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My Classroom Management plan

Philosophical Statement
I will create a clean, safe alive/lively and fair learning environment for the students. I will
make it challenging so that they will be engage in class and interact with them one by
one if possible but will make sure that discipline and respect to each other especially
towards teacher is constantly observe.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
I will make sure to involve the students in creating our classroom rules and procedures
so that they will be encourage to follow it and accept consequences implemented since
they were part of creating it and the fact that they agreed with it. I will let the elected
classroom officers to post it on the bulletin board and send copy to parents for them to
be aware too.
Teacher-Student Relationship
Trust and mutual respect is the basis of the good teacher-student relationship. I will
make the students feel that our learning environment is safe. They can share their
ideas, concerns or comments in the classroom as long as we respect each other. They
will surely be listened with respect and patients and I will let them feel that I trust them
and they can trust me as their second parent and encourage, motivate them to be the
best version of themselves.
Schedules and Timeframes
Considering my co-teacher and students perspectives will be a great factors in
organizing our class time and the other schedule. But of course there will be a fixed
schedule that were given by the school, so there schedule will be prioritized to be
followed. The changing of schedules will depend on the situations and that would be the
time that their perspectives will be the basis.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangement
In arranging and designing our room, I will gladly provide whatever I can to make it a
conducive classroom. I will make sure that the things that will not be so useful but just
cause distraction in class will be eliminated. I will encourage the students to give their
ideas in making our classroom comfortable and attractive.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
I will make sure that the rules and procedures we created together will be imposed. I will
teach them to be responsible for everything they do, because discipline really matters to
me. Of course I will lead and be the first one to show them that I follow all the rules we
made so that they will have no reasons not to follow too, and explain to them that these
rules are for everyone’s safety.
Strategies for Rewards And Consequences
To make all rules and procedures be successfully followed, I will give simple reward to
them to encourage them to obey it and will make sure to give the consequences if they
violate so that they will not think that I was just joking around. This way I think I can
earned their respect if they see that I’m serious when it comes to discipline.

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