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This effort (material) is meant for slow learners who feel difficulty with English subject. Every lesson and
poem is put into a brief single answer and made easy for them so that they shed English phobia and start
studying with hope interest. The size is less and content is suitable. We hope that it boosts up their
confidence levels and makes them feel easy for preparation.
However, it is not at all recommended for a quick learner and an average student. Lecturers are
cautioned not to encourage the students to opt for it unless they are identified as weak performers in a
series of exams.



-- Sir Francis Bacon
Common Annotation:
Introduction: These lines are taken from the lesson “Of Studies” written by Sir Francis Bacon. He is
known ‘The father of English Essay’. He explains the purpose of studies and their importance.
Context: We find these lines written by Bacon while telling the three fold purpose of study.

Explanation: Bacon says that there are three uses of studies. Firstly, studies give us happiness during
our leisure. Secondly, they help us in effective communication. Thirdly, they give us the ability to solve
our problems.
Critical Comment: Each sentence is filled with meaning and deepthought..

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:

The lesson “Of Studies” written by Sir Francis Bacon, ‘The father of English Essay’, explains the
purpose of studies and their importance.
Bacon explains that studies help us to be professional experts. It makes us to solve our problems
Bacon says that there are three uses of studies. Firstly, studies give us happiness in our leisure.
Secondly, they help us in communication. Finally, they give us the ability to solve our problems.
Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man;
Writing an exact man,
and conference a ready man.”

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- Swami Vivekananda

Common Annotation:
Introduction :-These lines are taken from the lesson “The Secret of Work” written by Swami
Context :- In this lesson, he explains the elaboration of the concept of true work. He presents
permanent remedies to perennial problems.
Explanation :-Vivekananda says that every work must necessarily be a mixture of good and evil. He suggests
that the only solution of the problem is to make mankind pure. Good actions bring good and bad actions lead to
bad. Selfish work is slave’s work. We should work like a master and not like a slave. Every act of love brings
happiness. We can work continuously without expecting anything in return. There is another way in which this
idea of mercy and selfless charity can be put into practice, that is, by treating work as worship.
Critical Comment:Vivekananda says that if every man builds pure character guided by freedom and
mercy, the misery disappears from our land.
For Any Paragraph Question Answer:
The lesson ‘The Secret of Work’ is written by Swami Vivekananda. He explains that every work
must necessarily be a mixture of good and evil. He says that the miseries of the world cannot be cured
by physical help.
Good actions bring good and bad actions lead to bad. It means that man has to change his
character and become perfect. We must not be selfish while working. We should work like a master and
not like a slave. We can work continuously without expecting anything in return. There is another way
in which this idea of mercy and selfless charity can be put into practice, that is, by treating work as
J C BOSE Aldous Huxley

Common Annotation:
Introduction: These lines are taken from the present essay ‘J C Bose’ written by Aldous Huxley. He was a
well known English writer and an editor for the literary magazine “Oxford Poetry”. He was nominated seven
times for the Noble prize. The essay J C Bose is taken from his book, ‘Testing Pilate’
Context : In this essay , Huxley speaks about the simple instruments which were used by Michael Faraday and
Jagadish Chandra Bose in their wonderful experiments. And he describes different experiments conducted by J
C Bose in the Bose institute at Calcutta.
Explanation : He feels that advanced kind of instrumentation is not necessary for experimentation of science
and technology . He gives the example of simple instruments such as tea vessel, silk wire, sealing wax and join
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pots which were used by Faraday to invent power of electricity. One day, Huxley visited J C Bose in the Bose
institution at the Calcutta. JC Bose proved by experimentation that both animals and plants share much in
common. He invented the instrument called the Crescograph to measure the growth of plants. Bose used a little
clock work, some needles and some filaments in his experiments.
Critical Comment : The writer says that scientific experiments can be made possible with simple instruments.
Students should develop strong desire and interest in science and technology. Great inventions can be made
with simple instruments also.

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:

The present lesson ‘J C Bose’ is written by Aldous Huxley. He was a well-known English writer and an editor
for the literary magazine “Oxford Poetry”. He was nominated seven times for the Noble prize. The essay J C
Bose is taken from his book , ‘Testing Pilate’.
Huxley felt that the equipment used by Bose was simpler than it was used by Faraday. He explains the
wonderful discoveries of Bose about plant life. He suggests that a plant is as lively as human being and that it
should be protected and developed on large scale. When the writer visited J C Bose institute at Calcutta, he
witnessed these facts in Bose’s experiments. He used the example of simple instruments such as tea vessel, silk
wire, sealing wax and join pots which were used by Faraday to invent power of electricity. He also used a little
clock work, some needles and some filaments in his experiments.

