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Journal of Science Education and Technology

The Conceptualization of Critical Thinking: Toward a Culturally

Inclusive Framework for Technology‑Enhanced Instruction in Higher
Miri Barak1,2   · Carmella Shahab1

Accepted: 20 September 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022

The proliferation of fake news and pseudoscience requires a proactive educational approach to the cultivation of critical
thinking (CT); yet, university lecturers and students alike appear to have insufficient guidance. Moreover, studies on CT
overlook globalization trends such as student mobility, where international students are a significant portion of the student
body. Therefore, the goal of this study was to examine the way CT is conceptualized and experienced by instructors, local
students, and international students from China in a science and engineering university, and accordingly design a culturally
inclusive theoretical framework for CT cultivation in the digital era. The study applied an integrated dual-analytic approach,
where data was collected via a survey and semi-structured interviews. The findings show that many instructors and students
lack a comprehensive understanding of CT skills. The findings also show that the international students were more familiar
with CT in theory and practice than the local students, with “analysis” as one of the prominent skills experienced in aca-
demic courses. The study presents a technology-enhanced instructional framework that integrates individual learning with
collaborative and culturally inclusive assignments.

Keywords  Critical thinking · Higher education · International students · Technology-enhanced instruction

Introduction 2016). Among the various conceptualizations, one defini-

tion stands out—that of the Delphi report that was developed
The prevalence of different forms of fake news and pseu- by a cross-disciplinary panel of 46 experts in the field of
doscience raises the need to refocus research on critical CT, under the sponsorship of the American Philosophical
thinking (CT) and its role in twenty-first century education Organization (Facione, 1990, 2015). This report remains one
(OECD, 2018; Vincent-Lancrin et al., 2019). CT is rec- of the leading documents on critical thinking which serves
ognized as a higher order cognitive function with a wide as the basis for the work of researchers until this day (Barak
range of applications across science disciplines (Barak et al., et al., 2007; Carbogim et al., 2018; Carvalho et al., 2017).
2007; Lamb et al., 2021). It is a key competency that dates According to the report, CT encompasses core skills, such
back to the Greek philosophers and has been readdressed as interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and self-
by educational researchers (e.g., Barak et al., 2007; Ennis, regulation (Facione, 1990, 2015). Interpretation refers to the
2018; Gray, 1993; Paul & Elder, 2007). A review of the ability to comprehend and express the meaning or signifi-
literature shows numerous definitions of CT (e.g., Chen, cance of a wide variety of information. Analysis refers to the
2017; Dwyer et al., 2015; Ennis, 2018; Wang & Zheng, ability to identify the relationships among concepts or other
forms of representation. Evaluation refers to the ability to
* Miri Barak assess the credibility of statements and the logical strength
of the inferential relationships. Inference refers to the ability
Carmella Shahab to form hypotheses and identify the information needed to
draw reasonable conclusions. Self-regulation refers to the
Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion- ability to monitor one’s cognitive activities and the results
Israel Institute of Technology, 320003 Haifa, Israel obtained, with a view toward validating or correcting one’s
The University of Oxford, Oxford, UK reasoning or results.

