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Russian Federation

Total Protected Areas

26 With management effectiveness


Terrestrial Protected Areas

Marine Protected Areas
Other effective area-based
conservation measures

Total Other effective area-based conservation

Polygons/Points ratio

Map Disclaimer

Polygons 87% Points 13% The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion
whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory,
city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Final status of the Abyei
area is not yet determined.

Terrestrial protected area coverage Marine protected area Coverage

11.45% 2.24%
Coverage Coverage
1,932,707km 2
Land area covered Marine and coastal area covered

16,874,836km 2
Total land area Total marine and coastal area

5th National Report coverage
PAME With management effectiveness evaluations

1.34% 18,197km2
With management effectiveness evaluations Areas assessed

225,314km 2

Areas assessed

Disclaimer: These statistics might differ from those reported officially by countries due to difference in methodologies and datasets used to assess
protected area coverage and differences in the base maps used to measure terrestrial and marine area of a country or territory.

Latest National Report

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IUCN Management Categories Governance types

1. Ia 75, 0.83% Sub-national ministry or agency 8698

2. Ib 12, 0.13% Federal or national ministry or agency 197

3. II 184, 2.05% Not Reported 53

4. III 5346, 59.49% Collaborative governance 39

5. IV 2426, 26.99%

6. V 26, 0.29%

7. VI 109, 1.21%

8. Not Reported 758, 8.43%

9. Not Applicable 51, 0.57%

Sources 5

Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance Updated: 2020 Ramsar Secretariat, on behalf of Ramsar Contracting Parties

UNESCO World Heritage Sites Updated: 2021 IUCN World Heritage Programme

HELCOM Baltic Sea Protected Updated: 2020 Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission), Katajanokanlaituri 6
Areas (BSPA) B, FI-00160, Helsinki, Finland

Protected Areas of the Russian Federation Updated: 2021 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves Updated: 2020 UNESCO-MAB and UNEP-WCMC


98.98% 0.96%


National designations 8895

Nature Reserve 74

National Park 51

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Park 1

Natural Monument 5786

Natural Park 85

Protected Landscape 41

Resource Reserve 101

Forest Park 3

Landscape Park 17

Recreational Area 14

Recreation Area 1

Historical Monument 2

Natural Protected Area 1

Wetlands 1

Ecological Park 1

Ecological Corridor 8

Recreation Zone 23

Nursery 1

State Natural Zakaznik 2090

Protected Tract 7

Tract 20

Especially Valuable Territory 15

Spring 6

Protected Water Body 14

Tourist and Recreational Area 13

Landscape and Recreational Park 9

Not Defined 43

Natural Recreational Complex 4

State Landscape Zakaznik 38

Nature-Historical Park 10

Dendrological Park and Botanical Garden 36

Protected Natural Landscape 114

The Quiet Zone 15

Natural Cultural and Memorial Park 1

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Forestpark 1

Recreation Territory 5

Ecological and Recreational Zone 1

Protected Green and Forest Area 1

State Natural Zapovednik 63

Park-Monument of Landscape Art 3

Reserved Tract 7

State Natural Zoological Zakaznik 11

Natural Recreational Zone 14

Liman-Flooded Complex 1

Coastal Natural Complex 2

Protected Natural Object 22

Historical and Natural Complex 13

Protected Natural Complex 20

Natural Mikrozapovednik 2

Coastal Recreation Zone 1

Memorable Natural Places 18

Specially Protected Water Body 3

State Hunting Zakaznik 1

Protected Coastline 1

Territory of Traditional Nature Use 1

Specially Protected Natural Landscape 1

Specially Protected Geological Object 1

State Zoological Zakaznik-Reservat 5

Green Zone 3

Historical-Cultural and Natural Museum-Zapovednik 1

Park Zone 12

Zoological Park 1

Unique Lake 18

Educational and Scientific Station 1

Historical-Landscape Complex 1

Park of Culture and Rest 1

Urban (Township) Park of Culture and Rest 1

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Historical and Cultural Monument 1

Mikrozakaznik 1

Natural Landmark 1

Protected Object 1

Unique Forest Plantations 2

Natural Complex 1

Wildlife Monument 4

Natural-Historic Complex 1

Regional designations 6

Baltic Sea Protected Area (HELCOM) 6

International designations 86

UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve 40

World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) 11

Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance 35

Growth in protected area coverage







1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Coverage in km2

The graph excludes status years with no information reported (STATUS_YR = 0).

Russian Federation Protected Areas

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UNEP-WCMC (2021). Protected Area Profile for Russian Federation from the World Database of Protected Areas, August 2021. Available at:


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