The experiments of Bose suggest that plants are as lively as human beings and they should be protected and
developed in large scale.


-Dr. Christian Barnard

Common Annotation:
Introduction: These lines are taken from the lesson “In Celebration of Being Alive” written by Dr. Christian
Barnard. He was a South African heart surgeon.

Context: Barnard narrates the accident that he had faced along with his wife. He had learnt the lesson from the
children in the hospital.

Explanation: One day, when Dr. Barnard and his wife were crossing the road, a car hit him and knocked him
into his wife. She was hit by a car from opposite direction. This accident made Barnard think that suffering was
so cruelly prevalent in the world today. Dr. Barnard learnt an important lesson about life from two handicapped
and blind boys ‘The business of living, is the celebration of being alive”.

Critical Comment: What we have left with is more important than what we have lost. Barnard had come to
understand that the experience of suffering makes a person a better one.

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For Any Paragraph Question Answer:
The lesson “In Celebration of Being Alive” written by Dr. Christian Barnard. He was a South
African heart surgeon.Barnard narrates the accident that he had faced along with his wife. He had learnt the
lesson from the children in the hospital.

One day, when Dr. Barnard and his wife were crossing the road, a car hit him and knocked him into
his wife, she was hit by a car from opposite direction. This accident made Barnard think that suffering was so
cruelly prevalent in the world today. Dr. Barnard learnt an important lesson about life from two handicapped
and blind boys ‘The business of living, is the celebration of being alive”. What we have left with is more
important than what we have lost. Barnard had come to understand that the experience of suffering makes a
person a better one.


N. R. Narayana Murthy.
Common Annotation:
Introduction:N.R Narayana Murthy, popularly known as the founder of Infosys Ltd. He was honoured with the
Padma vibhushan award. This present lesson “Learning from the west” is a speech delivered by him when he
received the Lal Bahadhur Sastry National Award for excellence. In his speech Mr Murthy propounds the idea
of community behaviour in the west.
Context: In the lesson Narayana Murthy says that we can make our society still better by assimilating or taking
these western values into our own culture.
Explanation: Indians always put self and family interest before that of the community. Our caring attitude
towards our families is not reflected in our attitude towards our community behaviour. If we have to progress,
we have to change this attitude and learn from the people who are better than us. The community has to develop
a value system in which the behaviour of the people should strengthen then the trust confidence and
commitment. He closes his speech with a hope that we will stand as good example of good people and great
citizens for the next generation, provided we learn from “The … Best”
Critical Comment: N. R Narayan Murthy wonderfully presents demerits in Indian social behaviour and suggests the
measures to develop.

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:

We Indians can learn from the west, is their accountability, Dignity of labour, and professionalism. We
can make our society still better by assimilation these western values into our own culture.
Indians always put self and family interest before that of the community. Our caring attitude towards our
families is not reflected in our attitude towards our community behaviour. If we have to progress. We have to
change this attitude and learn from the people who are better than us. The community has to develop a value
system in which the behaviour of the people should strengthen the trust confidence and commitment. He closes
his speech with a hope that we will stand as good example of good people and great citizens for the next
generation, provided we learn from “The … Best”

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- John Milton

Common Annotation:
Introduction:-These lines are taken from the poem "On His Having Arrived at The Age of Twenty-
Three" written by John Milton. Milton is a very famous English poet and he is very well known for his
grand style. In this poem, he feels sorry for not achieving anything great though he has already
completed twenty three years of age. Then he realizes that he can contribute a lot with the blessings of
Context:- In these lines the poet expresses his sorrow that he has already completed twenty three years
of age but achieved nothing great.
Explanation:- The poet thinks that time is a clever thief. It has taken away twenty three years of age.
He has not yet achieved anything great. But years have passed by. He spent all his years in playing,
going to school and then to college and then to university to complete education. But he has not done
anything worthwhile. Now he realizes that he will do something with the blessings of God. It may be
high or low, great or small and sooner or later.
Critical Comment:-The poet's inner struggle to come out and write great poetry and become a great
person in the world can be seen in every word and every line of the poem.

