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Chapter 1 & 2:

1. What are the functions of Statistics?

2. What is Bivariate Frequency Distribution (BFD)?
3. Types of Classification of data.
4. Write any 2 types of Diagrams.
5. What are the two factors responsible for choosing a suitable diagram?
6. What are the two methods of construction of Ogives?
7. State any two limitations of Diagrams and Graphs.
8. What are the two methods of data collection?

9. Pg # 5.13 - Illustration 6 - Relative Frequency Distribution

10. Pg # 6.5 - Illustration 1 - Bar Diagram
11. Pg # 6.15 - Illustration 14 - Circle Diagram
12. Pg # 5.27 - Illustration 18 - Tabulation
13. Pg # 6.38 - Illustration 30 - Histogram

14. Explain: How statistics is used in Business and state its limitations?
15. Explain any five types of one dimensional diagrams?
16. Uses and limitation of ratio charts.
17. What are the different primary methods of data collection?
18. Write 10 characteristics of a good questionnaire.

19. Pg # 5.24 - Illustration 14 - Bivariate Frequency Distribution

20. Pg # 6.8 - Illustration 5 - Sub-divided Bar Diagram
21. Pg # 6.44 - Illustration 35 - Ogives

Chapter 3:

22. Define Regression Analysis.

23. How regression analysis is used to measure the error.
24. Correlation coefficient is used to determine the best fit of the regression line.Justify.
25. Differentiate Correlation and and Regression analysis
26. What is the regression equation of Y on X? Derive it.
27. Compute the regression equations for the given data
28. Compute the regression equations for the given data using Arithmetic mean.
29. Compute the standard error of estimate for the given data.
30. What is slope and intercept of the regression?
31. Compute the standard error of estimation for the given data.

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