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Use of eriochrome cyanine R in routine histology

and histopathology: is it time to say goodbye to
a b ac
D Stefanović , M Stefanović & D Lalošević
Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, University of Novi Sad, Novi
Sad, Serbia
Department of Pathological Anatomy, General Hospital of Leskovac, Leskovac, Serbia
Pasteur Institute-National Reference Laboratory for Rabies, Novi Sad, Serbia
Published online: 14 Aug 2015.

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To cite this article: D Stefanović, M Stefanović & D Lalošević (2015) Use of eriochrome cyanine R in routine histology
and histopathology: is it time to say goodbye to hematoxylin?, Biotechnic & Histochemistry, 90:6, 461-469, DOI:

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Use of eriochrome cyanine R in routine histology
and histopathology: is it time to say goodbye to
D Stefanović1, M Stefanović2, D Lalošević1,3
1Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, 2Department of

Pathological Anatomy, General Hospital of Leskovac, Leskovac, and 3Pasteur Institute-National Reference Laboratory
for Rabies, Novi Sad, Serbia

Accepted May 30, 2015

Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

Eriochrome cyanine R (ECR) is a synthetic anionic dye that forms complexes with cations such
as iron. We found that an iron-ECR (Fe-ECR) mixture provided either nuclear or myelin staining
depending on the differentiator used. Selective nuclear staining was obtained by differentiation
in an aqueous HCl solution, pH 0.95, followed by a wash in slightly alkaline tap water; the pH
difference facilitated control of differentiation. When used with an eosin B counterstain, results
were nearly indistinguishable from standard hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining. Nuclear
staining with Fe-ECR provides tinctorial features similar to regressive aluminum-hemateins as
well as resistance to acidic solutions such as those of iron hemateins. Fe-ECR also stained selec-
tively intestinal cells of the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES). In addition to its use as an
H & E substitute, acid differentiated Fe-ECR produced acid-resistant and selective nuclear coun-
terstaining in combination with Alcian blue, and in the Papanicolaou and van Gieson techniques.
With alkali differentiation, Fe-ECR produced selective myelin staining, which was compatible
with neutral red counterstaining. Myelin sheaths were stained aqua blue. Fe-ECR could be used
for both cytological and histological samples, and was suitable for use in automated tissue stain-
ers. ECR also is less expensive than hematoxylin. Hematoxylin still may be preferred as a nuclear
counterstain for some immunostaining methods for which Fe-ECR mixtures probably are too

Key words: APUD, DNES, diffuse neuroendocrine system, eosin, eriochrome, hematoxylin,
mordant blue 3, myelin staining, nuclear staining

Hematoxylin (natural black 1, C.I. 75290) has been is termed, “hematoxylin and eosin” (H & E) stain-
used, in combination with various metal ions, for ing. Although not perfect, H & E has become the
biological staining since the 19th century. The most standard overview stain for animal histology and
widely used stains, commonly termed hemalums routine diagnostic histopathology. Consequently,
or “hematoxylins,” contain the hematoxylin oxi- any hematoxylin substitute must match closely
dation product, hematein, plus aluminum ions. the tinctorial features of H & E. Owing to the tech-
These stains often are applied in combination nical and commercial complexities of hematoxylin
with eosin and the dual staining process usually production and distribution, repeated shortages
of hematoxylin have occurred, most recently in
2008. Consequently, appropriate substitutes have
Correspondence: D. Stefanović, Department of Histology and been sought; eriochrome cyanine R (ECR) and
Embryology, Medical Faculty, University of Novi Sad, celestine blue are among the preferred candidates
Hajduk Veljkova 3, Novi Sad, 21000 Serbia. E-mail: dulef90@
(Dapson et al. 2010).
© 2015 The Biological Stain Commission ECR, also known as chromoxane cyanine R or
Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2015, 90(6): 461–469. solochrome cyanine R (Colour Index identifiers:

