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• St Cyril of Alexandria taught us: “...

God requires His Faithful

People to Rejoice whenever even the most guilty person
returns to God through sincere Repentance-Confession.”
 “...he was angry and would not go in...” signifies the hard-
hearted, unloving attitude of the Pharisees and all Self-
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa
Righteous, stubborn and unrepentant sinners to whom Christ
addressed this Parable.
Archdiocese of Good Hope
• The Older Son’s failure to recognise his own sins leads to his
self-righteous and merciless attitude.
• St Ambrose of Milan contrasted his anger and resentment with
the humble contrition of the Prodigal Son : “...the one who
seems to himself to be Righteous, who does not see the Beam
in his own eye, becomes angry when Forgiveness is granted Explanatory Notes
to one who Confesses his sins and begs for Mercy.”
 “...his Father went out and pleaded with him...” signifies the
infinite Love of our Heavenly Father Who provides us with
Sunday Matins & Divine Liturgy
every necessity for our Repentance and Spiritual Perfection.
 "... Thou never gave me...” – these selfish, deluded accusations
of the Older Son reveal our own ingratitude to God Who
grants us everything we need, and more!
12 February 2023
 “...all that I have is thine...” for God grants us an abundance of 34th After Pentecost – 2nd Sunday of Triodion
everything necessary, so that we can share it with others as Sunday of the Prodigal Son
• Instead of complaining about our perceived lack of any selfish
and unbeneficial desires, we ought to offer ceaseless
Thanksgiving to God for all things that Sustain or
challenge us, and draw us closer to Him and His Eternal
Kingdom of Love.
• When we acknowledge our infinite Blessings and express
Thanksgiving to God for His Great Mercy in all things, we
shall never be dissatisfied nor resentful.
 “ ... we should make merry and be glad...” for being Saved by our
Repentance and Blessed Life in Christ.
• We are all sinners – Struggling against temptation and personal
weaknesses, and Striving for Spiritual Perfection by Living in

Our Lord God and all His Faithful Rejoice when we Repent our
Tone 2
sins and return to His Divine Presence.
Resurrection Gospel 2 – Mark 16 : 9 - 20
1 Corinthians 6 :12 - 20
Luke 15 : 11 – 32


Resurrection Gospel 2 – Mark 16 : 9 - 20 • Without our Spiritual Strivings and Struggles there can be no
 “…when the Sabbath was past…” The Sabbath – Saturday, the Deification – Theosis or Spiritual Perfection.
seventh day of the week – was a day of rest from heavy  “... fetch the Fatted Calf and kill it, and let us eat and be merry...
labours. “
• The Sabbath Day is from sunset on Friday until sunset on • This signifies the Sacrificial Offering of Thanksgiving to God
Saturday, when the Old Covenant Faithful prayed and
for His Love and great Mercy, and in celebration of those
communally Worshipped God in Synagogues or at
gatherings in homes for teaching, learning and Communal who have returned to Spiritual Life in Christ Jesus
Prayers and Worship. • The ‘fatted calf’ is translated as either ‘wheat-fed bull-calf’ or
• Great Feast Days were also regarded as “Sabbath Days,” Holy ‘bull-calf formed from wheat’ - a male calf that has been
Days that were dedicated to God and the commemoration of raised on wheat in preparation as a special Sacrificial
Great Feasts. animal.
• Saturday is still the Sabbath Day, a Day of Rest, and the • Just as the Reconciliation of the Prodigal Son was not complete
seventh day of the week but has become our Memorial Day without the Sacrifice of the Fatted Calf, so too our
when we Commemorate those who have Reposed in Christ, Reconciliation with God is accomplished and Perfected - not
according to the New Covenant. by our Repentance alone but by Christ having Offered
• Saturday evening, from sunset, we begin our Communal Himself as the Ultimate, Final and Most Purest Blood
Worship with the Holy Service of Vespers, which is the first Offering of all that fulfilled any need for more Blood
Sunday Service. Sacrifices as Repentance and Thanksgiving Offerings.
• We also prepare ourselves to Partake of Holy Communion by
• The Festive Dining on the Fatted Calf - “...formed from
Fasting and Self-examination thereby Repenting-Confessing
wheat...” - is a clear reference to our Partaking of the New
our sins.
Covenant Holy Eucharist/Communion.
 “…Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James and Salome…”
were three of the Eight Holy Myrrhbearers who were the first • Likewise, our Reconciliation with God is through Repentance-
Witnesses to our Lord’s Resurrection and His Empty Tomb. Confession and Holy Eucharist – for the Forgiveness of sins
• Most families of Christ’s Disciples were involved in His Life and and Eternal life.
Ministry. • The Old and the New Covenants are Fulfilled at the Marriage of
• “Mary Magdalene” was an elderly, wealthy and independent Christ the Heavenly Bridegroom and His Bride, His Holy
Disciple of Christ who became a close companion of (Universal) Church.
