel.
3. Select the Enterprise database and right-click to select Tasks and Backup, following figure.

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Figure 5. Selecting Back Up...

4. In the Backup dialog remove the default destination (if it is populated) by selecting it and clicking
Remove, following figure.

Figure 6. Destination: Remove

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5. Now Click the Add button to select a new destination and filename, following figure.

Figure 7. Choosing Add

6. Click on the browse button in the resulting dialog box, following figure.

Figure 8. Destination

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It is best to use the C:\Enterprise folder to store the backup for now. You will move this later removable
media for the upgrade installation later.

7. Name the file and always give it an extension.bak, following figure

Figure 9. Naming File

8. After clicking OK, verify that new backup location and filename are correct and click OK again,
following figure.

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Figure 10. Final OK Selection

9. Now your destination and filename is set, choose Options under Select a page, following figure.

Figure 11. Options

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10. You must select to overwrite any existing database backups.

IMPORTANT: NEVER select to Append.

11. Click on OK, following figure.

Figure 12. Overwrite Selection

12. When the database backup is complete you will get a pop-up. Click OK, following figure.

Figure 13. Backup Complete

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13. Check your output folder for .bak file created, following figure.

Figure 14. Check for .bak File

2.5.2 Enterprise Online Manager (OLM)

1. Open OLM from the desktop Icon and login using admin account.
2. Click on System tab and choose Database, following figure.

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Figure 15. System and Database

3. In the Backup Filename text box type the full path to the destination location (we recommend the
C:\Enterprise Folder). Include the desired name of your file with .bak extension.
4. Click on Backup button when done.
5. The system will ask you to confirm, click OK, following figure.

Figure 16. Backing Up the Database

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When the backup is complete you will see the following.

Figure 17. Backup and Restore Tab

6. Check your backup destination location to get your file, following figure.

Figure 18. Obtaining File

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2.5.3 IRIS 2.0 Installation

IMPORTANT: It is imperative that the User run all Windows updates prior to installation of IRIS 2.0.

IMPORTANT: When doing an upgrade the user must take the backup created in the section Upgrading
IRIS 1.0 and place it in a new folder on the C:\ directory. You will provide this to the installer in step 5.

2.6 IRIS Installation Guide

2.6.1 Environment Requirements (Important)
 Windows Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 (x64/x86).

2.6.2 IRIS Setup Installation Guide on Windows 8 (Pro X64), and Windows 7 (32X64)
Ultimate This Step Is For Windows 8 Only

Then you have to install Internet Information Services (IIS) and .Net Framework 3.5 for Windows 8
operating system manually, follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Open Control Panel.

2. Open Programs and Features.
3. Click on Turn Windows features on or off.
4. Check required features as displayed in below image and then click OK.

Figure 19. Turning Windows On or Off

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5. Then a pop-up window will open to download the .Net Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0).
6. Click on Download files from Windows Update.

Figure 20. Windows Features

7. Insert the CD or copy the setup folder on Desktop.

8. Now either Auto-run the CD or double click on IRIS_Setup.exe , then follow the below mentioned
a. Click on Yes, following figure.
b. IMPORTANT: After selecting “Yes” the installer will run for some time (45-60 minutes) installing
various components. No user interaction is required. The system will prompt a reboot 2 times.
Upon restart the installer will reinitialize. If at any point the installer fails to reinitialize you may
open the install media and double click setup.exe to continue.

Figure 21. Installation Question

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9. Click on Yes.

Figure 22. InstallShield Wizard

10. If setup doesn’t start automatically, then auto run the CD or double-click on IRIS_Setup.exe and then
click on the Yes button.
11. Then the below screen will populate.

Figure 23. Import Enterprise Database

Restore DB

 Use this option while upgrading IRIS 1.0 to 2.0 by browsing the database backup created on path

 Use this option to restore any existing database.

Default DB

 Use this option to create new database version 2.0.


 Use this option to skip this step.

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12. Click on the OK button.

Figure 24. Installation Directory

13. Click on the Yes option.

Figure 25. Creation Directory

14. Click on the Next button.

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Figure 26. Wizard Continuation

15. Click on the Yes button, following figure.

Figure 27. License Agreement

16. Click on the Next button, following figure.

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Figure 28. Installation Notes

17. Click on the Next button, following figure.

Figure 29. User Name and Company Name

18. Click on the Next button, following figure.

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Figure 30. Optional Features

19. Click on the Next button, following figure.

Figure 31. Database Location

20. Click on the Next button, following figure.

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Figure 32. Destination Location

21. Click on the Next button, following figure.

Figure 33. Shared Folder Location

22. Click on the Next button, following figure.

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Figure 34. Copying Files

In case of up-gradation if "Pac.IslInstrumentService.exe" or "IslServiceMonitor.exe" both are running, then

it requires the permission.

