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a bese ac ayes sags ghee BE cme Lee eM keene GES O50 past wits, eh ‘waatesouas (Po be stanigedt a6 an Agreement and also a5 8 Suwer af Allorney) FORM CE 3 AGREEMENT AMONG State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, Hyderahad, Koll, Hyderabad (Stie Bouk of Hadevabadd, Stitt uf Uikaner & Jaipur State Bank of Patiala and State Rank of Yravancore sinew merged with Slide Hartt of Tulle, exteusion af mortgoye shel rank Pevigatssn to thelr jacititles ax set oul in Flest Scheele) ("A* Gonk), Andhra Bani, Balanagar Branch, Hyderabad {herelnafter called "8" Bank} indian Overseas Bank, RP Road Branch, Socunderabadl (hereinafter called " G” Gank) Bank of India, Hyderabad Large Corporate Granch,10-1-1199/2, 1st Moor, PT! Building, # Hyderabad - 600033 (hereinafter called " E" Bank) ICICI Bank, Financiad District Branch, ICI Towers, Gachibowii, Hyderabad {herainafter called " F” Bank) DB) Bank Limited 59-094 & 2, chapel Road, Hyterabad - 500 G04. Hereinafter called " G" Bank Axis Bank, Corporato Bahking Brancii, peenlands, Degumpet Rod, Hyderabad (hereinaficr called “H* Bank), yyndicate Bank, NS Road Eranch, Hyderabad-500 001 (hereinafter called 27" pank), Karur Vysya Bank, RP Road Rrancli,Sacunderabad (hereinatlar called “yg” Bank), United Bank OF India, Bank Street Branch, Hyderabad - 500 196, (hereinafter called “K" Bank) Union Bank of Indta, LG 1-263, Bhuvana Towers, .. PB No. 1§23, SD road Secunderabad ~ 5000D3 {hereinafter called “L™ Bank) ; TaN of Maharashtrasultan Bazar Branch, Gopal Bagh, Bank sit <, Sona Bank ie Lif) \chtroot, Hyderabad{herein alter called "8?" Bank) , Canara Bank,Prime Corporate | BYfocncx } Branch, T 6 R Complex, S P Road , Secunderabad — 500003 ( horsafter called ax YghOme SPN" Bank } , Panjab’ National Bank, 41-427, AGNTS Office, Bank Stroct, Perse Hyderabad-600001 { hereaftar called as “O" Bank ) and UCO Bank, Flagship =" Comorate Branch, 6-3-1108, Navabharst Chambers, Rajbhavan Rdad,” +500082 (hereatior called as "P” Bank) “2s (a Bank Consortium) ee “MTHS AGREEMENT is made at Hyderabad [hls the dey of 2017 vwseot TY batween State Bank of India, a Stetulory Corporation constituted under the Stale Bank BE Inde Ad, 1855 and having one os Local Head Ole at Hyderabad and = “Zonal 2 Office and one of the Branches amongst olher places at Bark's Sieet, Kot, Hyderabad-500 095 (Commercial Branch, Hyderabad) (hereinafter called "A Bank", which ‘expression shall, unloss 4 ba repugnant to the subject or context thereol, inciude its sucegssors and assigns) of lhe FIRST PART; aita Bank Stelwlory Corporation constituted by and under lle Danking Gonmaries foquisition and Tianster of Lindartakings) Act 1990 and having ils Resislered Office al 5- 11, Dr Pattabhi Ghavan, Secreteriel Road, Safabad Hyderabad and 0113 of Brarcluu See amongst other pieces at Dalanagar Branch, Hyderabad (hereinafle’ called * 6" Bank, which expression shail, unfess itive ropuanant ta the subject or context thereof, include ila : oceersce and assigns) of the SECOND PART; Indian Overzeus Bank a Slatuloty Corporation constituied by and under the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertekings) Act 1970 and having Its Central Office at 763, Anna Salal, Chennai - 600002 and onc uf Branches amongst other placea at RP Rocd Branch, Secunderabad (hereinalier called * C” Bank, which expression shal, unless il ba repugnant to the gubjpcl or contex| thereo!, include Ws successors and assigns}of the THIRD PART: nk of fnlia a Statulory Genperalion onetiuled by and under the Banking Companies A ABecutsition and Transfer of Urdzrakings) Act 1970 and having és Registered Oice at Star House, C-5. 'G' Block, Gancra Kura Coinolex, Dandra (East) Mumbal- 400051 and Com one of Branches winongst other ptaces al Hydatabad Larga Corperals Branch 10-1- ig) 11082, isl flow, PTI Duikding, a.C, Guarda, Hyderabad (hercinatter celled " D" Dank, ( |} which expression siall, unless t be repugnant (a tha subject or context thereof, inchs its 2" succeazom and assigns) of he FOURTH PART; Oriental Bank of Commerce, a wanking Company constiuled under the Banking sQGompanies (equistion and Transtor of Undertakings) Act 1890. and having ils ‘fo, fee *Hegistered Onfcw at Harsha Dhavan, & Block, Gannaughl Place, New Delhl- 110007 and i ook as Jj? of Branches amongst other placgs al Oriental bank of Commerce, Plot No 4274, (Ale ME fibad No 83, Jubilee Hills Hyderabad ~ 500033 (hereinatter called “ E” Bank, which Bee pression shall, unlesa (tbo ropugnemt to Ue gubject or conlex! thereof, Include its ‘kiscessor und assigns} of (he FIFTA PART; Pa See Ieici Bank a Stalulory Corporation constituted by and under the Banking Companies {Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Acl 198¢ and having ile Registered Otfics at vedodara, Gujerath, Corporate office, ICICI Towers, Bandra Kurla Camplex, Mumbat and one ol Branches amongst olher places at Financial Districl Branch, Gachibowl: Hyderabad (hereinaller called °F” Bank, which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or covtext thereof, include its sucegasOrs and asyignayol ihe SINTH PART; JDS{ Bank Limited, a company regisiarad under the Companies Act. 1956 (1 of 1966) and @ banking campany wilhin Jhe meaning of section 5 (c) af tha Banking Regulallon Act, 1948 (10 of 149) and having its Ragistered office al IDB) Tower, World Trade Complex, Cuffa Parade, Mumbai ~ 490 006, and a Branch Office al 5-9-09/1 & 2, Chapal Road, Hyderabad — 500 001. (hereinaflar called * G" Bank, whieh expression shall. unless il be repugnant lo the subject or contex! thereof, inchide ts successors and assigns)of the: SEVENTH PART; Axis Sank, a company ircorporated under the Companies Act, 1856 end carrying on Banking business under the Banking Regulations Acl, 1949 and having ils Rogistered Office at Trishul, Ili lloor, Op: Samartheswai Temple, Near Law Garden, Elis Bridge, ‘Anmedabed ~ 380008, Head affce, Bombsy Dyeing Mills compound, Pandurangbuchikar Marg, Wolli, Mumbal -400025 and one of Branches amongst other places al Hyderabad Branch, 63—-S70/8. 