DOI: 10.3109/10520295.2015.1057765 461

mordant blue 3 and C.I. 43820) is a synthetic sulfon- Reagents
phthalein dye with acid-base indicator properties
Absolute ethanol, concentrated (37%) hydrochloric
(Kiernan 2008). ECR can be a red anionic stain when
acid (HCl), concentrated (70%) nitric acid (HNO3),
used alone, but forms anionic metal complexes with
ferric chloride (FeCl3⋅6H2O), 37% formaldehyde, gla-
cations such as iron (Kiernan 1984a). These iron-
cial acetic acid, lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), paraffin
ECR (Fe-ECR) mixtures are stable in solution for
oil, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium phosphate
several years, unlike the metal-hematein complexes
monobasic dihydrate (NaH2PO4⋅2H2O) and xylene
of “hematoxylins” (Kiernan 2008). Under appropri-
were obtained from Centrohem (Stara Pazova,
ate conditions, Fe-ECR solutions could be used for
Serbia). Canada balsam (Canadabalsam ductil)
monochromatic selective nuclear or myelin staining,
was obtained from Molar Chemicals KFT (Halász-
or one-step dichromatic staining that could replace
telek, Hungary), DPX mountant for histology from
metal-hemateins and H & E, respectively (Kiernan
Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH (44581; Steinheim,
1984b). Fe-ECR stains nuclei and other basophilic
Germany) and Histowax special 52⫺54° C from His-
structures blue like aluminum-hematein. Unlike
tolab (Göteborg, Sweden). Distilled water was pre-
hemalums, however, Fe-ECR stains are resistant
pared at Pasteur Institute in Novi Sad, cooled to room
to acidic solutions and can be used to stain myelin
temperature, then treated with ion exchange resins.
sheaths selectively like iron-hematein (Page 1965,
Kiernan 1984b, 2008). Therefore, Fe-ECR mixtures
Staining solutions
Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

could provide the benefits of both aluminum and

iron hematein in one stain. Other advantages of Fe- Alcian blue pH 2.5
ECR include its stability and the reliable supply of Dissolve 1 g Alcian blue 8GX in 90 ml 0.02 M acetate-
the parent dye. acetic acid buffer, pH 2.5, made from distilled water,
Pearse (1957) used his ECR procedure to pro- sodium hydroxide and glacial acetic acid. Filter the
duce red staining of “enterochromaffin-like” cells, solution and add distilled water to 100 ml.
now termed cells of the diffuse neuroendocrine sys-
tem (DNES), but he gave no details. No one appears Eosin B
to have commented on this observation, but Pearse Dissolve 0.25 g eosin B in a solution of 40 ml water,
had a particular interest in these cells, which he and 40 ml ethanol and 10 ml glacial acetic acid. Filter the
his co-workers called amine precursor uptake and solution and add ethanol to 100 ml.
decarboxylase (APUD) cells (Pearse 1969).
We present here a selective Fe-ECR nuclear
staining technique that is standardized, has a lon-
Acidify 450 ml distilled water with HCl until the pH
ger working life than previously published meth-
is 1.5. Add 1 g ECR powder and 1.12 g FeCl3⋅6H2O
ods, and can be used in automated tissue stainers.
to the solution, mix, filter and add water to 500 ml.
We tested the replacement of hemateins with the
Adjust the pH of the final solution to 1.5 if necessary.
Fe-ECR stain in several routine histological tech-
niques. We also compared the prices of hematoxylin
and ECR dyes from several vendors to provide an Neutral red
estimate of the cost-effectiveness of ECR. Finally, we Dissolve 0.5 g neutral red in a solution of 90 ml
describe the selective staining of DNES cells using distilled water and 1 ml glacial acetic acid. Filter the
Fe-ECR. resulting solution and add water to 100 ml.

