History of Group Work

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SWP 106

Prof. Artem Makipagay

Assignment #1


- The roots of group work began in the settlement houses, the YMCA, YWCA, Boy
Scouts and Girl Scouts, and Jewish Centers of the 1800s.
- These agencies focused on providing group programs for people considered
- Beneficiaries of early group services came from recreation, informal education,
friendship and social action.
- Toynbee Hall: the first settlement house established in London in 1884, many
others followed in large cities in the U.S.A
- Many of the early settlement house workers were daughters of ministers; usually
from middle- and upper-class families.

Settlement Houses

- Early settlement houses sought to improve housing, health and living conditions,
find job for workers, teaching English, hygiene and occupational skills and
improve living conditions through neighborhood cooperative efforts.
- The techniques used in settlement houses to effect change are now called social
group work, social action and community organization.
- Emphasized “environmental reforms”
- Continued to reach the poor the prevailing middle-class values of work, thrift and
abstinence as the keys to success.
- Played important roles in drafting legislation and organizing to influence social
policy and legislation
- Jane Addams was the most noted leader in the settlement house movement in
the U.S.A.
- at age of 25, she joined the Presbyterian Church which helped her find a focus
for her life: religion, humanitarianism and serving the poor.
- She studied the approach of the Toynbee Hall
- She later named her rented two-storey house as Hull House located in a
disadvantaged neighborhood in Chicago.
- Group activities in the Hull House included; Literature reading group for young
women; kindergarten and groups that focused on social relationships, sports,
music, painting, art, and discussion on current affairs
- Hull House Social Science Club studied social problems in a scientific manner
and then became involved in social action efforts to improve living conditions.
- The group worked successfully for the passage of the Illinois legislations to
prevent the employment of children in sweatshops.
- Jane Addams also became interested in the various ethnic groups in the
- The success of Hull House served as model for the establishment of other
settlement houses in other areas in Chicago and many large cities in the U.S.A.
- Settlement House workers believed that by changing neighborhoods, they could
improve communities, and by altering communities, they could develop a better
- For her extraordinary contributions, Jane Addams received the Nobel for Peace
in 1931.


A. Before the 60s: Socialization Goals

- May be traced to the introduction of socio-economic movements during the
American rule such as:
YMCA-1911, YWCA-1926, Boy Scouts of the Phils.-1936
- Paved the way for the establishment of agencies that used groups for personality
development and character building through wholesome leisure time and
recreational activities.
- By the late 50’s, there were already those that were group-serving agencies like
the Phil.Youth Welfare
- In family welfare agencies like the Foster Parents Plan, Inc.-mothers were
organized to promote responsible parenthood, vocational efficiency and
vocational training.
- 1958-1959, the Phil.Mental Health Association already had a community
outreach program for the prevention of juvenile delinquency in selected
communities in the city of Manila

B. The 60’s: Prevention, Treatment and Developmental Goals

- Mental Health agencies like the Special Child Study Center, Inc.- organized
parents’ groups to help the participants to understand, accept, and deal with their
children’s conditions.
- At the Phil. Mental Association conducted group therapy sessions, using psycho-
drama with emotionally disturbed patients in its day care center
Field of government housing and resettlement during the 60’s
- Social workers of the DSW formed tenants associations in the housing area,
identified common problems of unemployment, idleness, lack of skills,etc
- Mothers’ group – addressing problems relating to child care, household
management, and family planning
- Contribution of some schools of social work in the development of social group
work was also well recognized. Among the first social workers in the government
housing were graduates of the UP,Phil. School of Social Work/PWU, in its field
placement program.
- Also St. Luke’s Hospital field placement of students who engaged in
developmental and preventive goals with poverty-stricken families on an out-
patient bases; therapeutic goals with patients in the psychiatric ward were

C. The 70’s : Emphasizing development goals

- 1976: Dept of Social Welfare became DSSD, to undertake development
programs and services for the bottom 30% of the country’s population.
- Emphasis on the developmental social welfare was spurred by the UN
Declaration of the: first development decade – 1960s; second development
decade – 1970s
- Implemented self-employment assistance, leadership training, day care,
responsible parenthood, family life education programs,
- Barangay Approach - facilitated these efforts
Worker as the point of entry ; Group was used as the main instrument of service
- In the late 60’s and 70’s: social workers in the juvenile and domestic relations
courts also used groups to help provide legal offenders with group experiences
aimed at their socialization and/or resocialization.
- Social workers employed in the orphanages provide their wards with group
experiences for their socialization purposes.
- The declaration of Martial Law (1972-1981) provoked a great deal of
consciousness raising efforts aimed at making many rural and urban realize that
many of their problems (lack of basic amenities such as water, low-cost housing,
medical facilities, employment,etc.) were due to deficiencies in their social
situations. It was therefore, imperative for social workers to help people organize
and use themselves as major resource (referred to in the literatures as
“community group work”)