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Critical thinking is viewed as a required lifelong compe- Despite their importance, the abovementioned studies
tency that enables people to take an active role in a democratic overlook current globalization trends in higher education.
society (Barak et al., 2007; Kuhn, 2019; Paul & Elder, 2007; Such trends include the transition to online learning and
Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012). In the last decade, policy docu- international student mobility. With reference to online
ments have recommended the promotion of CT skills (e.g., learning, the reexamination of CT is highly important, as the
OECD, 2018; Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012; Vincent-Lancrin current pandemic instigated not only a plethora of misinfor-
et al., 2019); yet, a sustainable educational change has not mation but also a shift to emergency remote education. This
been observed (Lombardi, et al., 2021; Manalo, 2020). In the necessitates a better understanding of both the teaching and
context of higher education, the promotion of CT is a key learning processes in the online environment (Barak et al.,
goal; but, lecturers and students alike appear to have insuffi- 2016; Barak & Green, 2021). The shift to online learning
cient guidance (Petek, 2018; Tosuncuoglu, 2018). This can be requires a clear definition of what constitutes CT in an era of
due to a lack of a unified educational framework and/or ade- digital teaching and learning. Experts are still debating upon
quate training programs (Petek, 2018; Tosuncuoglu, 2018). CT conceptualization and the creation of a unified definition
Studies on the effectiveness of instructional approaches offer (Dwyer et al., 2015; Lombardi, et al., 2021). This underlines
inconclusive results regarding the promotion of CT. In some the importance of conducting an ongoing examination on CT
cases, the literature advocates the infusion approach, in which in online environments.
students’ thinking skills are reinforced and retained through a
process of self-awareness and improvement (Wang & Zheng, Critical Thinking from a Sociocultural Perspective
2016). In other cases, the immersion approach is supported,
as CT is seen as an implicit goal and students acquire skills The development of critical thinking skills is valued not only
as a natural outcome of the learning process (Gray, 1993). in Western countries, but also in developing countries, such
Hence, without a clear framework, instructors and students as China, which is in the process of economic growth. In the
alike might experience difficulties in transferring CT skills to past decade, the Chinese government encouraged student
other subjects of study and to daily life (Dwyer et al., 2015; mobility as one of the means of advancing knowledge and
Guo, 2013; Lombardi, et al., 2021). skills. Visiting students from China are a significant portion
of the international student body. In 2019 alone, the number
Research on Critical Thinking of Chinese students who traveled abroad to study in foreign
universities exceeded 700,000 (New Oriental Education &
Developing CT skills is an important goal in every field of Technology Group, 2019). This drew attention to cultural
knowledge, particularly in the fields of science and engi- differences in learning habits of international and local stu-
neering. University graduates in these fields work in global dents (Barak & Yuan, 2021; Chen, 2017). With regard to
and competitive environments, process new information on a CT, Chinese political and educational stakeholders view
regular basis, and use CT to solve complex problems (Ahern it as a core competency needed by university graduates in
et al., 2019; Avsec & Savec, 2019; Forawi, 2016; Osman the contemporary era of globalization. Already in 2001, the
et al., 2016). Hence, there is a growing body of research on ministry of education in China claimed that one objective of
CT in science and engineering, from studies that examined its curriculum reform was to encourage the development of
the way it is applied in engineering learning and students’ students’ CT skills (Chen, 2017; Yang, 2016). However, the
daily lives (Douglas, 2012; Osman et al., 2016) to studies that differences between Chinese and Western education raise
investigated the utilization of CT in practice (Ahern et al., significant concerns (Chen, 2017; Yang, 2016). Chinese
2019; Forawi, 2016). One of the early studies was conducted students have unique and varied conceptualizations of CT
by Douglas (2012) who identified five engineering practices based on cultural contexts which differ from Western culture
that involve the application of CT: identifying a problem, (Chen, 2017; Heng, 2018; Tan, 2017). For example, Chinese
organizing information, using prior knowledge, expressing students are reluctant to speak up and challenge instructors
an opinion, and making decisions. Osman et al. (2016) found or ask many questions, but rather reflect and ponder prob-
elements of CT and mathematical thinking that are used in lems quietly (Chen, 2017; Heng, 2018). Chinese students
real-world engineering practice. A related study identified prefer a communal approach to CT which preserves social
CT as an important competency for establishing relation- harmony and the dignity of all participants, claiming that the
ships between evidence and explanations, as well as design- Western approach is more confrontational and individualis-
ing and conducting scientific experiments (Forawi, 2016). A tic (Heng, 2018; Tan, 2017). Scholars claim that the defini-
more recent study found that engineering courses can foster tions and criteria used to measure CT are culturally biased
CT skills when applying real-world problem-solving strate- against Asian students since it is the Western philosophy
gies (Ahern et al., 2019). that dictates the conceptualization of CT (Chen, 2017; Guo,

