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The Evolution of Mathematics Mystery in the Universe

Many people always ask what is the relevance of mathematics in our daily life. It always
crosses our minds about how important mathematics in the career that we have chosen and
whether we can really use it in the future. In the videos that I watched, I discovered a lot of
things about mathematics. The title of the first video that I watched is “Science
Documentary 2016: The Math Mystery Mathematics in Nature and the Universe” from the
YouTube channel of Science Documentary. In this video, the relationship of mathematics to
what is happening everywhere and the things we have in our world was discussed. Some
mathematicians and scientists who discovered different uses of mathematics and science
in our daily lives are also narrated here. The second video is about “The Nature of
Mathematics” from the YouTube channel of Vel Forex. In this video, the relationship
between the golden ratio and the fibonacci series was discussed. Here, I learned about the
relationship of the fibonacci series to a snail because of their shell, which is spiral. The title
of the last video that I watched is “Why is 1.618034 so Important” from the YouTube channel
of Strange Mysteries. In this video, the golden ratio was discussed and how different famous
artists have used it in each work they create. It was also discussed in the video that the
human being adapts the golden ratio and we notice that in the shape of our faces. I had a
different reactions with everything I learned from the video that I watched and there’s one
question stuck in my mind. Was mathematics discovered or it just invented by a human

I was sleepy watching the first video because it was one hour long, but when the youtuber
explained it little by little about how we can use mathematics, it awoke my sleeping mind.
During the first examples, I was surprised because the simple patterns that we see
everywhere have something to do with mathematics. It is also interesting to think that the
fibonacci series is related to how many petals are there in the sunflower, why the snail’s
shell is spiral and even the stripes of the zebra can be explained through the fibonacci
series. It is also surprising that a computer game runs because of the math properties that
are placed in it. I realized that the reason why the characters and the background of the
computer game move just like what happens in reality is because of the numbers and
equations that are placed in the software to make it work. I was happy because we can also
relate mathematics to music. I used to think that the musical notes in numbers are normal,
that the notes are just equal to a number but it turns out that this number is related to
mathematics and explains what tone of a song or a musical instrument will be because it is
easier for musicians to use numbers to remember if they are playing in the right tone. In
another example, I won’t be surprised why science has something to do with mathematics
because even when I was in junior high school, we studied falling objects and Galileo Galilei’s
discovered that all falling objects would accelerate at the same rate regardless of their size,
shape, or mass was true more than what Aristotle discovered that the heavier objects fall
faster than the lighter ones and it was also proven by a formula. It is also important that
every object that we have in the universe has mass because without mass, the objects
would travel simultaneously everywhere, which is explained by the Higgs Boson. It’s also not
good if that happens because objects don’t have a one-way destination without mass.

I enjoyed watching the second video because it was only a few minutes long and I think it
was just a detailed explanation of the first video that I watched. It’s interesting to think that
the fibonacci series is related to what kind of animal we have in our universe. It also explains
why the colors of the rainbow in the sky differ and why the skin of the animals we see in the
forest does not look the same. At first, my thought was maybe the animals we saw in the
forest are not the same to each other because of their race but science and mathematics
explain why they look like that. Every time we hear the word mathematics, we just ignore it
but what we don't know is that mathematics plays a huge role in the world we live in so we
can survive everyday.
I was even more excited to watch the last video because the title of the video gave me
curiosity. That is “Why 1.618034 is so Important.” Even though it’s just a simple number, it
also has a big role in our universe. It is interesting to think that the Egyptians used what
Plato studied about the golden ratio and this became their guide to build different large
infrastructures such as the Taj Mahal, Notre Dame, and the Great Mosque. That’s why it was
made more beautiful and durable because it followed a mathematical law, so we can still see
the other infrastructure until today. It is also surprising that even the famous artist Da Vinci
related his work to the golden ratio, as well as Debussy, Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and
Beethoven. Each of their musical works was based on the golden ratio. It is also stated in
the bible that the ark made by Noah also has a golden ratio. That’s what the big ark made by
him looks like. It means that we already have mathematics since the world was made
because of the evidence shown in the video and mathematics is gradually expanding as time
passes. It is also interesting to think that psychologists say that the facial body and bone
structures that adhere to the golden ratio are often deemed to be more attractive than their
non-proportional counterparts. The DNA in our body, double helix spirals, and the
composition of a single DNA molecule seem to have been made in accordance with the
divine proportion of the golden ratio. That means, not only objects or other living things have
the golden ratio but also human beings.

Most of us don’t pay attention to the importance of mathematics and the correct usage of
it. Some people may say that it was only invented by great mathematicians or scientists and
sometimes they say that they discovered it because they just had nothing to do or because
they just wanted to but if we think about it, something cannot be invented or discovered if
it is useless or there’s no usage for it. Whether the content of mathematics was discovered
or invented, I am happy because it was made to make the people’s lives became easier
today. If there was no mathematics, we might still be struggling right now and be content
with the life we had before. People couldn’t keep up with the pace of the technological world
if there was no mathematics. So, even though mathematics is difficult to understand, we
should still be thankful because it is one of the things that explains the events that we have
in the world. We can use mathematics from the time we are born until we die so it is not
surprising that as time passes and many generations come and go, it grows even more
because different people contribute to its expansion. Throughout the video, I learned and
realized a lot of things and I can apply it to myself and share it with others so that they are
also aware that mathematics is not just a simple subject but it becomes our guide for our
daily lives.

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