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1.If language is a product of human cognition, as Mr. Tabalanza suggests, how does it
relate to other cognitive processes?
 By being influenced by other cognitive processes
2.According to experts, how do language universals (the features that are found in all
languages) provide insight into the nature of language?
 By showing that all languages have similar structures and functions
3.If languages evolve over time, as scholars suggest, how do they change?
 By changing the pronunciation of words
 All options (CORRECT ANSWER)
 By losing words and phrases
 By adding new words and phrases
4.According to behaviorists, how do children acquire language?
 By imitating the speech of others
5.If Mr. Tabalanza were a Cultural Ecological theory, how would he view culture?
 Culture is shaped by the relationship between people and their physical
6.If Mr. Tabalanza were a Cultural Essentialist, how would he view culture?
 Culture is a fixed, unchanging entity that is inherent to a group of people
7.If Mr. Tabalanza were an advocate of Linguistic Universals theory of language
acquisition, how would he propose that children learn language?
 Through innate knowledge of universal grammar
8.How does Chomsky's Language Acquisition Device (LAD) theory propose that
children learn language?
 Through innate knowledge of universal grammar

9.How does Cognitive Developmental theory of language acquisition propose that

children learn languages?
 Through the ability to understand and process language
10.If Mr. Tabalanza were a Social Constructivist, how would he propose that children
learn language?
 Through chatting and the internalization of language
11.If Mr. Tabalanza were a Connectionist, how would he propose that children learn
 Through the formation of neural networks
12.How does the Usage-based theory of language acquisition propose that children
learn language?
 Through application and exposure to language
13.How does the Dynamic Systems theory of language acquisition propose that children
learn languages?
 Through the interaction of complex elements
14.If a speaker uses a sentence that suggests a statement but does not directly state it,
what is it called?
 Implicature
15.What is the difference between a restrictive and nonrestrictive clause?
 Restrictive clauses are essential to the meaning of a sentence and are not set
off by commas, while nonrestrictive clauses are not essential to the meaning and
are set off by commas.
16.What is the difference between a transitive and intransitive verb?
 Transitive verbs take a direct object, while intransitive verbs do not.
17.What is the function of a gerund phrase?
 To function as a direct object

18.What is the function of a participle phrase?

 To function as an adjective or adverb
19.What is an infinitive phrase?
 A phrase that begins with the word "to" and functions as a noun, adjective, or
20.What is the function of a subject in a sentence?
 To indicate the person or thing performing the action
21.What is a subordinate clause?
 A clause that is dependent on another clause
22.What is a compound sentence?
 A sentence that contains two or more independent clauses and at least one
23.A teacher is teaching a class about the morphological structure of a word. Which
grammatical feature is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Number (singularity and plurality of the word) CORRECT ANSWER
 Gender (feminine or masculine)
 Case (subjective case, objective case, possessive case)
24.A teacher is teaching a class about the relationship between morphology and
semantics. Which morphological process is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Derivation
 Inflection
25.A teacher is teaching a class about the relationship between morphology and syntax.
Which grammatical feature is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Tense
26.A teacher is teaching a class about root words and affixes. Which morphological
process is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Derivation
27.A teacher is teaching a class about syntactic morphology. Which morphological
process is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Inflection
28.A teacher is teaching a class about morphological productivity. Which morphological
process is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Derivation
29.Mr. Tabalanza is teaching a class about natural phonology. Which phonological
process is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Syllable simplification
30.A teacher is teaching a class about generative phonology. Which phonological
feature is the teacher likely to discuss?
 Syllable structure

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