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From darkness to Light

100guidelines for human- life

From the Quran

Dr. Syed Shahid Ali

Justice with enemy

Do not let your enmity for others turn you away from injustice. Deal justly, that is nearer to being God-fearing . (The Quran,5:8)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All human acts are fallen into two categories: out of control and under control. Love is an emotion which is not under control. Love thy enemy is against human nature. But justice with enemy is possible and realistic approach.

Respect for human-Life

Whoever killed a human being- except as a punishment for murder or for spreading corruption in the Land - shall be regarded as having killed all mankind, and that whoever saved a human life shall be regarded as having saved all mankind . (The Quran, 5:33)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace is very crucial thing in life. In absence of peace no development is possible. Killing a person is not a single crime. In fact it is 1.6 billion fold crimes.

Conditional Obedience

We have enjoined man to show kindness to his parents. But if they bid you associate with Me something about which you have no knowledge, do not obey them . (The Quran,29:8) *** Be strict in upholding justice and bear witness for the sake of God, even though it be against yourselves, your parents, or your kindred, be they rich or poor .(The Quran,4:135)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are two kinds of obedience: conditional and unconditional. The obedience of God is always unconditional. On the other side all others obedience (like: parents, teachers, leader, relatives, friends) may be conditional. The human relationship should not be label-based but issue-based. Only issue decides who is our enemy or friend.

Repel evil with good

Good and evil deeds are not equal. Repel evil with what is better; then you will see that one who was once your enemy has become your dearest friend, but no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self restraint . (The Quran, 41:34-35)

If you want to retaliate, retaliate to the same degree as the injury done to you. But if you are patient, it is better to be so. Endure with patience; truly, your patience is possible only with the help of God . (The Quran, 16:127)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repelling evil with evil starts negative chain-reaction. To save the individual and society from this anarchy, the other way is recommended. The panacea is from this anarchism is to repeal evil with good.

Law of change

God does not change the condition of a people s lot, unless they change what is in their hearts. (The Quran, 13:11)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On this path of change the first step would always be from man-side, and the next step would be form God-side. In the sight of Allah all human being are equal. We don t find choiced result, why it is so? Man is given limited freedom in this world. Without God s will nothing can happen. The disparity between wishes and efforts is played a crucial role in it.

Practice what you preach

Why do you say one thing and do another? It is most hateful to God that you do not practice what you preach .(The Quran,61:2-3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The contradiction between words and deeds creates Crisis of trust in life. It converts into absence of models. Then theory of Hedonism prevails.

Cooperation Vs Corruption

Help one another in goodness and in piety. Do not help one another in sin and transgression (The Quran, 5:2) Whoever rallies to a good cause shall have a share in its blessings; and whoever rallies to an evil cause shall be answerable for his part in it: for, indeed, God watches over everything. (The Quran: 4:85)

---------------------Cooperation is always held in good not into evil. In the name of cooperation people want help in corruption. Direct or indirect; both actions will be rewarded or punished

Trust by verifying

Believers! When you contract a debt for a stated term, put it down in writing. (The Quran,2:282)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Human-life is a test. The test can t be possible without freedom. The freedom can be used or misused. Before death no one can claim that he has been honest. A good person can be bad or a bad person can be good anytime. This uncertainty exists in every moment of life. The contract-making is one of the best forms to save from harm.

No harm beyond capacity

God does not charge a soul with more than it can bear . (The Quran, 2:286)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Man is being tested according to his capacity. God is just, so every misfortune of human life is tolerable. In the time of problem man can keep patience or do complaint. First makes him eligible for reward, but another for punishment.

Common to uncommon

Say, people of the book, let us come to a word common to us that we shall worship none but God and that we shall associate no partner with Him and that none of us shall take others, besides God, for Lords . (The Quran, 3:64)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The starting point of any conversation with common & agreed topic to uncommon & disagreed topic opens the heart of others. It is also helpful to draw serious attention. And fruitful results can never be achieved without seriousness.


No soul shall die except with God s permission and at an appointed time . (The Quran,3:145)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No one can control death. But the fear of death can be controlled, to know about after death. Ignorance on the subject of life after death makes man fearful but the certain knowledge regarding life after death makes man fearless.