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:

The poem "On His Having Arrived at The Age of Twenty-Three" is written by John Milton. Milton is a
very famous English poet and he is very well known for his grand style. In this poem, he feels sorry for not
achieving anything great though he has already completed twenty three years of age. Then he realizes that he
can contribute a lot with the blessings of God.
The poet thinks that time is a clever thief and it has taken away twenty three years of age from him.
Years have passed but he has not yet achieved anything great. He spent all his years in playing, going to school
and then to college and then to university to complete education. But he has not done anything worthwhile.
Now he realizes that he will do something with the blessings of God. It may be high or low, great or small and
sooner or later.
The poet's inner struggle to come out and write great poetry and become a
great person in the world can be seen in every word and every line of the poem.


William Wardsworth
Common Annotation:
These lines are taken from the poem THE TABLES TURNED Written by
William Wardsworth. In the poem, the poet himself speaks to his friend and asks him to leave all his
books and enjoy nature.

CONTEXT AND MEANING: In the poem Wardsworth explains his strong faith in nature. He feels that nature is the
best teacher rather than books. He claims that these books will make him double and lose his reality. The
peace and tranquility that nature provides could not be found inside the book. Nature is filled with
knowledge and it will give you wisdom which is superior to knowledge. The poet gives an example of
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birds that are creatures who lack bookish knowledge. At the end of the poem the poet asks his friend to
leave aside science and arts and close the books which are of no use.

CRITICAL COMMENT :Words worth says that now-a-days man is so busy with the books that he forgets to
go outside spend some time in nature.

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:

These lines are taken from the poem THE TABLES TURNED Written by
William Wordsworth. In the poem, the poet himself speaks to his friend and asks him to leave all his
boots and enjoy nature.

In the poem words worth explains his strong faith in nature. He feels that
nature is the best teacher rather than books. He claims that these books will make him double and lose
his reality. The peace and tranquility that nature provides could not be found inside the book. Nature is
filled with knowledge and it will give you wisdom which is superior to knowledge. The poet gives an
example of birds that are creatures who lack bookish knowledge. At the end of the poem the poet asks
his friend to leave aside science and arts and close the books which are of no use.

THE BUILDERS -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Common Annotation:
Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem “The Builders” written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
an American poet and linguist.

Context: The poet compares human life to a building and human beings to builders. He also describes the
importance of hard work and honesty in creating our future.

Explanation: The poet says that we are the builders of our fate. He says time is the most important thing to
build our life carefully. He advises that we need to have core values like honesty and hard work to build our
own life. We need to build ourselves with such high values. Then we will be able to reach greater heights to the
boundless sky.
Critical Comment. We need to be very careful in spending our time on good things.

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:

Willam words worth is one of the most popular Romantic poets. He is well-
known as nature poet. The poet asks his friend to leave his books. The world of books is dull and
artificial. Peace and tranquility that nature provides could not be found inside the books. Nature is filled
with knowledge and it will give us wisdom which is superior to knowledge. Woods in spring season can
teach lessons better than sages. Let us quit arts and sciences which are of no use. The wisdom that you

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get from nature always keeps you fit and healthy. He asks his friend to come with an open heart to
receive and absorb message from nature.

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:
‘Any Woman’ by Katharine Tynan presents the extraordinary power of a woman to hold a family
together. The poetess describes the bond between the mother and children.
The speaker of the poem is a woman and she is the mother of a house. Describing the functions that a
mother performs everyday in the house. Mother decorates the house,table ready for dinner, makes the children
bed. As a Mother bird, she builds the nest, feeds the baby birds and make their bed with her own soft feathers.
Finally she prays God for her children happiness forever. Mother is like pillar, if it is taken away the family will
be spoiled.
Common Annotation:
Introduction: ‘Any Woman’ by Katharine Tynan presents the extraordinary power of a woman to hold a
family together. The poetess describes the bond between the mother and children.
Context: in this poem she explainsabout the cares,worries and burdens that mother bear everywhere to hold
their homes in order.
Explanation: The speaker of the poem is a woman and she is the mother of a house. Describing the functions
that a mother performs every day in the house. Mother decorates the house,table ready for dinner, makes the
children bed. As a Mother bird, she builds the nest, feeds the baby birds and make their bed with her own soft
feathers. Finally she prays God for her children happiness forever. Mother is like pillar, if it is taken away the
family will be spoiled.

