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List of Jings

Author Mike Sigman for neijia list as of Sun, 4 Dec 1994

Table of Contents
List of Jings as chronicled by Chen Yen Ling who "borrowed" the books of the Yang Family. I.e., these jings reflect
Yang family sayings.
Even though these are all called jings, you can easily see that many of them are just techniques and skills which
utilize the core strengths of the internal martial arts.

Listening Power
Ting Jing
Peng is considered also as the audible energy because it is through peng that one can listen
to the opponents body.
As the student develops the core peng strength, work is begun on building a good
connection and communication between student and opponent. Through the aid of practice to
increase sensitivity, the student can precisely detect the opponent's power, cent er of gravity,
direction, pressure, etc., as if actually hearing the vibrations.
Understanding Power (Tong Jing) motivation, one can continue developing and advancing
listening ability to the stage of under standing power. In other words, the mind becomes
able to analyze and measure the pressure, directior character, speed, force, etc., of the
opponent's movements in order to be able to cope with them properly.

Sticking Power
Tzan Lien Jing
Through Rolling Hands Practice, Pushing Practice and practice in reversing the transfer of
power process, he student develops the sensitivity and controlling ability known as sticking
power. In other words, the student should be able to stick with an opponent in order to
control him him, attack, or defeat his attack.
Usually with the initial contact between two people in a free-style fighting situation, the
student can use peng to sense the opponent's hand (with advanced students the sensitivity
will encompass the entire body) an there is an almost magnetic feeling. T hat is, the opponent
feels as if he were attracted or stuck to the student almost like chewing gum can stick to the
body. The special application of sticking power is the slowing of an opponent's speed.

Following Power
Tzo Jing
By combining all of the previously described types of power, one can advance one's ability
further and develop following power. This type of power allows the student to follow the
direction of the opponent in all situations and respond accordingly.

Neutralizing Power
Hua Jing
With neutralizing power the student is able to guide their following power in a yielding
manner, in order to counterbalance or make ineffective the attacking ability of an opponent.

Borrowing Power
Tzeh Jing
Through borrowing power, the student is able to utilize an opponent's power by adapting it
to purposes which are beneficial to the student's own designs. When an opponent attacks
with, say, ten pounds of force, the student not only neutralizes (yields) but also borrows that
force into his foot and reflects it back to the opponent, often at such an angle that the
opponent is tossed away by largely his own power.

Drawing-up Power
Ying Jing
Should an opponent refuse to transfer power, the student is in the situation of having no
power to borrow from. In such a situation it is up to the student to cause the attacker to yield
his power so that it can be utilized for reflection back to the op ponent. This process is known
as drawing-up power from an opponent. A lot of this may just be psychology and reflex.

Uprooting Power
Ti jing
The ability to cause an opponent to bounce backward and upward, thereby making him lose
his root to the ground, is known as uprooting power. When used in a more moderate
fashion, i.e., by keeping peng in an upward direction to the opponent's center, this power will
cause him to float.

Sinking Power
Chen Jing
By reversing the practice of uprooting power the student is able to develop the ability to
sink using it against an attempt to uproot him.
Success in sinking power development can cause one's opponent to feel that it is impossible
to uproot the student. The relaxed, connected body is the source of this.

Controlling Power
Na Jing
Controlling power is applied during Rolling Hands practice or Free Hand practice. The
student will try different methods to take over control of the situation and eventually lock the
opponent into a position which will defeat him. The constant and skil lful use of peng and
connection are what power this skill.

Open-up Power
Kai Jing
This is the application of internal power in such a manner as to cause an opponent who has
maintained a defensive position for an extended period of time to open up his defenses and
thus be defeated. Psychology and reflex in relation to the opponent ar e vital for this.

Close-up Power
Ho Jing
In this case the student directs his internal power inward in such a manner as to cause an
opponent to react by closing-up toward his center as a means of defense. In the process of
closing-up, it is possible to trap the opponent because he is so dr awn in toward his balance
point that there is no way that he can move outward; thus the student is able to control the
situation and defeat him.

Deflecting Power
Boh Jing
This is a specialized development of internal power In applying deflecting power the
practitioner is able to bounce an attacker to the side, or divert his force, to bring the student
out of danger. Here the skill of controlling not only your own peng but the opponent's force
vector (whether he uses peng or not) is critical.

Rubbing Power
Chou Jing
This transfer of power is achieved through a rubbing motion of the hands or other parts of
the body. The motion used is similar to that of rubbing clay between the palms to form a long
rope or coil. Often, qinna are applied with this.

Twisting Power
Jzeh Jing
When applying internal power in this manner, the student twists an opponent in an action
similar to that of wringing out a wash cloth. This type of power is used to lock an opponent
into a position where he can be easily defeated.
*** Note: This application is similar to some of the joint locks used in harder styles. While
the external appearance may be similar, the difference lies in the Taiji student's non-use of
physical strength, relying rather on the whole-body skills; this type of power can also be
applied anywhere on the body.

Rolling Power
Jen Jing
In two-person practice this involves the ability to keep rolling around the attacks of an
opponent without attacking or allowing him to attack you.
Spiral Power
Dzuen Jing
Because of this screwing motion, this type of power transfer is sometimes referred to as
screwing power.

Cutting Power
Tze Jing
This type of power transfer, is a clean; sharp cutting type of motion which is applied to an
opponent from the side in order to disable or interrupt an attack. Heng Jing (Crossing Power)
from Xingyi and Bagua is pretty much the same thing.

Cold Power
Nung Jing
Cold power is applied to an opponent, often in a downward shaking manner. The body skill
of closing is involved here.

Interrupting Power
Tuan Jing
Interruptintg power usually refers to the skill of "leaving the jing in the opponent.... mainly
so no return which borrows" your power can be used.

Inches Power
Chuen Jing
Sometimes called short-power.... the ability to release great power with very little motion.

Fine Power
Fuen Jing
Something similar to short-power, but with the concept of focusing the power to a small area
being important.

Vibrating Bouncing Power

Dow Tiao Jing
In this specialized type of power transfer, the opponent is not only moved from one point to
another but is sent outward in a series of small bounces. Some cooperation of the bouncee
may be necessary for this one.

Vibrating Power
Dow So Jing
In this type of power transfer, a smooth flow of internal energy is projected at the opponent.
Upon being hit by this energy, he moves steadily backward without stopping until some solid
obiect intervenes to halt his progress. Of course, the cooperation of the bouncee may again

Folding Power
Tzo Teh Jing
Folding power usually implies the skill of folding the body and hitting with the closest body
part, using peng jing. For instance, if an opponent holds your wrist, hit him with Elbow using
peng jing; if he holds your elbow, hit him with shoulder Kao, et c.

Distance Power
Ling Kung Jing
This is the power of supposedly hitting without touching from a distance.

Table of Contents
1. Listening Power
2. Sticking Power
3. Following Power
4. Neutralizing Power
5. Borrowing Power
6. Drawing-up Power
7. Uprooting Power
8. Sinking Power
9. Controlling Power
10. Open-up Power
11. Close-up Power
12. Deflecting Power
13. Rubbing Power
14. Twisting Power
15. Rolling Power
16. Spiral Power
17. Cutting Power
18. Cold Power
19. Interrupting Power
20. Inches Power
21. Fine Power
22. Vibrating Bouncing Power
23. Vibrating Power
24. Folding Power
25. Distance Power

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