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Activity #2

#1 Solve the following non-linear equations manually using:

a) Bisection Method (5 iterations) (10%)
b) Regula Falsi / False-Position Method (5 iterations) (10%)
c) Simple Fixed Point Iteration (10 iterations) (10%)
d) Newton Raphson method (5 iterations) (10%)

#2 Create an excel program that can solve an engineering non-linear equation using the
following methods. You can choose your own non-linear equation. Make sure to explain what
is the use of the equation. To avoid a duplicate equation from your classmates, post your
equations in the MS Teams announcement for this activity. Put all the programs in 1 excel file
but different sheets. Make sure that the initial guess values can be changed by the user.

a) Bisection Method (200 iterations) (15%)

b) Regula Falsi / False-Position Method (200 iterations) (15%)
c) Simple Fixed Point Iteration (200 iterations) (15%)
d) Newton Raphson method (200 iterations) (15%)

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