A chAllenge to fate
Common Annotation:
Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem ‘A Challenge to Fate’ by Sarojini Naidu. She shows through
the poem how an enlightened human spirit cannot be defeated by fate.
Explanation: The poetess is challenging fate itself. Generally fate causes disaster. The Writer is not afraid of
its deeds. Fate tries to divert people from happiness. But the writer does not hesitate to fight against fate. She
can speak fluently. Her oratory is of high range. Fate can not dominate her movements. She has a challenging
career before her. The writer wants to enjoy her talents. She wants to have a free thought, free movement and
free speech. Universal joy is there in the mind of the writer. The writer cannot become a puppet in the hands of
Critical Comment: The poet is being very courageous by daring to challenge fate which is trying to make her
unhappy. Thus the poet inspires the readers not to be discouraged by fate. Her spirit motivates us to learn to
challenge fate. (0r)

For Any Paragraph Question Answer:

1. Why are people generally afraid of fate? How did Sarojini Naidu challenge such a fearful fate?
2. What is the theme of the poem ‘A Challenge to Fate’? What is the life lesson we can learn from the
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A Challenge to Fate by Sarojini Naidu is a beautiful, inspiring poem depicting the strong spirit of human
soul. She shows how an enlightened human spirit cannot be defeated by fate.The poetess is challenging
fate itself. Generally fate causes disaster. The Writer is not afraid of its deeds. Fate tries to divert people
from happiness. But the writer does not hesitate to fight against fate. She can speak fluently. Her oratory
is of high range. Fate cannot dominate her movements. She has a challenging career before her. The
writer wants to enjoy her talents she wants to have a free thought, free movement and free speech.
Universal joy is there in the mind of the writer. The writer cannot become a puppet in the hands of fate
The poet is being very courageous by daring to challenge fate which is trying to make her unhappy.
Thus the poet inspires the readers not to be discouraged by fate. Her spirit motivates us to learn to
challenge fate.

NON-DETAILED – “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

For Any Essay Question Answer:

The novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” was written by Mark Twain. Mark twain was the pen
name of Samuel Langhorne Clemons, an American writer, Humorist, Publisher and a Lecturer. He is
one of the most remarkable figures in the English literature.
Tom, a mischievous boy, lives with his Aunt Polly. Aunt Polly orders him to whitewash the
fence. When his friends see him painting the fence, Tom pretends as if he loves that task to make
them envious. They request him to allow them to help him.
When the school teacher scolds him for his late and orders him to sit with girls, he starts his
romance with a new girl named Becky Thatcher. They like each other. He swears the teacher that he
is not going to make friendship with Huck who is hated by all the mothers of the village but he does
not keep his promise.
Tom always involves in the troubles along with his friend Huckleberry Finn, an uneducated
boy. When they both sneak out to a graveyard, they see Injun Joe killing Dr.Robinson and makes
Muff Potter the victim of the murder. Huck takes the promise from Tom not to reveal it to anyone.
Tom, Huck and Joe Harper run away to Jockson’s Island to pretend to be pirates. They enjoy the
freedom under the sun. Their people think that the children are dead and arrange funeral ceremony.
Suddenly they come back at funeral and make their people surprised and blissful.
Muff potter trail begins soon and Tom, testifies against Injun Joe. Potter is acquitted. At the
trial, Tom tells what he saw on the night of the murder. While Tom speaks, Injun Joe flees through
the window of the court.
Huck and Tom decide to hunt for the treasure of pirates. While both of them are hunting for the
treasure, they discover that Injun Joe, disguised as deaf, mute Spaniard, has a treasure of his own.
Though they are frightened, they begin to study and watch Injun Joe and his accomplice. Meanwhile
Becky goes to the cave along with Tom and other children on a picnic. Tom and Becky come across

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Injun Joe and hide themselves in the cave. Somehow they manage to come out of the cave. When it
is known that the cave is dangerous, the town judge Thatcher orders to seal the cave.
Later Tom returns to the cave, where he discovers Injun Joe, a starved corpse. Shortly Tom and
Huck discover Injun Joe’s treasure. Widow Dougalsadopts Huck who is unhappy about his
development. So, the story ends in a blissful atmosphere.


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