23. Click on OK.

Figure 35. Files in Use

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24. Now click on the Finish button to restart the system, following figure.

Figure 36. Restart Option Instrument Installer Installation

Follow below steps to install Instrument Installer.

1. If setup doesn’t start automatically, then auto run the CD or double-click on shortcut icon (Instrument
Installer) created on desktop.
2. Click on the Yes button.
3. A window will open then you have to click on Install/Upgrade link, following figure.

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Figure 37. IRIS Instrument Installer

4. Now you have to select required instrument and click on OK, following figure.

Figure 38. Install/Upgrade

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5. Click on OK.
6. Click on Exit, following figure.

Figure 39. Successful Installation

Finally you will get an application icon on desktop "IRIS".

7. Click on the icon with name IRIS to the start application. You have to provide login credentials
(admin/admin) to open the application, following figure.

Figure 40. Login-Enterprise Workbench

Page 44 of 94 PAC L.P., All Rights Reserved, 2014

PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B Data Migration In the Instruments

Follow the below steps:

1. Run BDEADMIN.EXE as Administrator from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Borland

2. Select Configuration option, following figure.

Figure 41. Configuration Option

3. Select PARADOX option and then change the NET DIR path, following figure.

Figure 42. PARADOX Option

4. Then right-click on PARADOX.

5. Click on Apply, following figure.

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Figure 43. Apply Option

6. Click on OK, following figure.

Figure 44. Save Edits

7. Click on OK, following figure.

Figure 45. Restart Window

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8. Right-click on PARADOX and select Options....

Figure 46. Options...

9. Select options as marked in the below image and click OK.

Figure 47. Save Options

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B Login to Workbench

1. Wait until the startup screen appears, following figure.

Figure 48. Start Up Screen

2. Wait until the Login screen appears. Enter user password. When logging in for the first time, the
default user is admin and the password is admin.

Figure 49. Login Screen

3. If you want to work off-line (when the instrument is not connected to the computer), check the Work
offline check box.
4. Click OK. Install Licenses

After you install all PAC IRIS software components, install a license for each instrument that you want to
connect to PAC IRIS. The required license file is typically provided with the instrument. Optionally, the
latest version can be requested from PAC.

1. Make sure the license file(s) can be accessed: insert the media containing the license file(s) into the
computer or copy the license file(s) to the computer’s hard disk.

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2. Go to the License manager tab page in Workbench:

a. Select View.
b. Check the Extensions check box.
c. Select License Manager & Instrument Configuration Utility.
d. Click the Launch icon.
e. Click the License manager tab.
3. The License manager tab page shows the licenses available (black characters) and those in use (red
characters). Initially the list is empty.

Figure 50. Enterprise Workbench Screen

4. Click on Import License file.

5. Browse to and select the license file that needs to be installed and click Open. The License Feature
dialog screen appears.
6. Click OK.
7. If necessary, repeat the previous step for all other license files. Configure the Instrument

Each instrument must be configured to connect to PAC IRIS. Part of the configuration procedure is the
allocation of an available license.

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NOTE: The following steps will vary depending on the type of instrument. Please contact
our service department if you require additional information.

1. Make sure the Instrument manager tab page is selected in Workbench.

Figure 51. Instrument Manager

2. From the Instrument operations list, select the type of instrument you want to register.
3. Click New. The Instrument Configuration window of the selected instrument type appears.
(Alternatively, this window can be opened by double-clicking on the instrument in the Workbench
Instrument Manager.)
a. Type the serial number shown on the instrument’s nameplate.
b. The Instrument Configuration window shows information about the type of instrument in the
Name and Description fields.
c. Optionally specify the Location * of the instrument.
d. On the license line, click Add.

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NOTE: Locations are available after they have been defined in the Online Manager.
Otherwise, the only available location is Default.

Figure 52. Instrument Configuration

4. The license window appears and shows the licenses that are available (in black characters) and the
licenses in use (in red characters).
a. Select an available license that corresponds to the instrument type.
b. Click Select to install the license and close the license window.
c. Optionally check the Enable printout check box and set print options.
d. Click OK.
5. Repeat above steps 2, 3, and 4 for all other instruments to be registered. Finishing the Installation
1. Remove the installation/license CD or USB flash drive from the computer and store in a safe place.
2. Exit Workbench if you chose to install license and configure instruments as part of the installation
3. Click Close on the InstallShield Wizard.

