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Part 1. Personal Information

Work Technology
1. Have you ever worked part time? 1. What invention do you think is useful for
→I have worked part time in Coffee. your sudy?
2. What kind of job do you want to do in →I think the computers, modern machines.
the future? 2. What do you usually do on the Internet?
→I kind of job want to do in the future is →I usually for studying, seach information,..
chemical technology engineer. I was studying 3. Do you prefer using a mobile phone or a
it. laptop to study online?
3. What have you been doing to prapare →I prefer using a laptop to study online.
for your future job? Because it convenient.
→I prepare knowledge, skills and foreign 4. Do you know any famous inventor?
languages for my future work. → Thomas Edison was the inventor of the
4. What do you do to get ready for a job filament light bulb
→ In order to have a good interview, I need to
prepare mentally, dress neatly, and speak
Holidays History
1.What activities do you like to do when 1.Do you often play video games with your
you are on holiday? friends?
→I like photophraphy when go on holidays. →Yes, I do. I often play video games with
2.What kind of accommodation do you like friend in my free time
to stay in when you are on holiday? 2.What sort of game are popular in your
→When I traveling on holiday, I like to stay country?
at the hotel because it's fully equipped. →The popular game in my country is play
3.Have you ever had any problems on cards
holiday? 3.Do you think that video game are bad for
→Sometimes I aslo have problems such as: you?
can't find the hotel, late for the train, bad →Yes. I think it will hurt my eyes.
weather.... 4.What historial place in VietNam have
4. Do you prefer travelling in a group or on you ever visited?
your own? →I have visited the Independence Place.
→I like travel alone. Because it's comfortable,
private, and not dependent on people.
Nature Products
1.If you could live in another country, 1.What is the last thing you bought online?
where would you more to? →The last thing I bought online was books
→If could live in another country. I will live 2.How important do you think logos are?
in Lucxambua. → I think the logos makes the brand value
2.If you won a lot of memory would you 3.Which websites do you visit when you
stop working/studying? want to buy things such as clothers, shoes
→No, I love knowledge and book?
3.What is your favourite animal? →I often visit Lazada or Shopee to buy
→My apology, I don´t like animal clothes, books...
4.Have you ever visited a zoo? 4.What do you think makes one websites?
→I have never visited the zoo, →I think it's convenience

Part 2.
Work Advertising
A:Hi, What your name? A: Hello, I´m interested in visting the …
B: Hello, My name is … B: Hello, Can you help me?
A: Are you ready? A: Do you know the opening
B: Yes. (closing)/time?
A: Tell me about your current job? B:
B: Currently, I´m student of Industrial
University of HCM city {Opening time … ¿ … . ¿ Closing time … … … … … ….. ¿
A: Why have you applied for your job? A: Could you tell me the price for adults/
B: Because, I like this job and I want find Children?
money,… B: Ticket price for adults/children is …. VND
A: Do you ever worked parttime? A: What do the buses go from?
B: Yes, ….. B: …..
A: Do you have any question for me? A: I there free tour?
B: What are the typical hour? B: Yes, but place book in advance…
A: Full time and parttime posstion A: Ok, tow ticket for adults/ children.
available B: What your phone number?
B: Can you tell me the satary? A: …..
A: Part time satary is thirty a hour and full B: You should arrive here about 15 minutes
time satary is eight milion a month. early. Bye
B: Thank A: Thanks. Bye
A: Alright, Congrats on your admission.
You can star work tomorrow
B: Thank you very much. Bye
A: Hello, B and thank you for coming. Today
we are going to discuss…. The problem is A: Hello, B and thank
that …..will close because there is not enough we
money to run it. are
for coming.
A: How about selling souvenirs to visitors to
earn more money.
B: I think that won't work because many
people prefer buying souvenirs elsewhere.

PART 1: Personal information

Each student will be asked 04 questions about different topics.
1. Have you ever worked part time?
2. What is the last thing you bought online?
3. If you could live in another country, where would you move to?
4. What do you usually do on the Internet?
PART 2: Social interaction
A pair of students will be asked to discuss on problems and solutions in a meeting for 02
Card A - Student A: You are the zoo manager and will lead the meeting.
• Problem: The zoo will close because there is not enough money to run it.
• Suggestion: Sell souvenirs to visitors to earn more money.
• Reason for responding positively to B’s suggestion: Companies will support this plan because
they can advertise their own companies on the sign.
Card B - Student B: You work for the zoo.
• Reason for responding negatively to A’s suggestion: Many people prefer buying souvenirs
• Suggestion: Ask companies to sponsor different animals at the zoo. Their companies’ names
will be on a sign near the animal.
• Concluding idea: List the names of some company bosses and contact them.
PART 3: Follow-up questions
Each student will be asked 02 questions related to their conversation in Part 2.
Questions for Student A:
1. Is there a zoo in your hometown?
2. What animal do you like to see when you visit a zoo?
Questions for Student B:
1. Do you think that it's good for children to visit a zoo?
2. Would you like to work for a zoo?
Work Technology
1. Have you ever worked part time? 1. What invention do you think is useful for
2. What kind of job do you want to do in the your sudy?
future? 2. What do you usually do on the Internet?
3. What have you been doing to prapare 3. Do you prefer using a mobile phone or a
for your future job? laptop to study online?
4. What do you do to get ready for a job 4. Do you know any famous inventor?

Holidays History
1.What activities do you like to do when you 1.Do you often play video games with your
are on holiday? friends?
2.What kind of accommodation do you like to 2.What sort of game are popular in your
stay in when you are on holiday? country?
3.Have you ever had any problems on 3.Do you think that video game are bad for
holiday? you?
4. Do you prefer travelling in a group or on 4.What historial place in VietNam have you
your own? ever visited?
Nature Products
1.If you could live in another country, where 1.What is the last thing you bought online?
would you more to? 2.How important do you think logos are?
2.If you won a lot of memory would you stop 3.Which websites do you visit when you want
working/studying? to buy things such as clothers, shoes and
3.What is your favourite animal? book?
4.Have you ever visited a zoo? 4.What do you think makes one websites?

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