Journal of Science Education and Technology

2013; Tan, 2017). Following this theoretical gap, the current inclusive theoretical framework for CT cultivation in the
study is purposely situated in an Israeli university and in its digital era. This goal raised the following research questions:
extension in China, as a case study for examining CT from
a sociocultural perspective. 1. How is critical thinking perceived and experienced by
The sociocultural perspective maintains that learning academic instructors, international students, and local
is a social process, rooted in a cultural-historical context students?
(Lemke, 2001; Vygotsky, 1978; Wertsch, 1991). Thus, 2. What critical thinking skills can be associated with
knowledge and skills are a product of learning activities technology-enhanced learning?
situated in the culture, context, and environment, in which
they are developed and used (Lemke, 2001; Wertsch, 1991).
Rooted in the work of Vygotsky (1978) and extended by Methodology
others (e.g., Chen, 2017; Marginson & Dang, 2017; Wass
& Golding, 2014; Wertsch, 1991), this approach is based on Participants
three main suppositions: learning is conducted in a cultural
context; learners can be advanced within their Zone of Prox- The study took place at a research university in Israel
imal Development (ZPD) when provided with appropriate which offers degrees in science and engineering. The
scaffolding; and learning occurs while using mediator aids. study participants were ten higher education instructors,
Thinking is perceived as the product of the culture where it ten local students, and ten Chinese international students.
is developed. It often reflects what a culture has transmitted The students were between the ages of 19 and 29, eight
to its members, including how we learn, what we believe, females and twelve males. The study purposely targeted
and what we value (Barak & Green, 2021; Guo, 2013; Lemke, participants from science and engineering disciplines, since
2001). In our global and technological world, learners have CT is considered an essential competency for learning and
virtual and physical mobility and come to sustain multiple working in these fields (Ahern et al., 2019; Avsec & Savec,
and hybrid identities (Heng, 2018; Marginson & Dang, 2019; Osman et al., 2016). The Israeli and Chinese students
2017). Online technologies enable cross-border interactions were recruited through online listservs and message boards,
and collaboration as well as the sharing of limitless data to provide a random sampling of both Western and Eastern
(Barak & Dori, 2011; Barak & Yuan 2021). These dynamic viewpoints on CT. The university instructors were recruited
changes raise the need to examine higher education from a through personal contacts to sample a variety of academic
sociocultural standpoint, with a focus on the various manifes- degrees and teaching experiences (Table 1).
tations of CT (Guo, 2013; Tan, 2017; Wass & Golding, 2014). To ensure ethical conduct, the participants signed an
Overall, studies on CT in higher education show a gap in informed consent form that described the research, explain-
the literature related to following three main points. Firstly, ing that participation is voluntary and that they can withdraw
past studies were conducted in the settings of a classroom, at any time with no negative implications. Their answers were
overlooking the contemporary shift to online learning envi- analyzed in the aggregate and their names and personal details
ronments (e.g., Ahern et al., 2019; Tan, 2017; Tosuncuoglu, were removed; research records were kept in a protected
2018). Secondly, reported interventions in higher education locked file and the study received the approval of the IRB.
lack reference to international mobility and cultural differ-
ences among students (e.g., Ahern et al., 2019; Avsec &
Savec, 2019). Thirdly, studies present CT skills in a list-like Table 1  Instructors’ demographics, academic degree, and teaching expe-
manner (Facione, 2015; Kuhn, 2019), requiring the design of rience
an updated model that better represents inter-relationships and Pseudonym Gender Academic degree Teaching experience
CT complexity. The current study was designed to address
1 Miley Female Master’s 26 years
these gaps by adding to the conceptualization and application
Ariella Female Master’s 14 years
of CT in technology-enhanced learning environments, from a
3 Tanya Female Doctorate 36 years
sociocultural perspective.
4 Talia Female Doctorate 22 years
5 Herman Male Master’s 30 years
Goal and Questions
6 Sharon Female Master’s 38 years
7 Abigail Female Doctorate 13 years
The goal of this study was to examine the way critical think-
8 Lisa Female Master’s 13 years
ing (CT) is conceptualized and experienced by instructors,
9 Izak Male Master’s 30 years
local students, and international students in a science and
10 Ross Male Doctorate 10 years
engineering university, and accordingly design a culturally

