CAP2 2022 2023 Thermodynamics

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THERMODYNAMICS (2022-2023) Group B

Continuous Evaluation Activity 2 (1 point)

Information: The problem can be solved individually or in two-people

groups. The dealine is Nov 18th, 2022.

A simple closed hydrostatic system obeys the following equations:

P 2 v = AT 3

u = (AT 3 v)1/2
being P the pressure, v the molar volume, T the temperature, u the molar internal

energy, and A a constant.

1. Find the mathematical form of the molar entropy of the system, as a function of

temperature and molar volume, s = s(T, v).

2. Find the mathematical form of the isentropes in the P −v plane.

3. A sample of this system at temperature To is expanded isothermal and reversibly

to four times of its original volume Vo . Find the heat transferred by the system in

the process, expressing Q in terms of To and Vo .

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