4st Floor, Pula Reddy Bullsing, Grewnlands, Begumpet Road, Hyderabad - 800 016 ihereinalter called “H” Rank, which expression shall, unless il be repugnant to the subject o° context thereof, inckule its succasore and assignejaf the EIGHTH PART; Syndicate Bank, a Statutery Corporation constituled by and wader the Banking Companies (Acqusiicn and Transfer of Underlakings) Act 1970 and having te Regislered Oifice et D No18/355 & 16/365 A, Manipel- 576104. Udupi District, Karnatake, and Carporale Office at 2™ Cross, Ganchinager, Bangelara- 560000. and one of Branches amongst alher places at N $ Road Branch, Hyderabad, (hereinafter celled " 1" Gank, which expression shall, unless il be repugnant te the subjec! or contort thereck, include its sucssasors and aasigns}of the NINETH PART; Kaeur Vyaya Bank, © banking company Incorporated under the provisions of Indian Companies Act 1913, having registered & central office al Erode road, Karur — 839002 rd one of Branches amongst other places ai O.No.5-2-176, Rashtrapathi Road, cundierabad ~500 003, Telangana Slate (hereinayler called “J Rank, which expression Il, unless it be repugnant to the subjeu or contex! thereof include its successurs and United Bank OF ladia (A Government of (ridia Unclertaking), formed in 1950 willy the amalganvation of four banks vie. Comilla Banking Corporation Lid. (1914), Sengal Central Bark Ltd. (1919), Comilla Union Bank Lid. (1922) and Hooghly Bank Lid. (1832) (hich ‘were eslablisiisu in Lhe yeurs indicated in braskels after the names), nationallzed on Jury 19, 1968, having Head Office at 11, Hemanta Basu Sarani, Kolkalla- 70000 and one of the branches at D.No 4-3.331, Bank Street, Hyderabad ~ 600 195 (hereinafter called "K” Rark, which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to tho subject or context thamef include its successors and assigns} of Ine ELEVENTH PART; Union Bank of India, formed in 1219 nalionaized on July 19. 1869 having Central Office al 239, Vidhan Bhawan, Naririan Point, Mumbsi, Maharashtra — 400021 and one of Ihe branches at LG 1-2-163 Bhuvana Towers, Pf No 1523, 8D Road, Secunderabad 00003 (herein called “L’ Bank. which expressicn shal, uniass it be repugnant fo the Subject of context thereof include: ils successors aid aeeigns) of he TWELFTH PART; Bank of Maharastra , formed in 1935, nalionalzed on 1989 having central office at 1501 Lokmangal, Shivaii nagar, Pune 411005 and one of Branches amongst other places al Sutan Bazar Branch Hno 4.3.448 to 460 & 485 lo 488.Ground Floor, Vinoothna Fatie'sMajesiry, Gopal bagh Near Rank Sireot Hyc-S00001 (hereinalter called " M" Benk, which expression stall, unless it be fepugnant lo lie subject or context therect, inchs its successors and assignsjel Ie THIRTEENTH FART: CANARA BANK, a body corporate canstiluted under the Banking Companies (Aequiattion & iarafer of Undertakings) Act. 1970, having Its Head Office at Canara Bank Suildings, 1120 C Ruad, Bangalore - 660002, in Ine Stale ef Kamataka, India and having its Prime Corporate Branch amang other places al TSR Complex, S.F Road, Secunderabad-500 003 in the Slate of Talangana, India (liereinefter referred to 28 "N" Bank, which expression Shall, unless il be repugnant to the subject or cortex! thercof, include its atienessol # ard assigns) of the FOURTEENTH PART PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, formed in 1695, jiationalized on 1962 and having ils Registered Offlee al 7, Bhikaji, Cama Place, Delhi-110607 and ene of Branchas antongal other places at 4-1-427, AGM's Office, Bank sree, Hyderebad 500 601, (herainelter called " ©" Bank, which expression shall, unless it be repugnant (o the subject or context thereol. include ile successors and assigns) of he FIFTEENTH PART, UGO Bank formerly United Gommerctat @ank establish in 1949 in Kolkata is a major government - owned Commercial bank, naving Regitleied Office at 1O.BTM,SaraniXolkata -700001 and one of branches among other places al FCB, 6-3- 1108, Navabhart Chsmbers.Raj Bhavan Read Somajiguda, Hyderabad §00082 hereinafter called “P" Hank, which expression shall, uniess il be repugnant lo the subject or context thereat, include its auecennors and agsigns} of the SEVENTEENTH PART, (Al of which A Bank, B Bank, © Bani, D Bank, E Bank, F Bank, G Bank, H Bank, I Bank, J Bank, K Bank, L Bank, M Bank, N Bank , O Bank, And P Banie ore hrvvinafter collectively relrred to as “the sald Banks' or “the A Bank Consortium” which expression shall, unlese i he repugnant to the subject or context thereo!, include each of Wein or any one or more of them and Deir respective: aactesgors and assigns) By consent of ail ine Parties, A Bank deyiynaled and recognized as the Leed Bank of (he ABank Consarilum. If lhe Consortium of Banks is increased or diminished from lime to time by adding to or dropping of ong or more Banks ac is changed by substitution of one Bank by enother during the curency of thie Agroement, then the Reconstituted Consortium will bs governed by the provision of this Agreement as if Ihey have basen added or dropped herein ag the case may he end thal lerm "the said Barks" shai! mean and shali be deemed {0 incre the Reccnelituted Consorium as well*(ingerl as applicable and approptiate - Zonal/Local Heed cffice/Circle officevB ench office) WHEREAS. 1. MEGHA ENGINEERING & INFRASTRUCTURES LIMITED , a Company within the meaning of the Companies Aci, 1956, uhd having its Regislered Office at S-2, Technacrat Industrial Eslele, Balanagar, lyderabad — 800 037 (hereinalter called “ihe Sorrower’. which expression sirel, uniaee if be repugnant ta the subject or contex! thereof, inclure iis éucressors and assigris) has been sanconed hy the A Bank Consortium, inter alia, the Working Capilal Fatilties in the proportion as méntioned in the werking capit conperium Agreement daied the 12 ACA Dbae 207 between the Boir and the sald Sanks hereinetter called "the Consortium Agreement an emount{fat/dy Rs.7771,61,00,000 (Rupeor Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Crores and Sixty One Lacs only; for mecling part of [he warking sapital needa ol 1 Borrower/ot the Borrower's Division at Hyderabad in the slate of Thlangana_ in additions ie SOUSA Sor W é yin replacement of existing faciliies end ae erie? certain other facies on the 4° G. tetms end conditions set out in the said Consortiurt Agreement and such other condilona % * as may be slipulated by the A Bank Consortium from lime lo lime, The Working Capital lies ure Irereinafler wotlectively referred W ay “Use said Fauilles" whidh expession uniaga it be repugnant to the subjecl of context inereot, Include each such ‘aclily or Sauy one or move of twin, The Limits or Sud-Linita ae ao {xed from tine lo time during “the tenure of the said Gonsarlim Agreament shall be decmed to be the Limits or Sub- Hamits covered under ihe said Facies. As socurily for the repayrrent of the said Faciliies togelher wih Interest, costs, "charges and other expenses, payable in respect of the said Facttties, the Borrower ™s, created in favour of the said! Banks a first charge by way of Hypothecalion on its