Fixative and other solutions

Material and methods

Dyes Neutral buffered formalin (10% formalin v/v, pH 7.2,

0.02 M)
Alcian blue 8GX and eosin B were obtained from Sig-
Prepared using distilled water (900 ml), 37% form-
ma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH (Steinheim, Germany;
aldehyde (100 ml), sodium phosphate monobasic
861006 and A5268, respectively). Eriochrome cya-
dihydrate (1.36 g) and NaOH (0.34 g) (Kiernan
nine R and neutral red were obtained from Magna-
col Ltd. (Newtown, Wales, UK). Grimelius and van
Gieson staining kits, and Papanicolaou EA65 and
Papanicolaou OG6 staining solutions were obtained De Castro’s decalcification fluid
from Bio Optica (Milano, Italy; 04-030802, 04-044822, Dissolve 30 ml concentrated HNO3 in 670 ml distilled
05-12017/L and 05-12013/L, respectively). water, then add 300 ml absolute ethanol slowly.

462 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2015, 90(6): 461–469

Ethanol solutions (90 and 50% v/v) Staining procedures
Prepare from distilled water and absolute ethanol.
Selective nuclear staining procedure
1. Bring sections to distilled water.
HCl differentiation solution 2. Stain in Fe-ECR solution for 3 ⫺ 5 min.
Dilute concentrated HCl with distilled water until 3. Wash in distilled water until excess dye is
the pH is 0.95. removed.
4. Immerse in HCl differentiation solution until
preparations turn bright red or light pink, which
Li2CO3 differentiation solution
usually requires up to 30 sec.
Add 1 g Li2CO3 to 100 ml distilled water.
5. Wash in two changes of tap water (the pH should
be 7.0–8.0; if not, add sodium bicarbonate or
other alkali salt to the wash fluid), 1 min each
Tissue and cytology samples
with agitation. Inspect the slides to determine
Fresh samples of pig tissues were obtained from a whether steps 2–5 need adjustment.
local slaughterhouse. Samples included aorta, cer- 6. Counterstain with the eosin solution for 3 min,
ebellum, cerebrum, colon, duodenum, epiglottis, or according to the relevant procedure if another
ileum, jejunum, kidney, liver, lungs, lymph node, stain is used.
Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

myocardium, esophagus, salivary gland, spinal 7. Dehydrate preparations in three changes of eth-
cord, spleen, sternum, stomach, tongue and trachea. anol, clear with two changes of xylene and mount
Animal treatment was according to the internal reg- with DPX or Canada balsam.
ulations of the vendor.
The tissues were fixed for 24 h in neutral buff-
ered formalin. Bony tissues were decalcified in de Selective myelin staining procedure
Castro’s fluid prior to further processing. After 1. Bring sections to distilled water.
fixation, tissue samples were processed manually 2. Stain in Fe-ECR solution for 15 ⫺ 20 min.
using an ethanol, xylene, paraffin oil, paraffin wax 3. Wash in tap water for 1 min.
sequence and embedded in paraffin. Sections were 4. Immerse in Li2CO3 differentiation solution for
cut at 4 ⫺ 6 μm using a Leica RM2125 RTS rotary 30 ⫺ 60 sec, with periodic washing in tap water
microtome (Leica Biosystems, Nussloch, Germany). and checks by microscopy, until selective myelin
After mounting on slides, sections were heated for staining is achieved.
90 min at 54 ⫺ 56° C in a ventilated histological oven 5. Counterstain in neutral red staining solution for
(SVF100; Bio Optica, Milano, Italy), cooled to room 5 min.
temperature and washed twice for 5 min each in 6. Rinse in distilled water, dehydrate quickly in
both xylene and absolute ethanol. ethanol, clear with xylene and mount in Canada
Paraffin blocks of human tissues and monolayer balsam or DPX.
cell smears prepared for cytology were obtained from
the Department of Pathology of the General Hospital
in Leskovac, Serbia. Human material was obtained in Alcian blue staining procedure
accordance with internal ethical guidelines and regu-
lations of the hospital. These preparations included 1. Bring sections to distilled water.
several cases of routine surgical, endoscopic or gyne- 2. Stain for 20 ⫺ 30 min in Alcian blue solution.
cologic material (cervical Pap smears) that had been 3. Wash in running tap water for 10 min.
sent for histopathological or cytological analysis. 4. Counterstain with Fe-ECR and eosin according
Tissue samples were processed and cut as described to the selective nuclear staining procedure
above, and monolayer cell smears were fixed with described above.
90% (v/v) ethanol prior to staining. 5. Dehydrate preparations in three changes of eth-
Pig tissues were used to demonstrate tinctorial anol, clear with two changes of xylene and mount
features of Fe-ECR on various normal histological with DPX or Canada balsam.
samples. Human samples were used to demonstrate
features of Fe-ECR on pathologically altered tissues.
Papanicolaou staining procedure for cell smears
Pap smears were used to demonstrate features of
Fe-ECR on cytological samples. Thus, we investi- 1. Fix with 90% ethanol
gated Fe-ECR for use in cytology, histology and 2. Stain nuclei using steps 2 ⫺ 5 of the selective
histopathology. nuclear staining procedure described above.

