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Chapter 31

A thousand years ago, the world was on the verge of collapse, the strongest of the seven dragons,
and the black Kaiserus set the entire world aflame. Although Kaiserus was one of the twelve heroes
that led the war against the demons, he lost his reason and went Berserk due to the Demon curse.
The battle with the black dragon went on for an entire year. Yuridika tells that everything that
occurred in Her era and Zephyr’s era was caused by the demons trying to summon the demon God
to this world. Zephyr reveals that Demon God was Tartarus, and he can directly descend to the
human world through summoning, also at that time when the world is ending, noble priests were
those who were busy filling their stomachs and even conspired with the demon God worshippers to
just do that, and then everyone fled from the demon God’s might. The only ones who truly tried to
stop the end of the world were him and his comrades. He requests princess Yuridika to give him the
power to protect the world. Yuridika looks into the past when Georgius told her to put the dragon’s
heart into him as he wanted to protect the world with its powers, he just wanted to leave behind a
safe world for their daughter. But when she transplanted the heart, Georgius was converted into a
Demon as the curse on the dragon’s heart was lifted. Gold Dragon appeared there and ask Yuridika
to shut her mouth for eternity about the secret of the world that she learned about. If they were not
greedy for the dragon’s heart, they could have spent their lives happily with their daughter. At that
time, Georgius was destroying the world, with infinite power flowing out from the dragon’s heart.
Yuridika pipped out the dragon’s heart from his body and then for a thousand years, after purifying
the curse, she is waiting for a suitable hero to pass on the dragon to heart. Now, she knows that
Zephyr is worthy of it, but his body is not ready to receive the dragon’s heart. If she transplants it, his
body will either be shattered into pieces or will be crippled. Zephyr is thinking about using “Strong
Luck”, but Yuridika tells her that he needs to use strong luck at another moment and that moment is
Gold Dragon. Yuridika tells her to take everything from her tomb to make himself stronger and then
get the Dragon’s heart transplant, also she will change the layout of the Dungeon so that he can
escape from the priests. After all these risks, if he still wants the dragon’s heart then he has to hunt
Red Dragon, Blue Dragon, Ice Dragon, and Green Dragon within one year. There is no other way.
Zephyr says a year is way too long to kill four dragons, he promises Yuridika that he will show her the
safe world that she and Georgius wanted to see. She brings out the Dragon’s heart and begins the

Chapter 32
Zephyrs activate the perk Strong luck, he finds himself in darkness. Suddenly, the red dragon appears
there and attacks him, and he says that they have sent another puppet, and he hand over his power
to him. At the same time, Mathias has killed all the captains, and the only one who has left is
“Lucius”, while Lucius’s attacks are of no use to Mathias, he becomes injured by his attack, and both
Arno and Leona who have been giving him support are now dead, he has no choice except to use
that power. Mathias fires his final attack with a fireball, but something penetrated and annihilated
his fireball, and that was a feather. Lucius has offered a half year of his life to kill Mathias and attacks
him. Mathias is shocked to see that he has been hiding power like this for 20 years. Lucius reveals
that it’s an exclusive skill called Glimpse of Glory, and he borrows power from the angel that he
becomes in the future in exchange for his lifespan, it’s a closely guarded secret of the temple that
only the pope and a portion of the cardinals know. Moreover, the position of a saint is a brutal one,
they are nothing but Jesters being played around by the temple. He killed Mathias. On the other
side, Ned opens his eyes and sees the Dungeon boss is doing something, he wonders what is she
Chapter 33
Lucius wakes up Arno and Leona and reveals that only three of them survived among all those party
members. This raid ends here, he asks them to go back. At the same time, the red dragon tries to
attack Zephyr but fails due to the effect of strong luck. Zephyr knows that this is the world of his
consciousness and not reality, therefore, what is most important is his spirit. If he cowers before him
here, then even if the transplant succeeds, he will be developed by his spirit and turned into a
ragdoll. Ha says it is not the first dragon whom he has battled inside his consciousness including the
ones in his previous life, it’s the fifth. Come back to Ned, he sees Zephyr is unconscious and thinks he
is defeated. He thinks the boss is so busy doing something to Zephyr that she is paying no attention,
so he should attack her. While Yuridika asks her to take some rest, suddenly, the branded worm that
he has swallowed emits out from his mouth. Yuridika reveals that she has expelled the fragment of
evil within his body. Lucius informs that the layout of the Dungeon has completely changed, Leona
asks if can they get out of there before the food runs out. Lucius says they will look for the stake of
faith because it is the only way they can escape in time. They reach the boss room and gatekeepers
attack them, they are shocked to see them as if the stake of faith is inside so how can gatekeepers
be alive? They attack Lucius and he falls to the ground. Lucius can use a glimpse of glory once a week
and he used it against Mathias three days ago, there are still four days left. Meanwhile, Zephyr
appears there, he has come to help Lucius, and uses the skill “Dragon Tongue”.