Current ‘Assels, holh presant and future. wherevar siiuated but pertaining (0 Ihe Bosrowerhe / Borrowerg Division al Hyderabad as mentioned in the Join! Decd of Hypothecation dated * Abe s2/F dayot &Ctnwy 2017 axaciitad by tha Borrower in favour of aid. yx Banks and also created in favour of the seid Banks by way of Collateral a first mortgage “Schon the Fixed Assets, both presen! and Tulure, and also by @ Lien on Fixed deposits wiih / 2 \eplate Bank of India aggregating 3.39.74 crores on pari passu basis for consortu SWorking Capital Lecders. (The aforesaid Charges are hereinafter collectively referred Io az "the said Securities" Details of land & buildings of the company" (EM on the following propertias of the company on paripassu hasis to all banks in Consortium} Gnd Sdinsaniring ates 25.73 conte Stualed Al SyNoAd3,4G01234,5.0,7 & Hg¥5/1,2,3.4 & 436' & 454, Seltivaripalk Vilage, Mydukur Mandal, Katlapa } isict, Andhra Pradesh in lavour cf Company bounded by North : Rasta, South. is balonge (a Govind Raddy & Vaera Reddy Fast Kesalingayapally Badvel fond, Wat K (3 Kulayamma and K G Ramasubba Reddy land. Regielered with ‘SRO Kadepe., Document Number:986/2008 daled 76.06 2008, Land admneasuring acres 650 cenls situnted al Sy No.287/6200.207/A, Amkathedu Village, ‘avour of compary hounded by Noth : § D line, South. Road, Easl. SD Line, Weel. Line for 6.38 & Noh’ § 0 Line, South: Road & Portion of the sairie Sy No, Easl Survey Line, Weel $0 Line for 4.00 actes Regislared wih SRO Mudabldre, Document Number: 1081/2011-12 dated 27 082014, _ Land af Plot No.5 admeasuring Ac-0.05,70 cents equivalent (o 378.88 sq yrds, Flat No.6 acmeasuring Ac.0.-05 63 cents equivalent to 279 48 sq yrds, Plat No.7 admeasuring Ac.005.408 canls euivalen! to 261.74 sq yrds and Plot No.8 admeasuring Ac 0.05408 carts equivalent! 251.74 8q yrds (lola 4 plots admeasunng Acd22.14@ conts equivalent lo 1071.86 eq yrds} in Survey No.189/1 (Pan) end layoul No.68 Rudrampet Grampanchayal, Anantapur Mandal & District in favour of Gompany bounnted by Plot NaS - North ‘Plot No.4, South: Plot No.6, East: 33 feat wide road, West: Plot No.8, Plat No.6 - North :Plol No.6, South: 40 feet wids road, East: 33 fect wide road, Weal: Piat No.7, Plot No.7 - North ‘Picl No.8, South. 40 fee! wide toaa, East Piol No.6 West 23 foal wide road. Plot No.8 - Noh Plot No.9, Souitr Piot No.7, East Plot No.5, West: 33 fect wide road Registered SRO Ananlhapur Rural, Document Number 5072/2011 dated 25.07.2011. __ 4 Land admeasuring 463 equare yaida with bull up area of $384 bunglow bearing No.260 situsted in Survey Nos 192ip tu 126/p, 207% and 262/p, Hil Counly in Bachupally vilage, Quibulasur Mandal, Ranga Reddy District in_ favour of company bounded by Noith ; Unit No.28 . Soulh: Road No.3, Baet, Road | No.1, West: Unit No.236, Registered with GRO Quibullapur, Document Number, 1871/2013 dated 14.02.2013. 22 | Agrlauitural Land acmeasuring Ac-§ 25 gts In Survey No.24 (Pant) and an extent of 2.36 guntas in Survey No.21 total Land admeasuting Ac 8.21 gts silualed at I Sarangapally vilage Mandamari mandal of Manchiryal Revenue Division Adiabad District bounded by North :Land in Survey No.20 & 25 of P Lingaiah & C Lingaish, South: Land bstongs to Yeguda Mondaiah, Easl: Land in Survey No2u & 26 of P Lingaiah & © Lingaian, West: Land in Survey No,2d of G Mahender Reddy Registered SRO Mancherial, . Document Number: “0869/2012 dated 15.19.2012 23 | Agricultural Land “admeasuring Ac-O0¢ ole in Survey Noi sittaled al | Sarangapally village Mandamasti mardal of Manchiryal Revenue Division. Adilabad District bounded by North :Land belongs to tha vendeo purchased | from R Ashok and aihers, South: Land belongs te the vendor, Eacl Land belongs to lie vendor, Weel: Land belongs to the vendee purchased from R Ashok and alhers, Registered SRO Mancherial., Document nber. 10860/20'2 dated 15.10.2012. _ aricuitiral Land admeasuring Survey No 77? 164,165,163, 755,158,760, 212. 216, 120, 134, 145, 146, 149, 337 - Acres 22.29 Cents situated in Talamarlavandla Pali, Nallacheruvu Mandal of Anenthapur District and Survey NO.A21, 424, 425, 425, 436, 427, 282, 264, 381 - Ac 26.38 cenls lolalliny AC 48.08 cenls. silvaled (1 Ghinyaramannagan palll, Tankallu mandal, Anantapur Dislrist Regislered with SRO Tanakallu, Document Number 1474/2011 dated 19.11.2011 25 | Land admeasuring Survey No.438- 2.87 acres, 330 - 7.25 Acres 209 — 182 acres (lal 6.64 acres silusied al Talamarlavarpali villags , Nallacherwvu Mandal, Ananthapur District registered, Document! Number. 1475/2011 dated 19141.2011 . 28 | Land admeasunng Survey No.5 5.96 atres, sfuated at Talariarlavandlepall | 7 ¥ ’ village, Nellacheruvu Mandal, Anantiajur District, Gosument Number: 1476/2011 cated 19.41.2011. __. - 2 Land admeasuring 18.50 acres in Survey No 338, 210, 212, 397, 190, 125, 143, [ 146 - (10.70 acressituated in Talamaravandia Palli vilage Nallacheruvu Mandal, Ananthapur District and Suivey No. 420 - Acies 2.80) silueled af ‘ Chinnaramannagari palli, Tankalu. mandal, Ananthapur Usticl, Document vise ob Number: 4477/2011 dated 19 41 201 bn S.No. \ ' Retails of land & buildings of the guarantors (EW on the following properties of the Guarantors on paripassu basis to all banka In Consortium) House plot No 11 und 12 in S.No-127 , admeasuring about 596 Sq Yds, situated al Hydernagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad in the name of the Smt P Rama ‘pounded by North : Survey No 125, Soulh: 2S'wide road, Easl: Plot No.13, West: 30'wide road Ragistered wih SRO Kukalpally, Document Niunber 1146/1004 daled 23.99.1994. Plo. No. 26, Sy. Ne-23,26,30 & $8, admeasuring about 290.09 Bq Yds situated at Pavan Vihar Colony, Bowenpally, Hyderabad in the name of Sri PPReddy hounded by North © 30° wide :oad, South: Park, Fast: Piol No.24, West: Park. Registered wth SRO Aowenpally, Document Number 2196/1992 dated 17,08,1982, 526, Survey No.111, admaasurng about 213.00 Sq Yds situated at Vanttne| !Golony, Thokatla Villaga, Bowenpally, Hyderabad in the name af Sri. .V Krishna| Reddy bounded by North . 