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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Canja, Julie Ann L. OFAD 30083

BSOAOU 2-2 Assignment No. 1
Inst.: Rayan C. Soriano

1.) Define stakeholder using your own words.

2.) Differentiate between Direct and Indirect stakeholders.
3.) What are the different types of Stakeholders?
4.) Name and describe three different types of stakeholder.
5.) Give at least 5 stakeholders that is External, Secondary and Indirect.

1. Define stakeholder using your own words.

 A stakeholder is a person or entity with an interest in a company or organization. The acts of a

corporation or organization may have an impact on stakeholders or the other way around.
Stakeholders may significantly influence a company's financial and operational decisions
depending on the circumstances.

2. Differentiate between Direct and Indirect stakeholders.

 Employees are an example of a direct stakeholder who participates in a project's day-to-day

 Those who are considered indirect stakeholders are more interested in the project's results
than its execution. Like customers, they are frequently bothered by availability and pricing.

3. What are the different types of Stakeholders?

 Internal or external
 Primary or secondary
 Direct or indirect

4. Name and describe three different types of stakeholder.

 Internal or external
a. Internal Stakeholder - As the name implies, internal stakeholders are those who are
present within a company. These are project stakeholders, such as personnel, who
are directly impacted by the project.
b. External Stakeholder - Those with an interest in a company's success but are not
directly connected to its projects are considered external stakeholders. An
illustration of an external stakeholder is a supplier.
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

 Primary or secondary
a. Primary stakeholders - often referred to as key stakeholders, have a greater stake in
a project's success because it will directly affect them. They proactively support a
project. Clients and team captains are examples of these stakeholders.

b. Secondary stakeholders - play a smaller, broader role in project completion. These

kinds of stakeholders provide assistance with administrative, financial, and legal

 Direct or indirect
a. Direct stakeholders - participate in a project's ongoing operations. Given that a
company's initiatives are fundamental to the everyday work of its employees, they
might be regarded as direct stakeholders.

b. Indirect stakeholders - are more concerned with the project's outcome than its
completion procedure. The concerns of indirect stakeholders include items like
availability, packaging, and cost. One category of indirect stakeholder is the

5. Give at least 5 stakeholders that is External, Secondary and Indirect.

 External Stakeholders
1. Government
All firms have the government as an external shareholder. Since it collects corporate
income tax from these establishments and income tax from the firm's employees, it
is actually regarded as one of the key stakeholders.

2. Customer
The most significant external stakeholders might be regarded as the customers.
These are the individuals who will use the company's services or final products.
Therefore, even if they are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the firm,
they determine whether it will succeed or fail.

3. Suppliers
Vendors and suppliers are considered external stakeholders. Their reputation is
based on the caliber of the products or production materials they provide to their
client companies. They must provide materials of a satisfactory quality, deliver them
on schedule, and correspond to the required amount in order to be kept.
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

4. Local Communities
Businesses are typically situated close to the communities that make up the largest
group of external stakeholders. Therefore, it is their responsibility to promote the
local communities' security, wellbeing, and economic growth.
Numerous business operations frequently have an effect on these communities.
Every time a business moves into or out of a town, it has an impact on local
employment, incomes, and spending patterns.

5. Creditors
Even though they are typically not involved in operations, creditors like banks have
a stake in the company. These organizations provide loans or mortgages to
businesses, which must be repaid in full plus interest.

 Secondary Stakeholder
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

 Indirect Stakeholders

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