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The Return of Disaster Class Hero

Video Title: “Rogue Hero Betrayed By Comrades

Keep Fighting Hordes Of Monsters Until He
Becomes Overpowered”

Chapter 0
Suddenly disaster struck the earth as countless powerful monsters, dubbed Calamities, appear
and destroy cities all around the world. The government resorted to using nuclear weapons
against them, however, even they prove to be ineffective. As the humans have lost all glimmer
of hope, the 12 saints arrive, who have received the power of 12 divine gods. However, one
man, Lee Geon, awakened without the god’s power. Furthermore, he is more powerful than all
the other Saints.

One day as all the saints fight against the worst calamity Crimson Eye, Lee Geon is
backstabbed and thrown into a trap. As he lies there, unable to move, Lee Geon decides to
keep fighting, claiming that he will not die until he takes his revenge on the ones who have
wronged him.

Chapter 1
The story begins inside of a restaurant, where Hugo otter, the Sagittarius saint, is having a meal
with Lee Geon, the 13th awakened. There, Hugo tells Geon that he might die tomorrow.
However, Lee Geon jokes around, looking unconcerned as he claims that he alone has killed
more calamities than the 12 saints combined, as such he would not die. Geon then also
revealed that at the Demon Tower, where the most fearsome calamity resides, will be their
destination. He also adds at the end of the 20th century, calamities appeared all over the world,
and consequently drove mankind into a corner.

As they finally go to Demon Tower, the other saints are seen to be greedy and only care about
money. As they enter and make their way to the boss, Crimson Eye, he proves to be far too
powerful. As the other saints run after witnessing Crimson Eye's power, Lee Geon goes to
attack, but gets stabbed and thrown into a special trap, which creates infinite calamites.
Nonetheless, Geon doesn't give up and keeps attacking FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS, until he
finally reaches the last remaining calamity and defeats it before collapsing on the ground.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, two workers are being chased by some high ranking
calamities. As they are about to meet their creator, Geon appears out of nowhere, ready to take
his revenge on the saints’ who had left him to rot.
Chapter 2
The workers are astonished after seeing Geon who emerges after defeating the calamities that
chased them, but get terrified as the boss appears behind Geon. As the boss attacks, the
workers await their incoming death, but are shocked to find themselves still alive as Geon
protects them. He then attacks the boss back, defeating it in one punch. As thanks, the workers
treat Geon to some food, where he eats 120 portions alone. There, Geon also finds that his
body has completely recovered. Upon further notice, he finds a mark on his left hand, and
learns that his previous body had died. However, his soul has been put into another vessel.
Furthermore, all the memories and skills of his past life are passed on. Nonetheless, he still only
craves revenge against the saints.

Meanwhile, back where Geon appeared investigators discuss who would be responsible for
defeating such calamities, contemplating if Geon managed to survive as only he is powerful
enough to do such a task. On the other hand, the news of the high-ranking calamities being
defeated spread far and wide. As such, Yang Wei, the Aries saint, is questioned about the
incident, however, he has no comment. Later he is also seen to worry if Geon really did survive
and brought down these beasts.

Chapter 3
On the flip side, Hugo Otters has now made it big and is now an influential VIP. He arrives in
England for a meeting with the prime minister, however gets annoyed at the many calls he
keeps getting. Suddenly, he also revives a call from the prime minister, who informs him that the
South Korean government has informed him that Lee Geon's cellphone was just found active.
As such, he then hears the voice notes left on his phone, finding out that it was Geon all along
who was calling him. Consequently, he then rushes back to the airport, postponing his business
in England.

Back to Lee Geon, who learns that 20 years have passed in the real world. He also uses a
smartphone for the first time, only to see that the 12 saints took credit for defeating Crimson
Eye. He also learns that his will, to donate all his belongings to charities and people in need,
was ignored and his possessions were given to the 12 saints instead. Suddenly, he is also
confronted by a Household god of Aries, a subordinate of the Aries Divine god. As he meets
with it outside, he also runs into a gangster couple of Gemini group, who are A-rankers and
mock Geon. As such, Geon then calls them cockroaches and picks a fight.

Chapter 4
He easily defeats the man who mocked him, however, learns that he carried a divine artifact
that only the saints carried back in his time. As such, one of the workers, Han Jimin, explains as
only 12 people were unable to protect the entire world, the saints created groups of people who
followed them, called Divine Cadres. He also explains the power dynamic, stating the saints to
be the strangest, then the 10 stars considered to be saint candidates, then the Cadres Captains
which manage the Cadres and then the Cadres themselves, who further divide into power
classes. Suddenly, the household gods want to be entertained further, telling Geon to finish of
the couple as they wanted to see some blood. However, Lee Geon blast them all away, as it is
revealed opposing the household gods was akin to opposing a real god. After this, he then
proceeds to steal everything off the man he just fought and defeated, claiming that the “looting
times are the best”

Chapter 5
Soon, Geon decides to mooch off Jimin, who hesitantly agrees to let him stay over at his house.
There, he also cuts his hair, receiving compliment form Jimin, making Geon blush. Furthermore,
he notices that many small and low rank calamities were present in Jimin's house. Upon
investigation, he finds that there are many evil artifacts, which he was gifted them by the Gemini
group as he is also a Cadres, present which attract calamities. Suddenly, a red haired guy,
introduced as Cheon Sungjae walks in the house, claiming that he was the owner of this house
and is enraged after seeing the mess Geon created.

