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Production title: Exit Music (For a Film)

Production team: Silent Studios

Producer: Brodie Thompson

Date of survey: 12/01/23 Proposed filming date: 24/01/23 to 09/02/23

Location Address: Uphill, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4XR

Permission needed: (contact details)

Audio/visual problems:(how will you deal with sound/visual interruptions from passing cars, the
public, road works, airplanes/trains, police sirens, wind, general interruptions to filming and audio)

The public might get into our view whilst we’re filming, we will then ask them to move away from
the shot.

Animals might get in the way as the hills has cows sometimes, if they are there when filming then
we’ll be heading somewhere else.

As we’re high up the wind might be a problem, so if we’re going to be doing some audio recording
then we’ll use the windscreen for the recording

Weather conditions: (could the weather affect your filming in any way?) If it rains then we’ll use
something to shelter the electrics being used whilst filming.

Continuity: (is anything about the location likely to change during the shoot or if you return to it to
film more than once? E.g., roadworks in 1st shot/ gone in next, poster on wall/gone in next shot)

Some people might be in the frame and then the same people (if walking in that direction)

We might have the cows in another frame and not in later in the same frame if we cut back.

Electricity/Lighting issues: (will you need an electricity supply and is there access to one? Is lighting
adequate or does it need altering?

The electricity supply we will be needing would be batteries for the camera and audio recorder, for
lighting, if it gets too dark then we will buy a torch

Set dressing: (does your set contain everything you want to show in your scene or will it need
something else adding to it to have the impact you want?) The actors should wear the same clothes
as they had in the production
Welfare: (can your crew/talent get refreshments, are there toilets near, is it far? do they need to
stay overnight near filming location?) There is a pub down the hill and there is a corner shop down
Old Church Road, the nearest toilet is down the pub as there is no toilet

Parking/Public transport to location: (how will the crew/talent get to the location? Is there parking
or a bus/train station near by?)

There is a bus stop by the entrance of the footpath that leads to the hill. There is also parking by the
entrance as well.

Possible dates for filming: Tuesday 24th January 2023 to Thursday 9th February 2023

Provide a photo of your location and potential scenes/camera angles

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