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Project Submission Template


Question I 1. A brief summary of the problems faced by FineArt (100- 150


FineArts business goes down because of the members were not

operating during a team formation. Everybody was having visions
as they react in team meeting. If team need to figure along however
the negativity of Randy once more ends up in separation. Eric
(Team Leader: Eric is new to this company and hadn’t proved
himself yet also the trust on him is still not been gained. Randy- He
is a self-created man, solely sure of himself. Maureen- She is upset
because she thinks there is a lack of respect for her department.
Ray- is lacking in Education. Eric contains a road block in Randy
because of his behavior as a non-team player
Question II 2. List and elaborate on two ways which Eric Holt and CEO Jack
Derry can take in order to intrinsically and extrinsically
motivate the team.  (200 – 250 words)
a. Intrinsic motivators and its elaboration
b. Extrinsic motivators and its elaboration

Planning and Execution of business activities are dependent on the

nature of individuals within a team: motivational level of individual
team members within a team has a significant impact on the overall
team outcome. Unfortunately, the responsible team is demotivated
individually and the team as aggregate. For instance, the FineArt team
was responsible for executing actions used to examine the organization
within the six months. It means that Eric Holt and the CEO Jack Derry
must look into the issue and address the team Motivations. The two can
use intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to address the whole situation.

A) Intrinsic Motivators
Intrinsic motivators lead to employees doing a given task
because it will reward them. In this case, employees already
know that there will be direct rewards after completing such
task. These kinds of motivations are made to bring about
achieving long term objectives.
The CEO can use the following intrinsic factors to motivate the
 Autonomy
Autonomy is an intrinsic factor that will take multiple
forms. It must improve on engagement in the workplace.
It is one of the satisfying aspects of an individuals
performance. The CEO can create autonomy through
various ways i.e. communicate a clear vision to the
team, give them tools to work, take a step back, wait for
employees to work and support the professional
 Mastery
It is an intrinsic motivator that involves getting better at
something that matters. It means doing the best things
you like and doing them perfectly. The CEO can bring
about mystery motivation by giving them members a
10% of their to do projects. They Take steps and give up
some control to ensure teams autonomy is guaranteed.
B) Extrinsic Motivators
Extrinsic motivators involve an employee completing a task
because of outside forces such as receiving a reward or fear of
punishment. This type of motivation is more beneficial because
it can motivate employees to complete unpleasant tasks.
Example of extrinsic motivators include:
 Competition for money
To motivate employees, the CEO can promise the team
some money to ensure they commit themselves to the
project i.e, the best performing employee can be given a
certain amount, the second and third best performing
 Frequent flyer rewards
In this case, the CEO can promise employees to take
them out for a tour and visit several places of choice
upon completing the specific task. In this case
employees will be highly motivated and take the project
and do the expected
Question III 3. Evaluate the 'conflict' and 'commitment' dysfunction of the
FineArt team quoting two strong instances from the case study
(150-200 words)
a. 2 instances of conflict dysfunction and its evaluation
b. 2 instances of commitment dysfunction and its

The first evidence of conflict dysfunction was when Ray and Randy
clashed over team consensus. Ray asserts that teamwork never
occurred, whereas Randy describes consensus as mediocre.

The second instance of conflict dysfunction is Randy’s negative

attitude and unprofessionalism. According to the case study, Randy
was tapping his pen and disrupting the meeting, and he arrived late.
Maureen and eric’s opposition to him at the time is an excellent
example of conflict dysfunction.

Randy believed that individuals are better at doing great work rather
than a team effort. He was full of ego and continuously put down the
ideas of his teammates. There was always a conflict of interest from
Randy’s side which created negatively among the team a good amount
of trust within team members could not be built in Eric was passive and
did not address the issues developing in the team in time. Due to lack
of dispute resolution techniques, the team becomes demotivated and

Two instance of commitment dysfunction

 Randy’s pencil-tapping on the table. Randy did not

seem committed at all and this was evident in the fourth
meeting, where in which Eric began in meeting. It was
cut short by Randy’s pencil-tapping on the table.
 He also answered most of the questions put to him with
maddening vague. I will have my assistant look into it
when he gets a moment he had answered when on of the
team when Ray stood up and said, Forget it. This is
never going to work. It’s just a waste of time for all of
us. This basically indicate that there was a lack of
commitment from the stakeholders from the team.
 Maureen, focused on her frustration and grievances
rather than cost-cutting pitch. The crew was not
defensive of one another’s thoughts or ideas during
presentations. Rather than committing to the best
solutions, they sought consensud. Ray’s criticism of
Randy already demonstrated his acceptance of failure.
 Eric is attempting to impose an agenda on the members.
Ray is unable to speak up due to his complexes.
Randy’s lack of interest or disruptive behavior during

Question IV 4.
a. Analyse Jack Derry as an inspirational leader of his
organisation under sensing, relating, visioning and
executing (100-150 words)
b. Recommend any changes or alternative steps that Jack
Derry could have taken to be a more effective leader
(100-150 words)

Jack has clear

understanding of his
other different team
roles, responsibilities
and competencies.
. knows internal
operating of the team
members and their
potential and
talent to deliver, that
within the right time
will result in the
of the organization
within the close to
future to bigger
. Aware of data around
however lost on
behavioral aspects of
. Jack conjointly
understood that
company required an
honest team
and an honest strategy to
enhance performance
Jack has clear
understanding of his
other different team
roles, responsibilities
and competencies.
. knows internal
operating of the team
members and their
potential and
talent to deliver, that
within the right time
will result in the
of the organization
within the close to
future to bigger
. Aware of data around
however lost on
behavioral aspects of
. Jack conjointly
understood that
company required an
honest team
and an honest strategy to
enhance performance
 Sensing

Jack has clear understanding of his other different team member’s

goals, roles, responsibilities and competencies, knows internal
operating if the teamm members and their potential and talent to
deliver that within the right time will result in the upliftment of the
organization within the close to future of the bigger heights. Aware of
data around however lost on behavioral aspects of Randy. Jack
conjointly understood that company required an honest team and an
honest strategy to enhance performance.

 Visioning

A visonary may be person with sensible leadership qualities world

health organization goes on the far side live to form an organisation
reach its milestone. Jack was quite clear along with his vision for the
corporate 3 he neded to enhance company’s performance and thence he
place Eric to place along a team to assist him do constant. Jack Derry
clearly foresees the challenges and gets or encourages Eric to works
towards it with a determination which is able to ought to yield positive

 Relating
Jack Derry has engineered his relationship with members and
has reinforced his networking so as to be an honest leader.
Mutual trust, courtesy and respect. He ought to pay beyond
regular time with Eric rather than exploit to Eric to work out
everything. He knew a way to strategically reposition Eric.
However, those dynamics would have clothed may are planning
 Executing
A leader must have precise execution plans to induce sensible
results. Execution is all concerning mastering the idea to show
plans into substantive and profit yielding results and conjointly
involves the team mebers to figure towards constant


 Jack may have some open table discussion with the team
 Electoral by Eric completely different opinion in open forum.
 Define role of Randy as team participant of his brilliancy
instead of confirming as H.P.
 Do daily meetings with Eric and take regular feedback of team
 Provide a lot of space to Eric on Randy purpose to ready

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