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Early adulthood, according to Levinson's (1996) life structure theory, is the best time to
look into the idea of a' style of life. And at this moment, he has a magnificent perspective on life
in general, but especially on love. Early adulthood is characterized by a variety of experiences,
including the beginnings of self- and emotional-growth, marriage and family life, social contacts,
professional life, and the structuring of a career. Because of his condition, he sometimes has
trouble adjusting to new circumstances, but he never gives up on himself and makes constant
efforts to become better and be more adaptable. (Life structure Theory of Levinson)

The fundamental psychosocial goal of middle adulthood, which happens between the
ages of 45 and 65 and is described by Erikson's developmental theory known as Generativity.
One definition of generativity is the aspiration to increase one's sphere of influence and level of
dedication to one's family, community, and future generations. And despite everything around
him being only fleeting and temporary, he continues to take pleasure in his life and the love he
has with Elizabeth. He has the impression that he has already seen much of the world, but he
wants to see even more of it with Elizabeth.

If we look back into the part of early years of Benjamin, he have old physical appearance,
but if we criticize him in that stage, in lifespan development theory of Heckhausen and Schulz
1995, it is stated that it is the years that starts to have normal physiological changes, such as
deficits in sight, hearing, joint discomfort, and rise in body mass index, and all of those can be
seen its appearance to Benjamin in the first part of the film.


He is now far into his late adulthood, yet he still has the appearance of someone much
younger. It is simple to judge whether or not he is really an elderly person or a young adult due
to the fact that he does not have the body of an older man. If you critique the fact that he is
growing older, you will find that his manner of thinking is far more mature than that of a young
adult. He may sometimes seem to be doing nothing but staring and observing the circumstances
he finds himself in as if he already knows the outcome. "Disengagement Theory" of Erik
Erikson's theory of aging' late adulthood Psychosocial Development. According to this theory,
elderly individuals grow more lonely and less engaged in life. We assume older people will slow
down and make space for the following generation.

As Benjamin became a father of Daisy and Elizabeth, he avoid himself to them because
of thinking that he doesn’t fit to be a father (and that is because of his appearance). By this, the
theory of Kübler Ross - the five stages of grief. He experience all of it especially in the part of
Stages of Dying, where he left his responsibilities as a lover and a parent, and chose to travel the
world. In the stage of acceptance, he did come back to his family but at that point he was
suffering Dementia and also Alzheimer's disease, which was usually experience by people at the
age of 60’s to 90’s.
Levinson (1996). Individuals’ Life Structures in the Early Adulthood Period based on Levinson’s
Theory [PDF]. Retrieved from:
Cliffnotes (2022). Crisis in Middle Adulthood: Age 45–65. [Blog post]. Retrieved from:

Cherry K. (2022). Generativity vs. Stagnation in Psychosocial Development. [Blog post].

Retrieved from:
Hostos Library (2022). Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood. [Blog post]. Retrieved
Maricopa Community Colleges (2022). Chapter 10: Middle Adulthood. [Blog post]. Retrieved

Lawrenz L. (2022). The Stages of Grief: What Do You Need to Know? [Blog post]. Retrieved

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