Chapter 4

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References/s in APA format

B.R.O.W.N. D. (2003). THE DA VINCE CODE. Chapter 1. (pp.21-26). Dan
Brown 2003
II. Integration of Listening in your reading materials
Recognize vocabulary
In recognizing vocabulary, the book uses some French word such as Monsieur
and Mais. But mostly the use word or terminologies are all easy to understand such
as Cathedral, Professor, Polaroid, Colleague
Detect key words
Keyword use such as Professor, Author, and Direction Centrale Police
Judiciaire’ (DCPJ)
Guess meaning from context
“Chocolate for the ears” We think of chocolate as sweet and rich, and
extremely pleasant to eat. Apparently, his female students find his voice rich or
resonant, and extremely pleasan t to hear.
Recognize grammatical word classes
In recognizing grammatical word I found few, first for Nouns such as
Professor Langdon, Magazine, Hotel Ritz Paris, Crowd. Second is Verbs such as
Speaking/ Speak, Think, Staring. Third is adjectives such as awake/ wide awake
Recognize cohesive device
In recognizing cohesive device I found few such as Although, but, however
are example for Exception that are found in chapter 1. And, also, too for Addition.
Cause and Effect such as, because and so.
III. Integration of Speaking in your reading materials
Correct form of words
It uses a correct gender identification, Tenses example of it are Focused,
Planned, Trailed, Stones, Picked
Makes clear to the listeners
The main sentence constituents is clear to the listeners such the subject, verb,
and object example are Langdon looked at the bedside clock, We found your name in
his daily planner.
IV. Integration of Reading in your reading materials
Recognize vocabulary
The book uses some french word that may confused some readers that are not
familiar to french words, such as Monsieur, it means a Frenchman of high rank or
station, also used as a title equivalent to Mister. Mais or in English it translated as
Recognize grammatical word classes
In recognizing grammatical word classes ( part of speech) there has nouns
such as Magazine, crowd, Hotel Ritz Paris. Pronounce such as I, you, he, they. Verb
such as think, staring, Speak/ Speaking. Adjective such as awake/ wide awake.
preposition such as at, in of, with and conjunction and, but, if, and because.
Get the main points
The important information or rather part in this chapter is where it introduces
Robert Langdon. Robert Langdon is a professor, an author of numerous books such as
the Religious painting/ Iconology that use as a textbook in some schools stated in the
book and also Cult symbology that made him a reluctant celebrity in the art world.
Infer situation, goals, participants
The chapter that I use is basically the basic chapter or like the introduction of
the main lead in the story. There are no serious topic or situation in this chapter. The
mention name or participants in this chapter are Robert Langdon, the concierge, the
hostess, students and the visitor named Lieutenant Jerome Collet.
V. Integration of Writing in your reading material
Recognize cohesive device
 Addition - And, also, too
 Exception - Although, but, however
 Cause and Effect - because and so
Use the orthography
Chapter 1 of The Da Vinci Code observe the proper use of orthography that
practice a proper spelling and every paragraph begins with a capital letters and also in
names of a person and places. Every sentence or paragraph there has a comma or
period at the end.
Use the style
The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery thriller novel by Dan Brown. Brown
increases suspense by using third person point of view that is for the most part, not
Judge how much background knowledge
The material that I use, I can say that its an interesting one even though I only
read few of the chapter. Its not just your reading it, you can also got shock that you
also start answering the riddles and questions/ cryptic clues for the main characters.
As a reader I can’t avoid to just read it only, i also start thinking for the answers as
VI. Personal experience or practice in English Langauge Classroom
English is a type of language that is universal and can be used by different
countries. But in other term, it can be a subject. It is the primary language used for
learning and studying across the globe. Since elementary school, there has been an
English curriculum. English played a crucial role in our daily lives
As English has evolved into our system and served as a means of
communication with other nations. We use English to interact people and to
understand each other well. It has become our education system here in the
Philippines school curriculum to be able to understand all subject effectively. For me
English is the key subject to all other subject that will help us in different aspects of
learning. For instants in communication, for example when my cousin from abroad
visit us here we use English as a mode of communication and in that way its easy for
us to understand each other and communicate. Some Filipino I believe is not that
fluent in English and that’s includes me because I only learned it through watching
movies, reading books, listening to someone who is good in English. But by the help
of social media it give a big impact to us in improving our English and reading skills
example I use some apps that helps me in grammar or either app that you interact
through calls using English. English helps us in our daily life/ activities. And by using
English it increases the chance of getting a good job in a multinational company
within our home country or for finding work abroad.
English taught me on how to be a good communicator with different people as
need because it’s a essential tool for us, it enhance my confidence as it deeply pulls
out my skill and intelligence sometimes. It boosts my confidence in a way that I can
deliver a good message with my own vocabulary

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