30 wide road, South: Neighoours land, East: Plol; No.25, West: Plot No.27 Registered with SRO Bowenpatly., Document Number| 1181871998 dated 26.10.1996. Land al Survey No-512. Part Il, admeasuring about 3.976 Ac. Situated ai Gowdawally Villaga, Medchal Mardal, Ranga Reddy Dist, Telangana in the name oF Sci PY-Kristina Reddy bounded by Nori “Agriculture tand in same urvay No 542 part of vendor, Soulh: Agriculture land in same Survey No.542 par, East Apriculluro tand in Survey No.4é8, West: Exsling road Regigiered Win SRO Medchal., Document Number 5131/2685 dated 26.04.2005. Land at Suuvey No-236238 and a parl of land situated al Sy No-234 and 235, admeusuring about 4.00 Ac. Situated at Pedda Amberpel Village, Hayainnagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Disl, Telangana jn the name of Sri, P-PReddy and Si P¥.Keishna Reddy (Jointly) bounded by North . Fomst Land South: National Highway No.9, E@st. Neghbours Agricullure land, Weel. Neighbours agiicutture land Registered with SRO Pea Amberpel., Document Number 4408/2008 dated“ 29.01.2008 ig Land al remaining part of Survey No-234 and 236, auimeasuring about 4.00 A&M 4. Sitiated al Pedda Amberpel Village, Hayathnagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Diet, \'," Telangana a favour ot Sri, PP-Reddy aid Sr PV.Kiishna Reddy (Jointly) bounded by North ; Forest land, South: Nalional Highway No, East Agricultural Land of neighbour, Waal Agricullural land in Survey No.234 and 235 part ot Sti Y Ravi prasad and othsra Rogislered with SRO Pada Amberpet, Document Numbe! 3298/2006 daied 17.07.2008. 7 ° \° Land an¢ Building in Survey No-512 (Part), admeasuring about 4.00 acres! siluated at Gowdavaili Vilage, Medotval Mandal, Rangsreddy Disticl, Telangana lin favour of Sti. P.Pitchi Raddy bounded by North: Agricullue Land in same survey No.612 part, South:Agricullure Land ini S No.6 42 pail of neighbours, East] Agriculture Land in survey 0.468, wes! . Existing toad regisiered with SRO] iMedchal , Uocument Number 9130/2005 daled 20.04.2005, Land al Plot No 1483, Survey No-76 lo 83, admeasuring about 250 Sq. Yds| igituatsd al Rajaraleswara Nagar, Kondapur village, Senlingampally Mandal,! | Ranga Reddy Dist,, Telangana in the name of Smt P Megha Reddy bounded by North - Plot No, 1494 Soulh; 60! wide road, East: Plot No.1511, West: 30! wide road Registered with District Registrar, Ranga Reddy , Document Number 1400/2006 dalod 14.02.2008 Land at Plot No 1484, Survey No-78 lo 83, admeasuring aboul 200 Sy. Yds siluated el Rajaraleswara Nagar. Kendapur Village, Serliingampally Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dist, Tolargena in favour of Smi P Manjali Reddy beunded by North: Piot No1495, South Plol Nos. 1493 and 1571, Last: Plot No.1808, West 30 wide oad TRegisiered with Disirist Regiavar, Renya Reddy. , Rocument Number: 1110/2008 datas 14.02.2008 (ss al Suivey, No-212/2 A, 180-1 B& 212/1A admeasuring about 2.00 Ac | Situated at vadigepalli Palam Vilage, Chilaniathur Division, Gorantla Mandal, Ananihpur Disl. , AP in the name ol Sn P.v Krishna Reddy bounded by North’ Gandia Anjanappa, Venkaramappa, Soulh: Govelnmant Land alung with NH 7, Eastvanks water course, Wiest Pert of 'and Taken ver to NH 7” Readj Hegistored with SRO Chilamathw;Document Number 2738/2008 daled , 19.07.2008. i Land al Survey. No-212/1 A, 212/18, 212/3 (Old) 8 212/482 (New) admeasuring about 1.65 Ae. Siluated @l Vadigopalli Palam Village, Chilarnathur Division, Gorantla Mandal, Ananihpur Dist, A.P in the name of Si PV-Krishna Reddy bounded by Norin: Land of Ranga Reddy Sy No.212-4A, Soulh. NH ~ 7 Road, East: Lend of Ranga Reddy and Ananckumar Rocdy, West: Parl of Land taken over to NH-/ road Regislered wilh SRO Chilamathur, Nocument Number 2724/2008 daled! 17.07 2008 Land at Survey, No-212/2 A, 186'1B admeasuring about 5.13 Ac. Stuated at Vacigepalli Palam Vilage, Chitamathur Division, Gorantla Mandal, Ananihpur Dist, , AP in favour of Si P.Pitchi Reddy boundert by North : Lando! K V Hanga Reddy, South: Govt iand alongwith NFI7, East: Vanka Waler course, West'Land of PY Krishna Reddy. Regielared with SRO Chilamethur, Document Number, 2737/2006 dated 19.07 2006. Land at Survey No-38/1,99/1 le 3 (Old) and Now No 83, MCH No.6.2.272/1 admeasunng about 853 Sq Yds siualed af Yousuéguda Road, Madhuranagar,| [Hyderabad in favour of Sri. PP Reddy and Sil P ¥ Krishna Reddy (lnintiy) [bounded by Noth: Premises No.0-3-222/1¢ (C4 Soulh, YousLiguda rad, East [Premrigos No.8-3-222/14, West: Premises No.O-3-222/1/1 Regislecad with | District Registrey, Hyderabad , document Nun ew 2040/2000 dated 28.06, 2008 14 Land al Survey No-36/1,39/1 fo 3 (Cle) and Naw No, MCH No-e-3- 2221 adimeasuting about 400 Sq Yds situated at Yousufgila Road, Machuraragar, Hyderabad in tlie name of Sr. 2 P Reddy and Sri PV Krishna Reddy (Jory) bounded by North: HNo.6-3-222/VA'1 South Main road to Yousufguda, Exot: sommmon road, Wesl: H No.8-3-222/1 Registered with Dislricl Registrar, _Hyderabad., Bosument Number 1/21/2007 dated 05.05.2007. ib band s@measuring acres 5.00 gunlas situated at Sy.No.G8/A, 66/AA & 66/E] Yaltinaguiapaly village, Rajendranagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dislricl, Telangana in Favour of Shri Pamireddy Pitchi Reddy & Str! P venkata Krishna] Reddy bounded iy Nort: 36° fect wide road, South: Neighbours land, East Land of Koka Knsnna & others, Weel: Land of Bhagubai, DRO : Ranga Reddy, [Document Nu Nuinber 711072008 cated 9. 00.2008 16 Agricultural Land ac admeasiJting Acres 3: 3 25 Gunlas (Acres 1.39 59 Gunlas and f ‘Aeres: 1.32 Gurls) al Sy. No68/AA1 and 6B/AA2,vallinaguiapally village, Rajendranagar Mandel, Ranga Reddy Dretrict., Document Number 3285/2012 daled 01.05.2012, belongs to Sli Pamireddy Pilchi Reddy & Sti P Venkata Krishna Reddy bounded by Nerin Land belongs lo Vendees hein & Intercontinental Infrastructure Limttec, South: Land belongs to Engineering Gollege & others, Eset Land belongs to Engineering Collage & Omens, Wes! Agricuitural Land belongs (6 Ramachander Singh & Suresh. Registered with SRO. Senlingampally Larid admeasuring acres 4.00 gintas silualed at Sy.No.149 (2.00 Acree + 2 08 Acres) Vettinagulapally village, Rajendranagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Districl, ie Tetangane in favour of Shri PV Kristine Reddy bounded by Norily Agreuitural nda in Sy No.148, Soutir. Agelaullural land of neighbours, East: Agricultural] ‘ands in Sy No.149 parl, West. Agricultural lands in Sy.No.149 part and Survay INo.148 lor 2.00 acres favoring Shy P Pitchi Reddy bounded by Norh [Agricuitural lands in Sy No 148, South; Agricultural land of neighbours, Fae! [Agricullura! lande in Sy No.149 part, West: Agrleuttural lande In Sy.No.148 pan. RO" Serilingampalyy. ‘Document Number 13106/2007 date! 30.08.2007 ,13107/2007 dated [p88 2007 48 18 20 22 2 Ty Flat admeasuring 2450 Sft Plinth area alongwith undivided share of land adinvaeuring 101 sq yre arid ona car parking placw in Sy. No, 1009/( Unit No DG1 GIOVE, in level, Black Vista Diego Garcia 1, situated at Rain Treo Park, KPHB ‘colony, Kukatpally lage, Ranga Reddy Diatrict, Hyderabad in favour of Shui