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Methods and Tools state whether they found these examples as related to critical
thinking and could provide examples of learning activities
In order to address the research goal, the study applied a from their courses.
dual-analytic approach (Bazeley, 2012), in which the data Content analysis was conducted via a combination of
set was analyzed form both qualitative and quantitative inductive and deductive analysis methods (Willig, 2013)
perspectives, each making a supplementary contribution. according to the following steps: (1) The answers of the
The study applied the case study approach with designated instructors, local students, and international students to
participants, which is applied in social science research for the interviews and survey were compiled into one coher-
generating in-depth understanding of real-life events (Yin, ent and unified file according to the research questions; (2)
2014). Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Data Two expert researchers (the authors) read the participants’
were collected via semi-structured interviews and a survey answers rigorously; (3) First separately and then together,
through a series of personal meetings, administered during the researchers marked relevant text segments that indicate
the last few weeks of the semester, to allow the participants CT components; (4) The researchers assigned the marked
to accumulate academic experiences. The meetings were text segments with categories based on the CT skills pre-
carried out face-to-face in a private setting and varied in sented in the Delphi report (Facione, 1990, 2015); (5)
length up to 50 min. Notes were taken and the participants’ The independent coding reached about 90% agreement,
comments were audio-recorded and later transcribed in after which the researchers discussed the text excerpts in
detail. dispute, resolved gaps, and reached full agreement; (6) A
The first part of each meeting included semi-structured third expert, with a PhD degree, validated the data analy-
interviews that involved open questions pertaining to sis and interpretation process after she was presented with
whether participants are familiar with critical thinking and a representative sample of the text excerpts, reaching full
are able to provide a definition as well as examples of the agreement (Cohen’s kappa = 1.00); (7) The categories were
concept and descriptions of experiences with the fostering assigned with numerical values; (8) Frequencies and mean
of critical thinking in previous science and engineering percentages were calculated for each category (i.e., CT
courses. The driving questions were as follows: What do skill), for each research group separately. That is, the num-
you think critical thinking means? Can you give an example ber of participants who incorporated or experienced each
of critical thinking? What learning activities may promote CT-related learning assignment was summed and averages
critical thinking? were calculated per research group.
Both the local and international students were prompted In order to ensure research trustworthiness, the study
to describe occurrences of learning activities that encompass included three types of triangulation: methodological,
critical thinking that they have experienced. The instruc- data, and investigator (Denzin, 2006). Methodological tri-
tors were prompted to describe instances in which students angulation entailed the use of the dual-analytic approach
are engaged in critical thinking in their lessons. In addition, (Bazeley, 2012), in which the data set was analyzed form
instructors were questioned on their experiences of promot- both qualitative and quantitative perspectives, to decrease
ing critical thinking to both local and international students the shortcomings and biases that come from using a single
from a cultural perspective. The interviews were based on method. Data triangulation was applied by collecting data
participants’ self-report, providing details about their own from both a survey and a series of interviews from different
thoughts and experiences related to CT. Self-report has been stakeholders, such as academic instructors, local students,
a primary assessment method in psychology and education and international students. Investigator triangulation was
for many years and studies continue to demonstrate that it applied by involving three researchers, with PhD and MSc
is useful in measuring facets of students’ learning (Pekrun, degrees, who reached full agreement, as described in the
2020). previous paragraph.
The second part of the personal meetings included a sur-
vey (Table 3 in the Appendix) based on the Delphi report
(Facione, 2015), which includes five core CT skills: inter- Results
pretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and self-regulation.
Each skill included a list of related learning assignments and The Way Critical Thinking Is Perceived by Academic
the participants were asked to indicate whether they experi- Instructors and Students
enced them in previous university courses. These skills were
chosen for this study since they have been validated and veri- Data analysis of participants’ responses indicated that only a
fied by studies over the years (e.g., Carbogim et al., 2018; third of the Israeli students asserted familiarity with the con-
Snyder & Wiles, 2015). For each skill, the participants were cept of critical thinking, whereas all the instructors and most
presented with learning assignments and they were asked to of the Chinese students (90%) stated that they are familiar

Journal of Science Education and Technology

with CT and its practice in higher education courses. How- critical thinking skills: interpretation, analysis, evaluation,
ever, even those who stated that they are familiar with the inference, and self-regulation. Figure 1 portrays the percent-
concept were only able to provide a partial description. For age of instructors, international students from China, and
example, Ms. Miley (all names are pseudonyms), an instruc- local Israeli students who have incorporated or experienced
tor with 26 years of teaching experience, stated that critical each CT skill in the classroom or homework assignments.
thinking is a higher order thinking skill that involves “… Figure 1 shows that both the instructors (78%) and interna-
trying to encourage students to think instead of just site or tional students (90%) found analysis to be the most prominent
give patterned answers. It is more than just a technique. critical thinking skill in their courses, while only half of the
Once you understand a strategy for answering, you would local students (52%) indicated this. The data also shows that
have to employ an additional mode of thinking to get to self-regulation is the CT skill least apparent among the instruc-
the answer.” This perception of CT focuses on thinking and tors (48%) and local students (40%). While analysis assign-
solving problems, in general terms, but it does not refer to ments engage students in identifying main claims and providing
the idea of self-regulatory judgment or specific CT skills reasons to support or criticize them, self-regulation assignments
such as interpretation, analysis, evaluation, or inference. engage students in monitoring and evaluating their inferential
Fang, an international student in electrical engineering, judgments and self-correction. According to the participants,
stated: “I think it is thinking about something from two academic courses tend to involve students in critical thinking
directions… it also relates to providing a correct answer to mainly through analysis processes, and less by means of self-
a given problem.” Similarly, Fen, an international student regulation activities. Overall, it is apparent that the Chinese
in chemical engineering, stated: “I believe it is to say some- students claim to have had more experience with all of the CT
thing from the opposite side. It is to disagree with some- skills. It must be noted that the experiences the Chinese students
thing.” Both students provided a narrow binary perception depicted transpired both in Israel and in their homeland.
of CT, ignoring the complexity of thinking in a critical man- Table 2 depicts the frequencies of instructors, interna-
ner. They depicted CT as a problem-solving situation or as tional students, and local students who have incorporated
a disagreement between people, with an erroneous notion or experienced each CT subskill. For example, with regard
that there is one correct answer. Another example was indi- to the subskill of “interpretation,” among the group of aca-
cated by Matan, an Israeli student studying computer sci- demic instructors, 7 denoted “Understanding a problem
ence, who stated: “It sounds like in critical situations you without bias,” 7 denoted “Distinguishing between the main
act fast and think fast. It occurs in different situations when & subordinate ideas,” 6 denoted “Categorizing or organizing
you are under pressure like when you have a few minutes to information,” 7 denoted “Paraphrasing ideas,” and 7 denoted
complete an exam.” Here, the student mistakenly confused “Identifying an author’s purpose or opinion.” Calculating the
critical thinking with fast and impulsive decision-making, average of 7, 7, 6, 7, and 7 indicated 6.8 for the subskill of
which is contrary to the definition of CT. “interpretation” for academic instructors.