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4. Restart the computer.

2.7 Configuring the PAC IRIS Software

Plug-ins and dedicated instrument services are installed with PAC IRIS to allow communication with each
connected instrument.

2.7.1 Configuring the ISL Instrument Service

The Instrument Service, running in the background, interacts between the plug-in, the database, and the
instrument(s) which utilize it. For maintenance purposes, the Instrument Service monitors communication
between PAC IRIS and the instrument(s). Following are instructions for configuration.

Figure 53. Configuration Option

NOTE: Disable any legacy ALAN software to avoid port conflicts.

1. From the Windows PAC Instrument Service program group, start the ISL service monitor. In Windows
7 and Vista, please right-click on ISL Service in the PAC Instrument Service menu and Select Run
As Administrator even if you are logged in as a local administrator, and click Yes on the User
Access Control dialog.
2. Plug in USB/Serial Device. From Windows Start menu, click Run and enter “devmgmt.msc” to open
Device Manager.
3. Click on Ports (COM & LPT) to find out what COM port your Device is using.
4. From the Tools menu select Configuration; Make sure the Serial configuration tab page is selected,
following figure.

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Figure 54. COM Selection

5. In the Port field, select the COM port where the RS232C/RS485 adaptor resides.
6. Click Save to store the new settings and close the tab page. The new settings will be applied
7. Close the ISL Service Monitor. If the change does not take effect, please follow the steps below to
restart the ISL Instrument Service.
a. From the Windows Start menu, select Run, then type Services.msc and press Enter.
b. Select ISL Instrument Service - PAC Data System.
c. Click Restart.
d. Close the Service window.

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2.7.2 Configure Herzog Instrument Service

Figure 55. Herzog Screen

Installation of a Herzog instrument plug-in also installs the Herzog Instrument Service. The Instrument
Service interacts between the plug-in, the database, and the instrument(s). For maintenance purposes,
the Instrument Service monitors communication between PAC IRIS and the instrument.

1. From the Windows PAC Instrument Service program group, start the Herzog service monitor.
2. From the Tools menu select Configuration, following figure.

Figure 56. Configuration

3. Make sure the Ethernet configuration tab page is selected.

4. For the Network address, set a valid IP address. (Normally it looks like 192.168.X.X or 10.X.X.X,
where X is a number between 1 and 254. Use loop back address for the default
stand-alone installation.

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Figure 57. IP Address

Contact your IT Administrator if no network is configured.

CAUTION: Do not change the TCP port number.

5. Click Save to store the new settings and close the tab page.
6. Close the Herzog Service Monitor.
7. Restart the Herzog Instrument Service, following figure.

Figure 58. Herzog Options

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a. From the Windows Start menu, select Run, then type Services.msc and press Enter.
b. Select Herzog Instrument Service - PAC Data System.
c. Click Restart.
d. Close the Service window.

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This chapter describes the PAC IRIS software, how to use its data management features, and how to find
and solve possible errors reported by the software or related system(s).

Appendix A. “Supported PAC Instruments” lists the instruments that can be used with the PAC IRIS

All safety precautions in this manual must be followed to avoid disrupting network communications.

PAC IRIS collects test results from your instrument and stores this data in an SQL database.

To accomplish this, PAC IRIS installs the following on the resident workstation (PAC IRIS Workstation),
following figure:

 Online Manager (A): see section 3.1 “Online Manager”.

 Microsoft Internet Information Services (B)

 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (C)

 Workbench (D): see section 3.2 “Workbench”

 Instrument plug-ins (D): see section 3.3 “Instrument Plug-ins”.

Figure 59. Workstation Software

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3.1 Online Manager

Online Manager is the web-based primary administrative interface. Data can be viewed and reported
through Online Manager (OLM) and the user can define operations, tests, and instruments. You can also
specify users and access privileges, as well as test result parameters.

Figure 60. Online Manager

In a networked environment, Online Manager enables you to share access to the database with other
users through a remote view option.

Online Manager has an extensive context-driven and searchable online help.

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Figure 61. Help

3.2 Workbench

The Workbench program communicates with the instruments to control the execution of tests, and gather
and analyze real-time data. Workbench is the main operator interface to run samples.