Pamirauldy Pitch Realy Louuded by Nouh Open lo Sky.Soulh ConideifUnit No.DG1-G/01/03, East: Open to Sky/ Unit No.DG1-G/01/02, West: Opan to sky. Registered with SRO Kukalpally. , Decumant Number 1495/2007 dated 19.02.2007. Land admeasuring 600 Sq Yrds siluated al Sy.No./2> & 126. of Vilaya Cooperative House Building Society, Plot No.26, 1 No. 8-2-203/82/NL/26 Yousufguda, Hydetabed, Document Number @520/2006 daled 30.12.2008, belongs to Shri F Venkata Krishna Reddy bounded by North :Hillock, South: 60-0" wida road, East: Plot No.26, West: Pol No.27. Regielered wilh SRO Hyderabad south Land admedsuring acres 3.20 gunlas sitvaled el SyNo 236, 297, 258, 238 Peda Amberpel vilage, Ilayalnagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Drsticl, Telangana in favour of Shri Pamireddy Pitchi Redcy and Snti P Venkata Krishna Reddy ounded by North: Part of Sy No.238, 238 & 233, South: 200' Nalional Highway No, Hyderabed Io Vijayawada, East: Part of Sy No 23€, 239 & Weal: Part of Sy No.238. Rogislered with SRO: Poda Amborpal, Document Number 276/2009 dated 03.02.2009. Plot No.23 admeasuring 366 sq yrds, Plot No.24 admeasuring 318 sq yrds! admeasuring 822 sq yrda m Survey No.244/1 siualed at Kunurw vilage, Peramalwu Mandal, Krishna Disvict, Andhia Pradesh favouring Shit P Pitchi Reddy & Shri # Venkata Krishna Reddy bounded by (Fat No.z33) North. Plot No.22 balongs to Boppana Purnachanara Rao, South: Plot No.24 & PP Raddy & Krishna Reddy, East: Properly of ¥ Padmavalhi, Wesl: AC" fl Road, (Plot No: 24) iNorth Plot No 23 & PP Roxdy & Krishna Reddy, South: Flo! No25, East Properly of ¥ Padmavathi, West: 40'fl Road, Registered wih SRO Palamnala, | Document Number 4574/20'0 dated 21.07.2010. i Plot No.8 admeasuting 315 aq yids, Plot No26 admeasuring 319 sq yrrts Ga plot No.27 admeasuring 638 eq yrds total admsaeining 1272 eq yide fonniity peity of Survey No.200/2 situated at Kanuri village, Penemalury Mandal, Krishna’ + District “bounded by (Plot No.26) North: Plot No.24 belongs to Shri P Fitchl Recidy & Shti P Krishna Raddy, South: Ploi No25 belongs lo PP Reddy & Krishna Reddy East: Property of PP Reddy & Krishna Reddy, West: 40" Road, (Pict No: 26) Nowth, Plol No.2 balongs ta PP Reddy & Krishna Reddy, South: Plot No.27 belongs te DP Reddy & Kiishna Rertdy Eaal: Property of PP Reddy & Krishna Reddy, West 40’ R Road, Plol No.27 North . Plot No.20 belcngs to PP Reudly & Krishna Reddy, South 99 I wicie road Machillpataam to Hyderabad National High way, East Property of PP Reddy & Krishna Redtly, West. 40 ft road, Regislered wih SRO Palamata, Document Number 4375/2010 dated 31.07.2010. 23° Plot of land admeasuring 330 sq yids, Suney NoP4d't situated al Kanuru village, Penamaluru Mandal, Krishna District favouring Shri P Pitchi Reddy & Siu] P Venkata Krishna Redey bounded by (doundaries far 25 sq yrda out of 230 39 yids) Nosih: Tne land indicated in 2nd bi of PP Reddy, South Bancar Road East: The House of Sri Kona Srinivaga Reo & Venkateswara Rao, Weal: Properly of PP Reddy & Knshna Recldy, (Boundaries for 305 eq yras out af 336 aq yide} North: Pict Prnperty of Y Padmavalhi, South: The House of Sti Kona. Srinivasa RaO& Venkateswara Rao East: Propory of Chalanathi Rao & Others, West. Property of PP Reddy & Kiislina Reddy Registered wilh SRO Palamaia, Bocumient Number 4375/2010 dated 31.07.2010, 24 Land admeasuring acres 10.39 gunlas siuated at SyNo.7 16 — Velugubanda village Chakradwarabarcram Gramparchayal, Rejanagcram Mandal, East Godavari Distriel, Andhra Pladesn in favaur of Shri Pamireddy Pilchi Roddy & Shri P Venkala Krishna Redoy bourtded by North: Land belonging to Sri P Veeriah Choudary Sy No.?747 & 748 Southy Srknshnapatnam Puntha/Read East: Panchayat Road, West: Land belongs io Sri Veeraju in Sy No7t5. Registered with SRO. Rajanageram., Documenl Number ; 8562/2011 dated 05.10.2614 25° Agriculhual tend hearing Survay No. 512/8 (par) extent: Ac.1.34 gts, and S No. S18/E(part), exlent of 3.06 gts folal admeasuring 600 gls adualed at Gowdavelli village and grampanchayal, Medchal Mandl, Ranga Redkly District in favour of Shr P Pilchi Reddy and shri PV Krishna Reddy bounded oy North By Agncultural land in pan of Sy No.518 Delonas 'o Shit S Tirupathi Reddy, Soulh By Indualial land in part of Sy No.5 12 belongs fo Shri FV Krishna Reddy, East By Agncultural land in Sy No.468 belongs to S Ragotham Reddy, Weet > By Road. Regisieted wilh SRO Medchal, Document Number :1722/2010 dated 17.06 2046. Flat No.2700 on the 27° floor, Raverly Hills building in & No.1008 acimeasuring! 13283 Sil, v) 827 3q mins logether with 3.125% of undivided share in ihe common i lareas and amenities alongwih car parking 3 Nos. Situated al Kukatpally village, |Baleneear Mandal in Ranga Reddy District Hyderabed in kavewr of Shr) Pamiraddy Pich Reddy bounded by North: Open to sky, South; Open (o skf; East: Lil Lobby Passage, West Chen fo sky. Registered with SRO Kukatpallys 4" Bocument number: 7344/2072 dated 23 11.2012, bs Plot No-34/8, Phase-1, admeasuring sboul 2440.67 By. Yds, Jeadimetla, “ese Hyderabad in the name of Sri, PY.Krishna Reddy and Sri P Pichi Redly bounded by North : Plot No.32, South: Rad No. 10, East;Plot No.34A, Wast! Plot No.35 Registered with SRO Medchal. Document number. 3468/2009 daled 29.06.1988, 3. For operallonal convenienioe, Ine said Banke have agreed lo erter inlo Inter Se Agreamant baisg (heae presents [0 define lhe righls inter se the sai¢ Banks in the tiannes and with such covenants and conditions as herainaftar comalned. Now therefore, it is reeasded that Parlies herete have mutually agreed as follows: 1. The Member Barks hereby recognize 'A' Dank as the Lead Bank of the A Bank Consertium, 2, The Member Banks hereny agree lo abide by Ihe dreclions, instuiclions and claiticalions as may be given trom time to time by the Lead Wank, in respect of any matters arising ovt of oF in reletion Io tha Cesh Credil Account(s) or ote: Account(s) opened by the Borrower wilh the A Bank Consortium. 