The Way Critical Thinking Skills Are Experienced Critical Thinking Skills and Technology‑Enhanced
in Academic Courses Learning

Based on the Delphi report (Facione, 1990, 2015), the quan- The conceptualization of critical thinking indicated
titative analysis of participants’ responses focused on five two core skills that seem to be strongly associated with
Fig. 1  Percentage of partici-
pants who have incorporated or
experienced each CT skill

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Table 2  Frequencies of participants who have incorporated/experienced each CT subskill

CT skill Subskill Number
Instructors Int’l students Local

Interpretation Understanding a problem without bias 7 5 5

Distinguishing between the main and subordinate ideas 7 8 9
Categorizing or organizing information 6 8 6
Paraphrasing ideas 7 7 3
Identifying an author’s purpose or opinion 7 7 9
Analysis Comparing similarities and differences 9 10 5
Identifying the main claim of a claim 7 8 7
Identifying reasons to support a claim 8 9 4
Identifying pros and cons 7 9 4
Analyzing the relationships of ideas to one another 8 9 6
Evaluation Judging the credibility of a source of information 3 8 5
Judging if a claim is true or false 7 8 8
Comparing strengths and weaknesses 6 8 4
Judging if evidence supports a conclusion 6 8 5
Judging if an argument is relevant or applicable 7 8 3
Inference Recognizing implications 3 5 2
Creating deeper meaning 4 7 6
Predicting 5 10 6
Synthesizing ideas 7 8 4
Drawing conclusions 7 10 9
Self-regulation Considering the influence of personal biases and self-interest 3 4 2
Separating personal opinions from that of an author 4 8 1
Monitoring comprehension 6 7 5
Reconsidering interpretations 5 10 6
Revising conclusions 6 10 6

technology-enhanced learning: analysis and evaluation. with 38 years of academic teaching, stated that CT involves
The skill “analysis” was conceptualized through explor- the ability “to analyze facts or information, examine pros
ing multiple perspectives and examining pros and cons, and cons, and reach a conclusion.” Ping, a Chinese student
whereas the skill “evaluation” was conceptualized through in computer science, stated that “Social media platforms can
judging arguments and determining truth. Examples of be used to facilitate a discussion on the pros and cons of a
participants’ assertions for each skill are presented below. specific scientific topic. In debates, one group can provide
First, “exploring multiple perspectives” (under the analy- supporting evidence to a claim while the other group plays
sis skill) refers to using technology to engage students in the role of the antagonist.”
exploring multiple ideas and perspectives, i.e., analyz- The third sub-category is “judging arguments” (under the
ing views or scientific methods from different angles. For evaluation skill), which refers to using technology to evalu-
example, Dr. Abigail, an instructor with 13 years of teach- ate contentions and judge the strength of arguments. For
ing experience, asserted: “In my course, I have an online instance, Dr. Abigail stated that “critical thinking is looking
forum where I show interesting scientific cases and ask at something from different perspectives… I tell my students
questions that require critical thinking, beyond what is that it is okay to be critical but not judge arguments.” Gang,
written in the text. It is not about remembering the mate- an international student studying chemistry, stated: “There
rial, but involves case analysis and looking at things from are videos on pseudoscience and controversial cases that can
different perspectives.” be used to prompt judgmental arguments …also, we can use
The second sub-category is “examining pros and cons” annotation applications when we read an article, to think
(under the analysis skill), which refers to using technology critically about the drawbacks of the study.”
as a platform to support or criticize a claim as an element The fourth sub-category is “determining truth” (under
of critical thinking. For instance, Ms. Sharon, an instructor the evaluation skill), which refers to using technology to