Do not covet the bounties which God has bestowed more abundantly on some of you than on others . (The Quran, 4:32)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do your level best efforts and accept the result. It is only a safe path, otherwise the frustration will prevail. The thankfulness or unthankfulness to God depends on downward or upward comparison in worldly matters.

Nature of Knowledge and desire

Recite to them the tale of the man to whom We gave Our signs, but who then cast them to one side and Satan overtook him. And he became one of those who went astray- if it had been Our will, We could have used these signs to exalt him, but instead he clung to the earth and followed his own desires- he was like a dog that pants whether you chase it away or leave it alone. (The Quran,7:175-176)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In case of the contradiction between desire and knowledge, Most of the time desire overpowers knowledge. Why is it? Knowledge is a light but desire is a force. The light can only show right and wrong. But desire has to be controlled by effort.there are two options: our desires control us or we control our desires.


Show kindness to your parents. If either of both of them attain old age with you. Say no word of contempt to them and do not rebuke them, but always speak gently to them and treat them humility and tenderness and say, Lord be merciful to them both, as they raised me up when I was little. (The Quran,17:23-24)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Past, the parents were strong but the child was weak. In present, the child is strong but the parents are weak. In past, the child was torturing his parents .But in present, parents can be a source of torture for their child. Reminding past is the only formula to save the child from the torture of his parents in present. It increases the tolerance of child.

Respect for Privacy

Believers, let (even) those whom you rightfully possess, and those who are under age ask your leave on three occasions when they come in to see you: before the Morning Prayer, when you have taken off your garments in the heat of noon, and after the evening prayer. These are the three occasions of your privacy. At other times, there is nothing blameworthy if you or they go around visiting one another. Thus God makes clear to you His revelations: God is all knowing and wise. When your children have reached the age of puberty, let them still ask permission as their elders do. (The Quran, 24:58-59)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everyone has his own privacy. The privacy of parents should be protected from children. Otherwise, repercussion will be appeared in neighborhood or officeplace in the form of illicit relationship.


Whoever chooses to follow the right path, follows it for his own good; and whoever goes astray, goes astray at his own peril; no bearer of burdens shall bear the burdens of another. (The Quran, 17:15) Whoever rallies to a good cause shall have a share in its blessing; and whoever rallies to an evil cause shall be answerable for his part in it: for, indeed, God watches over everything. (The Quran, 4:85)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We can t save ourselves to say that we did not do it. Everyone have collective responsibility besides individual responsibility. Sometimes things are not in black and white but grey. So, we should be extra alert before giving the hand of help.

Co-operation vs Corruption

Help one another in goodness and in piety. Do not help one another in sin and transgression. (The Quran, 77:2)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your friend wants your help in an evil, you refused. He responds, You don t cooperate . The guilty conscious appears inside you to not helping him. It is wrong; you must know the difference between cooperation and corruption. The cooperation is always done in goods, not into evils. That is called corruption not cooperation.

Human-life is a test

God created death and life so that He might test you, and find out which of you is best in conduct. (The Quran, 67:2) Every soul shall taste death; We test you with both good and evil (circumstances) as a trial. To Us you shall return. (The Quran, 21:35)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The life of man is eternal. It is divided into two phases: Pre-death life and Post-death life. The first phase is temporary and for test & trial. The second phase is permanent and for reward and punishment.

Never mind

Believers, do not enter other people s houses until you have asked their owners permission and greeted them. That will be the better for you, so that you may be heedful. If you find no one at home, do not go in until permission has been granted you. If you are told to go away, then go away. That is more proper for you. (The Quran, 24:2728) Believers, if you are told to make room for one another in your assemblies, then do so, and God will make room for you, and if you are told to rise up, do so. (The Quran, 58:11)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Accepting the truth does not only mean believing in God, but is also implies the rights of all living or non-living things. The true believer controls his ego than controlled by his ego. Giving the rights of others is another name to receiving your rights.

