Lunar New Year Event

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Lunar New Year Event (duo run):

In the event, you get points for every specie of mon you defeat, so it is important to try and get all the
different mons in a wave

A boss Nian, dark type, will appear every 6 waves. Its gimmick is that when hit, it cannot be hit again
before it uses a move itself.

Throughout the run, make sure that before every boss fight the link captain sells all unnecessary items.
Some of the useful items are: life orb, 1 air balloon, expert belt and black belt (for boss fights). And max
buys evolution charms.

Following is the rundown of every Mon for every wave. Do note that mons in bold are a must defeat as
they will be crucial for the run or they will be used as healers .Mons with a * means that they should be
strengthened using a strength charm.

Wave Animal Different mons in the wave Strategy Mons to Mons to

Number equivalent claim at the dispose of
end of the
1 rooster Piplup,torchic,starly,doduo Electivire using ice
spearow,pidgey,murkrow punch when super-
delibird effective, use thunder
punch otherwise.

2 dog Poochyena, houndoor, Riolu, Luxray double kick

smeargle,snubble, growlithe,
3 pig Swinub, slowpoke, spoink DUO: lux crunch,
Munna purugly u-turn (fake
out if needed)
4 rat Marill, cyndaquil, sandshrew, Lux
Pikachu, Ratata
5 Ox Hippopotas, Numel DUO : espeon hyper
voice twice, electivire
P.S: careful for hippo
6 Tiger Skitty, shinx, elekid, meowth, Lux double kick Lucario *
Nian 1 Luxray provoke, Lucario
aura sphere
8 Rabbit Nidoran F, Nidoran M, eevee, Luxray double
Jigglypuff, Spinda, Buneary kick/crunch – lucario
9 Dragon Dratini, gible, bagon, treeko Electivire
magikarp, charmander
10 Snake Feebas, ekans Engage on feebas with
purugly, fake out ohko
first feebas, u-turn
ohko second feebas or
return ohko if ekans.
11 Horse Horsea, ponyta Purugly return
12 goat Abra, rhyhorn, mareep Espeon psychic mareep
and rhyhorn,
shadowball abra
P.S: try to mostly
engage abras to
conserve psychic pps
Nian 2 Luxray provoke, Lucario
aura sphere
14 Monkey Ambipom, meditate, Lead espeon vs Dragonite, Purugly
primeape, vigoroth, meditates shadowball Garchomp* Luxray
monferno or primeape/monferno
psychic. Switch to lux
when vs
aipom/vigoroth and
double kick
15 rooster Staravia, honchcrow, Electivire tpunch
murkrow, pidgeotto, P.S :Avoid fearow if
combusken, prinplup, fearow encounter a fearow
switch to Dragonite
16 dog Houndoom, ninetales, DUO: Dragonite, Alakazam Espeon
growlithe, grandbull Garchomp *,

p.s: engage ninetales

and hondooms only,
avoid grandbull and
conserve Earthquake
17 Pig Slowking, piloswine, grumpig Only engage Slowking,
alakazam sets up
1nasty plot and
shadow ball slowking
and grumping and
grass knot piloswine.

Keep alakazam healthy

18 rat Raichu, raticate, azumarill DUO: Dragonite, Mamoswine* electivire

quilava Garchomp *,
P.S: Careful of azumarill
ice punch

Nian 3 Dragonite provoke

lucario* aura phere
20 Ox Numel, hippopotas, miltank, Lead dragonite vs
tauros numel waterfall, switch
to lucario aura sphere
for miltank-tauros
21 tiger Delcatty, zangoose, luxio, Duo: Mamoswine
Persian. Electabuzz,v purugly earthquake, dragonite
provoque vs electric
types lead

Careful of ice punch


22 rabbit Lopunny, plusle, minun, Duo: Mamoswine

Wiglytuff, Nidorino, nidorina earthquake, dragonite
attack vs electric types
Careful of grass knot
minun and jump kick

23 dragons Gabite, dragonair, aerodactyl Mamoswine ice shard,

shelgon, grovyle. charmeleon Use dragonite for
shelgon and

24 snake Onix, seviper, arbok, Duo: Mamoswine

dunsparce earthquake, dragonite
attack vs poison types

If earthquake out of pp
use alakazam solo and
avoid dunsparce
Nian4 Dragonite provoke
lucario* aura phere
26 horse Kingdra, stantler, girafarig, struggle Kingdra* Garchomp
rapidash alakazam
27 goat Rhyperior absol alakazam Azumarill vs absol lead-
absol vs alakazam
28 monkeys Slaking primeape infernape Medicham/azumarill
ambipom salamence/primeape
29 rooster Azumarill plusle

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