Journal of Science Education and Technology

determine if a claim or an idea is believable and likely to be teamwork and group discussions, as detailed in the follow-
true or false. For instance, Dr. Tanya, an academic instruc- ing paragraphs.
tor with 36 years of experience, stated: “…it is trying to
determine whether an idea is logically correct, whether it is First Activity—Learning About Critical Thinking
evidence-based or pseudo-science. On the Internet we have via a Kahoot Game
all kinds of information and to think critically is to evalu-
ate information and see whether it is true, based on facts Students express their perceptions about critical thinking
and cross-referencing.” Yosi, an Israeli student studying based on their cultural background and experience. Then,
computer science, contended: “It is about posing questions they are presented with the significance of CT, including the
and not taking things for granted. For example, lectures can skills involved in thinking critically. Subsequently, students
post different solutions to a computer code that intention- socially engage in an online game (Kahoot) to reinforce
ally include a mistake to prompt students’ critical thinking.” social interactions and the content of the lecture. The game
The participants pointed out that critical thinking skills entails questions with different scenarios to strengthen the
can be organized in a hierarchal taxonomy. For example, understanding of critical thinking (interpretation, analysis,
Ariella stated: “I would classify critical thinking skills inference). For example, students are provided with several
into types – more advanced ones that require higher order instances and must decide which is not an instance of apply-
thinking and more basic types of thinking.” Accordingly, ing critical thinking: “taking the future into account when
the emerging categories, presented above, were portrayed making decisions,” “adopting a negative attitude to new
in a pyramid model (Fig. 2), which was used to develop information,” “arguing with your friends over a difference
an instructional framework for promoting critical thinking of opinion,” or “reviewing different articles for alternative
through the use of technology. information on a subject.” Other questions call on students to
Overall, the differences in which critical thinking is per- look at instances and decipher which specific critical think-
ceived and experienced in academic courses and the impor- ing skill is demonstrated.
tance of engaging students in technology-enhanced activities
constituted the motives for the development of a generic and Second Activity—Reading Scientific Articles Using
inclusive instructional framework, as described below. Annotation Tools

Students discuss the topic of an article and pose questions

Suggested Instructional Framework related to what they expect and hope to learn (truth-seeking).
for Promoting Critical Thinking While reading, students partake in discussion groups pertain-
ing to the topic of the article, main claims, and the author’s
Based on the results presented above and theoretical con- opinion (interpretation, self-regulation). When appropri-
ceptions of critical thinking (Facione, 1990, 2015), a new ate, participants organize information from the article into
instructional framework was suggested to be carried out in electronic graphical organizers (systematic, interpretation).
conjunction with traditional course materials. The frame- For instance, in a computer science course, students trace
work involves nine main activities that incorporate technol- the historical development of the computer in a chart which
ogy and intertwine individual and collaborative activities to is organized according to the various devices and includes
promote critical thinking. The activities are not necessar- information regarding the inventor, the technical advance
ily consecutive and can be applied in a different order (i.e., involved, and the device’s practical application. Likewise,
“choose and mix”), according to the academic course goals they identify similarities and differences between items like
and contents. They involve individual work that develops types of computer viruses and display the descriptions in
into a social and culturally responsive assignment, through comparative tables or Venn diagrams (analysis).

Fig. 2  Conceptions of critical
thinking skills, limited to analy-
sis and evaluation

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Third Activity—Writing Tasks Through Online Sixth Activity—Debate Group Presentation