Theotokos. She had always been a devout and Faithful Old ”... His older son was in the field...” signifies the Old Covenant
Covenant Judean, [not a prostitute as some erroneously Faithful who continued to fulfil their Sacred Labours and Duties to
believe.] After the Resurrection of Christ she confronted God and to each other.
the Emperor and reported the illegal, unjust persecution
and crucifixion of Christ, for which Herod, Herodias and • This Parable concerns the Divine Love and Forgiveness of our
Pontius Pilate were condemned and exiled. Heavenly Father, which Christ taught us to imitate. It also
• “Mary the Mother of James” is an oblique reference to the Ever concerns the Sacred Relationship between Spiritual Siblings.
Blessed Theotokos who was Betrothed to Her elderly • It was initially addressed to the Old Covenant Faithful who
widowed uncle, St Joseph the Betrothed, the father of St lived according to Mosaic Law and the unfaithful who had
James, and several others. become Spiritually Lost due to their sins or apostasy.
• St James was the eldest son of St Joseph the Betrothed and his • Divine Truth is Eternal. So this Parable applies to all who have
late wife, St Salome. He accompanied St Joseph, Theotokos
remained Faithful to God in all circumstances, and those
and the Infant Christ to Egypt and back to Judea and
Galilee. His Righteous character and devotion to God made who are Spiritually Lost or who have apostasied.
him known by several titles: “St James the Just” “St James  “...he heard music and dancing...” signifying the great Rejoicing
the Adelphotheos” or “Brother of Jesus/Christ” because of of our Lord God, all His Heavenly Hosts, and all those in
his absolute devotion to Christ. He became the First Bishop Paradise – all who watch over us – when we Repent and return
of Jerusalem and was martyred when over 100 years of age, to Spiritual Life in Christ.
 Galatians 3:27 “,,,for as many of you as were Baptised into by being thrown from the roof of the Temple and then
Christ have put on Christ.” beaten to death by fanatical Judeans.

• The Ring signifies Family Identity – our Adoption at Holy • Others erroneously believe “mother of James” referred to the
mother of St James the son of Alphaeos (referred to by
Baptism as a Child of God and Co-Heir with Christ to our
some as “St James the Less”, one of the Twelve Apostles).
Heavenly Father’s Kingdom. She was one of the daughters of St Joseph the Betrothed
• Haggai 2 : 23 “... ‘in that day,’ saith the Lord Almighty, ‘I shall and his late wife, Salome and also one of the Holy
take Thee...and shall make Thee like a Signet Ring; for I have Myrrhbearers.
Chosen Thee.’” • St Joseph and his late wife, Salome (sister of St Anna) had many
• Official Royal Acts in the ancient world were authenticated by children who became the ‘step-children’ of Theotokos
through her Betrothal to Her Righteous Guardian. They
the use of a Monarch’s Signet Ring. By that Signet Ring,
were all older than Her and became devout Disciples of
one is charged with carrying out God’s Supreme Rule and Christ.
Divine Will.
• St Salome was one of two daughters of St Joseph and his late
• On a deeper level: That Signet Ring has a strong Messianic wife, Salome. She was the mother of St James and St John,
Prophecy. sons of Zebedee and two of the Twelve Apostles.
• St Ambrose of Milan taught us: “...When our soul becomes  The Holy Myrrh-Bearers “…brought spices, with which to anoint
Peaceful... then she (our soul) shall receive Christ like a …” our Lord Jesus Christ’s crucified, entombed Body.
Signet Ring upon her, for she is the Image of God. Then she • Aromatic spices and oils were used to anoint corpses according
shall be according to that Image, because Heavenly is the to Judean customs, but embalming has always been
Heavenly Man. And we need to bear the Image of the forbidden according to Old and New Covenant practises,
Heavenly One, that is, Peace ... because the flesh must decompose and return to the Earth
“I wish the Lord Jesus may say to you: ‘Put Me as a Seal upon whence it originated.
Thine arm.’ May Peace glow in Thy heart, Christ in Thy • Holy Myrrh used in the Holy Mysteries of Baptism,
Works, and may there be formed in Thee Wisdom and Justice Chrismation, Unction and Ordination consists of the ancient
and Redemption.” mixture of aromatic spices and oil with which we are
• We are Equipped – Enabled and Empowered - to walk the Path
• Holy Myrrh is produced only by the Patriarchate of
of Righteous. Constantinople every ten years and is distributed
• We are able to follow in the Footsteps of our Saviour, according throughout the world to all Eastern Orthodox Churches.
to His Holy Gospel – by the Will of God the Father, through “ very early in the morning, on the first day of the week…” -
the Teachings of God the Son, and Activated, Inspired and despite the persecution against all Christ’s Disciples - the
Enabled by God the Holy Spirit. devout Holy Myrrhbearers went to the Tomb at sunrise on
Sunday – “the Lord’s Day,” which is the first day of the week.