More-benefit with less-harm

They ask you (the Prophet) about intoxicants and gambling. Say: there is great sin in both, although they have some benefit for people: but their harm is greater than their benefit. (The Quran, 2:219)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If there are two options: Risk and No-risk. Always opt for first one. But if there is another two options: Blind-risk and Calculated-risk. Always go for second one. Total benefit and total harm are not found in anything. Always the choice is between more benefit with less harm or less benefit with more harm. Obviously, decide on first one is wisdom.

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Believers, if an evil-doer brings you news, ascertain the correctness of the report fully, lest you unwittingly harm others, and then regret what you have done. (The Quran, 49:6) When they hear any news, whether of peace or of something fearful, they spread it about: whereas if they referred it to the Messenger and to those in authority among them, those of them who sought news would have investigated it and could have arrived at the truth of the matter. (The Quran, 4:83)

Promoting a bad thing with good name and demoting a good thing with bad name was and is a strategy to achieve vested interests. As a matter of fact, bad people use their mind more than good people. Critical examination is obligatory before reaching any conclusion.


Do not obey one whose heart We have made headless of Our remembrance, one who pursues his own whims and becomes dissolute. (The Quran, 18:28)

Worldly life can be spent with remembrance of God or without remembrance of God. The first one brings balance in life, but the other takes it away. Not spending

God-oriented life disturbs the mind-set of man. He gives importance to insignificant things instead of significant things.

No mental-pollution

Believers, avoid much suspicion. Indeed some suspicion is a crime. And do not spy on one another and do not backbite. Would any of you like to eat his dead brother s flesh? No, you would hate it. (The Quran, 49:12)

All evils are destructive in nature; on the contrary, all goods are constructive. Mind is like a garden. Without care it can t survive as a garden.

No Cheating
Fulfill the covenant of God when you have made one; and do not break your pledges after their confirmation. Indeed you have made God your surety; for God knows all that you do. (The Quran, 16:91)

A man can be cheated by other man. It is a misunderstanding. In fact, Each and every dealing is made not between men, but between man and God. There is always God with the side of other party . This approach stops man to be a cheater. This is a full proof-formula for corruption-less society.


Virtue does not consist in whether you face towards the East or the West; virtues means believing in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the prophets; the virtuous are those who, despite their love for it, give away their wealth to their relatives and to orphans and the very poor, and to travelers and those who ask (for charity), and to set slaves free, and who attend to their prayers and pay the

alms, and who keep their pledges when they make them, and show patience in hardship and adversity, and in times of distress. (The Quran, 2:177)

The Religion is treated like an orange. Majority of people have only faith. Some have faith and offer worship too. Very few have faith, offer worships and have good dealing. We can say the first one reached to the cover of orange, second one reach to inner mesh of orange and third one are reached to the juice of orange, and it is real religion.


Do not follow what you do not know: for the ear and the eye and the heart shall be called to account. (The Quran, 17:36)

Propagating unconfirmed things create misunderstanding, confusion, hatred, enmity and violence. The responsible behavior is rewarded not only in this world but here-after.


You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like something although it is bad for you: God knows but you do not. (The Quran, 2:216)

As far as results are concerned, Failure with honesty is better than success with dishonesty. Man should do his level-best efforts in a permissible limits, then accept the result. It can save man from mental stress.

Good company

Believers, fear God and stand with the truthful. (The Quran, 9:119)

Human-beings are effected each others. Initially, a bad company creates senselessness from evil, then reduces hatred about evils, then inculcates love towards evil and finally, man becomes addict of committing evils.


If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will lead you astray from God s way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing. (The Quran, 6:116)

Majority used to do it, our ancestors did it, we think so, etc. are wrong arguments. These are based on speculation than sound knowledge. Actions are based on thoughts. Wrong thoughts take towards wrong actions.

No wastage

Eat and drink but don t be wasteful; God does not like wasteful people. Say, who has forbidden the adornment of God, which He has brought forth for His servants and good things, clean and pure, which God has provided for His servants? (The Quran, 7:31-32)

Material prosperity is good than materialism. Spending comfortable life within permissible limits is not bad. But wastage is the violation of others right.


Believers, many religious scholars and monks wrongfully appropriate people s possessions and turn people away from God s path! (The Quran, 9:34)

Society is influenced by four groups: politics, religion, business and media. The religion has great effects on society. This significance gives religious leaders an opportunity to exploit people. Beware of religious leaders.