Eriochrome cyanine R hematoxylin substitute 463

3. Rinse in 50% ethanol. Table 1. Price comparison of hematoxylin and ECR
4. Stain with Papanicolaou OG6 staining solution posted by online vendors.
for 1 min. Eriochrome
5. Rinse in 50% ethanol. Hematoxylin cyanine R
6. Stain with Papanicolaou EA65 solution for
2 min. Price/ Price/
7. Rinse in 50% ethanol. Price for a unit Price for a unit
8. Dehydrate quickly in absolute ethanol, clear pack ($/g) pack ($/g)
with xylene and mount with Canada balsam. Vendor 1 $61.65/25 g 2.47
Vendor 2 $134.14/50 g 2.68 $39.10/50 g 0.78
Vendor 3 $179.05/25 g 7.16
Special stains Vendor 4 $39.89/25 g 1.60
Grimelius for argyrophilia and van Gieson stain- Vendor 5 $95/100 g 0.95
ing were performed according to the instructions Vendor 6 $79.69/25 g 3.19 $61.80/25 g 2.47
provided with each kit. Nuclei were stained with Vendor 7 $60.60/25 g 2.42 $25.68/25 g 1.03
Vendor 8 $575/100 g 5.75 $84.40/25 g 3.38
Fe-ECR (steps 1 ⫺ 5 of the selective nuclear staining
Vendor 9 $320/25 g 12.80 $32.35/10 g 3.23
procedure described above) before the van Gieson Vendor 10 $126.44/25 g 5.06 $379.76/100 g 3.80
staining was performed. Vendor 11 $252.24/25 g 10.09
Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

Vendor 12 $122.50/25 g 4.90 $43/25 g 1.72

Vendor 13 $50.55/25 g 2.02 $316.80/100 g 3.17
Dyestuff price comparison Vendor 14 $14.63/5 g 2.93 $7.31/5 g 1.46
The relative costs of hematoxylin and ECR have not Vendor 15 $64.57/10 g 6.46
been investigated previously. To achieve an unbi- Vendor 16 $145.79/25 g 5.83 $50.91/25 g 2.04
ased price comparison, we searched for prices at Vendor 17 $101.60/25 g 4.06 $57.60/25 g 2.30
Vendor 18 $69/25 g 2.76
online chemical suppliers using the Google search
Vendor 19 $90/25 g 3.60 $67.50/25 g 2.70
engine. Key words used for the search were “hema- Vendor 20 $68.89/10 g 6.89
toxylin price” and “eriochrome cyanine R price.” Means 4.88 2.23
Only dye powders were investigated. The price per
unit was calculated for each source (Table 1). The Comparison made February 15, 2015
search was conducted on February 15, 2015.
One difference from routine H & E stains, how-
Results ever, was a characteristic and unusual reddish stain-
ing of certain cells in gastrointestinal tract. Most of
these cells were in lower two thirds of the intestinal
Fe-ECR selective nuclear staining with eosin
crypts and had rounded or oval nuclei that were
displaced toward the luminal part of the cell. The
This staining procedure gave results largely indis- crescent shaped basal cytoplasmic region of these
tinguishable from H & E staining that used a cells (Fig. 7) was filled with granules that were
regressive hemalum such as Harris’ or Mayer ’s only half the size of specific granules of eosinophils
(Bancroft and Layton 2013) (Figs. 1 ⫺ 6). Cell nuclei, or Paneth cells. A variant type of cell was wedge
bacteria and other basophilic structures were shaped with a nucleus that was displaced toward
blue or bluish purple, while acidophilic elements the basement membrane and whose triangular
were stained different shades of red, reddish luminal region was filled with small stained gran-
purple and pink. ules. These wedge shaped cells were located mainly