Workbench can be opened multiple times to simultaneously connect to any or all instruments defined in
the Workstation database. Workbench “remembers” which configuration is active when a user logs off
and activates it the next time a user logs in.

The Workbench program is part of the PAC IRIS software. Workbench is configured via a global setting in
the Workstation database to allow connection to a given number of instruments at a time. Setting this
value to one (1) causes Workbench to connect to only one instrument at a time. In this configuration, the
user launches a separate Workbench instance for each instrument he connects to.

3.3 Instrument Plug-ins

An instrument plug-in extends Workbench functionality by providing features specific to the corresponding

All instrument plug-ins have a general user interface to easily navigate to the desired function or

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Figure 62. Functions and Operations

Each supported PAC instrument has a PAC instrument plug-in associated with it. In some cases, a single
plug-in may support a group of similar instruments. For example, the Flash Point plug-in supports FP93,
FP56, etc. Appendix A. “Supported PAC Instruments” lists the available plug-ins.

Figure 63. Plug-ins

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The PAC IRIS software provides, among other things, the following basic features and procedures:

 In Workbench

 Monitoring an instrument: see section 4.1.4, “View an Instrument”.

 Running Tests: see section 4.1.7, “Start the Test Sequence”.

 Monitoring Tests: see section 4.1.8, “Monitor the Tests”.

 In Online Manager

 User Administration: see section 4.2.6 , “User Administration”.

 Database Management: see section 4.2.7, “Database Management”.

4.1 Workbench

Workbench manages information from the instrument(s) connected to the PAC IRIS computer. The
module can operate either online or offline.

 Online

The user has control of instrument testing with the availability of real time data as the instrument is

 Offline

This mode enables you to use the software while it is not directly connected to any instrument. It uses
previously stored information for the various installed instruments.

4.1.1 Workbench Login

To start Workbench:

1. Click the IRIS shortcut icon on your Desktop.

2. Enter your User name and Password when the login screen appears.
3. To work offline (i.e. without communicating with the PAC instrument), check the Work offline
checkbox. To work online, make sure the Work offline checkbox is unchecked.
4. Click OK, following figure.

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Figure 64. Login

4.1.2 Workbench Toolbar

The Workbench toolbar contains the following options:

Figure 65. Toolbar

File The File option allows you to:

 Switch users

 Lock Workbench

 Exit the system

View The View option allows you to:

 Enable or disable Windows to view Traces, Error messages and Alarms.

 Enable or disable the instrument window, in which you can select the instrument(s) you want to run.
See section 4.1.4, “View an Instrument”.

 Enable or disable the extension window, in which you can start extensions such as the License
Manager & Instrument Configuration Utility, the Quick Report Viewer, etc.

 Show or hide the view Windows.

Tools The Tools option allows you to:

 Select a Scheme: Silver, Blue, Black or System (currently only System is available).

 Select the Options for the chosen instrument.

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 Currently only the Display Mode Single Instrument Only is available.

Instrument After a Workbench plug-in has started, the toolbar automatically shows the corresponding
instrument menu option.

 The instrument menu contains the various actions you can perform with that particular instrument.

 Selecting Help from the instrument menu opens the operator manual for the instrument.

Window The Window option allows you to choose how windows are displayed.

Help The Help option gives information on Workbench.

4.1.3 Workbench Icon Bar

The Workbench icon bar is positioned below the tool bar.

Figure 66. Icon Bar

It enables quick access to functions that apply to the PAC instruments, such as:

NOTE: The structure of the workbench icon bar depends on the instrument type. Not all
plug-ins offer the possibility to start or stop a test, some only collect data.


 Add a test: see section 4.1.5, “Add a Test”.

 This feature is not available for all instruments.

 This feature is only available in Online mode.

Start Starts a loaded test:

 The software starts the test.

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The start command is generated regardless of how the start is invoked (example: the operator starts the
test using the instruments UI).

 The instrument driver performs its start operations.

 The software generates a Started event.

This message is generated regardless of how the start is invoked.

Stop Stops a running test:

 The software generates a Stopping event.

This message is generated regardless of how the stop action is invoked (for example: the test reaches it
end and stops normally, or the operator manually stops the test before its conclusion).

 The current test completes its run and all result data collected so far is stored.

 The test stops.

 The software generates a Stopped event.

This message is generated regardless of how the stop action is invoked.

Abort Immediately stops the current test:

 The test stops.

 All result data collected so far is invalidated.