Good Vs Evil

Let there be a group among you who call others to good, and enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong: those who do this shall be successful. (The Quran, 3:104)

Bad people use their mind more than good people. As well as, the reminders of evil are more than reminders of good. Similarly, the presentation of evil is better than good. As a result, insensitivity creeps into man towards evil.

Individual Vs Society

You see many among them vie with one another in sin and transgression and practice what is unlawful. It is vile indeed what they have been doing! (The Quran, 5:62)

There can be four situations: Good individual & Good society, Bad individual & bad society, Good individual & bad society and Bad individual & Good society. The first two situations are never happened. Always the options are between last two. In fact, more or less the third situation is taken place.

Be Contributor

God sends down water from the sky that fills river beds to overflowing, each according to its measure. The torrent carries along swelling foam, akin to what rises from smelted ore from which man makes ornaments and tools. God thus depicts truth and falsehood. The scum is cast away, but whatever profits the people, tarries in the earth. (The Quran, 13:17)

Upper hand is better than lower hand. Only a giver gets real and genuine respect than receiver. The formula of stability on earth is the survival for the beneficial.


There is good news for those who shun the worship of false deities and turn to God, so give good news to My servants, who listen to what is said and follow what is best in it. (The Quran, 39:17-18)

Does not matter: Who is saying? but do matter: what is said? Careful listening (not hearing) broadened our mental canvas. When a thing is listened; either we accept as it is, or opposite of it, or our mind reach to another thing because of it.

Result-oriented Act

(Lot did not use force to stop evil doers) He said: if only I had the strength to stop you or could take refuge in some powerful support! (The Quran, 11:80)

All topics and acts can be divided into three categories: useful, useless and harmful. Only first one is deserved to be done. The rest two are wastage of time energy and sources. A result-less work is like filling two liters milk in one liter bottle. No matter you spend one day, or one week, or one month, or one year to do such exercise.


Joseph said: place in my charge the storehouses of the land; for I am a good and knowledgeable custodian. (The Quran, 12:55)

Self awareness is first step to success. Until or unless we know about our self, how can we know about others? But it must be honest assessment of self. Every man has three characters; that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has.

Universal brotherhood

O mankind! Fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul. He created its mate from it and from the two of them spread countless men and women. (The Quran, 4:1)

Blood-based equality is found between the mankind. It is unchangeable and universal. It brings justice and love. On the contrary, equality-based on beauty, wealth, power, family etc. makes man prone to injustice.


Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes, so that you might come to know each other. The noblest of you in God s sight is the one who fears God most. (The Quran, 49:13)

The division of mankind in different castes is for identity. The sole standard of superiority and inferiority is piousness. Changing this criterion with wealth, power etc. badly affects the attitude of individual and society.


When they hear any news, whether of peace or of something fearful, they spread it about; whereas if they referred it to the Messenger and to those in authority among them, those of them who sought news would have investigated it and could have arrived at the truth of the matter. (The Quran, 4:83)

Value of a thing can be divided into two categories: Face-Value and Real-Value. Mostly, people see only face-value. The real-value is hidden and could not be understood without serious thinking.

Thinking, thinking and thinking

The blind and the sighted are not equal, just as those who believe and do good works and those who do evil are not equal: how seldom you reflect! (The Quran, 40:58)

Thinking converts into idea. The idea converts into plan. Plan is followed by actions. The actions bring results. The results change the life. In fact, all goods, evils and reforms are based on thinking.

Limited freedom

Does man, then, thinks that he is to be left to himself, to go about at will? (The Quran, 75:36)

Man has different dimensions of his existence, i.e. moral, social, physical, spiritual, emotional, rational, pleasure-seeking etc. All are required of perfect fulfillment. But it is impossible in this life. These limitations are a sound proof of the existence of God and the day of judgment.

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Never Taunting
Believers, let not some men among you ridicule others: it may be that the latter are better than the former: nor should some women laugh at others: it may be that the latter are better than the former: do not defame or be sarcastic to each other, or call each other by (offensive) nicknames. (The Quran: 49:11)
What is strange? Being not habitual of a thing makes it strange. If we are habitual of a thing , it will be never strange for us. Things are different. Our comparison among them effect our attitude towards them What is proud? Wearing better cloths, eating good foods, keeping good cars living in good house than others is not a matter of proud. Thinking others inferior than you is proud.