Chapter 34
Lucius wonders to see that a monster is obeying a slave, but the effect of the dragon tongue lasts for
ten seconds and he can’t use the full power of a dragon when it’s first transplanted. Initially, the
dragon heart’s capacity is restricted to 1%, but this is the power of a dragon, he can still beat him.
The monster uses Georgius’s sword “Gram” which displays greater power against dragons, it is a
weapon made for the purpose of killing the strongest dragon, it’s truly the worst match for him.
Zephyr decides to use the sword of light instead of the dragon’s power. The Goddess of light’s first
request was to save her saint, Zephyr accepts her request. Lucius recognizes the sword of light which
is the divine artifact of legends that only a few chosen priests have been said to use. He also learned
that Zephyr is not a Demon God worshipper, he feels the presence of the Goddess of light from him.
Lucius bows in front of him as he greets the exalted one. The red dragon told Zephyr that he will
watch him from inside, and when he opened his eyes, Ned was unconscious and Yuridika had turned
into ashes. He finds two keepsakes in Yuridika’s ashes, one of them is a crystal of magic and the
other one is the master key to her tomb. Yuridika’s thoughts left in the crystal of magic reveal that
the current capacity of the dragon’s heart is 1% and as the power of the dragon’s heart spreads, the
amount of power his body can endure will also rise naturally. However, as the capacity rises to 10%,
20%, and 30%, his body will need to be restricted as it reaches those numbers, therefore, she
requests her to give the crystal of magic to her descendants who have inherited her magic, that child
will be of help to him. Lucius asks them to show his shoulder and removes the slaves’ brand on
them. Both of them are free now. Zephyr asks him to take care of his debts which Lucius replies he
has saved his life so he will definitely take care of the debts. While Ned thinks Lucius is just trying to
join forces with the holder of the dragon’s heart because he doesn’t want to be overpowered by the
opposing faction in the temple of light. Ned hasn’t good feelings for him, but at this time it is good
for them to maintain good relations with him. Zephyr uses the master key and opens Yuridika’s
Chapter 35

This is Yuridika’s treasure room that no one was able to enter for a thousand years, he opens the
room and there are all items in crystals. Lucius thinks there are dozens of items that he can tell are
high grades from a glance, also they didn’t have a single part in clear the boss room, so Zephyr awns
all these items here. Zephyr asks does anyone have the Appraisal skill, Arno has the skill. Leona
observes the quality of their magic items far surpasses the items of this era. Ned thinks these items
can’t be bought even if someone has money. Zephyr picks up the gram, dragon’s slayer’s plate coat,
plate boots, and Gauntlets set. Lucius says that they do have not any way to identify the Demon God
worshipper unless they confess it by themselves or use any demon god worshipper skill, there is no
other way. Ned says there is one more option, and that is the branded worm popping out of their
corpse after they kill them. But the problem is that Aldean’s bloodline and status are very high, and
to kill someone like him without any evidence will be a great problem, but Zephyr says they have
evidence against him. While on the other side, Aldean is harassing Claudia(Lucius’s wife), he tells her
about the branded worm within the stomachs of every demon God worshipper, that insect gradually
grows the more use its power. He also reveals his worm’s special ability is a hive, which means his
worm allows him to brainwash and control any human who ingests it. He asks her to persuade her
husband, meanwhile, her baby starts to cry, Aldean asks her name which she reveals is “Marius”, he
tries to put a bug in the baby’s mouth but Claudia holds her hand, which angers him and he tries to
attack her when someone comes there and informs him that Lucius is outside. Aldean is shocked
because he was supposed to be in the middle of clearing the Dungeon. Lucius attacks his priests.
Zephyr gives him a potion of scrutiny, if he adds a drop of this to his eyes, he will be able to see the
branded worms within the demon God worshipper’s bodies. He stated that he is arresting Aldean for
his Heresy.