 The result that is stored in the database is denoted as aborted.

Options These functions are instrument dependent and are not shown in the example above.
They can include:

 Reset

 New Test

 Pause

 Initiate

4.1.4 View an Instrument

1. Select View > Instruments from the Workbench toolbar.
2. Click Available or Connected:

The Workbench window shows the corresponding list of instruments.

3. Select the instrument you want to view. You may have to click on the Refresh button to update,
following figure.

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Figure 67. Refresh Button

4. Click the Actions icon. The software opens the selected instrument and displays the Results screen.
See section 4.1.9. “Display Results”.
4.1.5 Add a Test
1. In the Workbench icon bar, click the Add icon. The New Sample screen appears, following figure.

Figure 68. New Sample Screen

2. Enter a Sample Name.

3. Select a Sample Type.

If a calibration test is being performed, select a calibration.

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4. Optionally select and specify other data.

5. Click Save.

NOTE: The new sample editor is available for certain instrument types only.

4.1.6 Create a Sequence

In many environments, this creates a series of tests to be performed on the same samples on a routine
basis. In such cases, it is useful to create a sequence of tests that can be added to the queue rather than
adding them individually.

1. In the Workbench icon bar, click Sequence.

The Sequence Editor screen appears.

Figure 69. Sequence Editor Screen

2. Enter a Sequence name (for example, “NGSeqDaily”).

3. Add a series of tests to the new sequence with the required sample types.
4. Click the Save icon.
4.1.7 Start the Test Sequence
1. In the Sequence Editor screen (see above) click Add to Queue.

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All tests are added to the queue and will be executed in the order they appear in the sequence.

4.1.8 Monitor the Tests

1. Make sure the instrument on which the test must run is open. See section 4.1.4. “View an
2. Select the Run Control tab.

The Run Control screen appears.

This tab page displays the real-time status of the current test, following figure.

Figure 70. Real Time Status

4.1.9 Display Results

1. Make sure the instrument that must be viewed is open. See section 4.1.4. “View an Instrument”.
2. Wait until the opened instrument completes its test.
3. Select the Results tab to display the test results from the selected instrument, following figure.

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Figure 71. Results Tab

4. Optionally, click Refresh list to display the most recent results.

5. Optionally, click Use filter and set filter criteria to filter the test results.
6. In the list on the left side of the screen, double-click the test result you want to open.
4.1.10 Reports
1. Make sure the instrument that must be viewed is open. See section 4.1.4. “View an Instrument”.
2. Wait until the opened instrument completes its test.
3. Select the Reports tab.

The Reports screen displays a report of the test results in PDF format, following figure.

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Figure 72. Report Screen

4. Optionally print as PDF.

TIP: To view and save reports in various formats (PDF, Excel, Word, and RTF) or to redirect
them to a Printer or File, use the Reports option of the Online Manager.

4.1.11 Diagnostics

Many PAC instruments have instrument-specific diagnostic screens to help you troubleshoot issues and
diagnose instrument problems. See the manual of your instrument for further details.

4.2 Online Manager

Some of the main features of Online Manager are described in the following sections, following figure.

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Figure 73. Online Manager

4.2.1 Login
1. Start the Online Manager.
2. Enter your Login ID and Password.
3. Click OK.
4.2.2 Results

All test results collected from an instrument via Workbench are visible on the Results tab page of Online

1. In Online Manager, click the Results tab.

2. Click Test Results.

The Results tab page contains summary information about the results collected, following figure.

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Figure 74. Results

3. Optionally use the search function and the display filters at the top of the tab page to find the test you
want to view.
4. Optionally click the Notepad icon of a test to see further result details.
4.2.3 Reports

By default, PAC IRIS provides several general reports and some instrument-specific reports. These
reports are customizable to suit your needs. Please contact your local PAC sales representative for
further details.

1. In Online Manager, click the Results tab.

2. Click Run Reports.
3. Click the Parameters tab, following figure.

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Figure 75. Parameters Tab

4. Set the selection criteria.

5. Select the desired view or redirect option.
6. Click the Reports tab.

Figure 76. Reports

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7. Click the report you want to run.

4.2.4 Methods

The Tests button on the Test Setup tab page enables a list of currently supported test methods. This list
varies depending upon the type of PAC instrument(s) you have installed.

NOTE: A test method may apply to a specific instrument (as indicated in the Instrument
Type column).