D. Present Scene: Most agencies today serve not just for one but several
1. Developmental
2. Socialization / Re-socialization
3. Treatment or Rehabilitation

- Developmental purpose – emphasizes human and community resource

Ex: Public agencies which invest a major portion of their resources for the
support of livelihood programs, training for leadership and small-scale business
management, make decisions on the livelihood projects to be undertaken; day
care centers
- Socialization purpose – carried out by organizing groups that are intended
primarily to help the members to acquire the values, attitudes and norms of the
society of which they are a part.
Ex: programs for street children, probation offices and correctional institutions

- Treatment purpose – focuses on the use of the small group to help individuals
who already have a problem or breakdown in their social functioning.
Ex: social agencies organizing groups of victims of natural disasters, child abuse,
adult sexual abuse, drug abuse, for the terminally ill, physically handicapped,
cancer survivors, etc.

Except for the limited pursuit of the socialization purpose of group work by socio-
civic organizations in the early decades of their existence in the country in the
1920s to 1960s, and the active pursuit of developmental group work programs in
the 70s, it can be concluded in the last ten years or so, that there is no one group
work purpose that has developed as predominant

Submitted by:

Cielo I. Adecer
BSSW Student
SWP 105
Prof. Artem Makipagay
Assignment #1


- During 16th century : Juan Luis de Vives, who lived in Belgium, brought out the
idea of helping the poor on an individual basis. This idea comes out when he
witnessed the indiscriminate distribution of alms by the pious rich and the
religious orders. He, therefore advance the idea that the fate of the individual
poor deserved attention.
- In the 19th century : Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), a Scottish parish minister,
introduced the philosophy of personal parochial relief. He began by initiating in
the parish, a program of parish charity based on neighborhood aid. He advocated
that each case of poverty should be handled on an individual basis. Instead of
merely doling out relief or alms, each case should be investigated to determine
the cause of distress, and then a solution to the problem be attempted to
- The London Charity Organization Society (COS) : After 50 years of Chalmer’s
pioneering work in Scotland, the charity workers in England picked up his idea.
The COS incorporated the two-developing casework as a method in helping the
poor. They established the policy that help would be extended on a case-to-case
basis depending on each circumstance.
- Following the example of England, starting 1877, COS was established in cities
and towns in the US to introduce reforms in public relief administration. Aside
from that, the American Charity workers improved on the ideas of their English
counterparts. Apart from relief giving, the American COS established a separate
function: the helping process. As conceptualized, it involved four steps:
registration, investigation, cooperation and friendly visiting. This is how the social
work helping process evolved.
- In 1917, the Associated Charities of Manila introduced the very first professional
method os social work intervention practiced in the Philippines – a family welfare
agency that employed “home visitors”.
- In 1941, Dr. Jose Vergara, the superintendent of Associated Charities of Manila
then, employed social workers to work with children and youth – functioned as
case workers.
- In 1954 (13 years after), the Department of Health issued a circular requiring all
national, provincial city, emergency hospitals with 100 bed capacity to employ
social workers to their Social Services section / department.
- Today’s generic approach in the practice of social work, the helping process is
consisting of the following sequel steps: Assessment, Planning, Intervention /
Plan Implementation, Evaluation and Termination. The first two steps can be
considered as the beginning phase. The third step is the middle intervention
phase, and the last two as the ending phase. The steps proceed through time;
each phase is characterized by certain distinctive events and activities which
tend to repeat themselves. Each level is not neatly separated from each other.
Thus, each step has not to be entirely completed before moving to the next step.
Thelma Lee- Mendoza, in her wild but fruitful imagination, even suggested that
the helping process could be in a spiral form – the next step would not
necessarily mean start only after the previous step ended.
Pre-Historic period 1565
Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi established
(Social Welfare work in those times the first hospital in Cebu for the purpose
centered on mutual protection and of attending to the wounded and the
economic survival) victims of diseases.

Hospicio de San Jose was founded to
house the aged and orphans, the
mentally defective and young
boysrequiring reform, but later limiting
admission to children who were
discharged, later to be adopted oe
Spanish Period 1885
Asilo de San Vicente de Paul, an asylum
(The Spaniards brought the teaching, “to for girls was established, offering religious
do good to others for the salvation of their instruction, primary education, and
souls,” an which for many years was the training in house work in its inmates. The
underlying philosophy behind all social hospitals, asylums, orphanages and
welfare activities.) schools were maintained using subsidies
and grants from the Spanish government.
However, these were not sufficient and
donations from philanthropic individuals
were also solicited.
American Period 1900
Attempt was made to alleviate the
(American occupied the country and condition of deaf children at the Philippine
introduced a new educational system, Normal School.
new health methods, and religious
freedom.) 1905
The Philippine chapter of the American
Red Cross was established to take
charge of disaster relief in the country
and to administer Red Cross funds from
the United States.
La Gota de Leche was established to
furnish child-caring institutions with fresh
cow’s milk from dairy farm in Pasay,
Manila, supervised by a veterinarian. This
agency later opened free consultation
clinic for mothers.