3 Nelwithslanding anything lo le contrary contained in or arising oul of orimplied by the said Centortium Agrsemen andi" or the Jot Dead of Hypalhecation end morigega documents, itis hereby agreed and declared by and beiween the said Banks as follows: 8) A Bank hell act e8 the Lead Bank of te A Bank Conaorlium and all lhe Members stall act in the spirit of the Consortium and all decisions should, as far aS possible, be arrived 8i unanimously including those relating fo sharing of ancillary business and drawings under difarert Facililice sanctioned to he Borrower: b) The Meinbers of Ihe Consortium do hereby egree to execule int favour of the Lead Bank o€ other autnonzation as may be decined apprepricte fer constituting the Load Bank ag their lus and lawlul ailurneys for them, in their neme and on their behalf to do, execulé and perform all acts, deeds and things as ‘o the Lead Bank ray deem appropriela, necassery of expedient in the given circurratances a8 the Leaders of Its A nem, Henk Consortium and lo take decisions for and on behait of tha Concordium and.:% agitic 2 communicale [he aame in ihe general interest of Iha A Bank Consortium, The Membef >" Banks do hereby agree lo rally and contin whalever al acts, deeds and lhings lawTullfs! and bovefide dune, taken or affected by the Lead Bank as guch allomeys in exercise of ’ the powers, authorities and liberties hereby conferred upon, uncer and by virtue of the ee gas aoreemenl NE Soe \The Members of the Concorthim do hereby agme thal they would act in the beel iO d) Each Bank chall consult the Lead Bank in respect of any maller relating to the sald Faclities Including thoye ralaling to sanction of achoolemparary credit to the Borrower and a¢l In consantive with the cluilications, directions and decisinns as may be given by (hs Lead Bank: ¢] ABunk Consoriium shall act in accordance with {he dlrectons and instructions given by tho Lead Bank in so far as (he moniteting of the Borrower's Cash Credit Accountis) o other Agcount(s) wilh tiem are concerned and abide by the decisions of the Lead Rank, which will be Binding on the alher Members of the Consortium, in case of any diepule or deference of view on the quantum of the permissible banik finances, leims and condilions: 19 be imposed or any other matter pertaining to the Borrower's Cash Credit Account(s) or other Accounl(s) 1) It on account cf operational diticuies or tocational prablems, the Borrower desiree ta avail of any non-lund based Jacilty trom ane Meinber Bank in preference to annther, the Lear @ank should as far aa posaible evolve a suilable system of sharing the relating incame thercef at a Conrertium Mealing and (he decision o/ (he Lead Bank |nerean shall be binding on the Members of the Consorium. a} Each Bank shall not, without the consent of the Lead Oank, agree to ary modification of the terms of this Agreement nor waive the rate of interes; on defaulls or vary (he maigins stipulaled earlier unateraty, hj Subject (o the provisions of the Inter Se Agrevinen! as may be entered into belween the seld Banks and olker Lenders, all proceers of cale or other proceeds aut af oF in eainecton with any of the said Securilies éreated| by the Borrower shall be applise in the manner as Set oul in Clause § herein i) In adclillan to the independent righls of the Member Hanka lo take enforcement aclion, any aclign for lho enforcement cf the said Securities against the Borrower it taken by the Lead Bank shall be in consultation with the olher Members of the AGlank Consortium A Bank as [ha Lead dank shell be ai lizerty ta inke any steps lo realize or enforce the said Sceurilies agreed to be crealed or close and cause to be closed the respeclive Caeh : Credit Aecounl(s) or olliet Accoun{s) npened the Books of the said Banks but in the: morring of the full working day immediately preceding, eny action intended to be take , undex this clause cue notice ot 3 intention and of the action intended to be taken shali,*, be coMmmunicated in writing by the Lead Bank to the olher Banks end the other Banks My rall immedielely or wilhin 30 days afler receipl al euch nolice demand repeyment of the neve due Under Ihe relative Cash Crsilil Accounl(s) of cther Accountis) and stop all ther advances or accommedalions to tne Borrower on the relative Cash Credil Jcount(s) or other Arcount(e) of the Borrower will) it and nolily ils intenton in welling fe either le acl joinlly int such action with the Lead Bank or otherwise and in case the other Banks shall agree ta eel jointly in auch action then (ne gal Banks shall acl jointly and in pase of failure, negleol or relusal by the olher Banks Lo join in any such action, the Lead Bank teking action shall malte the Banka so refusing, a defendantresponder in any aclion which il may take against the Borrower }) All members of the Consortium snould joinuy and severally ensure that there is no slacknesa in fellow up of and supervision over credit sxlended lo the Borrower and each of the said Banks shall kcep the Lead Bark advised of all matters effecting this Agrsemont and shall iniliale such action as may be deemed eppropriate in mulual consutation wilh one another of the A Bank Consortium. k) Inspection of the Books af Account, verification of securities and spol check shall be dons by such Member Bank by rotalion as muy be decided by the Lead Bank ard the Notes ct Inspection and Verilicalion shal be forwarded to all the Members cf the Coreortiun, Tha Members Banks shal enatre thal thera is 9 piacatteal collection of data from the Borrower by each Member separato'y but [hal all collection of data is made by the Load Rank or aa It may aliroct 1) Bach of the sate Ranks shall at the request of the |.ead Rank join in the exercise of any power hiereby made exercisable by Ihe said Banks or any of them, shall join or concur in all such acts, proceedings. things ar steps as may be nacassary or convenient lo enable any of Ihe said Banks Io ravoves any micneys due Lo il upon the said Securities or otherwise to abtain Ihe benefit of Ihe said Securities and In default, the defaullar Bank shall be made a defendanlresponceri in any action, the other Banks may decide lo take m) The Laad Bank shell real al quarterly inlervals 'o assess Ihe performance of lhe Borrower based on the Slalements (rom the Borrower under Ihe Quarterly Information System (GIS) and fir al such Meeting the Cperaling Limilsiindividual Rani’s Share thoreof for tho noxt Quarter which chall bo binding on tha Members of Ihe Conearliur, Nn) Inthe event of a member Bank dseiring to opt oul of the cursertkim, i is hereby jf agreed to abide by the following’ in Ae 1) the first Instance, such mermiher banks desiting lo opt aut and? or lo reduce: the share\\s t. hould offer ils share {0 one of more amongst ihe other member banks in the corsextium SS Yor to one or more now benks willng fo join Ihe censortium, and in the event of such fe being laken up by eflher the existing members and/or new banks to be admitied ne consartum, such member banks all bs permitted fo either opt out of fo reduce ite ii) in lhe Case of a weal/seck Unit, where a \ehabilation package is being formulated or has been famulated , a Dank may apl out or reduce Ils shate or may nol take