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Laboratory work #1 Zhyltykhayeva Assemzhan

The experiment of basics of dynamic signals is divided into three modules based on
method of signal generation. For each module the signal parameters are evaluated by using
the LabView 8.5 software. One can understand and estimate these parameters for different
type of signals and also observe the variation of these parameters with input parameters.
Types of signal generation used in this experiment are:
By user defined waveforms
By mathematical function
By measured data
1. By user defined waveforms
The signals are generated for commonly used mathematical waveforms
In general, the user defined waveforms are:
   (a) square wave
   (b) sine wave
   (c) triangular wave
   (d) sawtooth wave
The signals are generated by providing the amplitude, frequency and offset and sampling
2. By mathematical function
The signals are generated by providing mathematical expression for different waveform in
string of characters. The advantage of this type of signal generation is we can generate any
type of signals like random signal, ramp, or we can add two signals. etc.
3. By measured data
Signals can also generated by proving sampling to measured data which may be generated
from real experiment.
Based on this experiment is categorized into three sub experiments:
Evaluation of Signal Parameters for User Defined Signals
Evaluation of Signal Parameters for Mathematical Formula Based Signals
Evaluation of Signal Parameters for Measured Signals

Then you have to go by link there you can

see requirements for lab work and simulation.

#1. By user defined waveforms (Evaluation of Signal Parameters for User Defined
1) Amplitude: 30
Frequency: 15
Offset: 20
Signal type: Sine wave

Signal parameters:
Arithmetic mean: 20
Range: 60
Standard Dev: 21.2238
Kurtosis: 1.497
Crest factor: 1.71499
Maximum: 50
RMS: 29.1548
Variance: 450.45
Skewness: 2.82876e-1
Form factor: 1.45774

2) Amplitude: 45
Frequency: 20
Offset: 10
Signal type: Square wave
Signal parameters:
Arithmetic mean: 10
Range: 90
Standard Dev: 45.0225
Kurtosis: 0.998001
Crest factor: 1.19312
Maximum: 55
RMS: 46.0977
Variance: 2027.03
Skewness: 0
Form factor: 4.60977

3) Amplitude: 15
Frequency: 5
Offset: 5
Signal type: Triangular wave

Signal parameters:
Arithmetic mean: 5
Range: 30
Standard Dev: 8.66545
Kurtosis: 1.79688
Crest factor: 1.99985
Maximum: 20
RMS: 10.0007
Variance: 75.0901
Skewness: 3.22591e-1
Form factor: 2.00015

#2. By mathematical function (Evaluation of Signal Parameters for Mathematical

Formula Based Signals)
1) Amplitude: 30
Frequency: 40
Formula: a*sin(w*t)+cos(w*t)

Signal parameters:
Arithmetic mean: 7.515577e-1
Range: 84.6436
Standard Dev: 30.015
Kurtosis: 1.497
Crest factor: 1.41352
Maximum: 42.4055
RMS: 30
Variance: 900.901
Skewness: -3.78471e-1
Form factor: 3.99161e+

2) Amplitude: 30
Frequency: 40
Formula: a*sin(w*t+pi(1))*(a-sin((w*t)+pi(1)/4)))
Signal parameters:
Arithmetic mean: 7.07107
Range: 800.493
Standard Dev: 283.073
Kurtosis: 1.49887
Crest factor: 1.46412
Maximum: 414.375
RMS: 283.019
Variance: 80130.1
Skewness: 0.0374087
Form factor: 40.025

#3. By measured data (Evaluation of Signal Parameters for Measured Signals)


Signal parameters:
Arithmetic mean: 0
Range: 14
Standard Dev: 4.47214
Kurtosis: 1.55867
Crest factor: 1.62019
Maximum: 7
RMS: 4.32049
Variance: 20
Skewness: 0
Form factor: inf

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