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First time the “arp” command was used nothing was returned because no arp tables were
created. After pinging the c1 device from c2, the arp table of the c2 machine has the MAC address of
the c1 machine ( d2:47:60:4b:17:cf ).

Besides the MAC address of the c1, in the c2’s arp table we find also the MAC address of the
r1’s eth0 interface: ee:bf:3e:ce:6e:77.
In the arp table of r1, there are the MAC addresses of the c2 and r1 eth0 interface.

The answers were provided at the previous point.
Based on the screenshots above with the arp tables of the requested devices, we may conclude
1. c1 learns the MAC addresses of the eth0 of r1.
2. Router r1 learns the MAC of c1 and that of eht1 of r2.
3. Router r2 learns the MAC of eth1 of r1 and eht0 of r3.
4. Router r3 learns the MAC of eth0 of r2 and of c4.
5. The c4 machine learns the MAC of eth1 of r3.

First message captured is the broadcast ARP request from c1 in order to find the MAC address
of the eth0 of r1. Then comes the ARP reply from eth0 of r1 to c1 with the requested MAC addresses.
After that come the 2 pairs of pings, reply and request and then the reverse process from eth0 of
r1 to find the MAC of c1.

The same process happens here, and the role of c1 is taken by the eth1 interface of r1 and the
role of eth0 of r1 is taken by the eth1 of r2.
Q7. Results of the “show-running config on each router”:
Q8. Results of the “show ip route” command:
Q9. Results of the “show ip route” command:

The addresses shown in the zebra shell match those configured for each linux machine.
Q10. Results of the “route” command for router r1:

The routing table has the same routes as the one configured in the zebra shell.


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