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Draft Scheme/ Answer Key for Valuation

Scheme of evaluation (marks in brackets) and answers of problems/key


Course Code: EST100
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
(Answer all questions, each carries 3 marks.)
1 (3)
981 N

L = 30 x 9.81 = 294.3 N
W = 72 x 9.81 = 706.3 N (For all six forces 0.5 marks each)
2 State and explain Varignon’s theorem for concurrent coplanar forces. Statement (1), (3)
fig(1), explanation(1)
3 Briefly explain the analysis of forces acting on a wedge with a suitable example. FBD (3)
(1 mark), reactions (2 marks)
4 A simply supported beam AB of span 4m is carrying point loads 10N, 6N & 4N at (3)
1m, 2m & 3m respectively from support A. Calculate reactions at supports A and B.
(8.5, 11.5N) (equations 1+1. final answer ½, ½ )
5 r vector = -i+2j-4k ( 1.5)
Moment = 10i-11j-8k ( 1.5)
6 Calculate the area moment of inertia of a rectangular cross-section of breadth ‘b’ and (3)
depth ‘d’ about the centroidal horizontal axis.
7 A body is projected at an angle such that its horizontal displacement is 3 times that of (3)
maximum height. Find the angle of projection
8 Ans; Time=3 s (3)
Differential eqn for velocity from displacement….1mark
Application of initial condition….1 mark
Final answer….1 mark
9 Torque=1.707 N-m ; Moment of inertia of disc…1mark (3)

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Angular acceleration…1 mark : Torque…1 mark
10 Distinguish damped and undamped free vibrations. (1.5 + 1.5) (3)
(Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks)

11 a (2)

Finding AC makes Ɵ with vertical = 61.04°
BD makes ɸ with vertical = 43.43°
Considering equilibrium at C and drawing free body diagram
TAC = 619.58N
TCD = 619.58N
Considering equilibrium at D and drawing free body diagram TDB = 788.56N
Finding W= 572.66 N

11 b ∑FH = - 6 N - (2 marks)
∑FV = - 10.39 N - (2 marks)
R = √((∑FH)2 + (∑FV)2) = 11.998 N - ( 2 marks)
Ө = tan-1(∑FV / ∑FH) = 59.990 or 600 - (2 marks)
ӨR = 180 + 59.99 = 239.990 - (1 marks)
12 a) Free body diagram
Resolving forces vertically ,Resolving forces horizontally (2)
P = applied force through centre = 1732.05N (1)
R = reaction at the contact point A = 2000N (1)
Α = 30° (1)
b) Free body Diagram – (1)
Applying Lami’s theorem (2)
Finding TAB = 42.79N (2)
Finding TBC = 29.61N (2)

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Finding mass 5.68kg (2)
13 a) FBD – 1mark, Equations 1.5+1.5+1.5 marks, Answer – 1.5 mark- Force = 14.059 N (7 )

∑FX=0 RAX– 0.477RD=70.71…………I

∑FY=0 RAY+.894*RD=220.71................ii
∑MA=0. RD=133.199 Kn (1)

Substituting the value of RD in (i), we get RAX=–11.15 kN RAY=101.63 Kn (3)

=101.88 KN
14 (i) Horizontal force P applied to ladder at the ground level to prevent slipping


Resolving forces horizontally (1)

Resolving forces vertically, (1)
∑MA=0 (1)
Rw=554.98 N
(2) Rf=1061.26N (2)
(1) P=183.54N

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(ii) Inclination of ladder with the horizontal

Resolving forces horizontally (∑Fx=0)

Resolving forces vertically, (1)
Rw=386.21 Kn (2)
Taking momemt about A
θ= 68.95° (2)

15 a) IGX = 2211.977 mm IGy= 134.198 mm4
(2+2) (14 )
Centroid (4)
Eqn and substitution of each divided area for moment of inertia ( 3 + 3 , Ix, Iy)
16 a) Position vector ( 3)
Force vector ( 3)
P= 479.47N ( 4)
Mx= -894.73Nm ( 2)
My = -421.05Nm ( 2)
17 a) Sketching and understanding the question (2) (14)

Velocity after breaking = 15, 5 m/s (2 marks steps , 2 answer)

Time taken to reach ground = 1.766 s (2 marks steps , 2answer)
Separation between fragments = 44.25m (2 marks steps , 2 answer)
18 a) Tension ...... 539.4 N, Acceleration of M1 ... 3.912 m/s2 , Acceleration of M2 ... 1.956 (14 )
FBD of the blocks......2 marks each
Direction of motion of the blocks ---- 1 marks
Equations of motion for the blocks ---- 2 marks each
Acceleration relationship of the blocks -----1 mark

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Acceleration of the blocks....... 2 marks
Tension in the string.....2 marks
19 a) 75 revolutions b) 175 revolutions c) Deceleration=25.13 rad/s2 (14 )
a)Accelerated condition-acceleration….3 marks
Angular displacement---2 marks
Number of revolution…2 marks
b) and c) Decelerated condition-Deceleration…3 marks
Angular displacement---2 marks
Number of revolution…2 marks
20 a { Equation and substitution for K – 2 marks ; Total mass = 3.2211 kg (2 marks) Additional (5)
mass – 1.471 kg (1 mark)}

b a) Amplitude=2.24 m b) Period=1.57 s c) Max Velocity=8.94 m/s d) Max (9)

Acceleration=35.78 m/s2
Expression for velocity at a distance from mean position…..2 mark
Substitution for the 2 conditions….2 marks
amplitude 1 marks
Angular velocity …1 marks
Time period n….1 marks
Max. velocity ….1 marks
Max Acceleration….. 1 marks

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