Figure 77. Instrument Type

4.2.5 Configuration

The configuration tab page allows you to configure instruments as well as manage licenses for your

NOTE: Instructions below may vary depending on the instrument type you are working with.
More detailed information can be found in the corresponding instrument manual.

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For example, if you have an instrument of a certain type in your lab and you purchase a second
instrument of the same type, you must register the new instrument by completing the form on the
configuration page.

CAUTION: If the new instrument type is not listed in the Model or Type field, you must rerun
the installer to acquire the necessary plug-in. See Chapter 2, “Installing the PAC IRIS

1. In Online Manager, click the Config tab.

2. Click Instruments.
3. Make sure the Instrument tab is selected.

Figure 78. Instruments Tab

4. Click New.
5. Select the instrument type for the Model or Type field.
6. Enter information in the text fields (all fields marked in red are required).
7. Click Save.

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4.2.6 User Administration

The Online Manager grants access after logging in with a valid User Identification (Login ID) and

The Online Manager checks this input against a list of authorized users. Each record contains a user’s
login ID, first name, last name, contact information, E-mail address, and language preference.

The software is delivered with a set of initial user types with predefined privileges:

 Admin (a default system administrator)

 Senior (normally lab managers who create and manage tests, manage instruments, run tests and
generate reports)

 Junior (normally limited to queuing and running tests)

TIP: Because the Admin user has access to all user records, it is strongly suggested that
the default Admin user password be changed on set up to help prevent unauthorized

Online Manager allows you to:

 Change your preferences for name, password, language, etc. if you belong to a group that has the
User–Change password privilege.

 Manager users, their functions and preferences, and privilege groups, if you belong to a group that
has the User–Manage privilege (like Admin).

CAUTION: Do not remove the default user “Admin” before you have created another user
with administrator rights.

The system (through Admin or a Lab Manager) assigns privileges to groups. Users are then added to
these groups to gain the group’s privileges. Each user may be assigned to one or more privilege groups.

Each privilege group is granted specific software privileges. A group also defines user job functions like
how users operate the software.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B Create or Modify a Named User

The User Setup tab allows a Lab Manager to create Named Users and Privilege Groups and assign
Named Users (operators and other authorized personnel) to Privilege Groups. By enabling and disabling
privileges, Lab Managers can control access to functions and features available in Online Manager,
Workbench, and Plug-ins.

1. In Online Manager, click the User Setup tab.

The list of available named users appears. Users can be affected by changes that are made in the
Privilege Groups option (see section, “Create a Privilege Group”).

2. Click Users.

The User screen appears, following figure.

Figure 79. User Screen

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3. Click New.
4. In the User screen, type and select the appropriate information for the new user.
5. Assign Group rights to the new user.

Other Privilege Groups can be created: see section, “Create a Privilege Group”.

6. Click Save.

The user has now been created.

7. Go to the Password tab page.

8. Enter and confirm the password for the new user and click Save.

The same tab page may be used to change settings for an existing user. Create a Privilege Group

1. In Online Manager, click the User Setup tab.
2. Click Privilege Groups.

The Privilege Groups screen appears and shows the available Privilege Groups, following figure.

Figure 80. Privilege Groups

3. In the Privilege Groups screen, type the name of the new Privilege Group.
4. Click New.

The new Privilege Group has now been created.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B Assign Privileges To a Privilege Group

If you are a member of a group containing the Privilege “Manage”, you can create, view, and edit
privileges and assign them to Privilege Groups.

1. In Online Manager, click the User Setup tab.

2. Click Privilege Groups.
3. In the Privilege Groups screen, select the Privilege Group to which privileges must be assigned (or
4. Click Privileges.

The Privileges screen appears, following figure.

Figure 81. Privileges Screen

5. You may assign or remove privileges from a Privilege by checking or unchecking the box for each

 Optionally click the browse buttons at the bottom of the Privileges Groups screen to find the
required privileges.

 Click column of individual lists to sort.

6. Close the Privileges screen.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B Modify The List of Customers

To modify the list of customers, you must have the privileges listed below.

Table 2. Privileges

Privilege Name Allowed Activity

Customer - Manager Add, modify, or delete a customer

Admin Add, modify, or delete everything in the system

1. Log in (see section 4.2.1. “Login”).

2. In Online Manager, click the User Setup tab.
3. Click Customers.

The Customers screen appears.

4. In the Customers screen, click New.

5. Type and select the appropriate information of the new customer.
6. Click Save.
4.2.7 Database Management

PAC IRIS uses the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express and its size is limited to a maximum of 4 GB. The
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Studio optionally enables you to administer the database, but is
not required for normal PAC IRIS operation.