A school for the deaf and blind was

Associacion de Damas Filipinas was
organized by civic-spirited women to help
destitute mothers and their children.

The American government created the
Public Welfare Board with the passage of
Legislative Act No.2510, essentially to
coordinate the welfare activities of various
existing charitable organizations.

A government orphanage was set up in
Makati, Rizal, which became the first
government entity to operate as a welfare
agency, and an initial step in child welfare

The Associated Charities of Manila
was founded by a group of civic-spirited
Americans and Filipinos, having in mind
the concept of Community Chest. As a
family welfare agency, it was generally
considered as the “mother” of the social
work profession in the Philippines.
This agency was the first to use casework
as a method of helping people, the first to
use full-time social workers, and the first
to hire a trained social worker as its
executive secretary Josefa Jara-
Martinez. Later, Asuncion A. Perez,
took over Mrs. Martinez’s job.

Office of the Public Welfare
Commissioner was created.

The office of the Public Welfare
Commissioner prepared solicitation forms
which required the public to demand of
any person appealing for donations and
charities. This was done to protect the
public and organizations from
unscrupulous persons collecting funds.
This practice, however, was not legally
sanctioned until 1933.

The Associated Charities had become
independent agency under the
supervision of the Public Welfare
Commissioner, and was partly financed
by the government, and partly by private

Philippine Legislative Act.No. 3203

The Philippine Legislative passed a law
relating to the care and custody of
neglected and delinquent children and
providing probation officers for them.

The economic depression created serious
economic problems. The Associated
Charities were unable to cope with the
number of applicants for relief and other
social services, despite appropriations
made by the Office of the Public Welfare
Commissioner, under its director, Dr.
Jose Fabella.

The administration of social welfare in the
Philippines was marked by significant
developments when Frank Murphy
became the Governor-General.
Scholarship grants for professional
training in social work in the United States
were made available.

Commonwealth Period 1940

The Office of the Commissioner of Health
and Public Welfare was abolished and
replaced by a Department of Health and
Public Assistance Service, which took
over the activities that used to be
performed by the Associated Charities
which by then, had ceased to exist.

The Associated Charities was absorbed
by the Bureau of Public Welfare to carry
out its public assistance program and it
employed social workers who functioned
as caseworkers.

1946- Oct. 4, 1947

The Bureau became the Social Welfare

Commission (SWC) and was placed
under the Office of the President.

A War Relief Office operated under the

SWC, and its activities were focused on
war relief.

Post-War Period 1947

Meanwhile, in 1947, the social workers
(The Bureau of Public Welfare re-opened who had gone to the US before the war
but lack of funds limited its operations. workers who had gone to the US before
The United Nations International the war to pursue formal social work
Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) education, formed the Philippines
was created by the UN General Assembly Association of Social Workers (PASW),
to further maternal and child health tin for the purpose of nurturing the
economically underdeveloped country.) development of the social work

Aug. 1948
President Quirino created the President’s
Action Committee on Social Amelioration
(PACSA). It is a comprehensive program
of health, education, welfare, agriculture,
public works and financing.

UNICEF became active in the Philippines,

establishing basic care services to
mothers and children, consisting of
medical care, feeding programs and
health education.

June 1950
The Philippine School of Social Work was
established, offering a one-year degree
program called Master of Arts in Social

The school’s first director, Josefa Jara-

Martinez, was able to convince the
officials of Philippine Woman’s University
to open a school of social work.

Jan. 3, 1951
The Social Welfare Commission and the
President’s Action Committee on Social
Amelioration were fused into one agency
called the Social Welfare Administration.

Major Contribution of SWA

-Assistance was given in the form of
material aid like food, financial aid,
transportation aid, medical aid,
institutional care and work relief.
- Child Welfare Division
-Casework and guidance services for
children are under this unit.
-Division on Rural Welfare
-It deals with the mounting social
problems in the rural areas.
- “Self-Help” became the underlying
philosophy for the rural community
development projects.
-In 1954, the Department of Health issued
a circular requiring national, provincial,
city and emergency hospitals to employ
social workers.
-By the 1960s, the community
organization method became the “in”
thing with the government pushing for
community development.
-A Medical Social Service Unit was
installed in the Bureau of Hospitals.
-This development promoted the practice
of social casework in medical and
psychiatric settings in public, as well as
private hospitals and clinics.