• Ephesians 6: 14-15 “... Stand therefore, having Girded thyself
with Truth, having put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, • Their devotion to Christ compelled them to fulfil their Sacred
Duties, despite many obstacles that confronted them, while
and having shod thy feet with the Preparation of the Gospel
the male Disciples had scattered and hidden themselves so
of Peace...” as to avoid being arrested for being implicated in the
• We fight against all evil armed with this Divine Armour, which unjustified “crimes” for which our Lord had been illegally
is God’s Uncreated Divine Energy, granted to us at Holy tried, convicted and executed.
Baptism and used by us throughout our Life in Christ as we • The Holy Myrrh-Bearers were Rewarded for their Courage and
Battle in Spiritual Warfare every moment of the day. Loyalty by being the Most Honoured First Witnesses to the
• As Faithful Disciples of Christ we have put on all the Spiritual Glorious Resurrection of our Divine Saviour.
Qualities bestowed upon us as Spiritual Armour - Truth,  “…the stone had been rolled away - for it was very large…” - not
Righteousness, Peace and Faith, which are constantly to be to accommodate our Lord’s Resurrection, but to reveal the
Empty Tomb with the discarded Shroud and burial clothes.
used in the Conflict we face as we proceed ever closer to
God and His Heavenly Kingdom.
• The newly carved out rock tomb, donated by St Joseph of • This is the heartfelt, sincere and contrite Confession and
Arimathea, had been firmly closed with a very large round Repentance of the Prodigal Son.
stone and then sealed, which was common practise against
• This Confession applies to every one of us, for none of us is
grave robbers.
worthy of our Divine Adoption as Children of God and Co-
• The Tomb of Christ was then guarded by two Roman soldiers Heirs with Christ.
in order to prevent anyone from removing the Corpse and
making false claims of Resurrection, as our Lord had • We all need to continuously Repent our sins, so as to continue
promised would happen. our Journey in a State of Spiritual Life in Christ.
• After His Glorious Resurrection, a powerful earthquake caused • This Prayer expresses a willingness to be Humble and Obedient
the great stone to roll aside and reveal the Empty Tomb, as to the Will of our Heavenly Father.
well as the presence of a bright Angel of God.  “...when ... still a great way off, his Father saw him ... had
• Utter terror at what occurred at the Tomb struck the two Compassion ...ran ...and kissed him...” describes the Love and
guards unconscious. Later, hearing their testimony, the Joy of our Heavenly Father, Who so warmly welcomes the
Judeans tried to bribe them to lie about everything they had Return of His Lost Children
personally experienced at the Tomb.
 “…entering the Tomb, they saw a Young Man…” who was • Our Heavenly Father hears every thought and word while we
prepare ourselves for the Holy Mystery of Repentance-
obviously an Angel of God – who might have been St Gabriel,
the Holy Archangel and Bearer of Good Tidings concerning our
Lord Jesus Christ. • Although it was considered undignified and unfitting
behaviour for a mature man or elderly person to run, it
• Holy Angels are Messengers of God who serve the Will and implies the unbridled Joy of our Heavenly Father – and all
Purpose of God by interacting with us who are created in the Heavenly Hosts - when we Repent and Return to His
His Divine Image and Likeness.
Loving Embrace.
• Each Angelic Rank has specific Duties to perform, many of
which assist us to acquire the Holy Virtues that lead us to • Our Lord’s voluntary self-humiliation for the sake of His Lost
Spiritual Perfection, as God intended us. Children indicates the manner whereby our Heavenly
Father, through the sacrifice of His Beloved Son, Jesus
• Although details of this Great Holy Event may vary according
the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke, the Truth remains Christ, actively seeks those who have strayed or been lured
the same – our Lord Jesus Christ Resurrected from the away from Him.
dead, thereby revealing our own future Resurrection on the  “...Bring out the best Robe and put it on him, and put a Ring on
Eighth Day when we shall be Judged. [Matthew 28:2 & Luke his hand, and sandals on his feet. ...”
• “…the best Robe…” signifies “the Garment of Righteousness”
 “…Jesus of Nazareth, Whom you seek, Who was crucified, is
Risen…” The Joyful Annunciation of our Lord’s Resurrection is granted to us at our Holy Baptism.
conveyed very simply and concisely by the Angel of God  Isaiah 61:10 “...Let my soul Rejoice exceedingly in the Lord,
according to St Matthew’s Holy Gospel. for He Vested me with the Garment of Salvation and the
• Our Lord Jesus is referred to as being “… of Nazareth…” which Tunic of Gladness. He put a Mitre around me like a
is how the Judeans identified Him. Bridegroom and Adorned me with ornaments like a Bride.