the enhanced charo provided olher mamber barks oF one or nore new banks (7 be adiilied are willing to (ake up ita ehara Such member banks opting oul may algo offer to olf! member banks andor new banks lo be admitted, ils share by ciacounting of ile debt However, in the avent of thw existing members and/or new banks lo be admilled are not wiling (0 take up such share or such discounted debls, the soncemed banks should eentinue in the sonsortinm with its existing facilities withoul demur and nel delay the implementation of tho package for revival ! rehabilla‘ion of such sickAveak units. Furtiwe’ ia member bank aes not fake up ite additional share for one reason of the other, ine consortium of banks will have ine tight to defer the repayment, if any , due [a [hat hank ander the said package til suen lime ag it lakes up ils due share or dues of the other member banks have heen repaid in Fu, iii) However it & further agreed oy all that wilh particular reference Lo the Rshabillation packages finalize and approved by BIFR af any other authority so designates, member banka shall be gavamed suct: mandatory audelines and that may be issued REI from time (0 lime, For this purpose, itis further clarfied that such quidelines issued by the REL or eny such designated authority wil be mandatory aud binding on all member banka iv a consortium, o} Where however, a Member Bank faves a temporary JiyLidty conetraint, it wil be open to one or mere af the other Member Banks ‘0 agree, an request by [ne sald Bank, la take Up for @ temporary period nol exceeding six months or such alher period as inay te agreed 10 by the Lead Benk al ile sole discretion (hereinafter referred (0 ae “ihe Stated fanporary period’) thal Ganik's Share ie any edcilional crecit facilly that may be sanction to the Borrower agsinst the Guarantee of Ihat Bank, if so called unon and on the undarsianting that the Said Bauk wil take over its due Share by [ie ond of the Stated Temporary Pericd. It ie specifically agreed thal the status of the Lead Bank in such an, evenl does noi get offected if fer a lemporary period the Lead Dank ceases (o fave the requira faigest exposure in the Fund Sasec! Facillies granted lo the Gorrawer during thal» period ed nt p) The Lead Bank wil be solely responsible for submission to Ihe Reserve Bank of Indias” dohalf of Consortiuin Members for post-sanclion scruliny under the Caecit Moritorieg rangement aed for answaritig 10 the renuisilions @s may from (ime to time be made by Reserve Bank in thet regard. he Lead Bank will also be sulely responsible for Subriilling an application on tehall of the Consortiuce Mombers tr euthorization, if ired and for Obtaining ihe Same and for answering to Ihe requisilione as may (rom me to time be made by ine Reserve Bank In tat regard. 4. Cach of the said Banke shall aupply Lo the other or others of Ihe said Banks Statements, manthly or more ofles as may be agreed upon, showing the state of the Cash Credit Accountis) & athet Account(s) In the Books of the Dank supplying sch Statement and the amount of payments m end the crawings out of ar any olher sum debited to the Cash Credil Accnunl(s) or oler Accounlis)} during the period srecading the date of the Stalamen 5 Notwithstanding anylhing to the contrary coniained in (he sald Consontum Agreement and/or the Join| Deed of Fypainecalion andlor the mortgage documents executed by the borrawer or arising from or by virlue or reason of or implied by the seme. all monays resulllng from the enforcement oF realization ef the said Securilas by or on behalf of the said Banks and the amounts realized Irom any policy or polisies of insurance in respect of the sald Securities though payabe to the Morrower and any other teelizalion from or out of the said Securities or any pait thereof by enforcement of the sald Securilas or bY recourse Lo any special legistation for recovery at dues as Mey be applicable or olherwise nowsoever shail te available ior distrinulion anionast the said Garis inter ge in {hs same proportion to hair respeciive oulstandings in the said Faciities, wilhout any preference oF prfouly of une over Ihe other of sthers for all purposes and lv all the intents and shall be Applisd by the Lead Bank wilh all convenient dispatch ip the manner herein provided a) First - there shall bet paid oul of such moneys oF provisions mada there out for the costs, chames, expenses, Incuired by the aaid Banks for and incidental to the enforcement of he eaid Securiles and/or realization of receipt of such moneys. b) Secondly - the balance of sich stloneys shall D in the event of the moneys so available for distribution beings sufficient lo pay 16 the said Banks the full amounts of the Dable (including the contingen! fiatiliies) due fom the Borrower to them respectively be appliad sinilaneously in the payment to each of their respective Debts in fu id in the even| of moneys avatable for distribution Leing insufficient 10 pay 1 ¥ to aah of them the full amount of the Debt * (nclusing the eonlingant Gabilies) due Trem the Dorrower Wz them respectively, be ayplied peri passu 2 neatly as may be practicable lowards payment to each of them without any preference: of artanly whalsosver. The amount dis\ribulabe to each of [hem shalt bear to the lotal disirbuteble amount the same proportion which the ontatanding amaunls of tha Debta (including (he contingent fiabillies) due to each of them bears to the aggregate of the outstancing amounis af the Delis ¥ including the coniingen' fabiliies) duc to all of then under the said Securitey created andior to be cregled by the Borrower. ©) Thirdly - the surpius, If any, oul of such moneya shall be paid by the Lead Bank to the Borrower or the persons enilled thereto. 8. All roalizalions out of policies of Insuranna taken cut by lhe Borrower in respect af the said Securties alihcugh tater: vnly in the name at Ine Borrewer shall be available fer lhe benefit of the said Blanks. 