Chapter 36

Aldean thinks that the cult leader already foresaw that Lucius will return alive, however, this is too
soon, there is no way Lucius and his party members have cleared the Dungeon with their skills,
which means Mathias has failed, also the Lucius has fallen into his trap. He asks Lucius what
evidence he is saying something like that, he states Lucius has some things that he can and cannot
do, while Lucius shows him the evidence. Back in the past, when Zephyrs tell Lucius to keep the
potion of scrutiny a secret, because if the world gets out that there exists such an item, then Lucius
will be assassinated. It is revealed that Yuridika’s tomb is a great Labyrinth that covers an extremely
wide underground area, that range actually extends as far as directly underneath the third parish
temple. Zephyr states that if they move to the right location, and dig through the ground to get
outside. There is the base that Mathias used, also the Demon God worshippers held theirs assembles
here. Lucius and Zephyr found the evidence in that abandoned mansion. The evidence is basically
the letters that Aldean has exchanged with Mathias in which they had made a plot to seize the
dragon’s heart and their act of worship to the demon God. Everything is recorded in these letters.
Aldean thinks he has given instructions to burn them immediately. He put a knife to her neck of
Claudia and blackmails Lucius, he says it will be a piece of cake to make a hole in her neck before his
attacks reach him. He has prepared a princess worm with powerful brainwashing abilities for Lucius,
he asks him to choose in three seconds between Claudia and the worm. Lucius says he will eat the
branded worm so that he will not lay a hand on her or on his child. He tries to put the worm in
Claudia’s mouth, while Ned attacks him from behind. While Aldean’s twin night appears there and
attacks Ned, his power is one of the continent’s ten strongest. He saved Aldean from Ned. Ned says
he doesn’t have the time to face him. Aldean says he has lost the hostages and if the saint uses a
glimpse of glory, then he will be in danger, for now getting out of here is best. He leaves the things to
the knight. The knight goes to Lucius and Lucius asks him why he comes alone, as the two of them
make a whole. The knight says he is alone more than enough for him.

Chapter 37

Arno and Leona are fighting with the priests, while Lucius is fighting with the knight. In a face-off
between a sword and a lance, a lance is fundamentally lore advantageous, since it can be used to
pummel the opponent with attacks with its longer range. Lucius asks why twins managed to rise to
rank within the strongest ten in the continent, because a divine being such a saint cannot dare to be
placed in the rankings of mere humans, if it wasn’t for that, the two will never have risen to rank
within the strongest ten. Lucius attacks him and he falls on the ground, the knight says it seems the
damage reflection only applies to Lucius’s Torso, then it must be an item effect, not a skill, and the
reflected amount isn’t 100% either, it is around 50-60%. The knight’s plan was to hold Lucius back
until Aldean escapes, but now he has changed his mind. He gets up and attacks Lucius again. Lucius
uses the skill chain jail and binds him in chains, he cries to Aldean for help, while Aldean is in the
custody of Zephyr. They put a trap for them in which they had to occupy them and kill them by
separating them, and they fell into their trap quite marvelously.

Chapter 38

Back in the past when Aldean asks the cult leader to leave the transportation of the dragon heart to
him, as his ability is brainwashing and he can easily take control of the 3 rd parish temple, and even
gain possession of the saint. The safest way to transport something is to not transport it at all, he
assures that he will keep the dragon’s heart in the 3 rd parish for safekeeping after he makes it into a
nest of insects, so the cult leader can visit whenever he likes for the dragon heart transplant, and the
cult leader leaves it on Aldean. But now, things turn like this, he had planned for every situation, as
well as of the eastern one’s disciple, Leonard’s son realizing that he will be eliminated. Aldean thinks
he will head out first to lay low, he’ll gather some more forces, and then attacks Lucius. Suddenly, he
notices something green on his hand, which is basically poison, and it hurts like hell, and the person
he is thinking his knight is actually Zephyr. The silver knight one of the strongest ten on the continent
appears there, but he dies with a single needle and Zephyr asks him to bring the real silver knight
instead of a fake. Aldean thinks someone has sent Zephyr to him, and he offers him money twice or
thrice the amount the person who hired him. Because the poison was not an ordinary poison, the
Aldean who has restorative powers close to immortality, still can’t detoxify. Aldean is waiting for
someone, and Zephyr brings his helmet. Twelve hours ago, when Zephyr along with Lucius and Ned
killed the silver knight, Lucius is regrettable to think that the direct escort of cardinal Aldean was a
Demon God worshipper. In the past life, Ned after barely managing to flee from the silver knight was
on the run for months with the dragon heart that he couldn’t absorb on his own. In the end, the
dragon’s heart was snatched away by his own martial brother and he was abandoned in that cave in
a wretched state. Lucius, who was controlled by the worm, was a nightmarish enemy. First, his child
and then he died. There were many countless tragedies created by Aldean, which is why he must
have killed him right here this time, Zephyr attacks him but he turned into a Demon, and in that
state, the poison effect has been removed. Aldean thinks it is been five years since he has turned
into a demon after using the stone of revelation, and at that time he obtained the mimicry skill that
allows him to mimic the human appearance, also he killed every human who had seen his demon
form, and now Zephyr pushed him this far. Ned says Claudia to stay inside the cave and not to come
outside until he says so. He also gives her a bracelet imbued with high-grade stealth magic for the
safety of her and her child. Ned has waited for this day for so long, the day to take his revenge
against the beasts who killed his father and took his family heirloom. One is already dead, only two
remain, he will send them all to hell.

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