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 “ Planning the function of that determines in advance what should

be done. It consist of selecting the enterprise objectives, policies,
programmes, procedures and other means of achieving these
Nature of Planning

 1. Planning is an intellectual process

 2. Planning is goal- oriented
 3. Planning is a primary function
 4 Planning is directed towards efficiency and economy
 5. Planning requires flexibility
 6. Planning is related to objectives
 7. Planning is all – pervasive
 8. Planning is a continuous process
 9. Planning is forward- looking
 10. Planning involves choice
 11. Planning is an integrated process
 12. Planning is based on planning premises
Importance of Planning

 1. Focuses attention on objectives

 2. Reduces Uncertainty
 3. Provides sense of direction
 4. Facilitates control
 5. Encourages innovation and creativity
 6. Improves Motivation
 7. Improves competitive strength
 8. Helps in co- ordination
 9. Guides decision- making
 10. Provides a basis for decentralisation
 11. Provides efficiency and economy in operations
Planning Process

 1. Awareness of opportunities
 2. Establishment of objectives
 3. Establishment of planning premises
 4. Developing alternative courses of action
 5. Evaluation of alternatives
 6. Selection of the best alternative
 7. Formulation of derivative plans
 8. Determination of the sequence of activities
 9. Execution of the plans
 10. Evaluation of the plans
Types of Plans
 Multi-Use or Standing plans
 1. Objectives
 2. Strategies
 Steps in Strategy formulation
 A. Determination of objectives
 B. Environmental analysis
 C. Self appraisal
 D. Strategic decision making
 E. Strategy implementation and control
 3. Policies
 Types of Policies
 A. Originated Policy
 B. Appealed policies
 C. Imposed policies
 D. Implied policies
 E. Written and unwritten policies
4. Procedures
5. Rules
Single use plans or Ad-hoc Plans

 1. Programmes
 2. Budgets
 3. Schedules
 4. Projects
 5. Methods
Management by Objectives (MBO)
Benefits of MBO

 Improved planning
 Better management
 Team work
 Better personnel commitment
 Effective controls
 Objective appraisal
 Motivation and morale
Steps in MBO

 Setting objectives of the organisation

 Clarifying organisational Roles
 Setting subordinates Objectives
 Recycling Objectives
 Action Planning
 Periodic Performance Reviews
 Final Appraisal
Features of Decision making

 It is a process of Selection
 It is a human process
 It is always a goal- oriented process
 It is a dynamic process
 It is an intellectual Process
 It is a continues or on going process
 It is then end process
 It is a mental process
 It implies a set of alternatives
 It is always related to the environment
 It implies freedom to the decision- maker
 It may be negative in nature
 It involves rationality
 It involves commitment
 It involves an element of time
Types of Decision making

 Programmed and Non- Programmed Decisions

 Routine and Strategic Decisions
 Organisational and personal Decisions
 Individual and Group Decisions
 Administrative and Operational Decisions
Steps in Decision making process

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