7. Nobwilistanding that the Lead Benk shall distribute the ryaiizations in [he manner menlioned above, as betwen the said Bank and the Borrower, the eaid Bank shall be enliled fp enforce their rights By Suit against ne Borrower for any moneys thal may stil bbe dus lo [hem from {he Borrowet 8. All documents of lille evidencing the ervalion of the said Securities by tha Borrower and all documents relsting te the eaid Cash Cracit Acecunt(s) of other Account(s) shall be held by the Leed Bank or as il may direct The Lead Rank shall make available the said documants to the Member Banks or any of [hem against thelr atcountable receipt for tho earre 9. The Lead Bank shafl lake all the necessary and appropriate sleps and aciions to ensure compliance by the Borrower with all the terme, concitions and stipulations irr respect of lhe said Facilities, ihe repayment and payment obligations of the Borrower or the Guerantorie {9 the said Banks, the quailty, qualily and sufficiency of the Security therofor and shall undertake at Ihe cost and expenses of the Borrower the requisite inspeclion of the suid Securities in accordance wilh the relevant provisions of te saul Consort Agreement ard for the Joint Dead of Hypothecation end morgage documants. Whenever the Lead Bank takws any action, which in ils apinion and discretion is necessary st appropriate In puleuance, o1 for [he enforcement, of ita rights over the said Seourtias or other securily by laking Possession af the sein Securities, dealings Iherawilh, or diaposal thereof, or any other manner of by iiing suits, actions or olher fe proceedings cr in any other manner in accordance wilh the lerms, conditians an ‘ipulalions contained in the said Consortium Agreement and for Ira Joint Deed oh, Gh ypothecalions and oF otherwise ,such actiorts shall be taken for ilselt and for and on Ni fail of the Membor Banks and where such actions have nol bean epecttioally 30 laken ay shaliba deemed to have bean taken far ilselt anc for and on behalf of lhe Member 40. Fach of Ue said) Bank hereby agrees thal all acts, deeds and things done in accordance with this Agrsemenl by lhe Lead Blank ahall be conalrued as acis, deeds and Ings done by each of hen arid sch of the said Banks undertakes [0 ratify and confirm all and whatsoever the Leac Bank shai do or cause to be done [or ilsell and on the behal, The Lead Bank shall not be liable to the Member Banks for any acl. deed or thing done cr ariliad to be done in quod fail under Ihia Aguas, 11. Any further assistance by way of Working Capital Facilities granted Ia the Borrower by the Said Barks would have a ranking of Parl Fassu nature with (ne presen! asstélance in respect cf the sald Facillies (0 the Borrower and shall be deemed (0 be inluded in the suid Facillies and secured likewise. 12. a} his daclored end agreed! by end between the parties herelo thal notwithstanding anything lo the contrary containad herein or in the securities created of purported lo hava been created by the Forrawer in respect of tha sald Fauilles grared oF coritinuert, prior lo Ihe sxeaulion of these Presents, shall be governed and be deemed lo have always oon gavarned by the provisions, terme and conditions contained in this Agreement, aa if such facilities were and are par! of the said Facilities referred to herein and herounder ) is declared and agreed by aid between Ihe parties herete thal nolwHnstancting anjihing io the contrary cortained herein or in the Securilies created or purported to have been croated by the Borrower In respect of the sairi Facililea or such other Faciilias as are subsiating from lime (o time in favour of the A Bank Consortium, the provisions contained herein shail govern not only the A Bank Consorium as constituted at the time of axocultion of these presents bul also euch Consortium or tha Reconestitulad Congortiam @ may be formed during the curency of the sad Faniilies as if Ihe members of euch Insortium or Ihe Reconsliluted Consortium were te original Parties hereto and auch 7 wsorlium or the Reconsiituted Consortium sfal enler into and execute such ¢~ Hirected! by We Lead Bank. nents of deeds as may be deemed necessary In ‘he apinion of Ihe Learl bank and a + THE FIRST SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO WORKING CAPITAL LIMITS (See art {Para 4) (Ro.In crores) St |NAMEOF THE BANK ~~ [CASH =) BANK LETTER GF TOTAL — No. CREDIT | GUARANTERS | CREDIT Di [A BANK- Spt [iaia | 38000 210.00 600.00 RRSTWHILE srate| 1200 [375.00 ~~ \iense = [Ra7.00 BANK OF HYDERABAD | |. a TW STATE) 20.50 475.00 116.00 605.00 DANK OF PATIALA | RStWHILE ~~ STATE) 10.00 | 200,00 100.06 [s10.00° 7 | BANK OF SIKANER & LTAeUR - — — PRET WIN STATR | 10.00] 450,00 7100.09) 460.00 __[ BANK OF TRAVANCORE _ 2522.00 02 UW RANK: ANDHRA RANK [20.v0 1] 1390.00 300.00 1650.00 03 CBA. [10.00 | 500.90 ~) 163.90} | Si0.00 INDIAN OVERSEAS RANK o¢ | DeaANK 30.00" ~4i0.00 — "| 440.00 BANK OF INDIA __ 08 "EAN 30.00 | 500.60 H0.05) 530.00 ORIENTAL BANK — OF — {COMMERCE | 06 | 'FBANK. ICICT BANK - 200,00 - 200.00 Pov [PG BaNK-Tnul BANK [isco T2e&n0 37.00 295.00 fain pS pare “1 360.007 (206.00) 920.60 SYNDICATE BANK wank KARUR VYSVA DANK Tar fo gan T- 215.00” UNITES BANK OF INDIA iz |LBANK —| oO 210.06 UNION BANK OF INDIA _ 123 | MBANK 13.00 | 100.00 10.90 133.00] _. _, RANK OF MAIARASIITRA 7 . _ 14 “/N BANE ~ 18.00 ~ [845.00 (40.05) 360.00 CANARA BANK 18” | O DANK- 10,00 | 180.00 19.00 ~ | 200.0077 PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK | Té | PBANK- Uco Banik 70.60; 100,00 1000 Nose gh TOTAL ~ 268.00 [es79.8L 927.00 W761 SS nn - ~ Le. Nd “6G Limit of Bank of India intludes WCDi for R826 Crores as a sub limit of CG Figures in bracket denotes sub timits. In Witness Whereo! the Partios hereto have set Iheir hands unto thes Presents the day. Fhonlh and year herein above writen SIGNED AND DELIVERED for aad on behall of Slale Bank of India. ie Load Bank ty the F hand of Shri V Rama Rao, Assistant General Manager & Relationship Manager ils Authorized Official in. thie behalf a IGNED AND DELIVERED for and on bebait~ the Membar Banks as mentioned below by hand of, ther-duly Authorised Officials in behalf. * ges B Bark ae © Bark D Bank € fank aa F Rank Shri Shit Bhet shet Shi gpa arta) dhe (Far Andhra Bor a“ Kuntar ahh TZ SARA GAT Ben ie ten aif seme DEIN sr preg. SAMEATH MAR contre acid Const) Aecrty Sea PRT AY ARAMA CHIED MAMA GC R Poy JAN Dla EHSL TPs Satin gabe Wiigy reiredd, sated SY spe ee atte Broward WE SV CIPRO pr For we yeinyyod™ Ue . chit Mare ry fee sated Oe CONIRRERESE Goank — ShiSeal Mable Senet ga ang.a alant. ds Pulse ' For iba bank Lirnited ase eect Sy “AIS BANK LED: H@ank = Shri ‘ (Bank Shri a faihise Hag Syndicatabank ays ap Lem so whew. te, BecmratS. bas, Horas vopenia ef JBank wn Shri wae ” BOrTHERARUR WSYABANKLTO: IX men preemry/” Rdallonsiip Manager CRU, Hyderabad KBank shi (25. NARS gates yer vero onmonny Seeman! HYDERABAD ri % fMeeks, lanagor ‘shit Awep wd Resell | Tor UNION BARK OF INOIA MBank Shi far shrt Shri {oO area Stl? O Bank Ppank Shi fim PB Vexenn Shobae Wire apa tras ine TET Far BANK UF MAMARASHTRA mnie Za AH hos Soranllone ge! Bjeres ATEAT? SRE, GASTIG Guinan Baz BY, Vylarstaat "i antes ad . eabeton fe FCG Mh

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