June 19, 1965

-Republic Act 4373. An Act to Regulate
the Practice of Social Work and the
Operation of Social Work Agencies in the
-the Law requires completion of a
Bachelor of Science in social Work
degree, one thousand hours of
supervised field practice, and the passing
of a government board examination in
social work for licensing and registration a
s a social worker.
-it is the formal recognition of social work
as a profession in the Philippines.
-in the 1970s, social group work came to
the fore due to increasing number of out-
of-school youth, as well as those with
behavioral and social problems, plus the
disabled and disadvantaged persons.
-during this period, there was little time
left for casework help as the SWA was
oftentimes engaged in disaster and
emergency relief
-aid was focused on material things

Sep. 8, 1976
The Department of Social Welfare
became the Department of Social
Services and Development (DSSD)
shifting emphasis on the traditional, often
institution-based social welfare to
community-oriented programs and

June 2, 1978
Pres.Marcos issued Presidential Decree
No.1397, converting departments into
ministries thus the Ministry of Social
Services and Development (MSSD). The
organizational structure, functions and
programs remains the same. The sixties
and seventies marked the existence of
voluntary organizations and
establishment of even more agencies.

80s Jan. 30, 1987

-During the 1980s, more clients were President Corazon C. Aquino signed
exhibiting graver emotional and Executive Order No.123, reorganizing
psychological problems as found in MSSD and renaming it Department of
addicted youth and adults, child neglect, Social Welfare and Development
abuse and exploitation, marital conflict (DSWD). The approach taken by the
and broken homes. agency during this period is described as
-thus, casework practice was renewed, preventive and developmental,
enriched and strengthened participative and client-managed.
-today, casework remains the major
method of social work intervention used
by many social work agencies
-casework is practiced in a variety of
social agencies, family and child and
youth welfare agencies, in hospitals,
courts and school settings, in housing
and resettlement agencies, even in
industries and business corporations.
-the self-employment assistance was
upgraded to make it more responsive to
its client’s needs
-Case Management System was
launched. Social Welfare Indicators
monitor the level of well-being of the
MSSD service users.
90s Oct.10, 1991
R.A 7160 Local Government Code was
(The DSWD continued the five program passed. Implementing functions together
areas of concern during the early with its programs and services were
nineties. It also gave priority attention to devolved to its local government unit. The
Low Income Municipalities (LIMs) and Department, however, retained its
other socially-depressed barangays. After specialized social services consisting of
the Mt.Pinatubo eruption was the use of four categories: -Center/institution-based
Crisis Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD), services;
a form of crisis intervention used with -Community-based programs and
victims of disasters and other crisis services
situation.) -Locally-funded and foreign-assisted
projects; and
-Disaster relief and rehabilitation

Pres. Joseph E. Estrada issued Exec.
Order No. 15 “Redirecting the Functions
and Operations of the DSWD” to
strengthen the DSWD’s repositioning
efforts that began soon after the
implementation of the Local Government
Code of 1991.

Pres.Gloria M. Arroyo issued Exec. Order
No. 221 amending Exec. Order No.15
which defined the mandate, roles, powers
and functions of the DSWD.

The Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) approved the
DSWD’s Rationalization and Streamlining
Plan (RSP) on January 28, 2005 for
implementation over the next five years.
The RSP emphasizes the Department’s
shift in policy, functions and programs in
line with its steering role.

The Philippine Association of Social
(Countless social agencies, organizations Workers is the national organization for
and institutions under private sponsorship professional social workers in the
are engaged in the provision of many incorporated with the SEC on Oct. 18,
different social services. NGOs play a 1988, changing its name to Philippine
very important role in supplementing the Association of Social Workers, Inc.
needs of the rising disadvantaged sectors (PASWI)
in our society.)
R.A 4373 In 1969, the Social Work Education of
(the Social Work Law, 1967) provides PASW was turned over to a newly formed
that no social welfare agency shall group called the Schools of Social Work
operate and the accredited unless it shall Association of the Philippines (SSWAP) –
first have registered with the Social a formal organization of the schools to
Welfare Administration which shall issue promote the cause of social work
the corresponding certificate of education in the country. In Dec. 1990,
registration SSWAP was registered and incorporated
with the SEC and assumed a new name,
R.A 5416 the NATIONAL Association for Social
(1968) empowers the Department to: Work Education, Inc. (NASWEI)
-Set standards and policies;
-Accredit public and private institutions Linkages with International Groups
and organizations; and
-Coordinate government efforts in social The NASWEI has established strong
welfare work to avoid duplication, friction linkages with international social work
and overlapping of responsibility in social organizations like the
1. Asian-Pacific Association for
Social Work Education (APASWE),
2. The International Association of
Schools of Social Work (IASSW).

Submitted by:

Cielo I. Adecer
BSSW Student

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