• Anyone who was crucified, would definitely be dead by the As the Earth causes its flower to grow, and as a garden its
time he was removed from the cross, having suffered an seeds, so shall the Lord cause Righteousness to rise up,
excruciatingly painful and slow death. and Exceeding Joy before all the Gentiles.”
• The words “… is Risen…” infers Resurrection from the dead or • St John Chrysostom and all our Holy Church Fathers have
being fully Restored to life. Resurrection is a permanent taught us that “...the Garment of Salvation...” is Christ
state of life, whereas resuscitation implies that death shall Himself.
certainly occur later.
• St Paul taught us that during our Holy Baptism we “...put on
 “…Behold the place where they laid Him…” confirms that our
Lord Jesus had indeed been laid to rest there. Christ.”

• Only when we become aware of our hopeless condition are we • His discarded Shroud and the hardened burial wrappings, as
motivated to Repent our sins, Restore our Relationship with well as the folded inner Facecloth – the Mandylion – were
God and each other, and enjoy the Blessings of Spiritual Life evidence of His Burial and Resurrection.
in Christ.  “…tell His Disciples - and Peter - for He is going before you into
 ROMANS 7 : 17-20 “... it is no longer I ... but sin that dwells in Galilee…” The stunned Holy Myrrhbearers are instructed to
me... I know that in me ... in my flesh... nothing good dwells... quickly find the Apostles, including St Peter, and tell them the
to will is present... but how to perform what is good I do not overwhelming Joyful Tidings that our Lord is Resurrected and
find...” awaited them in Galilee, as He had told them He would.
• We are not sinful by nature and must reject any teaching that • St Peter was utterly distraught and bereft for having denied
Christ three times before His Crucifixion as predicted.
we have a sinful nature or are depraved to the core of our
However, due to his profound remorse and “…contrite
being. heart…” our Saviour forgave St Peter and reinstated him so
• Sin is a Spiritual State – Spiritual Death – that is unnatural to that he, together with all the other Apostles and Disciples,
our Divinely Created human nature. could accomplish the Sacred Mission of the New Covenant
throughout the world.
• Having been created in the Divine Image and Likeness of God,
the indelible Goodness in our nature can never be undone.
 “…they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid…” Initially
the astounded Myrrh-bearers kept quiet about their Marvellous
• We become immersed in sin but must know that it is not a Experience at the Tomb of Christ, probably while being
natural attribute of our Divinely Created nature. undecided as how and what to tell the others.
• Sin and death are foreign, unnatural inventions of the evil one • Women were humble, reserved and subservient to men, and
that overwhelm and dwell in us. often kept things to themselves, but St Mary of Magdala was
a more mature and independent woman who was unafraid
• Consequently, what we think, say and do can be sinful but we
of men and far more outspoken.
are not naturally sinful.
• Yet, as expected, the Glorious Resurrection of Christ was not
• There is a distinction between the will of our immortal soul immediately believed by most of the Apostles and Disciples,
and the will of our mortal flesh. with the exception of St Peter and St John, the Beloved
• Our immortal soul is Reborn, Restored and Regenerated during Disciple of Christ.
the Holy Mystery of Baptism.
First Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians 6 : 12 - 20
• Our Immortal soul strives ceaselessly to fulfil the Will of our This First Epistle to the Corinthians was written from Ephesos circa
Heavenly Father by following and obeying His Divine 55, by St Paul, during his Third Missionary Journey. (Acts 19: 1 –
Commandments and Teachings. 20: 1)
• Our mortal flesh is inclined to sin and thus fights against the The major theme of this Epistle concerns our Sacred Communion
will and desires of our immortal soul, which yearns to be with God versus communion with ‘Darkness’ – the Spiritual
with God whence it originated. Darkness and Death of wickedness and grievous passions that
 ‘ Father’s hired servants have enough bread to eat and to alienate us from God and from each other.
spare, yet I perish from hunger...” We are created for Sacred Communion with God and each other,
• The Prodigal Son realised his hopeless circumstances and which is Lived in Christ through following the Teachings,
fallen Spiritual Condition compared to those who remained Guidance and Counsel of His Holy, Orthodox Church – the Body of
Faithful to our Heavenly Father. Christ and the Holy Temple of God the Holy Spirit.
This Sacred Communion requires us to Struggle against all
• Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Life-giving Heavenly Bread that
temptations and our sinful inclinations, while Striving to acquire
Spiritually Sustains us - as so often referred to in Holy
Spiritual Perfection through Humility and Obedience to the Divine
Scripture and the Holy Mystery of Eucharist.
Will of Almighty God.
 “...’Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before Thee, and I Despite our sinful habits and inclinations, we are created to
am no longer worthy to be called Thy son. Make me like one
Cooperate - Harmoniously and with Love/Agape - with our Triune
of Thy hired servants.’...”
