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Analyzing CEO’s Message + Discussion Board

The elements that contribute to this communication situation include:

 The objective of the communication is clear

 Clear thought and expression

 Clear, candid and correct message

 Conducive environment free of destructions

 Concise message

 Complete message and not ambiguous

 Use of minimal signs

 Clear explanations

What the CEO wears, the lighting, background, and colors are consistent with JetBlue

company and the apology message delivered. He uses words expressing how remorseful and

sorry he is on behalf of the company. However, I haven’t noticed any words emphasized in

the video. He makes gestures using his hands.

I think this video is effective. This is because the objective of the communication is clear as

the CEO identified the problem at hand, what it has caused to the customers and what the

company intends to do. For instance, the CEO mentions three things they have suggested to

do in case such a scenario happens in future. They include having badges for the non-airport

crew members and training them to help during such times, making provisions with

reservationists to easily solve issues as they emerge and tripling the size of the organization

to attend to irregular operations.

The thoughts and expressions are clear. After highlighting the problem and stating what the

company intends to do to solve it, the CEO encourages the clients to continue trusting the

company as it lays down the strategies to solve similar problems if they emerge. The message
is also very clear as the background is free of destructions. Thus, the audience gets the

message without straining. Further, the CEO has made use of signs especially his hands and

directly faced the audience.

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