Students working collaboratively in small groups search
Students individually write about various scientific topics and retrieve information about the pros and cons of a sci-
through online discussion forums. Some of the assignments ence and engineering topic of their choice via online search
involve summarizing the main points brought up in the read- engines. Subsequently, the groups organize the material they
ing material or comparing ideas and claims (interpretation, have collected into sections: an overview of the topic and
analysis). In other cases, students share their opinions on its significance, the pros, the cons, and the group members’
various scientific topics, support their views, respond to personal opinions on the subject (interpretation, analysis,
their classmates’ comments, and reconsider their initial inference, evaluation, truth-seeking, open-minded, and ana-
views (interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, self- lytical). The groups present in front of the class their find-
regulation, open-minded, judicious, analytical). For exam- ings through digital presentations with PowerPoint slides.
ple, after reading an article about an engineering process,
students share their knowledge about its contribution to the Seventh Activity—Literature Review Presentations
field. They may relate to mathematics and the physical sci-
ences and/or to the technological developments. In another To begin with, students individually search and retrieve
instance, students learn the engineering behind the robotics information about a scientific or engineering topic of their
industry, as well as voice their opinions about issues related choice through online search engines and organize this mate-
to them replacing people in the job market. Students are rial for an ensuing presentation (interpretation, analysis,
encouraged to support their claims with relevant scientific inference, evaluation, truth-seeking, open-minded, analyti-
evidence. cal). Afterwards, students present the reviewed topic to the
class through digital presentations with PowerPoint slides.
Fourth Activity—Active Listening Exercise to Video Subsequently, students write short essays which embrace
Lectures the rationale for choosing the topic, a brief summary of the
topic, and reflections of their personal experience develop-
Students watch videos related to the course contents given ing the presentations and presenting to the class (interpreta-
by prominent science and engineering researchers. They also tion, analysis, inference, evaluation, self-regulation).
watch lectures about pseudoscience and misleading informa-
tion on an educational website called Ted-Ed. This combines Eighth Activity—Peer Evaluations
questions on the content of the videos as well as open ques-
tions for a class discussion on the difference between human After completing a collaborative assignment, students evalu-
error and organized campaigns of deception, why false infor- ate the contribution of their partners to the team effort and
mation is spread, the problems that false information creates, complete an online form regarding whether their partners
and the consequences (interpretation, analysis, evaluation, were prepared, clear, and helpful. Likewise, while listening
inference, truth-seeking, analytical, judicious). to classmates’ presentations, students take notes and subse-
quently write in a blog comments for each presentation in
Fifth Activity—Written Debate via Kialo Edu Tool which they provide compliments as well as recommenda-
tions, cite facts they learned, and pose relevant questions.
Students participate in a discussion pertaining to a debated This blog is available for all classmates to view and com-
science or engineering topic that has been opened exclusively ment on (interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation,
for the class on a website by the name of Kialo Edu. This truth-seeking).
is a forum discussion site, specifically designed for holding
debates, in which students read a short passage pertaining Ninth Activity—Self‑evaluation Forms
to an issue and then share their opinions. Moreover, stu-
dents comment on one another’s responses and evaluate the Throughout the semester, students individually monitor their
strength of their peers’ claims by choosing one of the options performance in the course by answering questions which
provided by the site such as clicking an icon for claims that are presented through online forms. This includes students
they like or others that they find “unsupported,” “unrelated,” examining the facts and views they shared in the online
“not a claim,” or “unclear” (interpretation, analysis, infer- debate writing task, the forum writing assignments, and the
ence, evaluation, truth-seeking, self-regulation). Students oral presentation mini-projects (analysis, evaluation, self-
then view their peers’ comments regarding what they initially regulation, truth-seeking, open-minded, judicious). Students
wrote and reflect on whether they should reconsider their reflect on their performance by answering questions such as
initial claims (self-regulation). whether they made good use of available sources, developed