Lord God and with each other.
 Brethren – Through the Holy Mystery of Baptism and Chrismation, • This was regarded as Spiritual ‘Skid Row,’ since being in such
we have become the adopted Children of God and Co-Heirs a state of debauchery and self-indulgence, results in
with Christ to our Heavenly Father’s Eternal Kingdom of Love. complete destitution –utter physical and spiritual poverty.
• As Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we encourage, assist and • The Prodigal Son could not possibly sink much lower into the
guide each other with unconditional Love/Agape as we
quagmire of sin and wickedness, for he had hit ‘rock
Journey together towards Eternity.
• As Sanctified Members of Christ’s Body – His Holy, Universal
and Orthodox Church, we are one Sacred Family in Christ • The forbidden herds of swine were more important than the
who share each other’s Joys and sorrows. Prodigal Son – than his immortal soul.
 “…all things are Lawful for me…” may refer to a previous • Only when we realise the devastation of our Spiritual Death
statement made by St Paul in Corinth, regarding the Mosaic caused by our sins, are we willing and eager to Repent and
cleanliness/health/ritual code, which the libertines had taken return to our Marvellous Relationship with God and each
out of context as their slogan. other.
St Paul explained clearly and concisely that without self-discipline
or self-control and sensible discernment through Humility • Sometimes we need a severe ‘wake up call’ before beginning to
and Obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, freedom from the understand our serious need for God,
Old Covenant Law actually means that we become enslaved  “...he would have gladly filled his stomach with the pods that the
by temptations of the evil one and our own habitual swine ate, yet no one gave him anything...”
grievous passions.
• This reveals
 “… all things are not helpful…” 1. the lack of Love and Compassion of the evil one and the
• Without the Spiritual Guidance and Teachings of Christ we fallen world in general.
cannot make any good Spiritual Progress. 2. the depth of his fall into sin
• When we become Spiritually stagnant, we are more easily 3. the desperation of his Spiritual Starvation
inclined to fall into a state of Spiritual Death, caused by
unrepented sins that alienates us from God and each other. • When we experience intense physical and Spiritual Poverty we
begin to appreciate the Divine Providence, Love and
• When we are Spiritually Dead, all our grievous passions control
us, causing us to think, speak and act unworthily and Compassion of our Lord God.
sinfully. • Personal suffering and Divine Deliverance makes us more
• The grievous passions of the flesh shall then dominate and aware of the pain and suffering of others, which ought to
stifle our soul, which causes unhappy relationships with compel us to do whatever we can to fulfil their needs, in
God and others, personal failure and misery for all Gratitude to God.
concerned, until we rectify ourselves through strict and  “...when he came to himself...” implies his recovery from an
continuous self-examination and sincere Repentance. unnatural, unhealthy Spiritual State. – Spiritual Apathy and
 “…I shalt not be enslaved by anything…” when we are Neglect.
determined to Live in Christ by fulfilling everything He has
1. He was painfully aware of his Spiritual Condition.
taught us.
2. He was no longer under the influence of the evil one.
• Ceaseless Prayer, continuous self-awareness and correction – 3. His immortal soul clamoured for True Freedom and
constant self-examination and Repentance – as well as fully Love, Mercy and Compassion.
participating in all Holy Services and partaking of the
4. He realised his True Needs and natural desires.
essential Life-giving Holy Mysteries, Spiritually Sustains and
Strengthens us. • By the Grace of God, we shall eventually awaken from our
• As long as we hold on tightly to our Lord Jesus Christ and His sinful stupor and realise our predicament, and yearn for
Divine Truth, we shall continue to overcome our personal God’s Blessings and Goodness.
weaknesses and the temptations that confront us. • This motivated him to return to our Heavenly Father.
• Life in Christ is not possible without the Guidance and • When we are immersed in wickedness, we exist in an unnatural
Sustenance of His Holy Church, which means that we must state of Spiritual Exile from God and from ourselves.
be humble and willing enough to accept the Spiritual
• Every choice we make – every thought, word and deed – has a Teachings and Guidance offered to us by Priests, Holy
Consequence – a result or aftermath. Fathers, Teachers and our Experienced fellow Disciples of
• Some consequences are obvious but most remain hidden until
• The evil one and his demons can only tempt us into sin, but
we are finally Judged by God. we must become aware of all his wicked machinations, as
• Our errors and sins can be corrected by sincere Repentance well as our own habitual, grievous passion, so as to avoid
while we still Struggle and Strive until we draw our final being enslaved by them. Once we focus on or surrender to
breath. temptations, we fall into a state of Spiritual Death and
 “...journeyed to a far country where he wasted his possessions
with prodigal living....” • Our Loving Lord God provides us with every means possible to
resist temptations but even if we have fallen into Spiritual
• The “far country’ refers to our sinful lifestyle, which causes our
Death, we can return to Spiritual Life as soon as we
Spiritual Exile from God and all His Goodness and Love. recognise our errors and sincerely Repent.