On the other hand, Yang Wei receives news about the household gods who have disappeared
in Korea. He also hears that Hugo was is on his way there, which makes him worried about
what is going on. As such, he decides to head there to see the situation with his own eyes.
Meanwhile, the Gemini A-ranker Geon almost killed earlier is at the hospital, where grandfather
is angry after seeing his grandson in this condition. However, Min Sunghoon, an S-rank Gemini
cadres, tells him to calm down, as he was dispatched to take care of this matter.

Chapter 6
On the other hand, Jimin tries to explain to Sungjae how he meets Geon. However, he doesn't
believe him. Furthermore, he becomes enraged after Geon introduces himself as Lee Geon,
and starts to cause a commotion. Furthermore, he, revealed to be an A-rank Gemini cadre, tries
to attack Geon. However, gets his shit rocked by Geon, who uses one finger to unleash an
attack, sending Sungjae flying. It’s also revealed that Sungjae is a major Lee Geon fanatic and
has many figures of him but Geon breaks them all, claiming they made him uncomfortable.
Meanwhile, Hugo has made it into Korea, and learns the incident Geon caused yesterday. As
he sits in a cafe, Yang Wei contacts him by taking possessions of a waitress to mess with Hugo.

Later, Jimin and Sungjae go to the grocery store and discuss if Geon really could be Lee Geon.
However, a thief enters the store and steals all the wallets of the people there. Fortunately, he is
stopped by Geon, who came to tell Jimin to buy some chicken. Nonetheless, after seeing an
opportunity to run, the thief tries to get away, but a calamity happens to enter the store. The
calamity is revealed to be the Spider Queen, a red rank calamity, who eats the thief whole
Nonetheless, Lee Geon stands up to the Spider Queen, trying to save the civilians present.
Chapter 7
On the other hand, Yang Wei receives the news of Spider Queen, which him and his followers
could not defeat in their previous raid, had appeared in the store. However, as he is incapable of
facing a red rank alone, he decides to bury the entire building as to not let his reputation
become more tattered. Meanwhile, back at the store, Min Sunghoon is also present there and
tries to use his exceptional powers in order to stop the calamities. However, even his S rank
magic proves ineffective.

Nonetheless, Lee Geon fails to disappoint and easily takes care of them. By the clothing Geon
stole, Min Sunghoon figures out that Geon is the one who attacked his fellow Cadres. Suddenly,
Spider Queen attacks again, but is also taken care by one punch. Soon, Sungjae and Min
Sunghoon get orders from Choi Sunghyuk, a Cadres captain, to evacuate the building as per
Yang Wei's plan.

Chapter 8
Min Sunghoon accepts Choi Sunghyuk’s plan and prepares to escape with Sungjae, leaving
everyone else there to die. But Sungjae is against this idea, and tries to fight Min Sunghoon.
However, their confrontation is stopped due to Geon who pops out of nowhere to pin Sunghoon
down. Furthermore, Spider Queen then attacks Sunghoon and devourers him. As such, Geon
wants to save everyone else and orders Jimin and Sungjae to help the civilians escape,
claiming that he will follow them soon.

Meanwhile outside, Yang Wei is left surprise when the civilians come running out of the store,
as he ordered a barrier be put up. After hearing their pleas, he decides to enter the store and
finds Spider Queen has been defeated. Furthermore, he learns that Hugo has also arrived at
the spot. Suddenly he is encountered with Geon as he sneaks up behind Yang Wei, much to his

Chapter 9
Outside, Sungjae wonders if Geon really is who he says he is. Suddenly, Hugo, revealed to be
Sungjae’s father, pops up and asks what happened inside. He learned that a guy named Geon
all saved everyone and killed of the spider queen. Suddenly, someone comes flying out the

On the other hand, Yang Wei fights with Geon and comes flying out of the building. However he
notice is that Geon has different appearance then the Lee Geon he knew, as such he thinks that
Geon strike to impersonate Lee Geon. However, after witnessing a glimpse of his power, he
decides to get serious and powers up. Stating that if he really is Lee Geon he should try
“Proving it to him.” Yang Wei then uses his royal skill to attack. However Geon emerges from
the attack virtually unharmed and launches punch straight into Yang Wei’s face, causing him to
go flying back into a wall and making him realize that Geon really is the real Lee Geon.
Chapter 10
As the rest of the Cadres surround the building, they feel a faint presence of Yang Wei. With the
help of Hugo, they manage to locate Yang Wei and find him dead, along with a piece of paper
with insults written on it stuck to his chest. Due to this incident, Hugo confirms that Geon is still
alive and he was the cause of this this incident. Meanwhile, Geon is trying to get a hold of his
artifacts which the saints stole from him. As such he goes to Yang Wei’s museum where he
displays all of his divine artifacts. Upon notice, he finds that all of these are fake.