Fig. 1. Endochondral ossification and bone marrow pig sternum stained with Fe-ECR and eosin.

464 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2015, 90(6): 461–469

Fig. 2. Pig lung tissue stained with Fe-ECR and eosin.

in the luminal halves of the intestinal crypts. The Comparison of dye prices
morphological features of these cells corresponded
Price per pack and per unit of both hematoxylin and
to cells of the DNES (formerly known as APUD)
ECR are given in Table 1. The lowest price per unit
cells (Young et al. 2014). To check this, we used
for hematoxylin was $1.60/g, the mean price was
the Grimelius procedure for staining argyrophilic
$4.88/g and highest price was $12.80/g. The least
Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

granules. The reddish Fe-ECR stained cells had the

expensive ECR was $0.78/g, the mean price was
same distribution and morphology as the argyro-
$2.23/g, and the highest price was $3.80/g.
philic cells.

Selective myelin staining Discussion

Myelin sheaths were stained aqua blue, while red The selective nuclear staining method using Fe-ECR
blood cells were stained deep blue to black. Other proposed here is based on techniques similar to
structures were colored by the cationic counter- those of Chapman (1977) and Kiernan (1984b). The
stain in various shades of pink and reddish purple working stain solution that we used, however, had a
(Fig. 8). At high magnification, the stained myelin relatively high Fe:ECR ratio and had been carefully
sheaths appeared as hollow tubules of varying acidified with HCl. Differentiation was done in two
diameter; the axons were unstained. steps: acid wash and tap water wash.
The use of the HCl solution provided more con-
trol over differentiation than the acidified alcoholic
Other staining procedures
solution that often is recommended (Llewellyn
Fe-ECR provided selective nuclear counterstaining 1974, Hogg and Simpson 1975, Chapman 1977). The
for Alcian blue (Fig. 9), van Gieson (Fig. 10) and use of HCl increased technical convenience and was
Papanicolaou staining (Fig. 11). critical for achieving specific red staining of DNES

Fig. 3. Pig connective tissue with peripheral nerves and Fig. 4. Human placenta with hypovascular villi stained
blood vessels stained with Fe-ECR and eosin. with Fe-ECR and eosin.

Eriochrome cyanine R hematoxylin substitute 465

components of tissues and to retain blue color only
in nuclei and other basophilic structures, although
red blood cells often retained the deep red color
conferred by Fe-ECR. If the pH of tap water is too
low, some tissue components become stained vari-
ous shades of violet, purple and red, and this inter-
feres with subsequent counterstaining, e.g., eosin; if
the pH is too high, nuclear staining tends to fade.
Prolonged washing in tap water at appropriate
pH did not change the intensity of the expected
Based on our investigation, we propose the
following ECR plus eosin staining scheme as a
replacement for H & E for use with automated tis-
sue strainers:
Fig. 5. Human clear cell renal cell carcinoma of kidney
stained with Fe-ECR and eosin. 1. Two xylene baths, 5 min each.
2. Two ethanol baths, 5 min each.
3. Distilled water wash, 3 min.
Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