• It is a self-imposed Spiritual Exile – Spiritual Death - that is • This short lifespan consists of many falls into Spiritual Death
quickly resolved by sincerely Repenting our sins. and returning to Spiritual Life. We thus constantly strive to
• Repentance Restores us to Spiritual Life in Christ. ensure that as we take our final breath, we shall be in a
Blessed State of Spiritual Life in Christ.
• A prodigal lifestyle is utterly wasteful, self-indulgent and
 “…Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food…”
extravagant, which causes us both physical and Spiritual
Afflictions of various devastating degrees. • We shall not be condemned for what we eat to sustain our
body/flesh but we shall be condemned for our unworthy
• All self-indulgence and greed alienates us from God and each and wicked thoughts, words and deeds that cause hurt or
other. harm to others, thereby alienating us from God and each
 “...he began to be in need... went and joined himself to a citizen other.
of that country ...” – • Everything that is visible and material shall perish in time,
• The Prodigal Son became a servant of the evil one who is which is why we ought not to place too much importance on
obsessed with our destruction and alienation from God and them, especially worldly things that do not Spiritually Profit
each other. nor Benefit us to any meaningful degree.
• Having created everything from nothingness, our Lord God can
• Satan first tempts us into a Spiritual Death and then tries to
“destroy both and the other,” if and when He so Wills.
keep us there - away from God’s Blessings - in a state of
Spiritual Slavery and Imprisonment.
 “The body is not meant for wickedness, but for the Lord, and the
Lord for the body…”
• However, neither the evil one nor his demons can destroy us.
• The libertines in Corinth, as so many people today, argued that
They need our co-operation in order to use our weaknesses illicit sex – adultery and fornication – is as necessary for the
against ourselves and each other. body as eating, and that both are irrelevant to our Spiritual
• Living without God is an extremely wretched and very bleak Life.
existence. Unless our Spiritual Needs are fulfilled, we • However, as St Paul so correctly pointed out, our body belongs
continue feeling miserable and needy. to God, and everything is indeed relevant to our Spiritual
• We experience a deep sense of loss – of something Vital
missing from our life and being. Nothing works properly • Therefore, in order to Repent our innumerable sins we are
nor do our efforts succeed or satisfy us. required to continuously control the selfish demands of our
flesh/body, so that our immortal soul – the very Breath of
• Being immersed in the Darkness of sin, is existing God within us – can become stronger and eventually control
UNNATURALLY outside our created state. the wilful, egocentric mortal flesh.
 “...who sent him into his fields to feed swine...” implies the • Abstinence from certain food is the first Sacred Discipline of
extreme depth of his Fall all Fasts, together with Prayers, charitable deeds, self-
examination, Repentance, Communal Worship and
partaking of the Essential Holy Mysteries of Confession and
Eucharist/Communion – as well as Holy Unction during • Without God, we are less than nothing, for His Divine Love
Holy Week. Empowers and Enables us to reach great Heights of
• Any form of sexual promiscuity is strictly forbidden outside unconditional Love, Joy and Peace that surpasses all human
Marriage, for the Sacred Relationship between husband and understanding.
wife is Sanctified by God Who Unites the two into “one
flesh” during the Holy Mystery of Matrimony. Conjugal • God is Love and Love never fails!
rights are for procreation of mankind and also for the H OLY G OSPE L A CC ORD ING TO S T L UKE 15 : 11 – 32
bonding and pleasure of the couple.
 "...A certain Man had two sons...” refers to our Lord God and
• We ought to use our body to fulfil, with Love/Agape, the Will of mankind.
our Heavenly Father, so that not only do we Strive to
• The “certain Man” is our Heavenly Father Whose Divine Will is
become Spiritual Perfected by applying His Divine Truth and
Teachings to our thoughts, words and deeds, but also to motivated by infinite Love.
assist, encourage and guide our fellow mankind as we all • He is All Wise, Merciful and Providential – providing everything
Journey together towards Eternity. necessary for our daily needs, as well as for our Salvation
 “…God Raised the Lord and shall also raise us up by His and Eternal Life.
Power…” • One son rebels against the Will of our Heavenly Father, desiring
• Just as God our Heavenly Father raised His Incarnated, Only his ‘independence’ – away from God’s Sight and living
Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, from the dead, so, too, according to his own selfish, immature, destructive and
shall He Resurrect us from the dead on the Eighth Day when sinful ideas.
He shall Judge the Living and the Dead.
