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Physics and Chemisty Kinematics 3ºESO

Worksheet 1

1. A tank travels 12 km to the North, then it turns East and travels 5 km. What is the total
distance travelled by the tank? What is the displacement of the tank?
2. A man walks with an average speed of 2 m·s-1. How long will it take him to walk 1 km? (500s)
3. A dog runs along a road at a constant speed of 3 m/s.
a. How far will it travel in 10 s? (30 m)
b. How far will it travel in ¼ hour? (2700 m)

4. A car has a steady speed of 63 km/h.

a. How far does it travel in 12 seconds? (210 m)
b. How long does it take it to travel 400 m? (22,86 s)
5. A woman travels a distance of 200 km with an average speed of 25 m/s. How long does the
journey take? (8000 s)
6. The movement of an object is given by the following graph.
a. Explain her motion in intervals a, b, c and d
b. Find the total distance travelled and the speed
on each interval
c. Calculate the average speed
10m; 0,4 m/s; 0 ;0,4
m/s; 1,2 m/s; O,5 m/s

7. In 12 seconds a girl travels from A to B by the path shown in the figure. The total distance
travelled is 68 m. The overall displacement she undergoes is 40 m North East. Calculate:
a. Her average speed
b. Her average velocity for the journey

8. In this equation of motion x = 20 + 5t, what is the initial position? What is the speed?
9. Where will an object be after 25 minutes if its position at start is 3 km and its speed 90
km/h? What distance has it travelled during this time? Deduce the equation of the motion.
10. Using this graph find:
a. The velocity of each object in m/s
b. The equation of each motion (use the units of the
c. The distance between the two objects at 20 minutes.

11. Next graph shows the displacement-time graph of a car during

parking. Describe the motion of the car and find the velocity in
each time interval.
12. A boy walks at a velocity of 0, 5 m/s along a street for 50 s,
suddenly he remembers that he has to buy something in a shop
that he has passed by, so he turns around and walks at a velocity of -1 m/s for 10 s. He
then stops for 30 s at the shop, and finally walks forward again at 0, 5 m/s for another 20 s.
Plot a displacement-time graph for the motion of the boy.
13. A man rides out into the country at a uniform rate of 30 km per hour. He rests 2 hours and
then rides back at 20 km per hour. It took him 5 h to get back to the initial point. How far
did he go? (36 km)
14. Two trains start from the same station and run in opposite directions. One runs at an
average rate of 40 km/h and the other at 65 km/h. How long will it take them to be 315 km
apart? (3h)
15. Two young people, Aitor and Bea, start towards each other at the same time from points
510 km apart. If they travel 40 and 45 km an hour respectively, how long will it take them
to meet? (6h)
16. Jones and Brown start from two points, which are 375 km apart and travel toward each
other. The latter (the last) travels twice as fast as the former (“aurrekoa”). They meet in 5
hours.(25 km/h; -50 km/h)
17. A motorboat starts out and travels 9 km an hour. In 3 hours another motorboat traveling
18 km an hour starts out to overtake the first one. How long will it take the second boat to
overtake the first one? (6h; 54 km)
18. A freight train is traveling 30 km per hour. An automobile starts out from the same place
1 hour later and overtakes the train in 3 hours. What was the speed of the automobile?
(40 km/h)
19. A car driver going at 90 km/h sees an obstacle on the road, pushes the brake and stops its vehicle
in 5 s.
a. What has its acceleration of braking been? (-5 m/s2)
b. What is the meaning of the minus sign of the previous result?
20. At take-off, a plane accelerates from rest to 40 m/s in 10 seconds. What is the acceleration of
the plane? (4 m/ s2)
21. Observing the graph, calculate the acceleration that a moving object has at each time interval.

22. The velocity-time equation for an object is the following one: v = -3 – 0,8 t.
a. Explain the characteristics of this motion
b. If the object has started from x=3m, write the position-time equation and calculate
the travelled distance in 6 seconds. (29,4m)
23. A vehicle reaches a speed of 72 km/h in 20 s beginning at rest.
a. Work out its acceleration (1m/s2)
b. Calculate the travelled distance in that time (200m)
24. An object moving at 20 m/s breaks at a rate of 3 m/s2. How long does it take to stop
completely? What distance has the object travelled during this time? (t = 6,7 s; x = 66,6 m)
25. A stone has been thrown upwards with an initial velocity of 60 m/s. What will its height be
after 5 seconds? How long will it take to get the highest position? (177,5 m; 6,12 s)
26. We have released (freed) an object from a certain height. If it has arrived to the ground
at a speed of 49 m/s. Calculate the time needed for freely falling and the height from
where it has fallen. (5s; 122,5 m)
27. A brick falls from a building under construction and at a height of 30 m. Calculate:
a. The time it takes to reach the ground (2,47 s)
b. The velocity at that moment (-24,2 m/s)

28. A ball falls freely from a window at 20 m from the ground. When will it reach the floor?
What is its final velocity? (2,02 s; -19,8 m/s)
29. An object falling from a fourth floor needs 2 seconds to reach to the ground. What is the
height of the fourth floor? (19,6 m)
30. A body of 100 kg falls freely from a height of 100 m. What is its acceleration after 1
second? And after 3 seconds? What about its velocities? (- 9,8 m/s; -29,4 m/s)

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