Awakened mind
Those who do not repent are evil doers. (The Quran: 49:11)

Mind can be sound, vigilant, negligent, hard, soft, ill and dead etc. in nutshell, mind can be divided into two categories: Awakened and Non-awakened. Thinking, criticism, awareness, acceptance are some of the characteristics of the first one. One of the formulas to check awakened mind is self-corrective mechanism . If this mechanism is working inside the mind, then it is awakened otherwise no.

Justice based act

God commands you to hand back your trusts to their rightful owners, and when you judge between people, to judge with fairness (The Quran, 4:58)

An act can be interest-based or justice-based. Man needs a solid foundation for his all actions and that can only be justice. Interest-based activities bring crisis in man s personality. On the contrary justice with self and others bring centeredness in life.

They (good people) are those who are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but keep a balance between the two . (The Quran, 25:67)

Every misbalance brings disturbance in individual and social life. Man loses his peace in the absence of balance. Following God s commands is not a simple job. In this way, a person has to do struggle with his own self, family, relatives and society. Because everybody want to disturb the balance of man.

Whatever misfortune befalls you is of your own doing- God forgives much . (The Quran, 42:30)

No misfortune can affect the earth or your own selves without its first having been recorded in a book, before We bring it into being. (The Quran, 57:22-23)

The misfortune is of two types: invited and determined. Precaution is only solution to save from invited misfortune. No one can save from determined misfortune, the only solution to deal with it.

Limitless knowledge
My Lord! Increase my knowledge . (The Quran, 20:114)

The Scientists accept their ignorance in these words Knowing more and more about less and less . In fact knowledge has no limit. Less knowledge makes man disbeliever but more

knowledge makes man a believer. The knowledge can be divided into three categories: useless, harmful and useful. The first two must be condemned but the third one must be achieved.

Good Fame
My Lord, bestow wisdom upon me; unite me with the righteous; give me a good name among later generations . (The Quran, 26:83-84)

Getting fame is wired in human composition. Fame can be achieved by permissible ways or prohibited ways. Fame has positive effects or negative effects. The fame which is achieved within permissible limits always has good effects. It motivates individual as well as society to do more and more good.

Within capacity
(Shu ayb) said: O my people! What do you think? If I have clear evidence from my Lord, and He has sustained me with fair sustenance from Himself (should I not guide you?). I have no desire to do, out of opposition to you, what I am asking you not to do. I only want to reform you as far as I can. Nor can I succeed without God s help. In Him I have put my trust and to Him I turn . (The Quran, 11:88)

A reformer does his level best but when he does not succeed he gets irritation and leave his work. Why is it? Because he wants returns from others in the form of reform. Actually, getting return is not wrong thing; it is wired in human nature. But from whom? It is a crucial question. If man do good to others but wants result from God? He will never be frustrated because the return and reward from God is very confirmed. Another point should be noticed that reform must be within capacity, otherwise it is not possible for too long.

(good people) who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation . (The Quran, 42:38)
Experiences are of two types: Self experience and others experience. The first one has equal chances of gain and loss. But the second is always beneficial. The human life is so short that every thing can not be accepted after self experience.

If you fear any breach between a man and his wife, appoint one arbiter from his family and one arbiter from her family. If they both want to set things right, God will bring about a reconciliation between them. (The Quran, 4:35)

Things are seen with the help of two things; eyes and mind. The point of view related to mind. If things are not seen in the right perspective, the point of view may be damaged. And with the wrong point of view things may never be understood rightly. In case of arbitration, an arbiter must be well-wisher.

Soft temper
It is by God s grace that you were gentle with them-for if you had been harsh and hard- hearted, they would surely have deserted youso bear with them and pray for forgiveness for them. Take counsel with them in the conduct of affairs; then, when you have decided upon a course of action, place your trust in God: for God loves those who place their trust in Him. If God helps you, none can overcome you, but if He withdraws His help from you, who is there who can help you besides Him? In God, then, let the believers place their trust! (The Qruan, 3:159-160)

The temperament influences people. Especially in a leadership it is very crucial. Pull-leadership and push-leadership are decided on the basis of temperament. A soft-temper attracts but a hot-temper detracts. An ideal action should follow this sequence; from consultation to taking decision and then trust in God and starts action.

