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MODULE 3 GE 2 (Readings in Philippine History )

The Death of Antonio Luna

The death of Antonio Luna was clouded with controversy. Even historians have
different versions of the story. In this section, the story of his death as written by Teodoro
Agoncillo will be presented and you are required to watch the movie that tells about this
contentious event as told by the scriptwriter.

The Death of Antonio Luna even today continues to be a controversy in the Philippine
History. The unending debate on the role of Emilio Aguinaldo in the assassination of Luna is
still a grey area in the Philippines history. This is, despite of the evidences such as: (1) the
“claim of self-defense” of Captain Janolino of Kawit Company; (2) gossips against Luna’s
intention of overthrowing the Aguinaldo’s government; and (3) the role of his Mother
“Trinidad Aguinaldo” saying “Nagalaw pa ba ‘yan?” from the testimonies of eyewitness in
Cabanatuan. Recently, additional evidences had been recovered the lost telegram of Emilio
Aguinaldo summoning Luna to attend to formation of the new Cabinet which makes the
narrative of historians correct that Aguinaldo did really summoned Luna to Cabanatuan.

Death of Antonio Luna

(Taken from Agoncillo’s History of the Filipino People pages 221-222)

Of all the Filipino soldiers of the period, Antonio Luna was the best prepared to fight
the American enemy. He was educated in Europe and studied a little an unruly temper that
made me fear and hate him. When the Filipino-American Armed clash broke out, he saw the
necessity of instilling discipline into the minds of the men, most of who were peasants or

2020-21 Module Packet for General Education -2 (Readings in Philippines History), College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Education, University
of San Agustin Iloilo City, Philippines.

men of no training at all. His plan to recapture Manila was brilliantly conceived, but lack of
cooperation of Kawit Company be disarmed from Military insubordination, but Aguinaldo did
not follow his advice. Luna, of course, disciplinarian that he was, resented Aguinaldo’s
In several instances during the hostilities, Luna showed his terrible temper. He
ordered that houses occupied by American be burned. At another time, he ordered the
shooting of civilians who violated military rules. More serious, however, was his order to
arrest the members of the Cabinet who disagreed with him in political matters. He slapped
Felipe Buencamino, Sr. and accused his son, Joaquin, of cowardice. Even Mabini, peaceful
man that he was, complained against Luna and even suggested to Aguinaldo that the
tempestuous general be replaced. Luna, then, won many enemies who may or may not
sound reasons to hate him.
Early in June 1899 when Luna was at Bayambang, Pangasinan, preparing the
defenses for the expected battle with the enemy, he received a telegram asking him to see
Aguinaldo at his headquarters in Kabanatuan. Leaving Bayambang with his aide, Colonel
Francisco Roman, and some soldiers, he arrived at the convent of Kabanatuan, which
served as Aguinaldo’s headquarters, early in the afternoon of June 5. One of the guards
was a member of Kawit Company whom Luna and had earlier recommended for
punishment. He slapped the senty and went directly upstairs. There he found Buencamino,
whom he hated and heated words were exchanged between the two. Luna was reported to
have insulted not only Buencamino but also Aguinaldo who earlier in the day had gone to
San Isidro to inspect the troops. A rifle report was heard and Luna rushed downstairs to
upbraid the soldier who fired the shot. Near the stairs, a group of men belong to the Kawit
Company ganged up on him. Some stabbed him with daggers, while other fired at him.
Luna retreated to the street, whipped his pistol and fired, but missed his target. Colonel
Roman came to his succor, but, he, too, was mowed down. Luna fell on the convent yard,
muttering “Cow. . . ards! As. . . sa. . .ssins!” He received no less than forty wounds. He was

2020-21 Module Packet for General Education -2 (Readings in Philippines History), College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Education, University
of San Agustin Iloilo City, Philippines.

buried the next day with honors due his rank. But his assassins were never investigated;
nor were they punished for their high crimes.

Supplemental Videos: Watch one of the following videos:

A. News5Everywhere’s Ang Pagpaslang ni Hen. Antonio Luna | History
Retrieved August 2, 2020 from URL: dated iJuander: Kontrobersyal
a pagpatay kay Hen. Antonio Luna
Retrieved August 2, 2020 from URL:
v=HZ1JYVjFosM Xiao Time: Ang Pataksil na Pagpaslang kay Heneral Antonio
Retrieved August 2, 2020 from URL :
B. GMA News’ Telegrama ni dating Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo kay Heneral Antonio Luna,
Retrieved August 2, 2020 from URL:

2020-21 Module Packet for General Education -2 (Readings in Philippines History), College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Education, University
of San Agustin Iloilo City, Philippines.

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