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Teens Addictions Teenage Years
→ Balance - (equilíbrio); → Cyberbullying;

→ (To) be hooked - (estar viciado); → Parents’ talk;

→ Binge-watching - (o ato de ver vários → School failure;

episódios de uma série seguidos);
→ Feeling all alone;
→ (To) cheer someone up - (alegrar, animar
alguém); → Friendship;

→ (To) fit in - (estar integrado); → Bullying;

→ Health risks - (riscos para a saúde); → Too much homework;

→ Mood swings - (mudanças de humor); → Feeling down;

→ Multitasker - (alguém que faz muitas → Less sleep.

tarefas ao mesmo tempo);

→ (To) nag - estar sempre a aborrecer

alguém com alguma coisa);

→ Peer pressure - (pressão dos


→ (To) plug in - (ligar);

→ Rebellious - (rebelde);

→ Social Networks - (redes sociais);

→ Spoiler;

→ (To) support - (apoiar);

→ (To) tap away - (teclar).

Verbs + To-infinitive Connectors
→ Afford (poder pagar); Contrast: - But (mas)
→ Agree (concordar); - However (no entanto)
→ Choose (escolher); - Even though (apesar de)
→ Decide (decidir); - Although (apesar)
→ Expect (esperar); - In spite of (apesar de)
→ Forget (esquecer);
→ Help (ajudar); Choice: - Either.. or.. (ou)
→ Hope (esperar de esperança); - Neither.. nor.. (ou não)
→ Learn (aprender);
→ Mean (significar); Addiction: - And (e)
→ Offer (oferecer); - Besides (além do mais)
→ Plan (planear); - Moreover (além disso)
→ Promise (prometer);
→ Refuse (recusar); Result: - So (assim)
→ Want (querer); - Therefore (portanto)
→ Wish (desejar);
→ Would like (poder gostar). Cause: - Because (porque)
- Because of (por causa de)
Verbs + -ing Form
→ Allow (permitir); Time: - When (quando)
→ Avoid (evitar); - While (enquanto)
→ Consider (considerer); - Then (então)
→ Dendy (negar); - Finaly (finalmente)
→ Detest (detestar);
→ Enjoy (gostar); Question tags
→ Finish (terminar); - Affirmative statement, negative question
→ Imagine (imaginar); tag
→ Justify (justificar); - Negative statement, affirmative question
→ Keep (on) (manter); tag
→ Mention (mencionar);
→ Mind (importar-se); To be:
→ Practise (praticar); - You are happy, aren’t you?
→ Save (salvar); - He isn’t in year 8, is he?
→ Suggest (sugerir); but
→ Tolerate (tolerar). - I am a student, aren’t I?
- I am not a student, am I?
To have got:
- I have got a good friend, haven’t I?
- She hasn’t got any enemies, has she?

All other verbs:

Present simple:
- Mr. Stuart likes History, doesn’t he?
- Students study hard, don’t they?
- We don’t smoke, do we?
- Mary doesn’t like noise, does she?

Past simple:
- they went to the park, didn’t they?
- They didn’t go to the cinema, did they?

Future (will) and conditional (would):

- They will come here tomorrow, won’t
- Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
(let’s = let us) -- exception
- You would help me, wouldn’t you?

Modal verbs (can, may, must, could):

- She can’t speak English, can she?
- He can drive, can’t he?

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