• The other son consistently and humbly Obeys our Heavenly
• The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Resurrected
Appearance during the days preceding His Ascension into Father and strives to fulfil His Divine Will, by surrendering
Heaven, clearly showed us that we, too, shall be Resurrected his own free will to that of God, Who takes care of our every
after our physical Repose. need while we Struggle against temptation and sin, and
• At the General Resurrection, all mankind shall behold our Lord Strive for Spiritual Perfection – for Theosis.
God in all His Divine Magnificence, when our Final,  “...the younger ... said ...: ‘Father, give me the portion of goods
irrevocable Judgement shall occur - Blessing those who were that falls to me.’ ...”
Righteous with Eternal Life in His Heavenly Kingdom of • This indicates mankind – every one of us - receiving our free
Love, or condemning those who refused to Repent to will and rational mind from our Divine Creator.
Eternal Death, exiled to “the Outer Darkness” or “the Abyss”  “...He divided between them His Livelihood...”
which is Eternal Exile from God and all His Divine Love,
Light and Goodness. • God grants every human being free will and a rational mind
 “…your body is a Member of Christ…” because through the Holy with which to make our own, personal choices – good or
Mystery of Baptism, we have become the adopted Children and bad, loving or hateful, Beneficial or Condemning.
Co-Heirs of God our Heavenly Father. • We receive our (original) human nature and being – our human
• During the Holy Mystery of Baptism we are forever United with essence (ousia) - from our Divine Creator.
our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. • Thus it is natural to Love since we were created in the
• We are Sanctified Members of His Divine Body – His Holy, Likeness and Image of God.
Universal and Orthodox Church. • However, like our first Ancestors, Adam and Eve, we use these
 1 Corinthians 12: 12 “… as the body is one and has many Perfect Spiritual Gifts to rebel against our Heavenly Father
members, but all members of that body, being many, are by indulging the selfish desires of our flesh.
one body, so, also is Christ…” meaning that although we
• We allow the demands of our immature, egocentric mortal
are many, we are to work in perfect harmony and unity in
flesh to dominate our wise and good immortal soul.
Christ – in His Holy Church and in the Life of Christ.
Constant Repentance restores the correct balance so that
 Romans 6 : 13 “… Do not present your members as our immortal soul can guide and encourage our mortal flesh
instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present
to become closer to God.
• Every thought, word and deed has a consequence. Thus we yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your
shall be Judged accordingly on the Eight Day at the Final members as Instruments of Righteousness to God…”
Judgement of Christ our Lord. o The “Instruments” are literally the “weapons of war”
which, in this case are the various aspects of
• We were created with free will so that we can make our own human nature, especially the flesh/body.
choices, for Love and Faith, the very core of our existence, o Although God created our members good, we chose
cannot be forced but must be freely given and received. to use them to serve either the evil one or the
• Consequently, we choose whether or not to become worthy Lord our God. For those who Live in Christ
Children of God, Co-Heirs to His Heavenly Kingdom of Love, according to their Sacred Baptism, the choice we
make is clear.
who by the Acquisition of unconditional Love/Agape are
 Romans 12: 4 – 5 “… as we have many members in one
rewarded with Eternal Life.
body, but all the members do not have the same function,
• However, the alternative is far too terrifying to contemplate, so we, being many, are One Body in Christ, and
for the reality of Eternal Death – “Outer Darkness” or “the individually members of one another.”
Abyss” - horrifies even the evil one and his demons! o We LIVE our Faithful Relationship with God in His
 “…Glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which belongs to Holy Church, which is the Divine Body of Christ,
God.” with Humility, Obedience, sober, worthy thoughts,
• It is natural for us to Love and Glorify our Loving and words and deeds, and by the proper use of His
Benevolent God with our thoughts, words and deeds. To do Spiritual Gifts.
otherwise is unnatural. o Holy Ministry requires functioning together in
diversity, according to the Divine Gifts granted to
• Both body and soul are Sacred. us by our Gracious and Compassionate Lord God.
• From Baptism to Repose, our body and soul is being Sanctified,  Romans 6 : 3 – 10 “… as many of us as were Baptised into
while we consciously Strive to acquire Divine Love/Agape Christ Jesus were Baptised into His Death. Wherefore we
together with all the subsequent Holy Virtues that Spiritual were Buried with Him through Baptism into Death, so that,
Perfect us. just as Christ was Raised from the dead by the Glory of the
Father, even so, we also should walk in the Newness of
• Every worthy thought, word and deed Glorifies, Honours and Life.”
Worships our Lord God. o Freedom from sin is grounded in the Holy Mystery of
• As aspiring Citizens and Heirs of God’s Heavenly Kingdom of Baptism.
Love, we need to learn the Prayers and Hymns whereby we o Ignorance of what happens when we are Baptised is
Glorify and Worship God, both now and Eternally. a great enemy and Spiritual Sorrow, for through
such ignorance, many are defeated in their
• We each have a specific, unique lifespan in which to acquire
Spiritual Battle against temptation and sin.