As he continues his sightseeing, he finds his divine artifact, a toothpick and consequently steals
it. This causes swarms of guards to come but Geon still doesn't back down and easily defeats
them all. As he decides to head back, he senses the presence of Yang Wei’s personal artifacts,
claiming that it would be a mistake to leave empty handed. On the other hand, Hugo also
reaches the museum however, find it to be too late. Suddenly, he see Geon coming out of the
museum and goes to hug him. However, Geon punches him in the stomach making Hugo
realize that he is really is the Lee Geon. Suddenly, Sagittarius God appears before them,
leaving even Hugo contemplating the reason why the god appeared.

Chapter 11
The Sagittarius god is introduced as Apollo, who wishes to see if Geon really is Lee Geon and
starts pointing of flaming bow and arrow towards him. However, Hugo manages to calm Apollo
down and claims that everything is okay as long as Geon still alive. Suddenly, Geon then claims
that starting from today he will start paying back not only him, also all the saints’ who has stolen
all his possessions. As such, he punches Hugo, as a punishment for leaving him in the Demon
tower. Suddenly, the guards perusing him finally catch up however, as they are not capable of
fighting against Geon, they call out the household god of Aries named Pischu to face Geon.

Nonetheless, Geon is not concerned and uses lime, the being from his divine toothpick artifact,
to summon a sword using which he then starts attacking the household God. He easily cuts off
the gods arm, showing how powerful Geon really is. After achieving victory, Geon gets chance
to take that tame household to be his own. He also picks a name for the god, calling it Piggy

Chapter 12
After this whole ordeal Hugo takes Geon to his residence, where they sit down and discuss
what really happened inside the Demon Tower. Geon explains on that fated day, he got stabbed
in the back by the saints and got thrown into a trap. Furthermore, he adds that the administrator
of the tower had the ability to revive the dead calamities and even the worst calamity, Crimson
Eye, was revived. As such, Geon spend 20 years trying to defeat all the calamities and even the
administrator however, after his victory he collapses on the ground.
Moreover, he then got revived and now somehow has his current abilities. Geon also add that
the person that betrayed him knew the layout of the tower as he knew about all the reviving
calamity and the administrator. Geon also makes divine artifacts for his fight against the saints
and decides to use a divine artifact called safe of the Golden fleece to lure out all the other
saints’ from their territories. Moreover, he has already sent out a deceleration of war, which
contains pictures of the dead Yang Wei and short message. He also reveals that Yang Wei
wasn’t really dead, rather Geon has sealed his soul inside of a stuffed animal.

Chapter 13
Hugo is surprise at the claim and wonders how Geon received this ability. Suddenly, Geon
wants to visit the divine artifact store and manages to convince Sungjae to accompany him and
introduce him to an appraiser. On the other hand, the Aquarius Saint, Sophie Mardi, receives
news that all of Yang Wei’s wealth, along with his body, is nowhere to be found. We also see
the crocked and twisted personality of Sophie.

Suddenly, she also receives news that the auction she was going to take part in would also host
the other saints, such as the Leo saint Steven Marker. Back in the divine artifact store complex,
Geon visits store Sungjae leads him to, where his artifact is appraised very highly by SS rank
appraiser named Jin Myung, who claims that he is a disciple of Lee Geon, much to Geon ‘s

Chapter 14
Jin Myung also shows Geon a divine artifact, in the shape of a book, claiming that this was
passed on to him when he became the disciple of Geon. However Geon recognize this book as
his hit list, something which he thought he had forgotten somewhere but turns out that this
appraiser stole it. Meanwhile the saint shows up, and begins patiently waiting for the appraiser
and decides to head in and talk to him herself. However, as soon as she lays her eyes on Geon,
she gets mesmerized by his gorgeous appearance.

As she gets closer to him, the powers of Geon gives her the same presence of Lee Geon,
causing her to feel extreme fear and make a run out of the store at high speeds. Geon and
Myung wonder why the saint left so quickly after entering, during which Geon claims that Sophie
and him were old friends. Meanwhile, back to Sophie, who decides to order her followers to kill
the appraiser and the man in the store, as she claims that they forced her to experience past
trauma. She also hands her assistant her divine artifact in order to help them complete this task.

Chapter 15
As such, her assistant then decide to obey her command and ends up using the divine artifact
given to her in order to create water replicas of all the A-rank Cadres in the area. With their help,
she enters the store, tasking the water replications to capture the Jin Myung, while she captures
Geon. However, their plan turns into a complete bust as Geon is absurdly strong and easily
defeats all of the water replicas.

However, the assistant still doesn't give up and summons water werewolves, using the artifact
Sophie gave her, in order to defeat Geon. Nonetheless, even they do not prove to be of any
help as Geon defeats them single handedly. This causes the assistant to run for her life, as she
claims that this isn’t over yet. This ordeal also convinces Jin Myung that this guy is really the
renowned Lee Geon.

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