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Andrés Bonifacio y de Castro was born on

Also Known As: November 30, 1863, in Tondo, Manila. His

father Santiago was a tailor, local politician,
Andrés Bonifacio y de and boatman who operated a river-ferry.
Castro His mother Catalina de Castro was
employed in a cigarette-rolling factory.

Andres Bonifacio is regarded as

Andres was an avid reader and
the Father of the Philippine
he read all of Rizal’s writings as
Revolution against Spain. He
well as the Bible and the History
also is known as the Father of
of the French Revolution. His
the Katipunan.Through his
leadership abilities enabled him
work, Bonifacio helped the
to rally a big following as he
Philippines break free from
prepared to strike against the
Spanish colonial rule. His story is
Spanish authorities.
still remembered in the
Philippines today.
Died: May 10, 1897 in Maragondon,

Katipunan, or Kataastaasang Kagalannalangang

On August 26, 1896, Bonifacio and his men
Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (literally
raised their rifles and sabers crying out, “Long
“Highest and Most Respected Society of the
live the Katipunan! Long live Philippine
Children of the Country”), was dedicated to
Independence!” Forthwith, they tore their
armed resistance against the colonial
cedulas (identification papers) shouting,
government. Made up mostly of people from the
“Kalayaan!” (freedom).
middle and lower classes

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