Believers, argue only in the best way with the people of the Book, with such of them as are unjust. Say: We believe in what has been revealed to us, and what has been revealed to you; our God and your God are one; and to Him we submit . (The Quran, 29:46)
Argument means a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true.

And argumentation is a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood. Most of the people know argumentation but very few people out of them know How to argue?. The right way of argumentation is a rare thing. Positive result can not be withdrawn without the right way of argumentation. Furthermore, there are two things: Stuff and Presentation. The should be good for getting positive result.

Relief with hardship

Surely with every hardship there is ease; surely, with every hardship there is ease . (The Quran, 94:5-6)
A proverb can be true for instance An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity . A proverb can be wrong for example First chance is the last chance . In fact first chance is not the last chance. God can convert any failure into success within no time. Hopelessness can never be found in the mind-set of a true believer.


There is good news for those who shun the worship of false deities and turn to God, so give good news to My servants, who listen to what is said and follow what is best in it. These are the ones God has guided; these are the people endowed with understanding . (The Quran, 39:17-18) Tell my servants that they should always say what is best. Satan stirs up discord among them. Surely, Satan is an outright enemy to man . (The Quran, 17:53)

The input device of mind is ears. The output device of mind is tongue. Uncontrolled use of the both brings failure or vice versa. A thinker is a person who exercises the mind, usually in an effort to reach a decision. But no one can be a thinker of deep understanding without the focus attention. The appropriate use of tongue saves you from harm.

When they hear vain talk, they turn away from it and say: We have our actions and you have yours. We wish you peace (The Quran, 28:55)
An act (for instance seeing a tree) can not be done without the combination of three things: eyesight, presence of tree and daylight. If one thing is missing out of these three, result will not be appeared. As well as, if truth is clear but eyes are shut, how can it be seeable? Avoidance is also a form of answering. A person does not want to see truth at a specific point of time. Then avoidance is the best step to save your time from wastage.

Desire Have you seen him who has taken his own desire to be his god? Can you be a guardian over him? Do you think most of them can hear or understand? They are like cattle. Indeed, they are even more astray . (The Quran, 25; 43-44)

Spend in charity; it is for your own good. Those who guard themselves against their own greed will surely prosper . (The Quran, 64:16)
Modern day corporate houses train their employees. They advice their employees to make a list of their desires and paste it on the mirror for repeated seeing. There are two options: man controls desires or desires control man. In the primary stage desire can be made slave easily. But after certain time , if it is unchecked desires become the master of man.

Beware of family
Believers! (Even) among your wives and your children you have enemies: so beware of them. But if you overlook their offences and forgive and pardon them, then surely, God is most forgiving and merciful. Your wealth and your children are only a trial; God s reward is great: so be mindful of God as best as you can . (The Quran, 64:1416)

The family can create pressure to earn more and more without considering permissible or prohibited limits. To punish the family has no solution. The solution lies in their reform and to overlook them. Moreover, sometime a person justifies his sin on the name of his family .

Single-trek Morality
If you give a good loan to God, He will multiply it for you and forgive you, for God is appreciative and forbearing . (The Quran, 64:17)

To expect return is wired in human nature. Expectations can be implicit or explicit. The basic question is from whom we should expect? A man do good to other person and expect the return from him, he must be frustrated. On the other hand a man does good to other person but expects from God. The return from God is confirmed. So he never be frustrated and continue doing good, whether the other person gives return or not.