To create or restore a backup, archive results or re-index the database, see the following sections. Backup

A backup of the PAC IRIS database can be made quickly.

1. On the Database tab page of the Online Manager, click the Database.
2. Click the Backup and restore tab, following figure.

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B

Figure 82. Backup and Restore

3. In the Backup area, type the path and file name of the backup file.
4. Click Backup. Restore

To restore a database, please contact PAC for assistance. Archive results

To reduce the database size, archive old results:

1. On the Database tab page of the Online Manager, click the Archival tab.
2. The tab page displays the status before and after archival, following figure.

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Figure 83. Archival Tab Re-index

Re-indexing the database may improve the performance of your Workbench application or Online

1. In Online Manager, go to the Database tab page and click the Table tools tab, following figure.

Figure 84. Table Tools

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B

2. Click Select all.

3. Click Re-index.

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The following sections describe the various modes of operation for advanced PAC IRIS users.

5.1 Quality Control History

For certain instruments, clicking the QC History tab page in Workbench displays Quality Control (QC)
samples to indicate whether the QC samples are in control and to monitor the trend of the QC sample

Figure 85. QC Samples

5.2 Edit a Method

For most instruments default methods provided by the user are available and ready to use. If required,
you can modify a method to suit a special purpose or adjust certain parameters, using the Method Editor.

The Method Editor is only visible with the requisite access privileges and not for all instruments.

1. Make sure the instrument is opened. See section 4.1.4. “View an Instrument”.
2. Click Method in the Workbench icon bar. See section 4.1.3. “Workbench Icon Bar”.

The initial Method tab page opens for the target instrument, following figure.

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Figure 86. Target Instrument

For further information please refer to your instrument manual.

5.3 Data Migration

Workbench has a Data Migration menu option available to migrate data to the PAC IRIS database from
PAC legacy software such as ALAN or HLIS.

For further information, please refer to your instrument manual and the PAC IRIS installation instructions
at the beginning of this manual.

Figure 87. Data Migration

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The following sections describe troubleshooting the PAC IRIS.

6.1 Unable to Connect to Instrument from PAC IRIS

If PAC IRIS cannot connect to an instrument, try solving the problem by reviewing the following sections
according to instrument type, the situation, and the error message.

6.1.1 For All Instrument Types

Table 3. Troubleshooting Table: All Instrument Types

Message Possible Cause Required Action

General Verify that the computers and the

instrument are powered and switched
Verify that the cable connection(s)
between the computer and the
instrument is correct.
Instrument Is Already The instrument may already Request the other user to close his/her
Claimed be in use by another user. plug-in instance.
Retry connecting to the instrument.
No License Verify that you have assigned a correct
license to the System.
Verify that you have restarted the
computer or restarted the IIS after
license import.
Verify that you have assigned a correct
license to the instrument.
Verify that the license you are using for
the instrument is consistent with the
instrument serial number.
Verify that your license has not

(Continued following page)

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B

Message Possible Cause Required Action

Start and Stop and Save Make sure you are running the
Configurations Impossible application as an Administrator.
(If under Windows Vista or
Windows 7, the Instrument
Service Monitor does not
save modified configurations,
and menu options Start/Stop
do not function.)

6.1.2 For RS485 Instruments

Table 4. Troubleshooting Table: For RS485 Instruments

Message Possible Cause Required Action

No Response From The Check the ID:

Open the extension License Manager
& Instrument Configuration.
Open the Instrument Manager tab
Verify that the ALAN ID matches the
value set in the instrument.
Check the COM port:
Go to the computer that runs the ISL
Instrument Service.
Execute the Instrument Service
Open the Configuration – Serial
Configuration tab page.
Verify that the COM port correctly
identifies the one to which the
converter for the ALAN cable is

(Continued following page)

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Message Possible Cause Required Action

No Response From The
Verify that the instrument’s serial port
property settings match those in the
ISL Instrument Service.
If not correct, change the settings of
the instrument.
Using hyper terminal, verify that the
serial port of the computer running the
ISL Service works properly.

6.1.3 For CAN-bus Instruments

Figure 88. CAN-bus Instruments

Message Possible Cause Required Action

No Response From The Check the status bar:

Go to the computer running the
Herzog Instrument Service.
Execute the Instrument Service
Verify that no error message is
displayed in the status bar.
Check the CAN ID:
Open the extension License Manager
& Instrument Configuration.
Open the Instrument Manager tab
Verify that the CAN ID matches the
value set in the instrument.