Spiritual Perfection to the very best of our ability, which
o What Christ accomplished on the Cross – an actual
must not squandered on Spiritually Unprofitable thoughts, Death to sin – Holy Baptism accomplishes in us –
words and deeds. an actual Death to sin and our Spiritual Liberation
• We continually fall into Spiritual Death but, by the Grace of from its enslaving power.
God, we are returned to Spiritual Life through Repentance- o Because our Holy Baptism into Christ grants us Power
Confession, Holy Eucharist and Holy Unction. over sin, it is an exact Likeness of His Death.
• Repentance is the acknowledgement and correction of our sins
o Holy Baptism does not meanly ‘stand for’ this Divine
Truth but is Itself our Death to sin.
caused by our own flaws, errors and habitual grievous
passions, which are easily influenced by other people and
 “Shalt I therefore take the members of Christ and make them
circumstances. members of a harlot? Never! Do you not know that he who
joins himself to a harlot becomes one body with her?
• This short lifespan concerns our Sacred Relationship with
Almighty God and with each other, which requires constant, • St Paul vehemently reminds us that to desecrate anything that
concerted effort and determination. is Sanctified and Holy, like our body, which belongs to God,
being a Holy Temple within which Dwells God the Holy • St Paul cautioned us that although our other grievous sins
Spirit, is a very serious sin that, unless quickly Repented, affect our thoughts, words and deeds, which are outside our
shall Condemn us Eternally! body/flesh, immorality, promiscuousness or fornication are
• Our body and soul are both constantly Sanctified throughout the most egregious and atrocious sins that we commit
this short, preparatory lifespan through the Partaking of the against ourselves, and thereby against the Lord our God.
Holy Mysteries of Unction, Repentance-Confession and • If we do not constantly Cleanse the Sacred Temple of God the
Eucharist/Communion. Holy Spirit, by Repentance-Confession, and then
• Our Sanctification of body and soul begins during the Holy maintaining and Sustaining It through ceaseless Prayers,
Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation, and needs to be Communal Worship and Holy Eucharist, we shall soon
continued regularly through the other Essential, Life-giving become adrift and alienated, making ourselves easy targets
Holy Mysteries, without which we can make no Spiritual for Spiritual Attacks and being overwhelmed by the selfish
Progress at all.
desires and grievous passions of the flesh – both ours and
• Fornication defiles our Sanctified body and soul to a degree others.
that few can comprehend, which is why we need to be ever
Watchful over ourselves and learn to become self-
 “…Do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy
Spirit within you, which you have from God? For you are not
your own.
• The other grievous passions such as gluttony, greed, jealousy,
• Our body belongs to God, Who created us to become the
envy, pride, lust, anger and slothfulness also need to be
Sanctified Dwelling-place/Temple for God the Life-giving
strictly controlled and rooted out as soon as they appear in
Holy Spirit Whom He breathed into us at the very moment
our thoughts, before they adversely affect our words and
of Creation and conception.
• When we stubbornly refuse to fulfil the Will of our Heavenly
• As St John Chrysostom taught us: “We have many improper
Father, He departs from us so that we can experience the
desires, but we must repress them, because we can!”
terrible bereavement of being alone and contending with
 “…as it is written ‘… the two shalt become one flesh.’ He who is the evil one.
United to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him…”
• God Who is Love Itself, never forces Himself on us. He waits
 Genesis 2:24 Adam declared: “… a man shalt leave his father for us to return to Him and to welcome Him with Love and
and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shalt Humility.
become one flesh…”
• Only when we are in a close Relationship with God can we
• Our Lord Jesus Sanctified Marriage, and instituted the Holy make good Spiritual Progress and enjoy a healthy, peaceful
Mystery of Matrimony. and joyful Life in Christ.
• Christ is likened to a Divine ‘Bridegroom’ Who becomes United • Our mortal body is the temporary abode for our Immortal soul.
as One Sacred Spirit with His Holy Church – His All Pure At our Repose, the body and soul separate.
• The body needs to be returned to the earth whence it
• Being His Faithful Disciples, we are His Holy Church, so ought originated, while the soul needs to return to God.
to fulfil a most Blessed and Pure Lifestyle that is worthy of
• We thus belong to Almighty God Who paid an insurmountable
His Eternal Kingdom of Love, Truth and Joy.
Price for the sake of our Eternal Salvation – the Life and
 “Flee from wickedness. Every other sin, which a man commits is
Death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own
• The Eternal, Only Begotten Word and Son of God became
Incarnate so as to teach us His Divine Truth directly, and
• As we become self-aware and Spiritually Watchful, we shall be
then offered Himself as the ultimate Blood Sacrifice for the
able to immediately recognise temptations and avoid sins of all mankind.
committing sin.


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