cell granules. Precise control of the pH of the differ- 4. Fe-ECR staining, 5 min.
entiator proved to be the most important factor for 5. Distilled water wash, 3 min.
successful differentiation. At pH ⬍ 0.90, prolonged 6. Acid differentiation (pH 0.95), 30 sec.
acid washing tended to remove too much dye from 7. Two tap water washes, 3 min each.
tissue sections, while at pH ⬎ 1.00, differentiation 8. Eosin B staining, 3 min.
tended to be incomplete and results were erratic. 9. Three ethanol baths, 3 min each.
When the pH of differentiation solution was set at 10. Two xylene baths, 5 min each.
0.95, however, tissue sections could be left in the 11. Mounting.
acid differentiation bath for as long as 5 min with no
reduction in the intensity of the stain. We found that Other investigators also have suggested that
a 30 sec wash in the pH 0.95 acid bath was sufficient selective nuclear staining with Fe-ECR plus eosin
for differentiation of all tissue sections and cytologi- could replace H & E for histology and pathology
cal smears tested. At the end of the first differentia- (Llewellyn 1965, 1974, Chapman 1977, Clark 1979,
tion step, sections turned bright red or pink. Kiernan 1984b). In our hands, Alcian blue stain-
The second step in the differentiation process ing followed by Fe-ECR plus eosin gave excellent
was a wash in tap water; this step is similar to “blu- results (Fig. 9). Unlike hemalums, Fe-ECR nuclear
ing” of hemalum stained sections. The pH of tap staining was resistant to acidic solutions, which
water should be between 7.0 and 8.0. The objective made it a suitable nuclear counterstain for the
of this step is to remove stain from all acidophilic van Gieson technique (Fig. 10). An earlier Fe-ECR
method has been tested in various trichrome and
other histochemical methods by Hogg and Simpson
(1975). These investigators also obtained acid resis-
tant selective nuclear staining that was compatible
with most histochemical staining methods.
Llewellyn first dismissed (Llewellyn 1965),
then later recommended (Llewellyn 1974) Fe-ECR
nuclear staining for cytological preparations before
Papanicolaou staining. We found that Fe-ECR was
an excellent substitute for Harris’ and Gill’s hemal-
ums (Fig. 11). Bacteria were clearly stained, but ECR
could not match Romanowsky-Giemsa stains for
this particular application.
The use of ECR as a nuclear counterstain for
immunohistochemistry is problematic. Fe-ECR
mixtures are probably too acidic to be used for this
Fig. 6. Human intestinal metaplasia stained with Fe-ECR purpose. Chapman (1977) reported that an alumi-
and eosin. num-ECR mixture gave crimson nuclei; it could not

466 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2015, 90(6): 461–469

Fig. 7. Duodenum of pig with DNES cells. A) Stained with Fe-ECR and eosin. B) Stained by the Grimelius technique.

be used after chromogens such as 3-amino-9-ethyl- “most NE [neuroendocrine] cells are visualized by
carbazole (AEC) or diaminobenzidine (DAB). Fur- the Grimelius technique; exceptions include chole-
ther studies are needed to show tinctorial outcomes cystokinin (CCK), insulin, somatostatin and PYY
using ECR mixtures with various cations and their cells.” Whether the latter cells could be stained by
Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