(Continued following page)

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PAC IRIS Software User Manual: Revision B

Message Possible Cause Required Action

Verify that the instrument with the

Instrument Serial Number displayed in
the message box is available on the
same network as PAC IRIS.

6.1.4 For Ethernet Instruments

Figure 89. Ethernet Instruments

Message Possible Cause Required Action

Instrument Server Not In the extension License Manager &

Running At <IP Address> Instrument Configuration:
Open the Instrument Manager tab page.
Verify that the IP Address specified in
the Network Address field matches the
IP address of the computer running the
Instrument Service.
Using the Service Monitor program
(available from the Windows application
group “PAC Instrument Services”), verify
that the Instrument Service runs on the
computer with the specified IP Address:
the Instrument Service must be running.
If the Instrument Service runs on a
different computer from the one running
the plug-in, verify that they are not on
the same network.

(Continued following page)

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Message Possible Cause Required Action

Instrument Ping the computer that runs the Instrument Service from
Server Not the computer that runs the plug-in.
Running At <IP
In the Instrument Service Monitor utility:
Go to the Configure -> Ethernet Configuration tab page.
Note the value specified in the TCP Port field.
Open the extension License Manager & Instrument
Open the Instrument Manager tab page.
Note the value of the Socket Number field.
Verify that the values are as follows:

TCP Port Socket Number

8825 8825 or 0
<Other than 8825> <identical to TCP port setting>

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The PAC IRIS software is configured to be used with the following instruments and interfaces.

Table 5. Supported Instruments

Instrument Brand Category Interface Mode

FP170 5G2 ISL Flash Point RS485* ISL Service

FP92 5G2 ISL Flash Point RS485* ISL Service
FP93 5G2 ISL Flash Point RS485* ISL Service
FP56 5G2 ISL Flash Point RS485* ISL Service
CPP 5Gs ISL Cold Behavior RS485* ISL Service
FPP 5Gs ISL Cold Behavior RS485* ISL Service
FZP 5G2s ISL Cold Behavior RS485* ISL Service
PMD 100/110 ISL Distillation RS485* ISL Service
MPP 5Gs ISL Cold Behavior RS485* ISL Service
NCK2 5G ISL Lubricant Testing RS485* ISL Service
HVP 972 Herzog Vapor Pressure CAN Herzog Service
HVM 472 Herzog Viscosity CAN Herzog Service
OptiDist PAC Distillation Ethernet Direct
*Connection to PC from instrument must be RS232 or USB using a converter, available from PAC.

For detailed compatibility information with the various instruments, please refer to the instrument

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Refer to following information.

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Page 94 of 94 PAC L.P., All Rights Reserved, 2014

"Iris Permanent License Request"

1. Purpose

This procedure details the proper generation of Iris locking codes for completion of the Iris License Request Form.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to any new or updated/upgraded installation of the Iris software.

1. Open workbench
Double click the "Iris" icon on the
desktop. Log into the software with the
default login (Name: Admin Password:
Admin) or a pre-established login. The
screen displayed should be similar to
what is shown.
"Iris Permanent License Request"

2. Open Extensions
Select drop down menu for View and
left click on option for Extensions. The
window shown should be displayed.
"Iris Permanent License Request"

3. Launch License Manager

Left click on "License Manager", line item
should be highlighted. Click lauch icon as
indicated. The window shown should be
"Iris Permanent License Request"

4. Generate Locking Codes - Server

Select indicated option
for "Server" and left
click "Get locking
code" button.
Copy/paste the
Locking code into the
Iris License Request
Form in the Locking
Codes section for
"Iris Permanent License Request"

4. Generate Locking Codes - Unit

Select indicated option
for "Instrument
serial#", enter the unit
serial number
EXACTLY as it is
entered into that
particular system, do
not rely on printed
material on the
instrument outer shell.
Left click "Get locking
code" button.
Copy/paste the
Locking code into the
Iris License Request
Form in the Locking
Codes section for
Instrument. On that
same line enter the
unit Model and Serial

Completely fill in the Iris License Request Form instrument locking code table as above for all instruments connected to the Iris PC, this includes any previously licensed
instruments on a current installation of Iris. Email the signed and completed form per the instructions on the form.
Petroleum Analyzer Company, LP.
web site:
For a complete list of contact information, refer to the Contacts section of this publication.

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