Journal of Science Education and Technology

strong claims, supported the claims with adequate evidence, non-linear approach in which the CT activities can be applied
or should reconsider their positions. In addition, students in varying order, adapted to the goals and contents of the
participate in online polls reflecting on how well they com- science and engineering courses. Science education research-
prehend the course material, whether they ask questions ers describe critical thinking as encompassing higher order
when they need assistance or request further explanations thinking through complex scientific processes and reason-
regarding certain topics, and in which areas they would like ing (Lamb et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2022). Although CT is
to further develop (analysis, evaluation, self-regulation). regarded as an important higher order cognitive function
Figure  3 presents the five critical thinking skills and (Barak et al., 2007; Lamb et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2022), little
examples of related learning activities that can be incorpo- attention has been placed on the skills that constitute CT and
rated in science and engineering courses. their application in higher education. Addressing this gap, the
current study features a nuanced conceptualization of CT and
its progression from basic skills to those that demand higher
Discussion order thinking, a process which complies with contemporary
science education (Barak & Dori, 2009; Lamb et al., 2021;
The current study is significant in providing insights into Sun et al., 2022).
the conceptualization of critical thinking (CT) and its prac- Furthermore, since science and engineering education
tice in contemporary higher education, particularly at times is experiencing a transition to online learning, the current
of pseudoscience and fake news. The study highlights four study bestows a better understanding of CT application
important outcomes: First, academic instructors and students through the use of digital technologies. This is significant
lack a comprehensive understanding of CT skills and prac- since the transition of best practices from the classroom to
tices; second, international students from China indicated the online environment requires the generation of adaptive
more familiarity with and experience in learning activities instructional frameworks (Barak, 2017). Online technologies
that incorporate CT than the local Israeli students; third, allow flexibility in time and place of learning, as well as
“analysis”—the ability to identify relationships among facilitating collaboration among students around the world
concepts, explore multiple perspectives, and examine pros (Barak & Dori, 2011; Barak & Yuan, 2021). The use of
and cons—is one of the prominent CT skills experienced in online tools provides learning continuity when students
academic courses; fourth, critical thinking can be facilitated cannot be physically present on university campuses; how-
through a technology-enhanced instructional framework ever, it is necessary to introduce technology that supports
which incorporates collaborative and culturally inclusive the goals of science and engineering education (Barak &
assignments into science and engineering courses. Green, 2021; Lamb et al., 2021; Manalo, 2020). In referring
While previous studies present CT skills in a list-like to this need, we designed an instructional framework for CT
manner, with equal significance (e.g., Facione, 2015; Kuhn, cultivation that includes detailed activities and the use of a
2019), this study presents the varied complexity of the CT variety of digital tools for individual and collaborative learn-
skills and a framework that involves nine technology-based ing. This framework was generated to address the challenges
activities to foster those skills. In this study, we suggest a that instructors and students feel when teaching or learning
in online courses (Barak et al., 2016; Lamb et al., 2021).
The study is significant in addressing recent trends in
higher education with relation to the internationalization of
universities. This is an important contribution to the litera-
ture because of the limited information that is available on
the cultivation of CT from a cultural perspective. In this
study, we focused on international students from China as
they are a significant portion of the international student
body (New Oriental Education & Technology Group, 2019).
Focusing on CT, educational stakeholders from China view
it as an important competency that should be cultivated and
applied in curriculum reforms (Chen, 2017; Yang, 2016).
Nonetheless, studies should take into consideration dif-
ferences between local and international students in their
learning experiences and habits (Barak & Yuan, 2021; Chen,
2017). Accordingly, this study investigated CT perceptions
and experiences of both Chinese and Israeli students, iden-
Fig. 3  Critical thinking skills and examples of learning activities tifying a varied conceptualization of critical thinking.

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Conclusions of ideas and viewpoints. The activities are designed to pro-

vide a safe place for students to express ideas and critical
The study provides insights regarding the factors through thoughts along with mutual respect, support, and tolerance.
which university instructors, Israeli students, and interna- The instructional framework provides an adaptive model
tional students perceive and experience critical thinking with explicit and implicit CT activities that include digi-
through the use of digital technology. As higher education tal technology and social interaction while focusing on the
is adapting to global changes, the current study provides a five CT skills that can be integrated in academic courses for
theoretical contribution to the role of critical thinking, inte- science education, for policy makers, and for instructional
gral to the examination of scientific ideas in a world that designers. In future studies, we plan to further examine the
faces misinformation from unreliable sources. Adhering to application of the CT framework in diverse science and engi-
previous work on critical thinking (Facione, 1990, 2015), neering courses.
this study presents examples of learning activities that can
be incorporated in lesson plans. The culturally inclusive
activities utilize online technology, allowing free expression Appendix Survey

Table 3  The following table includes a list of learning assignments The second column indicates whether you have experienced or incor-
that students perform in class or for homework. The first column indi- porated the learning assignment in your classes and provides examples
cates whether each assignment may encourage and be related to CT.

Learning assignments CT-related Experience in


1. Interpretation
Comprehending a problem without bias
Distinguishing a main idea from less important ideas in a text
Creating a way of organizing something you are studying—for example, into categories
Restating someone’s ideas in your own words
Identifying an author’s purpose, topic or opinion
2. Analysis
Identifying the similarities and differences between two approaches to a solution
Identifying the main claim of an argument
Identifying the reasons an author provides for a claim
Providing reasons to support or criticize a claim or conclusion
Analyzing the relationship of sentences or paragraphs to each other and to the main purpose of a text
3. Evaluation
Determining the credibility/reliability of a source of information
Determining if a claim is true or false
Comparing the strengths and weaknesses of different interpretations
Judging if evidence supports a conclusion
Judging if an argument is relevant or applicable
4. Inference
Recognizing the implications of the position someone is supporting
Constructing meaning from text
Predicting what will happen next based on what is known
Combining related ideas into a clear perspective
Drawing reasonable conclusions
5. Self-regulation
Examining your views on an issue with sensitivity to the possible influences of your personal biases or
Reminding yourself to separate your personal opinions from those of the author of a text
Monitoring how well you seem to comprehend what you are listening to or reading
Reconsidering your interpretation or judgment because of further analysis of the facts of the case
Revising your conclusions because you did not notice or misjudged certain factors

Journal of Science Education and Technology

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