Watch out: The Parable

God sets forth a parable: there are two men-one belonging to many masters, all disagreeing with one another, and the other belonging entirely to one master: are those two equal in comparison? (The Quran, 39:29)

Own good
Whoever chooses to follow the right path, follows it for his own good; and whoever goes astray, goes astray at his own peril; no bearer of burdens shall bear the burdens of another .(The Quran, 17:15) (God said), if you persevere in doing well, you will be doing good to yourselves; but if you do evil, it will go against you . (The Quran, 17:7)

Be neither miserly, nor so open-handed that you suffer reproach and become destitute. Your lord gives abundantly to whom He will and sparingly to whom he pleases. He is informed and observant about His servants . (The Quran, 17:29-30)

Path to evil
Come not near to the adultery, for it is an indecent thing and an evil course . (The Quran, 17:32)

Good stuff with good style

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation and reason with them in a way that is best. Your Lord knows best those who have strayed away from His path, and He knows best those who are rightly guided . (The Quran, 16:125)

The law of guidance

He lets go astray whoever He will, and guides whoever He will . (The Quran, 16:93) God chooses for Himself whoever He pleases and guides towards Himself those who turn to Him . (The Quran, 42:13)

No expectation
Are you asking them for any reward? But the reward of your Lord is the best, for He is the Best of Providers . (The Quran, 23:72)

Controlling desires Vs Deleting desires

One, who fears to stand before his Lord and restrained himself from impure evil desires and lusts, shall dwell in Paradise . (The Quran, 79:40)

God is forgiving and merciful. But God undertakes to accept repentance only from those who do evil out of ignorance and those who repent soon after. God turns towards such people with mercy; He is all knowing and all wise. Forgiveness is not for those who continue to do evil deeds until, when death comes upon one of them, he says: now I repent! Nor from those who die as deniers of the truth. We have prepared a painful punishment for them . (The Quran, 4:1618)

Lord, grant us joy in our wives and children and make us leaders of the righteous . (The Quran, 25:74)

God tests man. Man does not test God

Every soul shall taste death; We test you with both good and evil (circumstances) as a trial. To Us you shall return . (The Quran, 21:35)

Beware of religious leaders

Believers, many religious scholars and monks wrongfully appropriate people s possessions and turn people away from God s path! (The Quran,9:34)

Thank you God

Remember also the time when your Lord declared; if you are grateful, I will surely bestow more favors on you; but if you are ungrateful, then know that My punishment is severe indeed . (The Quran, 14:7)

Believers! If you help (in the cause of) God, He will help you and make your footsteps firm . (The Quran, 47; 7)

When He decrees a thing, He need only say, Be and it is . (The Quran, 36:82)

We created the heavens, the earth, and everything between them in six days (periods) nor were We ever wearied . (The Quran, 50:38)

Determined Livelihood
There is not a living creature on the earth but it is for God to provide its sustenance. He knows its dwelling and its (final) resting place. All this is recorded in a clear book . (The Quran, 11:6)

Self Assessment
Believers! Fear God, and let every soul look to what it lays up for the future. Fear God: God is aware of what you do. Do not be like those who forgot God, so that He caused them to forget their own souls . (The Quran, 59:18-19)

Moment based self assessment means No moment of the human life should be without Self assessment. It is prescribed by the Creator of Man. Self appraisal is very difficult than others review. Getting lesson from errors, leaving useless things and accepting weaknesses are impossible without it. The passage of Improvement based on self assessment which starts from acceptance to reform. It also should be remembered that Forgetting God means forgetting their own true interests.

Useless discussion
People of the Book, why do you dispute about Abraham when the Torah and Gospel were only sent down after him. Do you not use your reason? You are those who disputed about things of which you had some knowledge. Must you now argue about things of which you

have no knowledge? God knows, but you do not know .(The Quran, 3:66)

All topics can be divided into three categories: useful, useless and harmful. Useless discussion on unknown topics is total waste of time. Another name of life is Time , so wastage of time means wastage of life. According to Quran, man has given eternal life into two phases: Pre-death life and Post-death life. The first one is temporary and for test and trial. The second one is permanent and for reward and punishment. The one second of pre-death life is equal to unlimited years of here-after. The time on earth is melting down. Man must realize the significance of his time.

Let every soul look to what it lays up for the future .

(The Quran, 59:18)

Let every soul look to what it lays up for the future .

(The Quran, 59:18)

Let every soul look to what it lays up for the future .

(The Quran, 59:18)

Let every soul look to what it lays up for the future .

(The Quran, 59:18)

Let every soul look to what it lays up for the future .

(The Quran, 59:18)

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