possible application in histology, pathology and his- Fe-ECR requires further histochemical and immu-
tochemistry. nohistochemical investigation. In any case, at least
We observed a unique staining effect caused by some types of DNES cells are stained by Fe-ECR
acid differentiation. Fe-ECR stained selectively gran- under the conditions described above.
ules of what appeared to be DNES cells. Only Pearse It has been known for many years that tissue sec-
(1957) mentioned this phenomenon; he reported tions stained with the Fe-ECR working solution and
in passing the specific red staining of granules of differentiated with alkali or iron salts showed differ-
mammalian “enterochromaffin-like” cells by a one- ent tinctorial properties from those following acid
step dichromatic staining method that resembled H differentiation (Kiernan 2008). Page (1965) obtained
& E. He provided no further information despite selective myelin and erythrocyte staining after pro-
the fact that he was among the originators of the longed differentiation in 10% iron alum. Later, Clark
APUD/DNES concept (Pearse 1969). (1979) used aqueous NH4OH for differentiation for
We stained serial sections with either Fe-ECR selective myelin staining, which reduced staining
plus eosin or the Grimelius method. The Grime- time from an hour to a couple of minutes. In our
lius technique was used as the “gold standard’ for hands, 1% aqueous Li2CO3 provided effective and
demonstrating DNES cells. Our comparison of Fe- rapid differentiation for selective myelin staining
ECR and Grimelius staining demonstrated that the (Fig. 8). The selective myelin staining should be
cells with typical DNES morphology and distribu- compared to Luxol fast blue and to immunohis-
tion were stained selectively with both methods. tochemical staining for myelin basic protein (MBP)
Acid alcohol differentiation produced inconsistent in terms of complexity, cost and potential diagnostic
selective red staining by ECR, whereas differentia- application in neuropathology.
tion in the acid solution described here produced Finally, we compared the cost effectiveness of
consistent staining. Grimelius (2004) stated that ECR and hematoxylin stains. It has been shown by

Fig. 8. Cerebellum of pig stained with Fe-ECR selective staining for myelin and counterstained with neutral red.

Eriochrome cyanine R hematoxylin substitute 467

Fig. 11. Pap smear stained with Fe-ECR and Papanicolaou
technique (OG6 plus EA65).
Downloaded by [Dušan Stefanovi] at 08:51 22 August 2015

1984b, 2008). A complete comparison would require

researching the effectiveness of different lots of each
dye and an accounting of the non-dye reagent costs.
Table 1 clearly indicates, however, that ECR has a
significant cost advantage over hematoxylin.
We have shown that Fe-ECR is a reliable hema-
toxylin substitute for several routine and special
stains. It provides both selective nuclear and myelin
staining. Nuclear staining with Fe-ECR closely par-
allels that of regressive aluminum-hemateins plus
the resistance to acidic solutions of iron-hemateins.
Fig. 9. Human colon, stained with Alcian blue, pH 2.5, Fe-ECR is applicable to both cytological and histo-
Fe-ECR and eosin. logical samples. Another potentially useful feature
of Fe-ECR is its selective staining of DNES cells.
others that the shelf-life and stability of Fe-ECR mix- Although prices of ECR lots generally are lower
tures in general are superior to working hemalum than those of hematoxylin, a full cost-effectiveness
solutions (Hyman and Polding 1961, Page 1965, study is required to determine the economic aspects
Llewellyn 1974, Hogg and Simpson 1975, Kiernan of applying ECR in routine histology and pathol-
ogy. It appears to us, however, that H & E is an
outmoded method.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no con-

flict of interest. The authors alone are responsible
for the content and writing of the paper.

Bancroft JD, Layton C (2013) The hematoxylins and
eosin. In: Suvarna SK, Layton C, Bancroft JD, Ban-
croft’s Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 7th
ed., Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Ltd., Philadelphia.
pp. 174–178.
Chapman DM (1977) Eriochrome cyanin R as a substi-
tute for haematoxylin and eosin. Can. J. Med. Technol. 39:
Fig. 10. Human kidney chronic pyelonephritis and 65–66.
glomerulosclerosis stained with Fe-ECR and van Gieson Clark G (1979) Staining with chromoxane cyanine R.
method. Stain Technol. 54: 337–344.

468 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2015, 90(6): 461–469

Dapson R, Horobin RW, Kiernan JA (2010) Hematoxylin Llewellyn BD (1974) Mordant blue 3: a readily
shortages: their causes and duration, and other dyes that available substitute for hematoxylin in the routine
can replace hemalum in routine hematoxylin and eosin hematoxylin and eosin stain. Stain Technol. 49:
staining. Biotech. & Histochem. 85: 55–63. 347–349.
Grimelius L (2004) Silver stains demonstrating neuroen- Llewellyn BD (1978) Improved nuclear staining with
docrine cells. Biotech. & Histochem. 79: 37–44. mordant blue 3 as a hematoxylin substitute. Stain Tech-
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